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晋城煤层气藏成藏机制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过晋城煤层气的规模开发、压裂煤层气井的解剖、井下煤层瓦斯抽放、构造地应力场研究、煤储层大裂隙系统“CT”式解剖与煤层气封闭保存条件研究, 发现3#煤储层内部存在大量煤层气包, 构造微破裂作用促使煤层气包之间广泛合并联通, 煤层气包内部储层的非均质性弱化, 渗透率增加, 煤层气包内部的游离气体比例增加, 流体压力系统边界逐渐清晰并形成煤层气藏. 揭示煤层气藏的成藏机制, 认识煤层气藏的内部细节特征, 促进了该区的煤层气开发技术进步, 提高了井下煤层瓦斯的抽放效率.   相似文献   
通过对鄂尔多斯CINRAD/CB新一代天气雷达运行近6a(2005年11月至2011年11月)中出现的主要硬件故障成因分析,提出排除方法和措施。这些方法和措施在日常雷达运行维护保障应用中取得良好的效果,极大地减少了CINRAD/CB雷达的故障率和维修时间。  相似文献   
本文利用电子探针对南海西沙群岛琛航岛珊瑚礁底部火山碎屑岩中的单斜辉石矿物的化学特征进行了研究。结果表明,该单斜辉石属于富钙透辉石,部分有正环带结构,从核部到边部Ca、Fe、Ti的含量逐渐增加,是岩浆正常结晶顺序的反映,说明该区域的岩浆演化是向着富Ca、Fe、Ti方向发展的。主量元素数据显示,单斜辉石具有低Si高Al的特征(SiO2=41.40%~48.44%,Al2O3=5.54%~10.20%),且AlⅣ含量较高,说明母岩浆为不饱和碱性岩浆系列;此外,单斜辉石Ca含量偏高,Ca/(Ca+Mg+Fe)值在46.1%~51.4%之间,推测是母岩浆的高Ca含量导致了大量高钙辉石的产出。结合西沙海域的地震和构造资料,推测琛航岛珊瑚礁的基底是玄武质火山碎屑岩组成的平顶状海山,系岩浆穿过断裂发育的岩石圈层在西沙群岛的海底喷发,随后火山碎屑物质经过堆积、固结作用而形成;该火山碎屑岩的原岩为板内碱性玄武岩。  相似文献   
In the context of robust statistics, the breakdown point of an estimator is an important feature of reliability. It measures the highest fraction of contamination in the data that an estimator can support before being destroyed. In geostatistics, variogram estimators are based on measurements taken at various spatial locations. The classical notion of breakdown point needs to be extended to a spatial one, depending on the construction of most unfavorable configurations of perturbation. Explicit upper and lower bounds are available for the spatial breakdown point in the regular unidimensional case. The difficulties arising in the multidimensional case are presented on an easy example in IR2 , as well as some simulations on irregular grids. In order to study the global effects of perturbations on variogram estimators, further simulations are carried out on data located on a regular or irregular bidimensional grid. Results show that if variogram estimation is performed with a 50% classical breakdown point scale estimator, the number of initial data likely to be contaminated before destruction of the estimator is roughly 30% on average. Theoretical results confirm the previous statement on data in IRd , d 1.  相似文献   
The effect of outliers on estimates of the variogram depends on how they are distributed in space. The ‘spatial breakdown point’ is the largest proportion of observations which can be drawn from some arbitrary contaminating process without destroying a robust variogram estimator, when they are arranged in the most damaging spatial pattern. A numerical method is presented to find the spatial breakdown point for any sample array in two dimensions or more. It is shown by means of some examples that such a numerical approach is needed to determine the spatial breakdown point for two or more dimensions, even on a regular square sample grid, since previous conjectures about the spatial breakdown point in two dimensions do not hold. The ‘average spatial breakdown point’ has been used as a basis for practical guidelines on the intensity of contaminating processes that can be tolerated by robust variogram estimators. It is the largest proportion of contaminating observations in a data set such that the breakdown point of the variance estimator used to obtain point estimates of the variogram is not exceeded by the expected proportion of contaminated pairs of observations over any lag. In this paper the behaviour of the average spatial breakdown point is investigated for cases where the contaminating process is spatially dependent. It is shown that in two dimensions the average spatial breakdown point is 0.25. Finally, the ‘empirical spatial breakdown point’, a tool for the exploratory analysis of spatial data thought to contain outliers, is introduced and demonstrated using data on metal content in the soils of Sheffield, England. The empirical spatial breakdown point of a particular data set can be used to indicate whether the distribution of possible contaminants is likely to undermine a robust variogram estimator.  相似文献   
Mid-ocean ridge basalts(MORBs)from East Pacific Rise(EPR)13°N are analysed for major and trace elements,both of which show a continuous evolving trend.Positive MgO-Al_2O3 and negative MgO-Sc relationships manifest the cotectic crystallization of plagioclase and olivine,which exist with the presence of plagioclase and olivine phenocrysts and the absence of clinopyroxene phenocrysts.However,the fractionation of clinopyroxene is proven by the positive correlation of MgO and CaO.Thus,MORB samples are believe...  相似文献   
藏北戈木错渐新世碱性钾质火山岩中单斜辉石斑晶普遍出现正环带、反环带和韵律环带结构,多具有"绿核辉石"的结构特征。通过矿物电子探针测得"绿核辉石"的核部有高Mg#和低Mg#两种不同成分,两者都不同程度发育有筛孔状熔蚀结构,环带结构主要发育在辉石的幔部到边部,与绿色核部存在明显的成分间断,幔部环带结构的成分变化范围相对较窄。"绿核辉石"的成分和结构特征反映了同源碱性钾质岩浆在壳内岩浆房中发生了岩浆补给-混合作用,复杂的环带结构记录了混合岩浆的结晶过程。  相似文献   
Layers of Ca-rich garnet–clinopyroxene rocks enclosedin a serpentinite body at Hujialin, in the Su–Lu terraneof eastern China, preserve igneous textures, relict spinel ingarnet, and exsolution lamellae of Ca-rich garnet, ilmenite/magnetite,Fe-rich spinel, and also amphibole in clinopyroxene. In termsof their major and trace element compositions, the studied samplesform a trend from arc cumulates towards Fe–Ti gabbros.Reconstructed augite compositions plot on the trend for clinopyroxenein arc cumulates. These data suggest that the rocks crystallizedfrom mantle-derived magmas differentiated to various extentsbeneath an arc. The Ca-rich garnet + diopside assemblage isinferred to have formed by compressing Ca-rich augite, whereasthe relatively Mg-rich cores of garnet porphyroblasts may haveformed at the expense of spinel. The protolith cumulates weresubducted from near the crust–mantle boundary (c. 1 GPa)deep into the upper mantle (4·8 ± 0·6 GPaand 750 ± 50°C). Negatively sloped P–T pathsfor the garnet–clinopyroxene rocks and the corollary ofcorner flow induced subduction of mantle wedge peridotite arenot supported by the available data. Cooling with, or without,decompression of the cumulates after the igneous stage probablyoccurred prior to deep subduction. KEY WORDS: arc cumulates; Ca-rich garnet; garnet–clinopyroxene rocks; Su–Lu terrane; UHP metamorphism  相似文献   
Previous geomorphological investigations using the traversing micro‐erosion meter (TMEM) have identified daily and hourly contractions and expansions of littoral rock on a range of lithologies. While organic influences on these patterns have been inferred, this has rarely been tested in a controlled way. Here, a TMEM was used to measure micro‐scale (<mm) topographic changes on supratidal limestone of the Massif des Calanques, southern France. Four TMEM monitoring sites (each 64 cm2) were set up in total, two in the Calanque de Morgiou and two in the Presqu'ile de Cassis. On both shores one TMEM bolt site was positioned on bare rock and the other on colonized rock. TMEM data were collected and the surface micro‐topography mapped for each site at two‐hourly intervals from early morning to late evening across one day in mid‐summer. Significant relative expansion and contraction was observed between measurement periods at all four sites, regardless of biofilm colonization (P < 0.001 in all instances), and sometimes between adjacent zones on the rock surface (at a scale of centimetres). Rock with and without biofilm behaved broadly similarly, but the magnitude of topographic change varied: average movement from one interval to the next was 0.03 mm on bare sites and 0.06 mm on biofilm‐colonized sites. As expected, patterns of surface change related largely to insolation, with greatest movement occurring in the morning and evening when thermal gradients were steepest. Interestingly, the presence of a biofilm intensified rock expansion, but delayed surface response to microclimatic variability. We largely attribute this effect to biofilm influences on surface albedo, and hypothesize that episodes of contraction and expansion are superimposed onto longer (annual to decadal) episodes of surface movement and downwearing. Short‐term TMEM studies therefore need to be coupled with longer‐term seasonal and annual measurements to improve understanding of rock surface dynamics. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
对比分析了北京和广州地区各100例云闪初始阶段前30 ms快电场变化波形上初始击穿脉冲的特征。依据脉冲的结构特征,两地区的云闪初始击穿脉冲可分为单极性单峰型、单极性多峰型、双极性单峰型和双极性多峰型脉冲,两地区均以单极性和单峰型脉冲为主。对脉冲参量特征的统计发现,脉冲的10%-90%上升时间、半峰值宽度地区差异性小于脉冲类型差异性;双极性单峰型脉冲的半峰值宽是单极性单峰型的1.2倍。不同类型脉冲过零时间的中值、平均值在10μs左右量级,且广州地区较北京地区的大;云闪初始击穿脉冲宽度平均值显著小于相同地区正地闪的,而脉冲间隔显著大于正地闪的。初始击穿脉冲最为集中的出现在云闪最初的1~2 ms,其比例随时间以显著的负指数分布下降。研究发现,双极性脉冲的过零时间与脉冲宽度之间、起始半周期峰值幅度与过冲幅度之间均存在较好的线性关系。  相似文献   
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