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京津冀地区氡的数字化观测及其地震前兆监测效能评估   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘成龙  鱼金子  赵文忠  车用太 《地震》2006,26(4):113-120
京津冀地区已建成氡的数字化(气氡)观测井(泉)共12口, 目前正在运行8口, 其中有1口井观测的数值低于仪器检出限, 故实际有效观测井(泉)为7口。 文中系统分析2004年7口井(泉)气氡年、 月、 日动态特征, 根据以往的水氡震例评估其地震中期、 短期与短临前兆异常的可能性, 认为多数井中有可能识别出以破坏年变规律为标志的中期前兆异常, 但很难识别出以阶变或脉冲为特征的短期和短临前兆异常。 文中还对比分析了同一口井(泉)气氡与水氡动态的差异性, 发现气氡的动态稳定性明显不如水氡, 这不利于气氡在地震短期或短临前兆异常监测中发挥作用。  相似文献   
The day–night cycle is one of the strongest geophysical cycles modulating species' behavioral rhythms. However, in deep-water continental margins, where light intensity decreases over depth, interspecific competition may alter behavioral responses to day–night cycles. The burrowing decapod crustacean Nephrops norvegicus is a large-size predator in benthic communities, exerting despotic territorial behavior. In this study, we analysed how the effect of light intensity cycles on decapod behavioral rhythms is reduced as one moves from shelves to slopes. In the Western Mediterranean, the predatory behavior and interspecific competition for substrate use of Nephrops increases moving from the shelf (100–110 m) to the slope (400–430 m). Vector fitting and generalized additive models were used to assess the effect of light intensity and behavioral rhythms of N. norvegicus on the temporal variation of prey decapods co-occurring in trawl tow catches carried out on the shelf and the slope during October 1999 and June 2000. The combination of diel variations in light intensity and N. norvegicus abundance influences the activity rhythms of prey decapods in a depth- and seasonal-dependent manner. Light modulation is stronger on the shelf and weaker on the slope, where Nephrops population size is greater. Although present regression analysis does not necessarily imply a direct cause–effect relationship between rhythms of predators and prey, we suggest that Nephrops alters the temporal patterning in the behavior of its prey on the slope, where light intensity is reduced. This alteration is stronger in endobenthic species than in benthopelagic species; the former rely on bottom substrate for the expression of behavioral rhythms, experiencing stronger interspecific competitions with Nephrops at time of activity.  相似文献   
The spatial distribution of upstream migrating Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) spawners was studied in 2008 and 2009 in the surroundings of the tailrace from a hydropower station in the River Umeälven. This area is problematic because the fish have difficulties finding their way into the original riverbed, which prompted an investigation on the feasibility of adding a fishway in the area. Echo sounding was used in 2008 to investigate the spatial use of fish in the tailrace channel during the time of salmon migration. Presence of other fish species was so low that all echo sounding detections were assumed to be salmon. In 2009, data on wild radio-tagged salmon (n = 94) was collected in the same tailrace by an array of underwater antennas with a detection radius of approximately 10 m, to validate the results from the echo sounding. Both types of surveys showed aggregations of fish in one part of the tailrace. As a final step, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) modeling was performed to analyze hydrodynamics. This CFD modeling showed a coincidence of fish detections in areas with turbulence intensities between 0.6 and 0.8, which may be an indication that the fish are holding in these areas to reduce energy expenditure during migration. A high proportion of the radio-tagged salmon were observed in the tailrace area (a median of 21 days between their first and last detection), indicating that the salmon are delayed in their upstream migration by the attraction to the tailrace in this area. The overall data on fish behavior in the tailrace led us to suggest a location for a new fishway where the fish aggregation was most pronounced. The number of detections from either technology had similar distributions over the tailrace, suggesting that the results are comparable. Thus, the split beam echo sounder can preferably be used to investigate which location is most appropriate for locations of entrances to new fishways since many more individual fishes are covered by this method compared to telemetry. Furthermore, there is no need to handle the fish in the echo sounding studies as is required in telemetry studies.  相似文献   
地理信息共享涉及信息共享的政策、管理、标准、技术和法律等一系列问题,是地理信息系统研究的一个重要方面。地理信息共享研究视角总体上包括技术视角和非技术视角,本文基于已有的理论,从非技术视角探讨了地理信息共享的理论基础。  相似文献   
随着人们对湿地公园价值认识的提升,更多游人参与到湿地公园的游憩活动中,以游人的行为活动以及设施需求为出发点建设湿地公园显得尤为重要。以九龙山红树林国家湿地公园为例,采用行为观测法和问卷调查法对游憩者的结构特点、行为特征、游憩偏好和设施要求等多个方面进行了调查与分析。结果表明:男性学生是公园的主要游憩者,多数利用节假日与朋友结伴而来;公园的吸引半径为100 km以内,主要的交通方式是摩托车及私家车;游人最喜欢的游憩活动是欣赏自然风光以及徒步健身;期望增设垂钓、野营、空中观鸟等游憩项目。建议开发有教育价值或有经济收入的游憩项目,根据游客的需求,丰富设施以及完善现有游憩设施,加大管理、保护与宣传力度。  相似文献   
长白山区二道白河流域早更新世玄武质熔岩的成因   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
马晗瑞  杨清福  盘晓东  武成智  陈聪 《岩石学报》2015,31(11):3484-3494
采用岩石化学和同位素分析方法,研究了二道白河流域早更新世玄武质熔岩的成因。玄武质熔岩由钠质拉斑玄武岩和钾质粗面玄武岩、玄武质粗面安山岩组成。它们的REE分配形式比较相近,表明它们来自共同的源区。Sr、Nd、Pb同位素示踪表明,二道白河流域早更新世玄武质熔岩岩浆源区接近于似原始地幔。它们的Mg#=100Mg O/(Mg O+Fe O)低于中国东部新生代玄武岩原始岩浆的Mg#(60~68),Ni(27.76×10-6~200.6×10-6)低于原始地幔,Rb/Sr(0.05~0.09)、Ba/Rb(15.64~264)高于原始地幔,说明这些岩石不是源自原始地幔。玄武质熔岩的DI变化于42~67,具有高Ca、高Sr、Eu正异常,微量元素图解显示玄武岩保留部分熔融趋势,粗面玄武岩、玄武质粗安岩具有结晶分异趋势,岩浆上升过程中发生了不同程度的地壳混染作用。玄武质熔岩的Nb/Ta之比为14.8~15.8,与勘察加半岛深俯冲带火山类似。Nb/Ta-(Na2O-K2O)关系图解显示研究区玄武质岩浆的形成与俯冲板片的部分熔融有关。  相似文献   
为从行为学角度解释中国蛤蜊(Mactra chinensis Philippi)的跑滩现象, 研究了规格、温度对其跳跃行为以及底质、流速和周期性干露对其潜沙行为的影响。结果表明, 中国蛤蜊运动能力与其规格和水温有关, 3 mm稚贝不具备跳跃能力, 5 mm以上具备跳跃能力; 跳跃频率和高度随水温的升高呈上升趋势。中国蛤蜊稚贝潜沙比例均随时间推移逐渐上升; 各时间节点中国蛤蜊稚贝在细沙底质的潜沙比例最高, 中沙底质次之, 粗沙底质最低。施加微弱水流后, 中国蛤蜊稚贝潜沙速度和比例显著增加; 流速增大到一定程度后部分稚贝被水流冲走, 潜沙比例随之下降。周期性干露会导致中国蛤蜊稚贝从底质中爬出, 干露时间越长, 爬出比例越高。干露后的稚贝重新放置于海水中, 部分稚贝会在水面漂浮一段时间后再下落至水底, 漂浮比例随干露时间的增加而增加。本研究从行为学角度初步查明了中国蛤蜊跑滩现象, 为解决中国蛤蜊防跑滩问题提供了思路。  相似文献   
张远儿 《热带地理》2001,21(2):139-144
利用基本单位普查资料,采用定量方法,分析了珠江三角洲经济区行为主体的发育、结构和地域特征,并讨论了形成这些特征的主要原因,认为其反映了珠江三角洲经济区在中国的典型性和独特性。  相似文献   
Would somebody be more willing to start recycling if they knew that their friends were all recycling? Social influence refers to the ways in which our behaviour is affected by what other people do, or by what other people think. Various insights from theories of social influence have been applied as part of interventions to encourage resource conservation, such as the use of social norms, social learning, and social comparison processes. The question arises: Is social influence as effective as is sometimes assumed? This review compares the effectiveness of different social influence approaches to encourage resource conservation via a meta-analysis and outlines what remains to be learned about the mechanisms linking social influence to behaviour change. A random-effects meta-analysis with a sample of 29 studies revealed that social influence approaches were effective when compared to a control group. They were also more effective when compared to another intervention, although in this case the effect size was small. The effectiveness was different for different social influence approaches and for different target groups. These findings raise a number of important questions, which form the basis of a research agenda for better understanding the processes through which social influence approaches encourage resource conservation.  相似文献   
Early life stages from a marine fish species, Fundulus heteroclitus, were exposed to sublethal doses of 3,3',4,4',5 pentachlorobiphenyl (PCB126) to evaluate its effects on ecologically relevant responses: growth and behavior. A few hours after fertilisation, eggs were treated topically with PCB126 (2.5-50 pg egg?1). Four days post-hatching (dph), morphological changes (body length and malformations), spontaneous locomotor activity (active swimming speed, rate of travel, % inactivity), prey capture ability (Artemia franciscana nauplii) and whole body EROD activity were evaluated in larvae. Untreated larvae collected at 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4 dph were also examined. PCB126 did not increase the mortality or malformation rates. Body length and spontaneous locomotor activity were altered only in larvae treated with the highest dose. Treatment with PCB126 caused a dose-responsive reduction in prey capture ability (rate of decline in the number of Artemia) and induction of EROD activity. The lowest observed effective dose for both of these responses was 5.0 pg PCB126 egg?1 or 5.0 TCDD-toxic equivalents pg g?1 egg, using a TCDD-toxic equivalent factor of 0.005 and an egg mass of 5 mg. Prey capture efficiency (number of Artemia captured per feeding strike) was reduced at ≥ 10.0 pg egg?1. In untreated developing larvae, prey capture ability and efficiency increased as post-hatching development progressed and EROD activity remained low. The pattern of behavioral responses observed in PCB126-exposed Fundulus larvae differed from that observed in less-developed larvae indicating that other mechanisms than retarded development were involved. Behavioral dysfunction was a more sensitive response to PCB126 than morphological alterations and it occurred at environmentally relevant concentrations.  相似文献   
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