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贺兰山群变质杂岩是晚太古代的一套孔龙岩系,在其中发育了一条东西向延伸的假玄武玻璃岩带。其产状特征、碎斑的熔蚀结构、基质的长石微晶和球粒结构表明,它是由岩浆结晶而成。这种岩浆形成于古地震带中,与滑动面高速运动摩擦生热有关。岩浆成分是安山质的,熔融是过热非平衡状态下进行的,深融温度可达1400℃以上,深度可能不足1km。  相似文献   
A pseudotachylite vein network crosscutting late Hercynian foliated tonalites can be observed along the Copanello cliffs (Calabria, Southern Italy). Pseudotachylites formed during the Oligocene–Miocene at intermediate crustal levels (ca. 10 km). They show variable thickness ranging from few mm up to 10 cm, as observed in injection veins branching from the fault plane. Microscopic observations indicate that pseudotachylite matrix mainly consists of plagioclase (An46–An58) and biotite microlites. Rounded clasts of quartz, plagioclase or of plagioclase–quartz lithic fragments are disseminated in the matrix. Intergranular, flow and spherulitic textures are commonly observed. Microstructural features are consistent with rapid crystallisation from melt. EDS analyses of rare and tiny glass veins indicated a trachyandesite or An50 plagioclase melt composition.The conditions for pseudotachylite formation were reproduced by an analytical model taking into account the heat released by friction along a horizontal fault plane during a seismic event. The model is based on a three-stage rupture history that includes nucleation, propagation and stopping. In addition, by means of a numerical approach, the model reproduces cooling that follows the stopping stage.According to previous studies, the thermal perturbation induced by fault displacement is very intense. In fact, temperatures exceeding the tonalite and even An50 plagioclase liquidus (1470 °C) are reproduced by small amount of slip (≤ 6 cm) in suprahydrostatic regime. On the other hand, the thermal perturbation is strongly localised and of short duration. Peak temperatures abruptly decrease at a short distance from the fault plane (typically in few millimetres). In these conditions a thin film of melt can be produced. Therefore, the presence of cm-scale pseudotachylite veins can be only explained assuming an efficient and fast melt migration towards dilatant sites, such as pull-apart structures and injections veins. Results of the model may be useful to predict the thermal disturbance produced by earthquakes of low intensity.  相似文献   
Several examples of fault-related pseudotachylites display a significantly higher initial magnetic susceptibility than their granitic host rock (10:1 to 20:1). These higher values are attributed to the presence of fine magnetic particles formed during melt quenching. The hysteresis properties of the particles indicate a single domain (SD) to pseudo single domain (PSD) magnetic grain size. The Curie temperature (Tc) of the magnetic particles is close to 580 °C.The natural remanent magnetization (NRM) of these pseudotachylites is also significantly higher than that of the host rock (up to 300:1). Such anomalously high remanence cannot be explained by a magnetization acquired in the Earth's magnetic field, regardless of pseudotachylite age.Ground lightning and other strong electric pulses can cause anomalously high NRM intensities. A ground lightning explanation seems unlikely to explain the systematically high NRM intensities, particularly in the case of recently exposed samples that have been collected from active quarries. Alternatively, high NRM intensities could be explained by earthquake lightning (EQL), a seismic phenomenon occasionally reported in connection with large magnitude earthquakes (M > 6.0).The coseismic electrical properties of the pseudotachylite vein–host rock system are characterized by (1) a core of molten material (high conductivity), (2) vapor-rich margins of thermally and mechanically fractured host rocks (low conductivity) and (3) moderately fractured to undeformed host rock (normal conductivity). Such a core conductor bordered by insulating margins is potentially responsible for the propagation of EQL pulses.The coseismic thermal history of pseudotachylite veins has been modeled in 2-D using conductive heat transfer equations. It shows that EQL can be recorded only during a brief time interval (less than 1 min) for a given vein thickness and host-rock temperatures. If the vein is too thick or if the host rock is too hot, the pseudotachylite remains above Tc after the electric pulse has lapsed.  相似文献   
The Sudbury Structure, formed by meteorite impact at 1850 Ma, consists of three major components: (1) the Sudbury Basin; (2) the Sudbury Igneous Complex, which surrounds the basin as an elliptical collar; and (3) breccia bodies in the footwall known as Sudbury Breccia. In general, the breccia consists of subrounded fragments set in a dark, fine-grained to aphanitic matrix. A comparison of the chemical composition of host rocks, clasts and matrices indicates that brecciation was essentially an in-situ process. Sudbury Breccia forms irregular-shaped bodies or dikes that range in size from mm to km scale. Contacts with the host rocks are commonly sharp. The aspect ratio of most clasts is approximately 2 with the long axes parallel to dike walls. The fractal dimension (Dr)=1.55. Although there appears to be some concentration of brecciation within concentric zones, small Sudbury Breccia bodies within and outside these zones have more or less random strikes and steep dips. Sudbury Breccia bodies near an embayment structure tend to be subparallel to the base of the Sudbury Igneous Complex. Sudbury Breccia occurs as much as 80 km from the outer margin of the Sudbury Igneous Complex. In an inner zone, 5 to 15 km wide, breccia comprises 5% of exposed bedrock with an increase in brecciation intensity in embayment structures. Sudbury Breccia may be classified into three types based on the nature of the matrix: clastic, pseudotachylite and microcrystalline. Clastic Sudbury Breccia, the dominant type in the Southern Province, is characterized by flow-surface structures. Possibly, a sudden rise in pore pressure caused explosive dilation and fragmentation, followed by fluidization and flowage into extension fractures. Pseudotachylite Sudbury Breccia, mainly confined to Archean rocks, apparently formed by comminution and frictional melting. Microcrystalline Sudbury Breccia formed as a result of the thermal metamorphism, of the North Range footwall, by the Sudbury Igneous Complex. This produced a zone, approximately 1.2 km wide, wherein the matrix of the breccia either recrystallized or, locally, melted. An overprint of regional metamorphism obliterated contact effects in the South Range footwall. The Ni–Cu–PGE magmatic sulphide deposits may be classified into four types based on structural setting: Sudbury Igneous Complex–footwall contact, footwall, offset, and sheared deposits. Sudbury Breccia is the main host for footwall deposits (e.g., McCreedy East, Victor, Lindsley). Sudbury Breccia locally hosts mineralization in radial (e.g., Parkin and Copper Cliff) and concentric (e.g., Frood–Stobie) offset dikes.  相似文献   
Pseudotachylites occur in the form of thin glassy veins quenched from frictional melts along the fault planes of major earthquakes. They contain finely grained magnetite and often exhibit a high natural remanent magnetization (NRM). High NRM values imply strong local electric currents. These currents must persist for some time, while the pseudotachylite veins cool through the Curie temperature of magnetite around 580 °C. There is no generally accepted theory explaining how such powerful, persistent currents may be generated along the fault plane. Data presented here suggest the activation of electronic charge carriers, which are present in igneous rocks in a dormant, inactive form. These charge carriers can be “awakened” by the application of stress. They are electrons and defect electrons, also known as positive holes or p-holes for short. While p-holes are capable of spreading out of the stressed rock volume into adjacent p-type conductive unstressed rocks, electrons require a connection to the hot, n-type conductive lower crust. However, as long as the (downward) electron flow is not connected, the circuit is not closed. Hence, with the outflow of p-holes impeded, no current can be sustained. This situation is comparable to that of a charged battery where one pole remains unconnected. The friction melt that forms coseismically during rupture, provides a conductive path downward, which closes the circuit. This allows a current to flow along the fault plane. Extrapolating from laboratory data, every km3 of stressed igneous rocks adjacent to the fault plane can deliver 103–105 A. Hence, the current along the fault plane will not be limited by the number of charge carriers but more likely by the (electronic) conductivity of the cooling pseudotachylite vein. The sheet current will produce a magnetic field, whose vectors will lie in the fault plane and perpendicular to the flow direction.  相似文献   
The age of pseudotachylite formation in the crustal-scale Cauvery Shear Zone system of the Precambrian Southern Granulite Terrain (South India) has been analyzed by laser-probe 40Ar–39Ar dating. Laser spot analyses from a pseudotachylite from the Salem–Attur shear zone have yielded ages ranging from 1214 to 904 Ma. Some evidence for the presence of excess Ar is indicated by the scatter of ages from this locality. The host gneiss preserves Palaeoproterozoic Rb–Sr whole rock–biotite ages (2350 ± 11 to 2241 ± 11 Ma). A mylonite in the Koorg shear, ca. 200 km to the north, yielded an age of 895 ± 17 Ma the consistency of the age distribution from spot analyses precludes the presence of significant excess Ar. Despite published evidence for the growth of high-grade minerals within some components of the Cauvery Shear Zone during the Pan-African event (700–550 Ma), the pseudotachylites in this study provide no evidence for Pan-African formation. Instead they document the first evidence for Mesoproterozoic tectonism in the Cauvery Shear Zone system, thus prompting a review of the correlation between the Cauvery Shear Zone system and the large-scale shear zones located elsewhere in eastern Gondwana.  相似文献   
古震源实体初步研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
张家声  周春平 《地震地质》1992,14(2):165-175,T002
古震源区地震断裂成因的假玄武玻璃显微构造、基质成分及其与区域构造演化关系的研究表明.随地壳抬升和相应的温度降低,在大约10~15km的深度上,长石质岩石先于石英质岩石从韧性转变为脆性性状,是导致韧性剪切带中局部应变不稳定和地震发生的主要原因。对地震断层岩石的多样性和地震成因的二相变形理论模型进行了讨论  相似文献   
The unique combination of its large size (250-300 km diameter), deep levels of erosion (>7 km), and widespread regional mining activity make the Vredefort impact structure in South Africa an exceptional laboratory for the study of impact-related deformation phenomena in the rocks beneath giant, complex impact craters. Two types of impact-generated melt rock occur in the Vredefort Structure: the Vredefort Granophyre - impact melt rock - and pseudotachylitic breccias. Along the margins of the structure, mining and exploration drilling in the Witwatersrand goldfields has revealed widespread fault-related pseudotachylitic breccias linked to the impact event. There, volumetrically limited melt breccia occurs in close association with cataclasite or mylonitic zones associated with bedding-parallel normal dip-slip faults that formed during inward slumping of the crater walls, and in rare subvertical faults oriented radially to the center of the structure. This association is consistent with formation of pseudotachylites by frictional melting. On the other hand, rocks in the Vredefort Dome - the central uplift of the impact structure - contain ubiquitous melt breccias that range in size from sub-millimeter pods and veinlets to dikes up to tens of meters wide and hundreds of meters long. Like fault-related pseudotachylites in the goldfields and elsewhere in the world, they display a close geochemical relationship to their wallrocks, indicating local derivation. However, although mm/cm- to, rarely, dm-scale offsets are commonly found along their margins, they do not appear to be associated with broader fault zones, are commonly considerably more voluminous than most known fault-related pseudotachylites, and show no consistent relationship between melt volumes and slip magnitude. Recent petrographic observations indicate that at least some of these melt breccias formed by shock melting, with or without frictional melting. Consequently, the non-genetic term “pseudotachylitic breccia” has been adopted for these Vredefort occurrences. These breccias formed during the impact in rocks at temperatures ranging from greenschist to granulite facies, and were subsequently annealed to varying degrees during cooling of the central uplift.In addition to the pseudotachylitic breccias, nine clast-laden impact melt dikes (Vredefort Granophyre), each up to several kilometers long, occur in vertical radial and tangential fractures in the Vredefort Dome. Unlike the pseudotachylitic breccias, they display a remarkably uniform bulk composition and clast populations that are largerly independent of their wallrocks, and they contain geochemical traces of the impactor. They represent intrusive offshoots of the homogenized impact melt body that originally lay within the crater. U-Pb single zircon and Ar-Ar dating indicates that the Vredefort Granophyre and pseudotachylitic breccias, and the Witwatersrand pseudotachylites all formed at 2020±5 Ma - the age of the impact event, making the breccias a convenient time marker in the evolution of the structurally complex Witwatersrand basin with its unique gold deposits.  相似文献   
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