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At sufficiently high temperatures and/or long periods, the elastic behaviour of crystalline material gives way progressively to viscoelastic behaviour associated with the stress-induced migration of crystal defects. This transition is marked by the onset of appreciable strain energy dissipation accompanied by frequency dependence (dispersion) of the shear modulus and elastic wave speeds. Ultrasonic interferometry and torsional forced-oscillation techniques can be used to probe the low-amplitude stress-strain behaviour of fine-grained polycrystalline material in two very different frequency ranges, respectively 10-100 MHz and 1 mHz-1 Hz. Here we demonstrate and apply these two complementary methods in a study of the high-temperature mechanical behaviour of a fine-grained synthetic olivine polycrystal. At the high frequencies of ultrasonic interferometry, the shear wave speed varies linearly with temperature between room temperature and the highest experimentally accessible temperature (1300 °C) in close accord with expectations based on similarly high-frequency studies of the elastic behaviour of single-crystal olivine. However, at teleseismic frequencies (<1 Hz) and temperatures >900 °C, the shear wave speed becomes much more strongly temperature-sensitive reflecting markedly viscoelastic behaviour. Newly emerging laboratory-derived constraints on this viscoelastic enhancement of the temperature sensitivity of seismic wave speeds and its grain-size dependence will provide a more robust interpretation of seismological models for the variation of wave speeds and attenuation within the Earth's interior.  相似文献   
The pipe shapes, infill and emplacement processes of the Attawapiskat kimberlites, including Victor, contrast with most of the southern African kimberlite pipes. The Attawapiskat kimberlite pipes are formed by an overall two-stage process of (1) pipe excavation without the development of a diatreme (sensu stricto) and (2) subsequent pipe infilling. The Victor kimberlite comprises two adjacent but separate pipes, Victor South and Victor North. The pipes are infilled with two contrasting textural types of kimberlite: pyroclastic and hypabyssal-like kimberlite. Victor South and much of Victor North are composed of pyroclastic spinel carbonate kimberlites, the main features of which are similar: clast-supported, discrete macrocrystal and phenocrystal olivine grains, pyroclastic juvenile lapilli, mantle-derived xenocrysts and minor country rock xenoliths are set in serpentine and carbonate matrices. These partly bedded, juvenile lapilli-bearing olivine tuffs appear to have been formed by subaerial fire-fountaining airfall processes.

The Victor South pipe has a simple bowl-like shape that flares from just below the basal sandstone of the sediments that overlie the basement. The sandstone is a known aquifer, suggesting that the crater excavation process was possibly phreatomagmatic. In contrast, the pipe shape and internal geology of Victor North are more complex. The northwestern part of the pipe is dominated by dark competent rocks, which resemble fresh hypabyssal kimberlite, but have unusual textures and are closely associated with pyroclastic juvenile lapilli tuffs and country rock breccias±volcaniclastic kimberlite. Current evidence suggests that the hypabyssal-like kimberlite is, in fact, not intrusive and that the northwestern part of Victor North represents an early-formed crater infilled with contrasting extrusive kimberlites and associated breccias. The remaining, main part of Victor North consists of two macroscopically similar, but petrographically distinct, pyroclastic kimberlites that have contrasting macrodiamond sample grades. The juvenile lapilli of each pyroclastic kimberlite can be distinguished only microscopically. The nature and relative modal proportion of primary olivine phenocrysts in the juvenile lapilli are different, indicating that they derive from different magma pulses, or phases of kimberlite, and thus represent separate eruptions. The initial excavation of a crater cross-cutting the earlier northwestern crater was followed by emplacement of phase (i), a low-grade olivine phenocryst-rich pyroclastic kimberlite, and the subsequent eruption of phase (ii), a high-grade olivine phenocryst-poor pyroclastic kimberlite, as two separate vents nested within the original phase (i) crater. The second eruption was accompanied by the formation of an intermediate mixed zone with moderate grade. Thus, the final pyroclastic pipe infill of the main part of the Victor North pipe appears to consist of at least three geological/macrodiamond grade zones.

In conclusion, the Victor kimberlite was formed by several eruptive events resulting in adjacent and cross-cutting craters that were infilled with either pyroclastic kimberlite or hypabyssal-like kimberlite, which is now interpreted to be of probable extrusive origin. Within the pyroclastic kimberlites of Victor North, there are two nested vents, a feature seldom documented in kimberlites elsewhere. This study highlights the meaningful role of kimberlite petrography in the evaluation of diamond deposits and provides further insight into kimberlite emplacement and volcanism.  相似文献   

王霏  刘曦  郑海飞  张立飞 《岩石学报》2015,31(7):1891-1900
橄榄石既是上地幔的主要矿物,又是俯冲板块的主要矿物。在正常地幔温度条件下,橄榄石中原子之间的振动是非谐振动,这已成为学界共识;然而,对于俯冲带的较低温情况,橄榄石中原子之间的振动的非谐性是否重要,目前还没有比较一致的结论。本研究利用透射红外光谱的方法,系统研究了室温下不同厚度橄榄石中硅氧四面体的红外光谱特征,并着重对其在2100~1500cm-1区域形成的二倍频峰/合频峰进行了指认。在此基础上,本研究通过采集不同温度下的透射红外光谱数据(最高温度达约450℃),确立了橄榄石中硅氧四面体的相应基频峰及二倍频峰峰位对温度的依赖性,进而得出其相应红外振动的非谐系数(χ)随温度(T)的变化关系,具体为:χ838=6.37(2)×10-7×T+0.0014(1)及χ993=7.86(3)×10-7×T+0.0015(1),其中温度的单位为℃。外推到600℃时,有χ838=0.0018(1)及χ993=0.0020(2)。这些结果表明,在俯冲带的较低温条件下,橄榄石中硅氧四面体的内部振动的非谐性可能不重要。  相似文献   
Shear deformation of hot pressed plagioclase–olivine aggregates was studied in the presence and absence of mineral reaction. Experiments were performed at 900 °C, 1500 MPa, and a constant shear strain rate of 5×10−5 s−1 in a solid medium apparatus. Whether the mineral reaction between plagioclase and olivine takes place or not is controlled by choosing the appropriate plagioclase composition; labradorite (An60) does not react, anorthite (An92) does. Labradorite–olivine aggregates deformed without reaction are very strong and show strain hardening throughout the experiment. Syndeformational reaction between olivine and anorthite causes a pronounced strain weakening. The reaction produces fine-grained opx–cpx–spinel aggregates, which accommodate a large fraction of the finite strain. Deformation and reaction are localised within a 0.5-mm-wide sample. Three representative samples were analysed for their fabric anisotropy R* and shape-preferred orientation α* (fabric angle with the shear plane) using the autocorrelation function (ACF). Fabric anisotropy can be calibrated to quantify strain variations across the sheared samples. In the deformed and reacted anorthite–olivine aggregate, there is a strong correlation between reaction progress and strain; regions of large shear strain correspond to regions of maximum reaction progress. Within the sample, the derived strain rate variations range up to almost one order of magnitude.  相似文献   
首次对采自青岛即墨WN部两个深钻孔中新鲜玄武岩样品进行Rb-Sr同位素测年,测定年龄值为65.77±13.6Ma。认为该年龄值代表了胶莱盆地东南缘基性火山熔岩喷发的时代上限,对于整个胶莱盆地中基性火山岩的划分和对比具重要的年代学意义。  相似文献   
The origin of compositional heterogeneities among the magmas parental to mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB) was investigated using a single rock piece of the olivine-phyric basalt from 43°N, Mid-Atlantic Ridge (AII D11-177). The exceptional feature of this sample is presence of very primitive olivine crystals (90–91 mol% Fo) that are significantly variable in terms of CaO (0.15–0.35 wt%). A population of low-Ca olivine (0.15–0.25 wt% CaO) is also notably distinct from high-Ca olivine population in AII D11-177, and primitive MORB olivine in general, in having unusual assemblage of trapped mineral and glass inclusions. Mineral inclusions are represented by high-magnesian (Mg# 90.7–91.1 mol%) orthopyroxene and Cr-spinel, distinctly enriched in TiO2 (up to 5 wt%, c.f. <1 wt% in common MORB spinel). Glass inclusions associated with orthopyroxene and high-Ti Cr-spinel have andesitic compositions (53–58 wt% SiO2). Compared to the pillow-rim glass and “normal” MORB inclusions, the Si-rich glass inclusions in low-Ca olivine have strongly reduced Ca and elevated concentrations of Ti, Na, K, P, Cl, and highly incompatible trace elements. Strong variability is recorded among glass inclusions within a single olivine phenocrysts. We argue that the observed compositional anomalies are mineralogically controlled, and thus may arise from the interaction between hot MORB magmas and crystal cumulates in the oceanic crust or magma chamber.  相似文献   
岩石高温高压变形实验是了解地球内部物质流动特性的最直接的手段 .本文概述了近年来岩石流变实验研究的一些成果 ,重点总结了水和部分熔融对上地幔顶部橄榄石流变行为的影响 ,以及地壳多相岩石流变实验研究的一些成果 .  相似文献   
野外地质观察发现,在大陆地壳变质岩中可以广泛观察到围绕一个大的单晶或者硬质点的两端区域填充低粘度相物质形成的压力影。为了定量研究岩石材料中压力影的形成条件,本文利用高精度Paterson气体介质变形装置,对含有刚性球的圣卡罗橄榄石和洋中脊玄武岩(MORB)的混合物圆柱型样品进行了高温高压扭转变形试验。变形实验前样品的初始熔融均匀分布,比例为φ≈0.05,变形试件尺寸为D8.9mm×L5.5mm,内含8粒直径约1mm的刚性球。扭转变形试验温度为1473K,围压为300MPa,应变率为γ≈1×10~(-4)s~(-1),最大剪切变形为γ≈4。实验结果表明,岩石受到扭转力的作用产生变形之后,当局部剪切应变达到γ≈1时,可以在刚性球周围形成熔融富集带和熔融贫乏带,即压力影构造,围绕刚性球对称分布。由于熔融分布的不均一性,富集带熔融比例上升,最高可以达到φ_(high)=0.1~0.3,熔融贫乏带熔融比例下降,含量为φ_(low)=0.01~0.02。由于刚性球对其周围的压力分布的扰动区域大约为刚性球的尺度范围,因此,在离开刚性球一定距离后,熔融趋于均匀分布。  相似文献   
高温高压下橄榄石含水实验和软流圈成因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高温高压橄榄石含水实验表明,水进入橄榄石能加速其塑性形变,促进了地幔塑性流动,为上部软流圈成因提供一种新的可能依据。  相似文献   
人工多晶橄榄石样品孔隙压缩高温高压实验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
人工制备多晶橄榄石样品的高孔隙度是实验关注的问题之一。本文着重研究在给定温度条件下人工多晶橄榄石样品高温高压孔隙压缩问题。文中给出了含水的湿样品和干燥样品孔隙度与实验压力的关系曲线,并提出了衡量样品压实程度的压实系数Vo/V的概念。  相似文献   
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