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Exposures on Wimbledon Hill, SW London, in the Palaeogene London Clay Formation, are described. The 3° slopes are mantled by clayey solifluction (head) deposits, comprising two superimposed sheets, each around 1.2 m thick. The lower sheet exhibits relict sand wedges forming polygons 1.0-1.5 m across, up to 50 mm wide and 1.25 m deep. These have no surface expression. The wedges are sand-filled and modify significantly the hydrogeology and properties of the solifluction mantle. There are no sand wedges in the upper solifluction sheet.The mechanics of emplacement of the lower solifluction sheet are explored and the high initial water content estimated. Subsequent desiccation and consolidation have reduced the thickness of this sheet by at least 35%, thus distorting contained features such as the wedges. An active layer about 0.4 m thick is inferred to have formed in the top of the lower solifluction sheet. No direct dating was undertaken but, by analogy with relevant dated sites in southern Britain and the Netherlands it is inferred that the lower solifluction sheet was emplaced during the first part of the Loch Lomond Stadial and frost-cracked during a subsequent, colder and more arid part. On this basis, following filling of the cracks by sand, emplacement of the upper solifluction sheet would have occurred in the later part of the Loch Lomond Stadial.  相似文献   
Climate variability during the Mid‐Late Holocene has influenced the activity of geomorphic processes in the current periglacial belt of the Sierra Nevada. We studied two types of sedimentary records that reveal a synchronous timing for slope instability in this high semi‐arid massif: solifluction landforms and mountain lake sediments. Lithological and sedimentological properties of both records have recorded numerous cycles of different magnitude of slope processes in the massif. Solifluction deposits record seven phases of solifluction activity and soil development during the last 7 ka bp and lake sediments show evidence of eight periods with increased geomorphic activity in the catchments over the last 6 ka bp . Although present‐day climate conditions do not promote active solifluction processes in the Sierra Nevada, colder and wetter periods during the Holocene triggered solifluction and transported coarse‐grained sediments into the lakes. By contrast, warm phases favoured soil formation and spread an incipient vegetation cover over the headwaters of the highest valleys, diminishing the grain size of the particles reaching the lakes. Lake sediments record an aridification trend in the massif intensifying since 4·2 ka bp that has conditioned solifluction activity to shift gradually to higher elevations. During major cooler phases such as the Little Ice Age active solifluction was recorded back down to 2500 m altitude. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Dhananjay  Regmi  Teiji  Watanabe 《Island Arc》2005,14(4):400-409
Abstract   The rates of the accumulated and continuous displacement of solifluction lobes in the Kangchenjunga area, eastern Nepal Himalaya, were determined using glass fiber tubes and a strain probe. Ground temperature, precipitation and soil moisture were monitored at two sites, whose altitude differed by approximately 100 m, to understand the solifluction process. The average movement rate of the glass fiber tubes on a 31° slope at altitudes of 5412–5414 m a.s.l. was approximately 11 mm/year, being almost threefold greater than that observed on a 22° slope at 5322–5325 ma.s.l. There was no significant difference in the depth of displacement at these sites. The continuous displacement measurement near the ground surface at 5414 m showed permanent downslope movement from early July. Such movement may be attributed to additional moisture supply during the monsoon season. The amplitude of the displacement cycle was highest at the ground surface, and decreased to virtually zero at and below 20 cm in depth. Probable factors leading to the relatively slow rates of downslope displacement at the surface and depth at the studied altitudes are the lack of concurrence of the freeze–thaw cycles and the high moisture condition in the soil, and the low moisture retention capacity of the soil because of steep slopes and superficial desiccation. The rate of displacement may be more pronounced at altitudes above 5600 m because of the freeze–thaw cycles during the summer season.  相似文献   
An experimental slope of gradient 12° was constructed, comprising two 5 m × 2 m × 0·3 m contiguous strips of natural soils. Soil freezing and thawing took place from the surface downwards in an open hydraulic system, water being supplied at the base of each soil. Thermal conditions, porewater pressures and soil displacements were monitored using a PC-based logging system, with readings taken at half-hourly intervals. Soil surface displacements due to frost heave and solifluction were measured using linear voltage displacement transducers. Soil temperatures were determined using thermistors and semiconductor temperature sensors. Antifreeze-filled miniature ceramic-tipped pressure transducers were used to determine porewater pressure variations. The potential of this experimental approach for precise monitoring of mass movement processes associated with thawing of ice-rich soils is demonstrated.  相似文献   
Samples of macrofabric data obtained from colluvial deposits near the late-Wisconsinan glacial margin display widely divergent characteristics. Those from highly weathered and jointed sandstone plot as girdle distributions. Samples from red colluvium of early-Wisconsinan age form moderately strong clusters. Fabrics from shallow depth in medium-textured brown colluvium of late-Wisconsinan age generally have modes aligned with the local slope but are weak, and appear to have been modified by frost heaving. Clasts in the basal layers of an overlying loess unit were emplaced by frost heaving from the brown colluvium and have very weak or uniform fabrics. Particle shape exerts an influence on fabric strength in the brown colluvium, with samples composed of more elongated clasts displaying stronger fabrics. Fabrics from near-surface deposits show generally weaker shape and strength characteristics and higher inclinations than those at depth. Calculated seasonal frost penetration is consistent with the depth to which weaker, more steeply inclined fabrics are found. Sampling in relict periglacial deposits should be performed only below the level of disturbance by seasonal frost.  相似文献   
Winter desiccation-induced foliage loss at high-elevation locations is an important determinant of positive carbon balance for trees and thus influences the location of the alpine treeline ecotone. In this study, data are presented that describe the amount of winter desiccation incurred by krummholz growth forms of subalpine fir ( Abies lasiocarpa (Hook) Nutt.) at treeline locations in Glacier National Park, Montana, USA, for the winter of 1998/1999. An average 8.68% of the krummholz canopy was lost due to desiccation.
Winter desiccation is not predictable based on any single environmental variable. When outliers are removed, winter desiccation shows a strong correlation with elevation ( r = 0.97). Patch level winter desiccation amounts are, however, highly predictable from elevation, slope, aspect and topographic context when considered together. In general, injury increases with elevation and on more southwesterly facing hillslopes. High slopes and sheltered locations decrease winter desiccation.
Within patches, most winter desiccation is located at the windward edge of the patch. This trend may be modified by the presence of leaders above the mean canopy surface of the krummholz patch, or by local microtopographic features such as dead branches or the proximity of large rocks.
The winter of 1998/1999 was a high winter desiccation year compared to the two previous winters. The winter of 1998/1999 had high snowfall, and meltout did not occur until later than the previous two winters. The extended period of snow cover is hypothesized to be one of the causes of the increased winter desiccation for the 1998/1999 winter.  相似文献   
A 2 m‐thick diamictite occurs near the base of the Cretaceous Eromanga Basin succession at Trinity Well, at the northern extremity of the Flinders Ranges in South Australia. The diamictite consists of a matrix of silt‐ and clay‐size particles and a framework of sand and coarser materials up to small boulder size. Scanning electron microscope study reveals the presence of numerous quartz grains displaying extreme angularity and surface textures attributed to glacial crushing. Sandy sediments considered as fluvioglacial in origin and a locally developed facies displaying flow structures attributed to solifluction processes constitute the basal 3–5 m of the sequence. In places these directly underlie the diamictite and rest with angularity on Neoproterozoic Adelaidean strata. Conformably above the diamictite at the type locality ‘Recorder Hill’ is a sequence approximately 15 m thick of fine sand and silt units containing lonestones up to ~70 cm diameter and hummocky cross‐stratification. These sediments have been assigned to the Cadna‐owie Formation and are dated on palynology as Berriasian to Valanginian. The occurrence of diamictite containing glacially affected quartz grains contributes to our interpretation that the southern margin of the Eromanga Basin, and at least the adjacent part of the northern Flinders Ranges, were affected by glaciation in the Early Cretaceous. The associated dropstone and solifluction facies and nearby glendonite pseudomorphs after ikaite are further evidence of at least intermittent cold climates at this time.  相似文献   
青藏高原变暖变湿, 滑坡灾害频发, 严重影响区域工程建设、 生态环境和人类生产活动。泥流滑坡和热融滑塌、 融冻泥流是季节冻土区和多年冻土区的特殊滑坡类型, 形态上相似, 很难区分。同时, 对青藏高原泥流滑坡灾害关注程度低, 研究较少。以青海省玉树州称多县直美村2017年9月7日泥流滑坡事件为例, 利用实测数据、 多时相遥感影像和无人机数据等多源数据和雷达技术手段进行了调查和分析。研究表明: 滑坡发生在坡积扇, 主滑段平均厚度约5 m, 体积约2.4×104 m3, 滑体的滑动方向和重力作用过程一致, 依据滑坡三级分类系统属于堆积土浅层小型牵引式滑坡, 其形成和发育与当地地质条件、 连续降水和冻融循环作用有关; 然后进一步总结泥流滑坡、 热融滑塌和融冻泥流的特征, 认为玉树滑坡是季节冻土区的泥流滑坡。该研究有助于提高人们对泥流滑坡和青藏高原斜坡灾害的科学认识。  相似文献   
Cold room physical modelling of periglacial solifluction processes on an experimental slope of 12° is described, and data on soil temperatures, surface frost heave, thaw consolidation, downslope soil movement and porewater pressures over seven freeze–thaw cycles are presented. These data are analyzed in the context of laboratory determination of the rheometry of the experimental soils at high moisture contents. It is concluded that the observed thaw-induced solifluction represents pre-failure soil shear strain and results from loss of strength due to the combined effects of raised porewater pressures during thaw consolidation and upward seepage pressures as water flows towards the surface away from the thaw front. An investigation of the rheometry of thawing soils offers the prospect of an analytical model to predict rates and depths of periglacial solifluction. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Solifluction movement rates from 1952 to 2008 for the Abisko region, northern Sweden, have been compiled and analysed through correlation tests and multiple regression. The temporal analysis is based on two datasets ( Lobe11 & gridAB and Line B ) from Kärkevagge. The dataset Lobe11 & gridAB show a strong correlation between movement rates and mean annual air temperature (MAAT) and MAAT is also identified as one of the significant contributing parameters in the multiple regression model. No significant correlations were found for the Line B dataset. The spatial analysis indicates generally higher movement rates in the western part of the region and at lower altitudes mainly between 700 and 900 m a.s.l., but the spatial variability is high. To reduce the influence of the temporal variation the data for the correlation tests of the spatial variations were divided into two parts: 1957 to 1980 and 1981 to 2008. The correlation analysis of the dataset 1957 to 1980 shows a significant negative correlation between annual average movement rates and permafrost probability and altitude. The dataset 1981 to 2008 shows a positive correlation between movement rates and wetness index. It is concluded that movement rates may increase with higher MAAT in the western part of the region (Kärkevagge), the spatial variability of movement rates within the region is very high and that altitude (and/or permafrost) together with wetness index are the main controls on the regional spatial variation. The study highlights the limitations in establishing statistical relationships between movement rates and climate using data from different field empirical studies.  相似文献   
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