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Hamiltonian mechanics is applied to the problem of the rotation of the elastic Earth. We first show the process for the formulation of the Hamiltonian for rotation of a deformable body and the derivation of the equations of motion from it. Then, based on a simple model of deformation, the solution is given for the period of Euler motion, UT1 and the nutation of the elastic Earth. In particular it is shown that the elasticity of the Earth acts on the nutation so as to decrease the Oppolzer terms of the nutation of the rigid Earth by about 30 per cent. The solution is in good agreement with results which have been obtained by other, different approaches.  相似文献   
The scope of the present paper is to provide analytic solutions to the problem of the attitude evolution of a symmetric gyrostat about a fixed point in a central Newtonian force field when the potential function isV (2).We assume that the center of mass and the gyrostatic moment are on the axis of symmetry and that the initial conditions are the following: (t 0)=0, (t 0)=0, (t 0)=(t 0)=0, 1(t 0)=0, 2(t 0)=0 and 3(t 0)= 3 0 .The problem is integrated when the third component of the total angular momentum is different from zero (B 1 0). There now appear equilibrium solutions that did not exist in the caseB 1=0, which can be determined in function of the value ofl 3 r (the third component of the gyrostatic momentum).The possible types of solutions (elliptic, trigonometric, stationary) depend upon the nature of the roots of the functiong(u). The solutions for Euler angles are given in terms of functions of the timet. If we cancel the third component of the gyrostatic momentum (l 3 r =0), the obtained solutions are valid for rigid bodies.  相似文献   
A numerical procedure is described for the analysis of the vertical deformation and the stress distribution of the strip footings on layered soil media. Three layers of soil with different stiffness are considered with the middle soil layer the thinnest and most stiff layer. The soil media is discretized and using the theory of elasticity, the governing differential equations are obtained in terms of vertical and horizontal displacements. These equations along with appropriate boundary and continuity conditions are solved by using the finite difference method. The vertical and horizontal displacements, strains and stresses are found at various nodes in the soil media. Parametric studies are carried out to study the effect of the placement depth of the middle soil layer, the relative ratios of the moduli of deformation of the soil layers on the vertical displacement of the footing and the vertical stress distribution. These studies reveal that the middle thin but very stiff layer acts like a plate and redistributes the stresses on the lower soft soil layer uniformly. The displacement on the top and bottom of the middle soil layer is almost the same showing that the compression of the middle layer is negligible as it is very stiff.  相似文献   
阐述了改造型含煤盆地煤储层被改造的两种形式;煤体结构的改造及构造煤的形成原因;后生充填物对煤层孔隙的改造及形成原因。提出了以构造煤发育程度作为改造型含煤盆地改造强度的一个指标。概述了华北克拉通盆地由中生代剪压应力转化为新生代剪张应力和拉张应力,而在盆地内形成以挤压构造为主到伸展构造为主的演化历程,及不同构造类型的区域分布,指出这种演化极易形成构造煤和后生充填物。提出将华北克拉通含煤盆地分为3种改造类型及其分布区域,分析了各自区域的煤储层物性及对煤层气开发选区的影响。提出应重视鄂尔多斯盆地侏罗纪煤层的煤层气.研究与开发.  相似文献   
以佛山市“岭南天地”(祖庙-东华里历史文化街区)的“三旧”改造为案例,讨论历史文化名城核心区改造中城市更新概念的衍生、想象及认知局限性.尤其侧重于概念运用在历史文化名城老城核心区更新中的作用、价值及其在更新实践中的推动或限制因素.研究显示,“三旧”改造概念作为城市更新理念与佛山城市旧区改造的现实问题相互结合而衍生的“应景”产物,在运用中凝练了更新主体(地方政府)对旧区改造发展的愿望、想象和认知倾向.这使得“三旧”改造概念在历史文化名城城市更新中的应用存在部分的局限性.另一方面,“三旧”改造发展模式及其想象展望也可能只是地方政府及开发商谋求城市、产业发展和城市综合竞争力提升的一种手段.此外,研究显示,“三旧”改造概念只被地方政府和投资人用作组织与寻求他们各自关注点的一种达到目的的手段或技术,从本质上来说,这个概念对他们的吸引力在于与之相关联的资源,以及一种供使用、阐释、替换的语言.至于这个概念对历史文化名城城市更新的实用性,则似乎关注不够.  相似文献   
土地征用补偿问题已成为我国土地管理和社会关注的热点问题。制定征地区片综合地价、“按价征地”是今后征地补偿制度改革的方向。本文通过对国内外征地价格研究进展的分析,应用征地区片综合地价测算原理,结合我国农用地的价格构成,采用定性和定量相结合的方法,探讨了征地区片综合地价应由农用地质量价格、社会保障价格、社会稳定价格和生态价格四部分组成。探索征地区片划分和征地区片价测算的方法。本文确定的呼和浩特市征地区片及其综合地价,空间上基本呈现出以呼和浩特市商业中心——民族商场为基点,随距离的增加,征地区片等级和征地区片综合地价依次降低的规律,且空间变化区域差异明显,符合屠能的农业区位论中“随距市场距离的增加,地租收入降低”的规律。将征地区片综合地价测算结果与现有征地补偿标准以及周边市、旗(县)征地补偿做比较分析,验证了征地区片综合地价评估方法的合理性。该研究成果可直接服务于呼和浩特市征地实施过程,为呼和浩特市农村土地市场的完善提供重要依据。  相似文献   
考虑土拱效应刚性挡墙土压力研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
彭述权  周健  樊玲  刘爱华 《岩土力学》2008,29(10):2701-2707
基于库仑土压力理论,假定刚性挡墙后主应力拱迹线为抛物线,推导了主、被侧土压力系数和水平微分单元间摩擦系数的理论公式,得到改进的主、被动土压力计算公式。研究表明:考虑土拱效应计算结果与模型试验结果吻合比较好。主动极限状态下,土体内摩擦角越小,墙土接触面上外摩擦角越大,土拱效应越明显,主动土压力合力作用点越上移;被动极限状态下,土体内摩擦角和墙土接触面上外摩擦角越大,土拱效应越明显,被动土压力合力点越往下移。  相似文献   
张戎泽  钱建固 《岩土力学》2015,36(10):2921-2926
针对刚性挡墙不同变位模式,对基坑开挖过程中地表沉陷规律进行模型试验研究。开展的模型试验分别模拟了挡墙在平移(T模式)、绕墙趾转动(RB模式)和绕墙顶转动(RT模式)3种基本刚性变位模式下诱发的墙后地表沉陷,得到了土体沉陷曲线的分布规律。结果表明,挡墙平移时,墙后地表沉降呈勺型分布,最大沉降紧靠墙背处;挡墙绕墙趾转动时,墙后地表沉降近似呈三角形分布,最大沉降紧靠墙背处;挡墙绕墙顶转动时,墙后地表沉降近似呈抛物线分布,最大沉降位于距墙背一定距离的位置处。挡墙变位距离相同时,对于绕墙趾和绕墙顶转动模式,墙后土体沉陷的面积基本相等,两者沉陷面积之和近似等于平移模式的土体沉陷面积,另外,挡墙变位面积与墙后土体沉陷面积也近乎一致。将试验观察的沉陷曲线与既有的解析解作了对比分析,验证了二者的一致性。  相似文献   
横向载荷作用下刚性桩变位规律研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
崔新壮  丁桦  金青  李术才 《岩土力学》2006,27(7):1092-1096
目前对横向受载刚性桩的研究主要集中在其承载力方面,对变化规律研究很少。为此提出了利用刚性桩上两点位移求桩上任意一点位移、桩回转中心位置及转角的方法。通过对粉质黏土中的刚性桩进行模型试验与数值计算发现,回转中心位置随位移和载荷的增大,先是急剧下降,然后变缓,最后基本趋于稳定,而且桩埋置参数与土力学参数对回转中心位置的变化规律影响很小;而桩的转角随位移增大近似线性变化。比较发现,由试验和数值计算得到的回转中心极限位置与由极限地基反力法得到的结果相差不大  相似文献   
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