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本文把国产POS和国产相机进行刚性连接,将系统误差检校参数用于修正随后的不同区域的POS观测值,利用由此得到的POS外方位元素结合航空影像进行直接地理定位,结果证明该方法用于直接测图是满足精度要求的。  相似文献   
机载三线阵CCD摄影测量系统是GPS/INS与三线阵CCD相机联合工作的测量系统.通过GPS/INS给出的投影中心位置、视准轴姿态观测值及三线阵CCD像空间坐标,可以直接计算地面点在物空间的坐标.介绍了直接解算的几何模型,并依据共线方程建立地面点像空间坐标与控制点或同名点物空间坐标的关系,从而把问题归结为间接平差,给出了平差的误差方程.最后对直接解算模型进行了精度分析.  相似文献   
付建红 《测绘科学》2012,37(5):116-118
根据像底点与航摄像片外方位角元素的几何关系,本文提出利用像底点求解IMU视准轴误差,以提高POS系统直接对地目标定位精度的方法,并用一组实际飞行的数据进行了试验。结果表明,该方法可有效提高POS系统直接对地目标定位的精度,而无需布设特定的检校场和地面控制点。对带POS系统的城区大比例尺航空影像对地目标定位有一定实用价值。  相似文献   
Structure‐from‐motion (SfM) photogrammetry is revolutionising the collection of detailed topographic data, but insight into geomorphological processes is currently restricted by our limited understanding of SfM survey uncertainties. Here, we present an approach that, for the first time, specifically accounts for the spatially variable precision inherent to photo‐based surveys, and enables confidence‐bounded quantification of 3D topographic change. The method uses novel 3D precision maps that describe the 3D photogrammetric and georeferencing uncertainty, and determines change through an adapted state‐of‐the‐art fully 3D point‐cloud comparison (M3C2), which is particularly valuable for complex topography. We introduce this method by: (1) using simulated UAV surveys, processed in photogrammetric software, to illustrate the spatial variability of precision and the relative influences of photogrammetric (e.g. image network geometry, tie point quality) and georeferencing (e.g. control measurement) considerations; (2) we then present a new Monte Carlo procedure for deriving this information using standard SfM software and integrate it into confidence‐bounded change detection; before (3) demonstrating geomorphological application in which we use benchmark TLS data for validation and then estimate sediment budgets through differencing annual SfM surveys of an eroding badland. We show how 3D precision maps enable more probable erosion patterns to be identified than existing analyses, and how a similar overall survey precision could have been achieved with direct survey georeferencing for camera position data with precision half as good as the GCPs'. Where precision is limited by weak georeferencing (e.g. camera positions with multi‐metre precision, such as from a consumer UAV), then overall survey precision can scale as n½ of the control precision (n = number of images). Our method also provides variance–covariance information for all parameters. Thus, we now open the door for SfM practitioners to use the comprehensive analyses that have underpinned rigorous photogrammetric approaches over the last half‐century. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Microplastics can be ingested by marine organisms and may lead to negative impacts at the base of marine food chains. This study investigated the occurrence and composition of microplastics in the sea-surface water and sought evidence of ingestion by zooplankton. Surface seawater was collected using a stainless-steel bucket and sieved directly through a stainless-steel sieve (250-µm mesh), while a 500-μm mesh net was towed horizontally to collect zooplankton, at 11 georeferenced stations off the Kenyan coast in February 2017, on board the national research vessel RV Mtafiti. Microplastic particles were sorted and characterised using an Optika dissecting microscope. Polymer types were identified using an ALPHA Platinum attenuated total reflection—Fourier-transform infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectrometer. A total of 149 microplastic particles, with an average abundance of 110 particles m–3, were found in the surface seawater. A total of 129 particles were found ingested by zooplankton groups, where Chaetognatha, Copepoda, Amphipoda and fish larvae ingested 0.46, 0.33, 0.22 and 0.16 particles ind.–1, respectively. Filaments dominated both the surface-water microplastics and the ingested microplastics, contributing 76% and 97% to those compositions, respectively. White particles were prevalent in the water (51%), whereas black was the colour found most commonly (42%) across the zooplankton groups. The sizes of particles that were in the water were in the range of 0.25–2.4 mm, and those ingested ranged between 0.01 and 1.6 mm. Polypropylene was predominant in the surface water, whereas low-density polyethylene was the most-ingested polymer type. The results provide the first documented evidence of the occurrence, composition and ingestion of microplastics by zooplankton in Kenya's marine environment, indicating that microplastics have the potential to enter pelagic food webs and cause pollution in the study area.  相似文献   
本文对高精度轻小型航空遥感系统地对地检校场试验进行了分析,详细介绍集成系统检校原理,简要给出外业实验情况以及内业数据处理的过程,重点给出利用POS获取姿态转换得到的影像外方位元素即直接地理定位、单片后交方法获取外方位元素以及直接利用控制点绝对定向,均匀采集检校场外业检查点,进行精度验证的比较结果.最终实现塔吊模拟飞行条件下高精度的直接地理定位.  相似文献   
基于SWDC-5航摄仪获取的数据,探讨倾斜像片定位定姿的方法,通过建立POS、下视相机、斜视相机间的相对关系模型,给出POS辅助SWDC-5倾斜像片直接地理定位技术流程。通过实际航飞数据计算得到的倾斜像片外方位元素可用于三维房屋模型纹理映射,经试验验证该方法正确、可行。  相似文献   
对移动车载激光测量LandMark系统获取的路面激光点云数据进行研究,结合激光点云的回波反射率、扫描角,以及量测距离等特征信息与道路标线的属性信息,提出了一种基于车载激光点云的道路标线自动识别与提取算法。从点云中提取道路标线,采用最小二乘线性最优拟合算法对提取的标线点云进行拟合,生成道路标线的CAD轮廓线,实现道路标线的自动化识别。以移动车载LandMark系统的Sick激光扫描仪获取的路面激光点云为例进行实验,实验结果表明该方法的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   
根据POS辅助航空摄影测量直接地理定位原理,本文从机载GPS天线相位中心与航摄仪投影中心的几何关系出发,建立了POS系统摄站坐标观测值方程,并研究了飞机姿态变化对GPS偏心分量的影响情况.通过试验,分析了GPS偏心分量变化对直接地理定位精度的影响,结果表明GPS天线安装时应尽量靠近航摄仪投影中心以减小定位误差;此变化对地面点安置精度影响不大,仍可满足1∶2 000比例尺丘陵地地形图测图精度等级.  相似文献   
This work is aimed at the environmental remote sensing community that uses UAV optical frame imagery in combination with airborne and satellite data. Taking into account the economic costs involved and the time investment, we evaluated the fit-for-purpose accuracy of four positioning methods of UAV-acquired imagery: 1) direct georeferencing using the onboard raw GNSS (GNSSNAV) data, 2) direct georeferencing using Post-Processed Kinematic single-frequency carrier-phase without in situ ground support (PPK1), 3) direct georeferencing using Post-Processed Kinematic double-frequency carrier-phase GNSS data with in situ ground support (PPK2), and 4) indirect georeferencing using Ground Control Points (GCP). We tested a multispectral sensor and an RGB sensor, onboard multicopter platforms. Orthophotomosaics at <0.05 m spatial resolution were generated with photogrammetric software. The UAV image absolute accuracy was evaluated according to the ASPRS standards, wherein we used a set of GCPs as reference coordinates, which we surveyed with a differential GNSS static receiver. The raw onboard GNSSNAV solution yielded horizontal (radial) accuracies of RMSEr≤1.062 m and vertical accuracies of RMSEz≤4.209 m; PPK1 solution gave decimetric accuracies of RMSEr≤0.256 m and RMSEz≤0.238 m; PPK2 solution, gave centimetric accuracies of RMSEr≤0.036 m and RMSEz≤0.036 m. These results were further improved by using the GCP solution, which yielded accuracies of RMSEr≤0.023 m and RMSEz≤0.030 m. GNSSNAV solution is a fast and low-cost option that is useful for UAV imagery in combination with remote sensing products, such as Sentinel-2 satellite data. PPK1, which can register UAV imagery with remote sensing products up to 0.25 m pixel size, as WorldView-like satellite imagery, airborne lidar or orthoimagery, has a higher economic cost than the GNSSNAV solution. PPK2 is an acceptable option for registering remote sensing products of up to 0.05 m pixel size, as with other UAV images. Moreover, PPK2 can obtain accuracies that are approximate to the usual UAV pixel size (e.g. co-register in multitemporal studies), but it is more expensive than PPK1. Although indirect georeferencing can obtain the highest accuracy, it is nevertheless a time-consuming task, particularly if many GCPs have to be placed. The paper also provides the approximate cost of each solution.  相似文献   
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