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岩石受压破裂的ULF和LF电磁前兆信号   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
实验观测到了4类岩性、18块样品在单轴压力下直至破裂发生全过程中的ULF和LF电磁前兆信号。这些不同频率的信号是零散出现的,其形态为一组组脉冲,宽度为4ms~16ms,幅度为0.1mV~1.4mV。实验发现具同一谐振频率的天线收到的信号频次与其相对于裂缝的位置和方位有关。结果还表明,电磁前兆信号的频度与岩样强度有关,抗压强度高的岩样电磁前兆信号多。微破裂可能产生了偶电层,在破裂过程中向外辐射,产生了LF频段的磁信号,ULF磁信号则主要由压磁效应产生。  相似文献   
本文研究了0.1~10 Hz频率范围内的ULF波从磁层到地面的传播,得到了解析解,分析了电离层Alfven谐振器、磁倾角、电离层电导率、以及波频率对地面观测到的地磁信号的影响.数值结果表明:在磁层中剪切波在竖直方向有明显的谐振结构;地面观测到的信号在IAR谐振频率出现极大值,其谐振频率随磁倾角的增大而增大;电离层电导率的变化可以改变IAR的谐振频率,并能改变波的透射,从而影响地面地磁信号的频谱.  相似文献   
2004年8月3日近地TC-1卫星在磁尾XGSM~-12RE的等离子体片内,观测到了伴随着高速流的低于离子回旋频率的波,即超低频波(ULF,Ultra Low Frequency).该波垂直分量的振幅在高速流及其振荡减速期间大致相当;而平行分量振幅在高速流时明显大于其振荡减速时. 利用一个扰动双流模型对完全磁化离子横场漂移驱动的电磁不稳定性计算后,预测结果表明:(1)对于垂直分量来说,横场漂移速度与Alfvén速度的比值影响不稳定性增长率和激发波频率,随其比值增加,增长率变大,激发波频率从负值增加到正值.(2)对于平行分量来说,温度各向异性时等离子体热速度与Alfvén速度比值只影响不稳定性增长率和激发波频率,未改变不稳定性模类别;而温度各向同性时离子横场漂移速度与Alfvén速度比值既影响不稳定性模的种类及其分支,又影响激发波频率.进一步将卫星观测到的等离子体密度、温度、整体流速和磁场代入模型方程,进行数值计算与上述预测结果对比后发现:卫星观测中垂直分量的功率谱密度(PSD,Power Spectrum Density)增强时间和频段与理论模型中由β//、β和v/VA引起不稳定性激发的波一致;卫星观测中平行分量的功率谱密度增强时间与理论模型基本相符,但是前者的频率明显地低于后者.因此,除了需考虑平行磁场的离子整体流速对不稳定性激发波频率的可能影响,还需要统计上进一步核实伴随有高速流的ULF波与不稳定性的相关性.  相似文献   
西藏改则6.9级地震前的电离层电磁扰动   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
2008年1月9日西藏改则县发生6.9级地震, 震前2天法国DEMETER卫星飞过震中上空时记录到离子温度(Ti)和超低频电场异常。 文中通过震前10天内多条轨道的数据对比和分析处理, 对空间异常的识别和判定给出了两种有效的方法, 同时也积累了空间地震电磁前兆震例和异常信号判别的经验。  相似文献   
Using multipoint measurements from the Cluster mission wave identification techniques are applied to observations of ULF waves made in the terrestrial foreshock with the aim of identifying the modes and properties of the waves taking into account the effects of a high beta plasma. The wave properties in the spacecraft and plasma rest frames are experimentally derived using minimum variance analysis. Two waves with periods of 30 and 3 s dominate the dynamic frequency spectrum. The results indicate that these waves propagate in the fast magnetosonic and Alfvén/Ion Cyclotron modes, respectively. Both waves propagate in the upstream direction in the plasma rest frame but are convected downstream in the spacecraft frame. The measured wave properties in the plasma rest frame are in good agreement with those obtained from the theoretical kinetic dispersion relation taking into account the effects of different plasma beta. The dispersion results show a rather significant deviation from fluid model, especially when high beta plasma conditions occur. These experimentally derived foreshock ULF wave properties are in good agreement with previous results but when the effects of a high beta plasma are considered it is not as straight forward to choose the correct wave mode branch.  相似文献   
本文介绍第22太阳活动周峰年期间利用ULF波的观测和分析,对磁层近地空间电磁环境的研究,文中列举了这峰年期间地磁脉动的主要成果。有些成果是国际上首次提出和发表的,目前,地磁脉动的观测和研究已经成为监测近地空间电磁环境的重要手段。  相似文献   
研究了1996年11月19-27日在新疆喀什地区连续发生6次4.5级以上地震前记录到的超低频电磁辐射异常现象的偏振特性,发现震前记录到的该异常用0.0-0.16Hz的带通滤波器滤波后,水平磁场分量的偏振近似为线偏振,且震前1天的偏振主轴方向日均值与喀什台到强震震源的方向之间有近乎垂直的关系.  相似文献   
The purpose of the paper is to try to find ULF electromagnetic precursors to the 2011 Tohoku earthquake (EQ), on the basis of extensive investigation of radiations in vertical component of the magnetic field or with a large ratio of the vertical to full horizontal component. Nighttime records have been analyzed of three Japanese fluxgate magnetometers located in a distance from 300 to 1300 km from the epicenter of the main shock, and the frequency range from 10 to 150 mHz was used for the analysis. We have applied wavelet analyses to improve the detection of pulsed signals. All obtained scalograms have been averaged over the nighttime interval from 01 h to 05 h JST and flattened by means of multiplication by square of frequency. The sequence of spectra thus obtained has been compared with the evolution of seismicity, which has resulted in that the radiation in the vertical component has been detected. It exhibits seasonal variations with winter maxima, but it increases further by approaching the moment of the EQ and decreases after that. This radiation seems to be correlated with atmospheric parameters – air humidity, temperature, vapor pressure and rainfall. So, we consider that this radiation cannot be caused by subsurface sources, but its possible sources can be atmospheric discharges. The evolution of this phenomenon can be explained by a seasonal variation of atmospheric parameters and also its variations under the influence of injection of gas from the focal zone of a forthcoming EQ.  相似文献   


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