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Five sequences are defined in the Oligocene succession of the Danish North Sea sector. Two of the sequences, 4.1a and 4.3, have been identified onshore Denmark.Two types of prograding lowstand deposits are recognized. Sand-dominated deposits occur proximally, comprising sharp-based forced regressive deposits covered with prograding low-stand deposits. Clay-dominated prograding lowstand deposits occur distally in the sequences. The highstand deposits are proximally represented by thick prograding sandy deposits and distally by thin and condensed intervals.The main sediment input direction was from the north and the northeast. A succession oif lithofacies, from shallow marine facies dominated by sand to outer shelf facies dominated by clay, is mapped in each of the sequences. An overall southward progradation of the shoreline took place during the Oligocene, interrupted only by minor shoreline retreats.  相似文献   

The genus Xenostrobus consists of small, marine and estuarine mussels that all appear similar externally. One of its estuarine species, Xenostrobus securis, with a native range in New Zealand and Australia, has become invasive in the Northern Hemisphere. No genetic data are available to determine if X. securis populations from the two countries are conspecific. Additionally, marine Xenostrobus from New Zealand have often been regarded as a species, X. neozelanicus, distinct fromthe marine Australian species X. pulex. We combined new DNA sequences with published data to assess the taxonomic status of New Zealand Xenostrobus. The data comprised 658 aligned bases of mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene and 331 bases of nuclear histone H3. There was no evidence that X. securis populations from Australia and New Zealand are specifically distinct. Northern Hemisphere specimens of X. securis belonged to Australian, not New Zealand, clades in phylogenetic analyses of COI data, suggesting the former country as their more likely original source. The results confirm that X. neozelanicus and X. pulex are distinct species and for nomenclatural completeness for this taxonomic decision a lectotype is designated for Mytilus ater Zelebor in Dunker and Zelebor, 1866 DunkerW, ZeleborJ. 1866. Bericht über die von der Novara-expedition mitgebrachten Mollusken. Verhandlungen der Kaiserlich-Königlichen Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien. 16:909916. [Google Scholar] [?=?Modiolus neozelanicus Iredale, 1915 IredaleT. 1915. A commentary on Suter’s ‘Manual of New Zealand Mollusca’. Transactions of the New Zealand Institute. 47:417497. [Google Scholar]].  相似文献   
A field experiment was conducted to study the effect of different crop sequences on water use, growth and yield of green gram (Vigna radiata (L) Wilezek) during 1992-93 and 1993-94 under rainfed upland condition in Indo-Gangetic plains of West Bengal. Green gram sown in the month of March as pre-rainy (summer) season crop, as and when the winter crops vacated the land, produced highest dry matter of 372 gm-2 which was significantly highest in black gram-yellow sarson sequence.The results of the field experimentation revealed that green gram gave highest grain yield to the extent of 10.80 q/ha when sown after black gram (rainy season) followed by yellow sarson (winter season) while the crop produced 10.63 q/ha under sesame-yellow sarson sequence. Highest water use of 267mm was achieved in green gram under black gram-yellow sarson sequence and the crop gave water use efficiency of 4.07 kg ha-1mm-1 under black gram-yellow sarson sequences.  相似文献   
在汶川地震序列的动态跟踪与甘肃震情的动态判定过程中,本文作者成功地把握了甘肃震情、一定程度上把握了汶川地震序列的动态发展变化,并对5月18日四川江油发生的6.0级地震作出了成功预测。这一预测实践使本文作者更加深刻地感悟到,地震预报虽然是一个十分复杂的没有被攻克的世界性难题,但对于一个特定的地区,如果预报思路和方法得当,要实现一次乃至数次成功的预报是可能的。这对地球科学家们如何认识地震预报问题有一定的意义。  相似文献   
中国上石炭统滑石板阶   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
滑石板阶一名最初见于项礼文等 ( 1980 )的文章 ,阶名源自同名岩石地层单位——滑石板组 ,典型剖面位于贵州省盘县县城以东约 30 km的滑石板村。岩性以浅灰色厚层灰岩为主 ,局部夹白云岩 ,厚 315 .4 6 m。底界以化石 Pseudostaffella antiqua的始现为标志 ,顶界止于化石 Profusulinella priscoidea带之底。滑石板阶包含 2个带 Pseudostaffella antiqua- P. antiqua posterior带和 Pseudostaffella composita- P. paracompressa带 ;2个菊石带Reticuloceras guizhouense带及 Branneroceras branneri- Grastrioceras cf. cumbriensis带 ,还包含腕足类 Choristitesmansuyi- Plicatifera chaoi组合带。牙形刺仅在下部找到 ,归属于 N eognathodus symmetricus带。滑石板阶大致相当于国际地层表中的巴什基尔阶 ( Bashkirian)中部  相似文献   
福建省水系沉积物微量元素含量特征及成矿远景预测   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
林才浩  尤爱珍 《地质与勘探》1996,32(5):33-36,41
根据区域化探水系沉积物测量分析3万余件样品中40种元素含量,统计了32种微量元素的背景平均值,浓度克拉克值,总体变化系数等参数。在利用水系沉积物富集系数估计值对浓度克拉克值进行校正后,使用顺序号累加法对福建省32种元素内生成矿作用的规模进行预测排序,并分析了银,硼的资源潜力。  相似文献   
贵阳乌当上古生界的海侵—海退层序   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
毛家仁 《现代地质》2005,19(1):119-126
在位于上扬子古陆边缘的贵阳乌当泥盆纪至石炭纪剖面上, 泥盆系包括蟒山群碎屑岩和高坡场组白云岩, 其中可以识别出 5个三级层序; 石炭系至二叠系船山统包括祥摆组、旧司组、上司组、摆佐组、黄龙组、马平组和梁山组,其中祥摆组和梁山组为含煤碎屑岩系地层, 其余各组为碳酸盐岩地层, 可以划分出 5个三级层序。与贵州南部至广西一带较为完整的泥盆系和石炭系相对比(泥盆系包含 13个三级层序,石炭系至二叠系船山统包含 6个三级层序 ), 贵阳乌当剖面以较薄的地层厚度和较多的三级层序的缺失为特征, 成为间断大于沉积的典型地层代表, 这是由于古陆边缘海退作用的沉积响应大于海侵作用所致。石炭纪与二叠纪过渡时期的大幅度慢速海侵作用改变了这种局面, 同邻区一样研究区域也进入了大片海域发育的时期, 所以阳新统和乐平统的层序大致与贵州南部至广西一带相近, 这是由于与相应的三级海平面上升相关的大幅度慢速海侵作用的结果。  相似文献   
矿床的成矿系列(简称成矿系列)是矿床学领域的一个理论性概念,由五级序次组成。矿床成矿系列是成矿系列的第二序次,是成矿系列的核心部分。矿床成矿系列的划分,以岩浆、沉积、变质、表生和流体(非岩浆-非变质成因流体)5种成矿作用为基本原则,以成矿地质环境为基础,结合成矿的时段与形成的矿床组合进行划分。本文对矿床成矿系列时空范围、时空组成结构、矿化强度与演化、成矿区带内不同矿床成矿系列之间的演化、叠加和复合作用及对指导找矿的意义进行了论述。  相似文献   
孙有斌  卢红选  章泽科 《地质学报》2024,98(3):1006-1023
中国黄土- 红黏土沉积是可与深海沉积媲美的陆相沉积载体,记录了晚新生代东亚大陆气候环境变化历史。基于中国黄土的多种理化指标,重建了黄土高原地区构造- 千年尺度东亚季风变化历史,为探讨区域与全球气候的联系提供了关键证据。近年来,黄土高原古气候变化研究逐步从定性描述拓展到定量重建,本文旨在回顾基于中国黄土定量重建古温度和古降雨变化取得的重要进展。首先,梳理了古气候要素定量重建的指标和方法,古温度重建指标包括植硅体、碳酸盐耦合同位素、微生物脂类代用指标等;古降水变化敏感指标包括磁化率、白云石/方解石含量、生物微钙体Sr/Ca比值、有机碳同位素以及10Be等。然后,汇总了典型黄土剖面定量重建的古气候变化序列,分别从构造、轨道及千年时间尺度上探讨了古温度和古降雨的变化特征。结果表明,基于生标重建的不同时间跨度的土壤古温度变化序列,在冰期—间冰期尺度上的波动特征基本一致,但在冰盛期—冰消期时段出现了增温超前现象,说明陆地植被对土壤温度变化有重要调制作用。然而,不同指标重建的降水变化幅度差异较大,主导周期也存在差异,说明定量重建降水变化仍有较大挑战。最后,简要总结了黄土高原古气候定量重建存在的问题,明确了区分温度和降水季节性变化的重要性,指出加强地质记录与模拟结果的对比同化,将有助深化对多尺度季风变化动力学的理解。  相似文献   
Two shallow water late Cenomanian to early Turonian sequences of NE Egypt have been investigated to evaluate the response to OAE2. Age control based on calcareous nannoplankton, planktic foraminifera and ammonite biostratigraphies integrated with δ13C stratigraphy is relatively good despite low diversity and sporadic occurrences. Planktic and benthic foraminiferal faunas are characterized by dysoxic, brackish and mesotrophic conditions, as indicated by low species diversity, low oxygen and low salinity tolerant planktic and benthic species, along with oyster-rich limestone layers. In these subtidal to inner neritic environments the OAE2 δ13C excursion appears comparable and coeval to that of open marine environments. However, in contrast to open marine environments where anoxic conditions begin after the first δ13C peak and end at or near the Cenomanian–Turonian boundary, in shallow coastal environments anoxic conditions do not appear until the early Turonian. This delay in anoxia appears to be related to the sea-level transgression that reached its maximum in the early Turonian, as observed in shallow water sections from Egypt to Morocco.  相似文献   
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