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Martin W. Doyle   《Geomorphology》2006,77(3-4):235
Whereas certain linkages between stream channel morphology and stream ecology are fairly well-understood, how geomorphology influences trophic interactions remains largely unknown. As a first step, a simple, heuristic model is developed that couples reach-scale geomorphic morphology with trophic dynamics between vegetation, detritus, herbivores, and predators. Predation is assumed to increase with depth beyond a threshold depth, and herbivory is assumed to decrease with velocity beyond a threshold velocity. Results show that the modeled food chain is sensitive to channel geometry, particularly around the threshold conditions for predators and herbivores. Importantly, geomorphic influences are not isolated to a particular trophic level, but rather are transferred through the food chain via top-down and bottom-up effects. The modeled system is particularly sensitive to changes in the end-members of the food chain: vegetation and predators. Results illustrate that geomorphic disturbances, known to affect a single trophic level (e.g., fish), likely impact multiple trophic levels in the stream ecosystem via trophic interactions. Such impacts at the multiple trophic level are poorly understood. While limited by the lack of empirical long-term data for testing and calibration, this simple model provides a structure for generating hypotheses, collecting targeted data, and assessing the potential impacts of stream disturbance or restoration on entire stream ecosystems. Further, the model illustrates the potential for future coupled stream models to explore spatial and temporal linkages.  相似文献   
利用频谱解混叠方法实现超分辨率影像重建   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
钦桂勤  耿则勋  徐青 《测绘学报》2003,32(2):143-147
基于信号处理的超分辨率影像重建技术,可以消除由影像系统引起的影像模糊和退化,同时恢复出光学权限外的频谱信息。首先简要介绍了超分辨率影像重建技术的意义和基本过程;并对影像配准与运动模型估计在超分辨率影像重建中的作用给予简要介绍;接着根据连续傅里叶变换(CFT)和离散傅里叶变换(DFT)的频谱混叠关系及CFT位移性质,推导出频谱解混叠的超分辨率影像重建模型;最后采用文献中的运动模型估计方法和本文的重建算法,对几组数据进行实验,获得了空间分辨率提高近1倍的影像。  相似文献   
浅水湖泊水生植被遥感监测研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在浅水湖泊中,水生植物具有净化水质、抑制藻类、提供鱼类食物和栖息环境等生态功能,同时,其过度扩张也会加速湖泊淤浅和沼泽化、引起湖泊二次污染等环境负效应.实时动态地掌握湖泊水生植被类群和种群的空间分布及其面积、生物量等指标信息,对湖泊生态修复和评估、水生植被恢复和管理等具有重要现实意义.遥感技术的大面积、实时、动态等特点...  相似文献   
本文选取廊固凹陷为例,利用平面恢复方法,研究伸展盆地断块平面运动特征。根据大兴断层的分段性,将研究区分为3个区块:西南区,中区以及东北区,又根据研究区的断块旋转特征,将中区分为中北区以及中南区。每个区块的断块运动差异性很大。通过对廊固凹陷古近系的断块进行构造平面恢复,发现其平面运动具有以下特征:西南区,断块主要以顺时针旋转,位移方向为东南—西北; 中区,中南区断块主要以顺时针旋转,中北区主要以逆时针旋转,位移方向为西北—东南,中间位移量最大,向东北及西南端位移量逐渐减小; 东北区,除沙二段外,断块主要受桐柏镇断裂影响以逆时针旋转,位移方向为近似南—北。其中东北区和西南区的位移方向相似,且与中区的位移方向相反,猜测与主控断层大兴断层的分段性有关。中区的中南部断块主要以顺时针旋转,而中北部断块主要以逆时针旋转,由于中区主应力集中在凹陷中间,向两端应力逐渐减小,导致应力作用不平衡。  相似文献   
暖水珊瑚礁生态系统是热带海域最具生物多样性和代表性的生态系统之一。本研究分析了全球变化背景下暖水珊瑚礁生态系统的变化和风险,开展了受损暖水珊瑚礁生态系统退化和消失的致灾因子归因分析,综述了暖水珊瑚礁生态系统的适应性与修复技术研究。分析表明:①过去几十年来,暖水珊瑚礁生态系统快速退化,包括大面积白化和死亡、多样性明显减少和生态功能显著衰退,主要归因于海洋升温与人类活动等致灾因子的影响;②在温室气体高排放浓度情景下(RCP 8.5),相比工业革命前,到本世纪中叶,南海升温将可能远超过2℃,这表明南海暖水珊瑚礁生态系统正在逼近其气候临界点,即全球升温高于2℃时,90%~99%以上的暖水珊瑚将消失;③1980年代以来,海洋升温、海洋热浪和强热带气旋等海洋气候变化致灾因子对南海暖水珊瑚的危害性(影响的强度、范围和时间)明显增加,对暖水珊瑚礁生态系统产生了严重的影响;与此同时,近岸海域的过度或破坏性捕捞、采挖和潜水等人类活动,对暖水珊瑚造成了严重损害,增加了暖水珊瑚的气候脆弱性,而这种人类活动既是局部的,也是全球性的现象,使得暖水珊瑚更难以适应全球变暖的影响。分析还表明,为了增强暖水珊瑚适应气候与环境变化的恢复力(韧性),人们开展了诸多受损珊瑚礁生态系统的适应性与修复研究,但主要是采用无性繁殖或结合人工基质的修复方式,而应用有性繁殖技术恢复受损珊瑚礁的方式仍较少;最近,暖水珊瑚耐热的基因适应性研究取得了重要进展,为暖水珊瑚适应全球变暖提供了一种新的途径。本研究最后探讨了中国受损珊瑚礁生态系统的修复问题与对策。  相似文献   
Reed is one of the most frequent and dominant species in wetlands all over the world, with common reed (Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud.) as the most widely distributed species. In many wetlands, P. australis plays a highly ambivalent role. On the one hand, in many wetlands it purifies wastewater, provides habitat for numerous species, and is a potentially valuable raw material, while on the other hand it is an invasive species which expands aggressively, prevents fishing, blocks ditches and waterways, and builds monospecies stands. This paper uses the eutrophic reed-swamp of Wuliangsuhai Lake in Inner Mongolia, northern China, as a case to present the multiple benefits of regular reed cutting. The reed area and aboveground biomass production are calculated based on field data. Combined with data about water and reed nutrient content, the impact of reed cutting on the lake nutrient budget (N and P) is investigated. Currently, at this lake around 100,000 tons of reed are harvested in winter annually, removing 16% and 8% of the total nitrogen and phosphorus influx, respectively. Harvesting all available winter reed could increase the nutrient removal rates to 48% and 24%, respectively. We also consider the effects of summer harvesting, in which reed biomass removal could overcompensate for the nutrient influx but could potentially reduce reed regrowth.  相似文献   
废弃矿山占用土地资源,带来诸多生态环境问题,废弃矿山的生态修复迫在眉睫。当前各级政府财政对于矿山生态修复投入不足,亟须社会资本参与。2019年自然资源部发布《关于探索利用市场化方式推进矿山生态修复的意见》,为社会资本参与矿山生态修复市场化运作打开了大门。通过在江西省某县采用市场化方式进行矿山生态修复的实践,分析了废弃矿山生态修复的开发利用方向和不同修复方式的适用范围,明确了社会资本投资参与矿山生态修复的运行及收益模式,为区域矿山生态修复市场化项目提供参考。  相似文献   
Southern California's marine areas are heavily contaminated with dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane (DDT) and polychlorinated-biphenyls (PCBs), and fish consumption advisories (FCAs) have been issued throughout the region. Between 2002 and 2003, the Montrose Angler Survey, a large-scale survey of subsistence anglers, was developed and implemented on site in Orange and Los Angeles counties. This survey was intended to assist natural resource trustees in the development of restoration programs that will address injuries to natural resources and restore lost economic services for anglers, but the data were never fully analyzed. The trustees have shown a clear preference for ecological restoration programs that may take years to improve fishing services. In contrast, this analysis, which includes a random-parameter fishing site choice model, demonstrates that simple, inexpensive programs such as better signage to warn of FCAs and transportation to clean sites have the potential to yield substantial benefits quickly. This paper also focuses on how different ethnic minority groups are affected by FCAs, and determines how best to communicate risk information and change fishing behavior through outreach programs.  相似文献   
库车坳陷东部吐格尔明背斜经历多期构造变形与断裂活动,地震资料品质差,油气水分布复杂。构造解析合理性直接影响对研究区构造运动学过程、动力学机制以及油气成藏规律的认识。本文以野外观测数据、钻井和地震数据为基础,对库车坳陷东部吐格尔明背斜进行构造解释,运用平衡剖面恢复原理,对研究区构造演化进行了恢复,在此基础上对构造控藏作用进行了探讨并指出了有利勘探区。结果表明,研究区主要发育吐孜洛克断层和吐格尔明断层,其中吐孜洛克断层主要从上新统库车组沉积期开始活动,活动强度大、控制了翼前巨厚的生长地层和现今吐格尔明大背斜的形成;吐格尔明断层从侏罗纪末开始陆续活动至今,控制古隆起的形成;研究区在平面上由南向北可依次划分为深部凹陷区、南翼斜坡区、中部背斜区以及北翼斜坡区四个区带。构造演化对不同区带的埋藏演化过程、储层物性特征和盖层保存条件具有明显的控制作用,其侏罗系有利勘探方向主要有:背斜斜坡背景上的局部构造高,背斜南翼和北翼斜坡带低部位的构造—岩性圈闭以及断层下盘的深部构造—岩性圈闭。  相似文献   
Human-wildlife conflict (HWC) is a global conservation issue of increasing concern, and understanding the factors driving conflict is crucial for preventing or mitigating it. In many parts of China, large human populations and increasing development has led to an escalation in HWC with both carnivore and prey species. In this paper we assess herder attitudes toward blue sheep (Pseudaois nayaur, Hodgson, 1833), white lipped deer (Carvus albirostris, Przewalski, 1883), red deer (Cervus elaphus, Linnaeus, 1758), and marmot (Marmota himalayana Hodgson, 1841) through interview-based surveys conducted in 46 households across 8 villages in Qilianshan National Nature Reserve, Gansu, China. We also examine the perceived impact of three ecological-restoration policies (anti-grazing, sustainable grazing, and grass-planting policies) on livelihoods, and how this affects attitudes toward wildlife. Herders reported neutral attitudes toward wildlife species in general, but reported negative attitudes towards blue sheep. Mixed-effects modeling revealed that herder attitudes toward the target species varied significantly across villages, but other socioeconomic variables had limited explanatory power for attitudes. Furthermore, we found that while policy implementation was negatively perceived by herders, anti-grazing policy implementation and total policy implementation were positively correlated with positive attitudes toward wildlife, highlighting a potential gap between perceived threats and actual threats. Finally, we show that the leading cause of reported livestock death is preventable disease, alleviation of which may help improve attitudes toward wildlife.  相似文献   
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