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豫西济源谭庄组河流沉积中的Stipsellus遗迹组构   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
豫西济源盆地上三叠统谭庄组下段为曲流河沉积。本文通过描述和分析谭庄组河流沉积特征,划分了4种不同河流沉积组合类型,识别出Stipsellus遗迹组构,并发现该遗迹组构常与曲流河沉积物伴生,可作为此类沉积的典型生物遗迹标志。其中,Stipsellus sp.A代表发育在河漫滩较浅水体下或潮湿的软底细粒沉积物中的一种遗迹组构类型;Stipsellus sp.B则代表发育在曲流砂坝上部的男一种遗迹组构类型。  相似文献   
中国兴凯湖北岸平原晚全新世花粉记录及泥炭沼泽形成   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
通过兴凯湖北岸平原泥炭剖面高分辩率花粉分析研究,对晚全新世花粉划分4个组合带。XKH-4组合时期(1857~1746aB.P.)为沼泽发育前期,这一时期花粉浓度小,陆生草本植物占优势,气候干冷。XKH-3组合时期(1746~1287aB.P.)为沼泽发育早期,这一时期花粉浓度较大,且水生植物花粉含量为剖面最高,喜温落叶阔叶植物大发展时期,气候温和湿润。XKH-2组合时期(1287~602aB.P.)为沼泽发育中期,这一时期花粉浓度最小,但以陆生草本植物为主,木本植物为辅,水生植物急剧减少,针叶植物出现两次高峰,气候向冷干方向发展。XKH-1组合时期(602aB.P.至今)为沼泽发育盛期,这一时期花粉浓度最大,陆生草本植物大发展时期,气候波动较大。  相似文献   
在塔里木盆地塔中地区志留系塔塔埃尔塔格组中共发现遗迹化石 11属 12种,包括Skolithoslinearis、Skolithosverticalis、Ophiomorphanodosa、Arenicolitesisp.、Cylindrichnusisp.、Thalassinoidessuevicus、Diplocraterionparallelum、Taenidi umsatanassi、Macaronichnussegregatis、Palaeophycustubularis、Planolitesbeverlegensis和Cochlichnusanguineus。这些遗迹化石主要是无脊椎动物的居住迹、进食迹和觅食迹,其中大部分呈全浮痕保存,少数呈上浮痕或下浮痕保存。按其古生态和沉积学特征,可划分出三个遗迹组合:①Skolithos-Thalassinoides遗迹组合,代表了平坦底型条件下的砂坪沉积环境;②Planolites-Palaeophycus遗迹组合,反映了潮间带砂泥坪沉积环境;③Cochlichnus-Planolites遗迹组合,代表了平均低潮线附近的泥坪沉积环境。  相似文献   
云南剑川地区象鼻洞遗址孢粉组合和古环境   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解云南剑川旧石器时代中晚期植被和气候变化特点以及当地环境与人类活动的关系,选取象鼻洞遗址各地层的13个土样进行孢粉分析。结果表明:该遗址堆积时期孢粉植物群以亚热带和温带成分为主,类型相对丰富,呈温暖期气候特征,但气候存在小的波动,呈现出早期温暖湿润、中期短暂干旱、晚期又逐渐暖湿的特点;木本植物花粉在孢粉总量中占绝对优势,说明当时人类活动对自然环境的影响不明显;可作为食物来源的植物很少,因此,当时居住在象鼻洞的人类主要食物应来源于捕捞或狩猎;对照邻近地区已有的研究成果,推测该遗址气候变化与季风活动有关。  相似文献   
The trace fossil assemblages of the ice-marginal shallow marine sediments of the Talchir Formation (Permo-Carboniferous), Raniganj Basin, India, record the adverse effect of extreme climatic conditions on biota. The glaciomarine Talchir succession starts with glacial sediments near the base and gradually passes to storm-laid shallow marine sediments up-section. The fine-grained storm sediments host abundant trace fossils. Although the studied ichnites characteristically show marginal marine affinity, the ichnodiversity and bioturbation intensity suggest a lower than normal shallow marine trace fossil population. Further, endobenthic annelids, worms and crustaceans are identified as dominant trace-makers.

Sediment reworking near the ice-grounding line, extremely cold climate, high-energy storm sedimentation and anomalous water chemistry hindered organic colonization during the early phases of Talchir sedimentation. Later, climatic amelioration ushered in a favourable ambience for the benthic community to colonize within or beyond the storm weather wave-base in the outer shoreface–shelf environment. Fluctuating storm energy dominantly controlled the availability and influence of other environmental stimuli in the environment, and thus, governed the distribution, abundance and association of the studied ichnites. However, impoverished ichnodiversity, sporadic distribution of the traces, overall smaller burrow dimensions, absence of body fossils, dominance of worms and annelids as trace-makers all indicate a stressed environmental condition, induced by cold climate and lowered marine salinity due to influx of glacier melt-out freshwater during climatic amelioration, in the Permo-Carboniferous ice-marginal sea.  相似文献   

前人对林西县上二叠统林西组和扎鲁特旗陶海营子组进行过长期研究,发现较多淡水双壳类和植物化石,而叶肢介化石仅在陶海营子组有所发现。本次研究在内蒙古林西县官地剖面林西组的中上部首次发现叶肢介化石,经初步鉴定为林西黄河叶肢介(新种)等3个属种。叶肢介化石的发现为林西组时代的进一步确定、地层对比和古地理重建提供了可靠的化石依据,具有重要的地层学和古地理古构造学意义。  相似文献   
从山羊寨哺乳动物化石看柳江盆地洞穴堆积的时代与环境   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
山羊寨洞穴堆积是河北省秦皇岛“柳江盆地地质遗迹自然保护区”众多溶洞的洞穴堆积之一,其中含有大量的哺乳动物化石。经发掘整理与鉴定,采用生物地层学和哺乳动物生活习性对比分析方法,确定其时代为Qp^2.3,晚于辽宁营口“金牛山下组动物群”,早于河北“迁安爪村动物群”和内蒙古“萨拉乌苏动物群”,其特征反映了中国华北与东北过渡地带中更新世晚期至晚更新世早期的哺乳动物面貌,并反映出当时区内森林、森林草原、草原和水域条件等生态环境的多次时空变化。如此众多哺乳动物化石的发现增加了保护区遗迹资源的多样性和保护价值;为该区洞穴堆积的时代与沉积环境研究提供了依据;改变了区内洞穴堆积仅为中更新世地层的认识。  相似文献   
燕山地区中元古代常州沟组潜穴化石   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
刘鹏举 《地质论评》2003,49(5):522-524
在燕山地区中元古代常州沟组中发育有大量的潜穴化石,潜穴产于常州沟组中部的泥质粉砂岩中。潜穴呈个体较大的直管状,垂直层面保存。这是我国迄今为止发现的最古老的遗迹化石,表明在距今近1800Ma前就已出现古老的后生动物,这对于研究后生动物的起源及演化具有重要意义。  相似文献   
The pollen and spores found in the Early Cretaceous strata of two cores from the Shuangliao Fault Depression were studied systematically, and two palynological assemblages have been recognized. Assemblage Ⅰ from the Yingcheng Formation is named Paleoconiferus-Pinuspollenites; the assemblage is characterized by an extremely high content of Paleoconifer pollen. Assemblage Ⅱ from Member 1 of the Denglouku Formation is named Cicatricosisporites-Cyathidites-Pinuspollenites; the assemblage is characterized by the abundant presence of Laevigati spores, but less Paleoconifer pollen. According to the palynological data and zircon U-Pb dating, the geological age of the Yingcheng Formation is thought to be Aptian-Albian, and that of the Denglouku Formation is thought to be Early Albian. On the basis of the composition of each assemblage, we can infer that during the depositional period of the Yingcheng Formation, the paleovegetation was mainly conifer forest, the paleoclimate was consistent with the temperate climate of today, and the paleoenvironment was humid feature. During the depositional period of Member 1 of the Denglouku Formation, the paleovegetation was mainly conifer forest and shrubs, the paleoclimate was consistent with the subtropical climate of today, and the paleoenvironment was humid. The results significantly improve our understanding of the stratigraphy in the Shuangliao Fault Depression, provide biostratigraphic evidence for the division and correlation of Early Cretaceous strata in the Shuangliao Fault Depression, and provide new data for analyzing paleovegetation and paleoclimate in the Songliao Basin.  相似文献   
西藏札达盆地腹足类组合及生物地层学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在西藏札达盆地古格组第四岩性段发现大量腹足类化石:Adelinella regularis Yü(规则小隐螺)、Velutinopsis spiralis Yü(旋纹似天鹅绒螺)、Radix zandaensis sp.nov.(札达萝卜螺)、Hip peutis cf.minor(Ping)(微小圆扁卷螺),称为小隐螺-似天鹅绒螺组合。根据这些腹足类化石在西藏西南部的分布特征,认为它们是分布于北喜马拉雅山间断陷盆地的一个腹足类组合,介于西藏犀类化石与杜氏珠蚌-河北珠蚌层之间,时代处于晚上新世-早更新世之间。对比现生种属研究认为,札达盆地腹足类应生活于近岸的浅湖环境。孢粉分析认为化石层形成时为温暖潮湿的森林-草原环境,化石层下部的三趾马生活在温暖而显干旱的灌丛草原环境,可知札达盆地由托林组至古格组,古气候经历了由温暖干旱向温暖潮湿的转变过程。  相似文献   
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