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This paper analyzes the backscatter of the microwave signal in a boreal forest environment based on a Ku -band airborne Frequency-Modulated Continuous Waveform (FMCW) profiling radar—Tomoradar. We selected a half-managed boreal forest in the southern part of Finland for a field test. By decomposing the waveform collected by the Tomoradar, the vertical canopy structure was achieved. Based on the amplitude of the waveform, the Backscattered Energy Ratio of Canopy-to-Total (BERCT) was calculated. Meanwhile, the canopy fraction was derived from the corresponding point cloud recorded by a Velodyne VLP-16 LiDAR mounted on the same platform. Lidar-derived canopy fraction was obtained by counting the number of the first/ the strongest returns versus the total amount of returns. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of radar-derived BERCT on lidar-derived canopy fraction and canopy height are investigated. A fitted model is derived to describe the Ku-band microwave backscatter in the boreal forest to numerically analyze the proportion contributed by four factors: lidar-derived canopy fraction, radar-derived canopy height, the radar-derived distance between trees and radar sensor and other factors, from co-polarization Tomoradar measurements. The Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) of the proposed model was 0.0958, and the coefficient of determination R2 was 0.912. The fitted model reveals that the correlation coefficient between radar-derived BERCT and lidar-derived canopy fraction is 0.84, which illustrates that lidar surface reflection explains the majority of the profiling /waveform radar response. Thus, vertical canopy structure derived from lidar can be used for the benefit of radar analysis.  相似文献   
In this study, planform adjustment began during a period of calm weather immediately after nourishment and then the passage of one strong storm caused a substantial portion of the total profile equilibration. Weekly beach profiles, shoreline surveys, and nearshore wave measurements were conducted before, during, and immediately after construction of the 1100-m long Upham Beach nourishment project on the low-energy, west coast of Florida. This project was constructed in three segments: the wide north segment, the central segment, and the narrow south segment. With the exception of the relatively distant passage of Hurricane Charley, calm weather prevailed for 45 days following completion of the south and central segments. Construction of the wide north segment was completed on August 27, 2004. Substantial planform diffusion occurred prior to construction completion via formation of a 300-m long spit extending from the wide north segment. The shoreline orientation was changed abruptly due to this diffusion spit formation, as opposed to the gradual adjustment predicted by most long-term models. Planform adjustment was initiated prior to profile equilibration, and it did not require high-energy conditions. A simple vector sum model for determining the orientation of a potential diffusion spit was developed. This study recommends designing end transitions at the predicted diffusion spit orientation to avoid post-nourishment spit formation during future projects.  相似文献   
Obtaining depth of closure (DoC) in an accurate manner is a fundamental issue for coastal engineering, since good results for coastal structures and beach nourishment depend mainly on DoC. Currently, there are two methods for obtaining the DoC, mathematical formulations and profile surveys. However, these methods can incur important errors if one does not take into account the characteristics and morphology of the area, or if one does not have a sufficiently long time series. In this work the DoC is obtained from the break in the trend of the sediment with the depth, that is, in general with the increase of the depth a decrease in the size of the sediment takes place. However, at one point this tendency changes and the size increases, and then decreases again. When comparing the point where the minimum sediment size occurs before the increase, it is observed that the error incurred is small compared to other methods. If the Standard Deviation of Depth Change (SDDC) method is considered as the most accurate method, the error incurred by the proposed method is less than 7%. In addition, it can be seen that the dispersion of the sediment method always occurs outside the zone of bar movement. Whereas in the methods of profiles survey (using 2 cm precision profiles), sometimes the DoC is obtained within the active zone of bar movement. In addition, where the relative minimum of the median sediment size is found, and the sizes of 0.063 and 0.125 mm predominate in the composition of the sample. Therefore, this new method allows the precise location of the DoC to be obtained in a fast and simple way. Furthermore, this method has the advantage that it is not affected by the modifications that may be experienced by both the study area and the cross-shore beach profile.  相似文献   
A Recent Contamination Trend: Polycylic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Aquatic and Terrestrial Sediments Concentrations of polycylic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) measured in aquatic sediments of small, medium‐sized or very large inland lakes, of estuaries as well as in terrestrial sediments from Germany, the UK, Finland, and the USA were plotted in 10 trend curves over the period from 1800 to 1990. The segments of the bore cores were dated for their deposition age. For comparability of the results, the trend is preferentially shown by the guide parameter fluoranthene. Until the 19th century, a constant background value of CFluo = 10…50 μg/kg was observed in all regions. Then a steep increase in concentration followed, reaching in the aquatic sediments a maximum in the period 1940 to 1965, while the individual fluoranthene values ranged widely from 90 to 2400 μg/kg. In several regions, a more or less distinct decrease superseded this maximum, although this development did not appear in terrestrial sediments, in one estuary, and in remote forest lakes in Finland. The trend curves reflect the atmospheric deposition of PAHs in airborne dust and in some cases the import through runoff via rivers. Thus, the sediment profiles depict the development of air pollution by pyrogenic contaminants over more than a century. Sediment profiles from rivers can be used only with a high degree of reservation, because of the irregularity and low representativity of the sedimentation.  相似文献   
1999年 3月 15日克孜尔地震之后对克孜尔水库坝体出现的裂缝进行了面波勘探。首先介绍了面波勘探法的基本原理 ,然后通过典型剖面检测与资料处理找出异常区、带并进行解释。试验表明面波勘探法适用于克孜尔水库大坝监测  相似文献   
以镇海、奉化分别作为宁波沿海和内陆空气质量代表站。基于代表站2013-2017年污染物资料和2015年12月至2017年2月冬季激光雷达资料,对比分析宁波地区沿海和内陆站点的空气质量差异;利用NCEP的GDAS(Global Data Assimilation System)资料和ERA-Interim高分辨率再分析资料评估两地气溶胶来源及大气自净能力差异。结果表明:宁波沿海和内陆地区中度及以上污染主要集中于冬季,冬季首要污染物以PM2.5为主;镇海NO2浓度较奉化显著偏高,而两地PM2.5 和PM10 浓度差异较小。冬季镇海和奉化3km以下都存在消光系数大的气溶胶集中层,镇海3km内消光系数平均值较奉化偏高约40%。两地中度及以上污染时,镇海和奉化的气溶胶粒子主要来自宁波西北方向的内陆地区,比例分别为90%和63%,镇海地区其余10%左右来自近距离低空偏东气流的输送,而奉化地区有37%来自浙江西南部的短距离输送。冬季当宁波地区出现区域性优和中度以上污染时,浙江北部沿海分别盛行东北风和西北风,空气质量优时混合层内平均风速大于中度以上污染时。浙江省大气自净能力比值呈自西北向东南减小,宁波地区优等空气质量大气自净能力约为中度以上污染的 1.5倍。大气自净能力在不同空气质量等级下差异显著,可作为大气污染发生、发展和消退判定的参考依据。  相似文献   
利用塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地塔中站2006年4月10日一次强沙尘暴前后连续5天地面、土壤中、以及80 m高塔站梯度观测系统的各气象要素资料,详细地分析了该沙尘暴前后不同沙尘天气日各要素的变化特征.结果表明:这次沙尘暴是南疆气温持续回暖、热低压强烈发展、沙尘暴和浮尘天气持续时间长的一次南疆东灌型强沙尘暴过程.温、湿廓线在沙尘暴过境时,因强湍流交换,整个近地层大气基本上处于中性层结,沙尘暴日为降温增湿的过程;沙尘暴日前后大气层结发生了转变,破坏了晴天正常的逆温、逆湿结构.风速廓线在沙尘暴日满足对数律关系,而在沙尘暴日前后的天气里,风速较小,规律性差.沙尘暴过境时0O cm和5 cm地温变化趋势与1.5 m气温相似,过境前1.5 m气温比5 cm地温达到峰值的时间约提前1~2 h,过境后反而又滞后1~2 h.  相似文献   
根据丘陵浅山地区8个测点低空风速实测资料进行风速廓线拟合,求得风速幂指数,将大气环境质量预测中的风速模式化,用来预测大气污染物的浓度分布。  相似文献   
陈志坚  李筱艳 《江苏地质》2000,24(3):144-147
绘制隧洞地质展示图是施工过程中客观反映洞室围岩地质条件的有效方法,但由于其表示的信息较简单且采集不便,难以进行深入的空间地质信息分析。应用AutoCAD内嵌语言AutoCAD,编制和于切制横剖面和高程平切面图的程序,供AutoCAD调用。在洞群区,分别在各洞室切制统一的横剖面图和其一高程的平切面图,构成洞群区三维空间地质信息系统的模型,为进一步的空间分析提供依据。  相似文献   
本文用日本电离层探测卫星ISS-b的资料,假设F2层峰顶以上电离层中各类离子随高度呈扩散平衡分布,得到了太阳活动高年(1978年8月—1979年8月)确定顶外电离层电子密度剖面形状的一个重要参数,即O+—H+离子过渡高度hT的一些变化特征.指出hT的日变化特性主要受电离层中O+离子的产生与复合作用的控制.太阳活动高年在不同纬度和所有经度区域,平均说来日间hT为大约1500—2500km变化,而夜间位于800—1400km,冬夜甚至接近中性氢、氧原子的化学平衡高度.过渡高度也表现出明显的纬度关系,在接近±20°的磁赤道地区,hT基本上不随纬度变化;但在大于±30°磁纬区域hT随纬度很快增加.义中还就hT随时间和地磁(或地理)纬度变化的机制作了简要讨论.  相似文献   
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