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我国磁法勘探的研究与进展   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
管志宁 《地球物理学报》1997,40(Z1):299-307
简要概述了我国磁法勘探50年来的研究与进展,主要包括:地面、航空与海洋磁测工作,磁力仪研制与生产,磁异常处理与转换技术,磁异常解释理论与方法,岩石磁性研究,磁法勘探在基础地质研究、固体矿产勘查、油气勘查和其他领域中的应用.  相似文献   
上海地磁加卸载响应比资料分析与地震研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李伟  龚耀 《华南地震》2013,(4):31-38
采用GM4型磁通门磁力仪与佘山台57型地磁记录得到的地磁加卸载响应比值以刁进行地震中短期预测分析,通过对两种设备在共同观测时期得到的只2)值进行分析。结果表明:由不同设备得到的旧值能满足以往的异常判定标准,GM4磁通门磁力仪得到的P(Z)值映震能力较好.可与余山台57型地磁记录仪匹配使用。  相似文献   
通过对2008年格尔木地震台2套仪器记录的磁场变化进行对比分析,分别从GM3仪器三分量(磁偏角D、地磁场水平强度H、垂直强度Z)与FHDZ—M15三分量(D、H、Z)记录的全年整点值、日均值及月均值进行对比分析,阐述了其运行特点,找到2套仪器的一致性与差异性。  相似文献   
通过对核旋仪分量补偿测量原理与磁偏角补偿测量原理的推导,得出对分量补偿电流与偏置补偿电流进行选定的数学方法,并将这种选定方法应用到新一代数字化分量核旋仪的设计中。实际应用表明该方法选定精确、方便适用。  相似文献   
张银贵  张彪 《铀矿地质》1995,11(1):54-58
本文主要介绍G856AX磁力仪在使用过程中,常见的故障及其分析,以求用户及时排除,避免盲目修理。同时,此文对物探工作者、仪器设计者也是有益的参考资料。  相似文献   
磁通门磁力仪的零位偏移量在卫星轨道上会因诸多因素而发生改变.为此,基于剪切阿尔芬波动不改变总磁场强度这一特征的Davis-Smith方法被提出用于计算磁力仪的零位补偿.实际上,行星际空间中没有纯粹的阿尔芬波动.本文采用数值模拟分析了存在小的压缩波动情况下,阿尔芬波动的幅度、周期和相位以及数据窗口时间长度等对Davis-Smith方法计算零位补偿的影响.我们发现,只有当阿尔芬波动的周期与压缩波动周期相同时,阿尔芬波动的性质会对零位补偿的计算产生不可忽视的误差.阿尔芬波动的幅度越大,零位补偿的误差越小.磁场各分量零位补偿的误差大小还会受到阿尔芬波动初始相位的影响.此外,数据窗口时间长度越长,则零位补偿误差趋于减小至真实值.  相似文献   
In this study, magnetic field measurements obtained by the Venus Express spacecraft are used to determine the bow shock position at solar minimum. The best fit of bow shock location from solar zenith angle 20-120° gives a terminator bow shock location of 2.14 RV (1 RV=6052 km) which is 1600 km closer to Venus than the 2.40 RV determined during solar maximum conditions, a clear indication of the solar cycle variation of the Venus bow shock location. The best fit to the subsolar bow shock is 1.32 RV, with the bow shock completely detached. Finally, a global bow shock model at solar minimum is constructed based on our best-fit empirical bow shock in the sunlit hemisphere and an asymptotic limit of the distant bow shock which is a Mach cone under typical Mach number of 5.5 at solar minimum. We also describe our approach to making the measurements and processing the data in a challenging magnetic cleanliness environment. An initial evaluation of the accuracy of measurements shows that the data are of a quality comparable to magnetic field measurements made onboard magnetically clean spacecraft.  相似文献   
Fluxgate vector magnetometers can be powerful instruments in magnetic mapping and in the detection of unexploded ordnance (UXO). Being lightweight and having low power requirements, they allow the development of multi-sensor use. The main problems in using fluxgate magnetometers arise from calibration errors and drift but these can be overcome using a quick and simple method of calibration in the field. This method also has the advantage of compensating permanent and induced magnetic fields generated by magnetized objects carried with the sensors. Measurement accuracy is similar to that obtained with scalar magnetometers. Multi-magnetometer profiling allows direct inversion of raw magnetic data along profiles in order to locate and characterize dipoles typically generated by UXO. The method used is a non-linear inverse procedure that estimates the three coordinates and magnetization vector of the dipole. Application of the technique to both a synthetic case and a field example illustrates the advantages of the method compared with the use of the analytic signal.  相似文献   
南海北部海盆三分量磁测结果分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
1994年,中日双方合作在南海北部开展了海洋三分量磁测实验工作,采用日本东京大学地震研究所新研制的船载三分量磁力仪(Shipboard Three Component Magnetmeter,STCM)在南海北部海盆成功获得了6条共约2 500km的三分量磁测资料。本文根据前人的研究思路实现了对实测三分量磁测资料的处理分析,改进了补偿圆滑滤波算法,首次提出了比原方法更加综合直观表示测区各种磁边界状况的磁边界走向图(Magnetic boundary strike diagram, MBSD)法,并且将处理结果与南海北部海盆已识别的磁条带及其他一些典型地质现象进行了对比分析,发现本方法所揭示出的二维及三维磁边界与南海的实际地质状况有良好的吻合关系,这表明该方法可以有效处理所采集的三分量磁测资料并对研究海底磁性构造体性质有帮助。  相似文献   
本文介绍了浅海海洋质子磁力仪在胶州湾中的试验结果,解决了浅海海洋质子磁力仪在实验室中未能解决的几个问题,已成功地应用于整个胶州湾的浅海海洋磁场测量中,首次获得了近岸浅海湾的完整海洋磁场资料。  相似文献   
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