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Geotechnical Properties of Low Calcium and High Calcium Fly Ash   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, a comparative study has been made for physical and engineering properties of low calcium and high calcium Indian fly ash. The grain size distribution of fly ash is independent of lime content. Fly ash particles of size >75 μm are mostly irregular in shape whereas finer fractions are spherical for low calcium fly ash. For high calcium fly ash, chemical and mineralogical differences have been observed for different size fractions. Compared to low calcium fly ash, optimum moisture content is low and maximum dry density is high for high calcium fly ash. Optimum moisture content is directly proportional and maximum dry density is inversely proportional to the carbon content. The mode and duration of curing have significant effect on strength and stress–strain behavior of compacted fly ash. The gain in strength with time for high calcium fly ash is very high compared to that of low calcium fly ash due to presence of reactive minerals and glassy phase.  相似文献   
Vanadium-bearing stone coal is a new vanadium resource;recovery ofV_2O_5 from the coal has been investigated.It has been found that a satisfactoryextraction of V_2O_5 depends on both the oxidation of V and its reaction with so-dium salt.V in the coal ash of Yushan mainly exists in two oxidation states:98%V(Ⅲ)and2%V(Ⅳ).The distribution of valency of V shows that organicmatter determines V valency at low temperatures,at about470℃,V(Ⅲ)iscompletely oxidized to V(Ⅳ);above500℃,the temperature is the most impor-tant factor for the oxidation of V .At higher temperatures no more V is oxidizedto V(Ⅴ);an equilibrium is established after92%of V is oxidized to V(Ⅴ).The roles of NaCl in the recovery of V_2O_5 from the coal ash were discussed.The best conditions for roasting are temperature750-800℃for1 h.underthe oxidation-chlorination atmosphere.When the ore:NaCl=100:10 by weight,η_roast reaches85.5%.According to the results,a flowsheet for V_2O_5 extrac-tion from coal ash has been proposed.  相似文献   
上海洋山建港后港域夏季水文泥沙状况分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对2007年9月17-26日在上海洋山港海域固定观测点(平均水深13 m)观测得到的水文泥沙要素,以及悬沙和底质样品分析.分析结果为:1)港域有效波高0.21-1.37 m(风速0.6~14.0 m/s),平均0.61 m(平均风速5.5 m/s).平静天气(平均风速小于5.0 m/s)下,波高随水深变化,两者的相关系数为0.899;而在强风天气下,波高受风况控制.2)最大表层流速超过2.00 m/s.大潮涨潮流占优势,小潮时落潮流占优势;与北岛链汉道封堵前相比,大潮涨、落潮平均流速分别减小15%和30%,小潮涨、落潮平均流速均减小30%~40%.各层余流均为西北方向,与涨潮流方向一致;垂向平均余流速0.11 cm/s,表层达0.25 m/s.3)离底高程1.35 m层和0.35m层最大悬沙浓度均大于3 kg/m3,两层平均悬沙浓度分别为0.89和0.95 kg/m3.无论大潮还是小潮涨潮悬沙浓度均大于落潮,这种现象在大潮时更为显著,潮周期中最大悬沙浓度出现在涨急.与工程前相比悬沙浓度明显降低,大、小潮降低均达20%.4)港区底质平均粒径9.0μm,工程后有变细的趋势.  相似文献   
针对海洋环境条件,重点研究了粉煤灰混凝土的抗冻性和氯离子渗透性能的相互关系.试验分别研究了水胶比、粉煤灰等量取代水泥掺量大小、引气剂掺量等因素对抗冻性和抗氯离子渗透性能的影响,并与普通混凝土进行了对比.结果表明,粉煤灰不增加混凝土的抗海水冻融耐久性;粉煤灰增加混凝土的抗氯离子渗透性能,但是掺量超过30%,抗氯离子渗透性能下降;粉煤灰对混凝土抗冻性和抗氯离子渗透性的耦合影响在30%左右存在一个最佳掺量.为评估混凝土的抗冻性和氯离子扩散性的耦合性能,提出了新的评价方法--冻渗比(R值方法),并进行了试验验证.SEM和MIP微观分析与R值方法评价的结果是吻合的.  相似文献   
粉煤灰是燃煤火力发电厂的废弃物,由大小不等、结构疏松的非晶质玻璃相球形颗粒组成,其主要化学成分是铝硅酸盐,具有来源广和成本低等特点。在水热条件下,Holler和Wirsching首先利用粉煤灰与碱(NaOH或KOH)作用合成了沸石。针对油田封堵油层孔隙即改善注水井吸水效果的实际需求,在总结和吸取粉煤灰和沸石颗粒封堵油层孔隙矿场施工成功经验和不足基础上,探索了水热条件下粉煤灰部分转化为沸石的配方组成和工艺条件,研究了改性粉煤灰组成和外观结构特征,评价了改性粉煤灰的封堵效果,分析了改性粉煤灰封堵作用机理。研究结果对改善油层孔隙封堵效果、提高油田注水效率具有重要应用价值。  相似文献   
一种能大量消耗粉煤灰的多孔材料的初步研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
何涌  李超 《地球科学》2000,25(5):526-528
以武汉青山热电厂的粉煤灰为原料制作多孔材料.其中的两种样品的孔隙率分别为45.8%和61%.该材料可作为一种消音和隔热材料用于高速公路和城乡建设, 从而大量消耗粉煤灰以达到保护环境的目的   相似文献   
Six peat samples obtained from the Holocene and the Weichselian of the Philippi peat deposit, eastern Macedonia, Greece, were analyzed for 48 trace elements by Inductively Coupled Plasma–Mass Spectrometry (ICP–MS). The ash contents of these samples were also determined. Most of the trace elements are associated with the minerals in the peat, while Ge, Mo, Pb, Se, Ta, Tl, U, and W display a greater affinity with the organic matter. Compared with crustal averages (Clarke concentrations), the Philippi peat is enriched in some elements (Ag, As, Au, Cd, Mo, Se, Te, U, and W) because of the respective mineralizations in the area. The Philippi peat is also enriched in Cr, Cu, Mo, Pb, Sc, Sn, T, V, Y, and Zn in comparison with typical fen peats, as well as in As, Cr, Mo, Se, and U in comparison with typical coals. Climatic and hydrogeological conditions strongly influenced the peat-forming environment resulting in a differentiation between Holocene and Weichselian peat. Generally, the Holocene peat contains lower concentrations of trace elements in the northern and southern part of the fen, than the Weichselian one. The opposite trend is observed in the fen area close to the western basin margins.  相似文献   
伽玛—伽玛测井中的散射伽玛射线低能部分的强度和地层的原子序数有关,因而能用来对煤层的灰分值作原位测量。对8个矿区164个煤样的计算表明,这种用煤层等效原子序数来确定灰分值的方法对煤的变质程度、水分含量变化不敏感,但对灰的元素组成变化,尤其是Fe  相似文献   
粉煤灰土壤及所产蔬菜的有害元素含量变化和环境意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用南京第二热电厂湿排的粉煤灰,进行了改良蔬菜土壤的试验,并对试验用的粉煤灰、不同施灰量的土壤及所产蔬菜共38 个样品的有害元素和放射性元素含量进行了系统的测定。结果表明:这些元素在土壤中的含量与粉煤灰施用量无明显相关性;在本次试验范围内施用粉煤灰没有造成土壤的污染;其所产蔬菜的这些元素含量也均低于国家卫生标准限值,食用是安全的。  相似文献   
利用土工静力-动力液压三轴-扭转多功能剪切仪,开展了在三向非均等固结状态下的饱和中密粉煤灰循环扭剪试验。着重探讨了初始中主应力系数对饱和中密粉煤灰的动模量和阻尼比特性的影响。试验结果表明:初始中主应力系数对粉煤灰动剪切模量有一定的影响,对阻尼比没有影响。根据仪器量测系统的特点,采用了大小位移计联合测量角位移的方法,不仅能够提高测试精度,而且能够获得完整的动模量和阻尼比随动剪应变幅值的变化过程。  相似文献   
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