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Particles in shear enclose important information about a rock's past and can potentially be used to decipher the kinematic history and mechanical behavior of a certain outcrop or region. Isolated rigid clasts in shear zones often exhibit systematic inclinations with respect to the shear-plane at small angles, tending towards the instantaneous stretching direction of the shear zone. This shape preferred orientation cannot be easily explained by any of the analytical theories used in geology. It was recently recognized that a weak mantle surrounding the clast or a slipping clast–matrix interface might be responsible for the development of the observed inclinations. Physical considerations lead us to conjecture that such mantled, rigid clasts can be effectively treated as voids that are not allowed to change their shape. The resulting equivalent void conjecture agrees well with numerical and field data and has the following important geological implications. (i) Clasts in shear zones can have stable positions in simple shear without the requirement of an additional pure shear component. (ii) The stable orientation can be approached either syn- or antithetically; hence, the clast can rotate against the applied shear sense. (iii) The strain needed to develop a strong shape preferred orientation is small (γ≈1) and therefore evaluations based on other theories may overestimate strain by orders of magnitude. (iv) The reconstruction of far-field shear flow conditions and kinematic vorticity analysis must be modified to incorporate these new findings.  相似文献   
Talc deposits of Rema area in the Kumaun Inner Lesser Himalaya are hosted within high magnesium carbonates of the Proterozoic Deoban Formation. These deposits occur as irregular patches or pockets mainly within magnesite bodies, along with impurities of magnesite, dolomite and clinochlore. Textures represent different phases of reactions between magnesite and silica to produce talc. Petrography, XRD and geochemistry reveal that the talc has primarily developed at the expense of magnesite and silica, leaving dolomite largely un-reacted. Early fluid inclusions in magnesite and dolomite associated with talc are filled with H2O+NaCl+KCl ± MgCl2 ± CaCl2 fluids, which represent basin fluid system during diagenesis of carbonates. Their varied degree of re-equilibration was although not pervasive but points to increased burial, and hence requires careful interpretation. H2O-CO2 fluid with XCO2 between 0.06 and 0.12 was equilibrated with talc formation. The reaction dolomite+quartz → talc was not extensive because T-XCO2 was not favourable, and talc was developed principally after magnesite+quartz.  相似文献   
At Mt. Vulture volcano (Basilicata, Italy) calcite globules (5–150 μm) are hosted by silicate glass pools or veins cross-cutting amphibole-bearing, or more common spinel-bearing mantle xenoliths and xenocrysts. The carbonate globules are rounded or elongated and are composed of a mosaic of 2–20 μm crystals, with varying optical orientation. These features are consistent with formation from a quenched calciocarbonatite melt. Where in contact with carbonate amphibole has reacted to form fassaitic pyroxene. Some of these globules contain liquid/gaseous CO2 bubbles and sulphide inclusions, and are pierced by quench microphenocrysts of silicate phases. The carbonate composition varies from calcite to Mg-calcite (3.8–5.0 wt.% MgO) both within the carbonate globules and from globule to globule. Trace element contents of the carbonate, determined by LAICPMS, are similar to those of carbonatites worldwide including ΣREE up to 123 ppm. The Sr–Nd isotope ratios of the xenolith carbonate are similar to the extrusive carbonatite and silicate rocks of Mt. Vulture testifying to derivation from the same mantle source. Formation of immiscibile silicate–carbonatite liquids within mantle xenoliths occurred via disequilibrium immiscibility during their exhumation.  相似文献   
Analyses of mineral inclusions, carbon isotopes, nitrogen contents and nitrogen aggregation states in 29 diamonds from two Buffalo Hills kimberlites in northern Alberta, Canada were conducted. From 25 inclusion bearing diamonds, the following paragenetic abundances were found: peridotitic (48%), eclogitic (32%), eclogitic/websteritic (8%), websteritic (4%), ultradeep? (4%) and unknown (4%). Diamonds containing mineral inclusions of ferropericlase, and mixed eclogitic-asthenospheric-websteritic and eclogitic-websteritic mineral associations suggests the possibility of diamond growth over a range of depths and in a variety of mantle environments (lithosphere, asthenosphere and possibly lower mantle).

Eclogitic diamonds have a broad range of C-isotopic composition (δ13C=−21‰ to −5‰). Peridotitic, websteritic and ultradeep diamonds have typical mantle C-isotope values (δ13C=−4.9‰ av.), except for two 13C-depleted peridotitic (δ13C=−11.8‰, −14.6‰) and one 13C-depleted websteritic diamond (δ13C=−11.9‰). Infrared spectra from 29 diamonds identified two diamond groups: 75% are nitrogen-free (Type II) or have fully aggregated nitrogen defects (Type IaB) with platelet degradation and low to moderate nitrogen contents (av. 330 ppm-N); 25% have lower nitrogen aggregation states and higher nitrogen contents (30% IaB; <1600 ppm-N).

The combined evidence suggests two generations of diamond growth. Type II and Type IaB diamonds with ultradeep, peridotitic, eclogitic and websteritic inclusions crystallised from eclogitic and peridotitic rocks while moving in a dynamic environment from the asthenosphere and possibly the lower mantle to the base of the lithosphere. Mechanisms for diamond movement through the mantle could be by mantle convection, or an ascending plume. The interaction of partial melts with eclogitic and peridotitic lithologies may have produced the intermediate websteritic inclusion compositions, and can explain diamonds of mixed parageneses, and the overlap in C-isotope values between parageneses. Strong deformation and extremely high nitrogen aggregation states in some diamonds may indicate high mantle storage temperatures and strain in the diamond growth environment. A second diamond group, with Type IaA–IaB nitrogen aggregation and peridotitic inclusions, crystallised at the base of the cratonic lithosphere. All diamonds were subsequently sampled by kimberlites and transported to the Earth's surface.  相似文献   

A mineral inclusion, carbon isotope, nitrogen content, nitrogen aggregation state and morphological study of 576 microdiamonds from the DO27, A154, A21, A418, DO18, DD17 and Ranch Lake kimberlites at Lac de Gras, Slave Craton, was conducted. Mineral inclusion data show the diamonds are largely eclogitic (64%), followed by peridotitic (25%) and ultradeep (11%). The paragenetic abundances are similar to macrodiamonds from the DO27 kimberlite (Davies, R.M., Griffin, W.L., O'Reilly, S.Y., 1999. Diamonds from the deep: pipe DO27, Slave craton, Canada. In: Gurney, J.J., Gurney, J.L., Pascoe, M.D., Richardson, S.H. (Eds.), The J. B. Dawson Vol., Proc. 7th Internat. Kimberlite Conf., Red Roof Designs, Cape Town, pp. 148–155) but differ to diamonds from nearby kimberlites at Ekati (e.g., Lithos (2004); Tappert, R., Stachel, T., Harris, J.W., Brey, G.P., 2004. Mineral Inclusions in Diamonds from the Panda Kimberlite, S. P., Canada. 8th International Kimberlite Conference, extended abstracts) and Snap Lake to the south (Dokl. Earth Sci. 380 (7) (2001) 806), that are dominated by peridotitic stones.

Eclogitic diamonds with variable inclusion compositions and temperatures of formation (1040–1300 °C) crystallised at variable lithospheric depths sometimes in changing chemical environments. A large range to very 13C-depleted C-isotope compositions (δ13C=−35.8‰ to −2.2‰) and an NMORB bulk composition, calculated from trace elements in garnet and clinopyroxene inclusions, are consistent with an origin from subducted oceanic crust and sediments. Carbon isotopes in the peridotitic diamonds have mantle compositions (δ13C mode −4.0‰). Mineral inclusion compositions are largely harzburgitic. Variable temperatures of formation (garnet TNi=800–1300 °C) suggest the peridotitic diamonds originate from the shallow ultra-depleted and deeper less depleted layers of the central Slave lithosphere. Carbon isotopes (δ13C av.=−5.1‰) and mineral inclusions in the ultradeep diamonds suggest they formed in peridotitic mantle (670 km). The diamonds may have been entrained in a plume and subcreted to the base of the central Slave lithosphere.

Poorly aggregated nitrogen (IaA without platelets) in a large number of eclogitic (67%) and peridotitic (32%) diamonds, with similar nitrogen contents, indicates the diamonds were stored in the mantle at low temperatures (1060–<1100 °C) following crystallisation in the Archean. Type IaA diamonds have largely cubo-octahedral growth forms, and Type II and Type IaAB diamonds, with higher nitrogen aggregation states, mostly have octahedral morphologies. However, no correlation between these groups and their mineral inclusion compositions, C-isotopes, and N-contents rules out the possibility of unique source origins and suggests eclogitic and peridotitic diamonds experienced variable mantle thermal states. Variation in mineral inclusion chemistries in single diamonds, possible overgrowths of 13C-depleted eclogitic diamond on diamonds with peridotitic and ultradeep inclusions, and Type I ultradeep diamond with low N-aggregation is consistent with diamond growth over time in changing chemical environments.  相似文献   

金牛山金矿床的石英包裹体划分为纯液相包裹体、气液相包裹体和CO2三相包裹体三种类型,均一温度在150~300℃,主成矿温度在190~210℃之间。研究表明成矿热液由南向北运移。  相似文献   
Studies of the distribution and abundance of fluid inclusions in granitic quartz associated with granite-hosted Sn-W mineralization of the British Isles reveal local and regional scale anomalies.At a sampling interval of c.5~50m,inclusion abundances increase towards zones of vein and stockwork mineralization exemplified by case history examples from exploration prospects in the Mourne Mountains of Northern Ireland and the Carrock Fell mining district of northwestern England.These steam aureoles provide a greater exploration target than the zone of visible alteration and mineralization and the lithogeochemical halo.But it is important to link them to geochemical data on fluid inclusion compositions,such as the semi-quantitative data from decrepitation-linked,ICP-AES (D-ICP)analysis,to optimize their exploration potential.Regional scale fluid inclusion anomalies,based on sampling intervals of c. 2km from the Sn-W mineralized granites of southwest England also broadly correlate with zones of intense mineralization in some areas. Regional-scale D-ICP analyses of quartz from SW England granites did not provide any convincing regional scale anomalies linked to mineralization except for positive boron anomalies around the centrally-mineralized Birch Tor area of the Dartmoor granite.Follow-up D-ICP analysis of quartz from stream sediments from this area,however,could be used to discriminate between samples related to mineralization from those draining unmineralized areas,using multivariate statistical analysis.At the present stage of development, the main contribution of fluid inclusion studies to mineral exploration is mostly limited to the conceptual stage where they continue to contribute to ore genetic theory and models.Costs and lack of knowledge transfer between research scientists and mineral explorationists limit their direct use during regional and target selection stages of exploration.Analysis of steam sediment quartz,using the more sensitive ICP-MS technique as a variant of the D-ICP method,appears to offer the greatest potential for future development as an exploration tool.  相似文献   
Apatite phenocrysts from the 1963 and 1723 eruptions of Irazú volcano (Costa Rica) record a volatile evolution history that confirms previous melt inclusion studies, and provides additional information concerning the relative and absolute timing of subvolcanic magmatic events. Measurements of H, Cl, and F by secondary ion mass spectrometry reveal multiple populations of apatite in both 1723 and 1963 magmas. Assuming nominal apatite/melt partition coefficients allows us to compare the pattern of melt inclusions and apatites in ternary space, demonstrating the fidelity of the record preserved in apatite, and revealing a complex history of magma mixing with at least two components. The preservation of heterogeneous populations of apatite and of internally heterogeneous crystals requires short timescales (days to years) for these magmatic processes to occur.  相似文献   
金刚石包裹体中的古地幔信息   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
金刚石在地幔环境生长过程中会捕获一些包裹体,这些包裹体能够被金刚石携带到地球表层,金刚石包裹体保存有其生长时古地幔环境的信息,通过对这些包裹体的研究,,可以获取古地幔环境的信息,阐述了金铡石包裹体的特征,综述了金刚石包裹体在获取古地幔物理化学环境,相环境以及地幔信息方面的取得的一些成果。  相似文献   
Superdeep diamonds and their inclusions are important samples to probe the physical and chemical environment and constitution of Earth’s deep mantle. By combining the studies of high-precision in-situ analysis and HPHT synthetic diamond experiments, and by reviewing the new discovery of classical mineral inclusions and their combinations, the ranges of different inclusion combinations, as well as the relationship between trace elements and temperature-pressure conditions were reoriented. The so-called nominally anhydrous minerals combinations, metal phases and redox environments in superdeep mantle were also affirmed. Meanwhile,the recent findings of inclusions and isotopes in superdeep diamonds support the fact that the remaining subduction ocean crust may be a significant reservoir of the deep mantle’s water and the deep mantle carbon cycle is closely related to oceanic subduction. Furthermore, although Chinese scholars have discovered some kinds of superdeep inclusions in diamonds from North China Craton and Yangtze Craton, and made considerable progress in the study of the formation of UHP diamonds and the genesis of ophiolite diamonds, there are still many scientific questions about superdeep diamonds that require further research.  相似文献   
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