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本文结合苏州城市地质调查工作,综合考虑沉积时代、成因类型、沉积环境及土性特征等要素,对东部堆积平原区进行了工程地质层组划分,并对城市地质体的关键持力层组和软弱敏感层进行了判识。采用自由活塞薄壁取样器和冷冻掰断-黏贴法,制作了用于微观结构分析的土样。基于扫描电镜图像的处理分析,对苏州软弱敏感层的软土微观尺度结构特征进行了对比研究,得到了原状土天然状态下的微观结构类型,颗粒排列的定向特征,颗粒偏心度,定向概率熵等量化指标。研究表明:苏州软弱敏感层的颗粒长轴与水平x轴的夹角分布区间较为集中,土体的各向异性程度相对较低; 滨浅海相沉积环境以及晚第四纪以来海侵、海退的水动力作用导致⑦层软土的定向概率熵和颗粒偏心度在(0.6,1.0)区间内的分布概率值较高。上述工作为深入理解其基本工程性质,建立土体沉积环境、微观结构与宏观工程特性的联系提供了重要的试验依据。  相似文献   
马兰黄土动强度及其微结构变化实验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄土斜坡灾害已经成为黄土地区农村城镇化及交通建设的瓶颈,是当前地质灾害领域的研究热点.因震(振)动影响而降低黄土强度、改变黄土自身结构形态的研究是揭示黄土斜坡灾变机理的基础.基于GDS试验系统,采用应变控制等效正弦波逐级加载方式,进行马兰黄土动三轴试验;利用扫描电镜,观察马兰黄土试验前后微结构变化.试验结果表明:马兰黄...  相似文献   
海绵骨针特性及其仿生学研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
王晓红  王毅民 《地球科学进展》2006,21(10):1008-1013
海绵是生长在海洋或淡水环境中的一种最简单的多细胞生物,3个主要海绵纲中有2个纲的海绵其主要骨架与支撑是玻璃纤维状的硅质骨针。近年来,人们发现了硅质海绵骨针独特的微结构及良好的光纤特性,特别是指出了这些特性给人类带来制造光纤的新思路,并很快引起了科学家对其结构、特性、生长机制与调控的生物学、生矿物学和仿生学的广泛研究兴趣。评述了海绵骨针内部结构和光学特性的发现、海绵骨针研究的热点领域及研究意义,并简要介绍了海绵骨针的国内外研究概况及主要工作。  相似文献   
Pisha sandstone is a soft rock found in the southern zone of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region of Inner Mongolia. The presence of soft Pisha sandstone in the middle reaches of the Yellow River coincides with large areas of bedrock erosion in the river's basin, with the average total erosion modulus as high as 44 570 t/(km~2·a). Such high levels of erosion are one of the main sources of coarse mud and sands in the Yellow River. Erosion by gravitational forces such as snow glide and landslip are the main erosion types in Pisha sandstone region. The gravity erosion modulus can be as high as 25 615 t/(km~2·a), accounting for 30.6% of the total average erosion. Our paper investigates the characteristics of Pisha sandstone in relation to the development of gravity erosion mechanisms. We conducted field investigations in Pisha sandstone region for original state rock sampling. Test results from analyses of the rock properties indicate that the mineral composition, structure and microstructure characteristics of Pisha sandstone determine its varying capacity to resist weathering. Degrees of weathering in slightly different lithological layers of Pisha sandstone lead to different erosion rates. In this way, erosion forces combined with the varying lithological strata in the rock aggravate gravitational erosion in Pisha sandstone.  相似文献   
察尔汗盐湖地区盐渍土微观结构及其力学与强度表现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探明察尔汗盐湖区盐渍土的微观结构特征及其力学与强度表现,从盐湖区采集9组不同含盐量的盐渍土样品,对盐渍土进行电镜扫描、直接剪切试验和抗压强度试验,从微观结构上分析了盐渍土的力学与强度表现,提出了察尔汗盐湖区盐渍土颗粒骨架的连结形式。研究结果表明,不同含盐量的盐渍土微观结构形式不同,盐渍土颗粒骨架之间的连结有3种形式:1)点式接触、2)堆叠接触、3)盐晶体胶结;微观结构越密实,盐晶体胶结作用越强,盐渍土表现出越高力学与强度特性;盐晶体的胶结作用是影响盐溃土力学与强度特性的显著因素;无侧限抗压强度显著变化的含盐量拐点为45.74%。  相似文献   
三峡库区泥灰质岩石溶蚀作用的微观研究   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
泥灰质岩石的岩溶,特别是溶蚀作用研究是岩溶研究的一个薄弱环节,同时又是揭示泥灰质风化岩及残坡积类膨胀 土工程特性和成因的关键。通过对三峡库区三叠系巴东组(T2b)不同溶蚀程度泥灰质岩石样品的扫描电镜图象分析,发现泥 灰质岩石的溶蚀作用导致岩石微观结构变化,这种变化可因溶孔形成使岩石力学强度降低,或大量溶孔或残积土变形引起地 面不均匀沉降、地裂缝、滑坡、崩塌和岩溶塌陷等地质灾害的发生。  相似文献   
厦门春季海雾天气分类及典型个例宏微观结构分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
利用2013年3月23日—4月22日外场观测得到8次海雾过程的能见度、雾滴谱、自动气象站资料及常规气象资料和NCEP全球分析资料,对厦门春季海雾宏微观过程进行了分析。结果表明,形成厦门海雾的天气形势主要为3类:冷锋型、低压倒槽型、高压入海型。厦门海雾对应区域存在0~1℃气海温差,这对海雾预报具有重要意义。对2013年4月17—18日典型海雾个例研究表明,西南气流强烈的增湿作用触发了海雾生成,为本次海雾发展提供了充沛的水汽条件。本次海雾平均雾滴谱拟合符合Junge分布;对其微物理量(数浓度、液态水含量、平均半径)演变特征分析表明,主导的微物理过程为核化凝结增长和可逆的蒸发过程。  相似文献   
Spalling is a wave-induced dynamic fracture phenomenon. The waves can be either one: elastic, elasto-plastic, or shock waves. From a continuum mechanics point of view, fracture mechanics and wave propagation form the main ingredients in the formation of spalls. Recently, however, micro-structural effects have become important in the initial stages of spall formation in a variety of engineering materials ranging from metals to rock and concrete. From a structural geology point of view, the rock mass cannot be modelled as a continuum. In this case, a discontinuum approach has to be taken where the individual features of the rock mass such as joints and faults need to be taken into account. From an application point of view, spallation is important where rapid loading by explosives, impact, or energy deposition, occurs. The range of applications stretches from blasting in mining engineering to damage prevention to structures under explosive excitation.

This contribution offers a multi-faceted and multi-disciplinary approach to the study of spalling with special attention to analytical and experimental work. The reader is assumed to be somewhat familiar with the basics of continuum mechanics, fracture mechanics, and propagation of elastic, plastic and shock waves. The application to rock and concrete will show the effects of structural geological discontinuities such as open and closed joints - and to some degree also faulting - in rock, as well as the micro-structure of concrete on the (shock) wave field.

Extensive use will be made of time-space diagrams which proved very useful in practical applications to blasting problems [Rossmanith, H.P., 2002, The use of Lagrange diagrams in precise initiation blasting. Part I: two interacting blastholes, Fragblast 6, 104-136].  相似文献   
石灰膨胀土团聚体微结构的扫描电镜分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
石灰改良土为团聚体骨架结构,骨架是由团聚体构成,孔隙是由团聚体间的孔隙和团聚体内部微孔隙组成,粒间孔包括胶结物孔隙和压实时团聚体之间形成的孔隙。实验证明团聚体越小越有利于石灰与土的结合,微结构为链状结构;石灰掺量主要影响团聚体的表面微结构。在饱和状态时,钙离子浸入团聚体的内部,团聚体的内层也出现与外层类似结构。相同石灰掺量的样品,饱和状态和非饱和状态时钙的重量相对含量的分布有不同,非饱和状态时表面的钙相对较多,越往内部越少,内外差异很大;而饱和状态时,外层的钙比内层稍多,内外差异较小,团聚体内部形成较大的微集聚体。  相似文献   
In the present work, the scanning electron-microscopic observations, electronprobing (energy spectrum) analyses and the analyses of physico-mechanical parmeters have been made for the sediments from two areas of the South China Sea Shelf (i.e., the sea area off the Pearl River mouth and the sea area to the south of Hainan Island); the relaion between the microstructures and the geotechnical (engineering) properties of the shelf seabed sediments has been investigated. Results of analyses reveal the diversity of the micro-structures of sediment and lead to a preliminary micro-structures classification. According to the packing and interconnecting (mutual cotacting) styles of sediment grains, the structure of pores and based on the physical and mechanical parameters, it is possible to comprehensively assess the engineering property of the microenvironments of marine sediments.  相似文献   
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