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水文干旱多变量联合设计及水库影响评估   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
基于东江流域博罗站月径流数据,采用游程理论提取水文干旱事件.选用Meta-Gaussian Copula函数,统计模拟水文干旱指标的多变量联合分布.采用Kendall联合重现期和最大可能权函数,设计给定联合超越重现期的水文干旱指标组合值,并定量评估水库径流调节作用对水文干旱多变量联合特征的影响.结果表明:东江流域水文干旱历时、强度和峰值的统计优选分布均为韦布尔分布.干旱指标之间具有较高的正相关性,Meta-Gaussian Copula能够很好地模拟水文干旱指标两变量和三变量联合分布.基于任意两个变量联合设计和三变量联合设计,干旱指标设计组合值位于同频位置附近,且同一个干旱指标设计值在不同变量组合之间差别较小.水库径流调节作用对于缓解东江流域水文干旱效果明显,同一组干旱指标的多变量联合超越重现期在水库影响下明显变大.联合超越重现期越小,水库对联合设计值的影响程度越大.根据目前水库运行模式,若要满足河道内最小管理流量目标,联合超越重现期10 a一遇的干旱历时、强度和峰值依然达到了约3.89~4.04月、7.20~7.97亿m3和2.99~3.12亿m3.  相似文献   
近60a来新疆不同海拔气候变化的时空特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
全球变暖是当前全球气候变化研究的热点之一,新疆深居亚欧大陆内陆,地形气候复杂,探讨该区域气候变化与海拔的关系对全球气候变化研究具有重要的参考意义。基于1958—2017年新疆41个气象站的月和年平均气候数据,采用一元线性回归、Mann Kendall(M-K)趋势分析和突变检验等方法分析该地区气候变化的时空分布与海拔的关系。结果表明:1958—2017年新疆年均气温、年均降水量均呈上升趋势,但增加幅度具有时间和空间差异。在时间上,北疆四季平均气温增温幅度均大于南疆(冬季除外),四季降水量增幅北疆大于南疆(夏季除外);在空间上,北疆气温和降水的增幅均大于南疆。研究区各个站点气温呈现出南部高而北部低的空间格局,年均降水量北部多,南部低。各个站点气温倾向率总体随海拔增加而减少,年均降水量变化率随海拔升高而增加,在不同海拔带内部存在差异。综上所述,受全球气候变暖的影响,近60 a来新疆年均气温和年均降水量均呈上升趋势,尤其是北疆对全球气候变暖的响应较为敏感。  相似文献   
利用1971—2020年江西省83站国家气象观测站逐时降水资料,采用EOF分析、Mann-Kendall突变检验、滑动t检验、Morlet小波变换等方法,对江西暴雨预警信号等级的时空分布特征进行了分析。结果表明:1)江西暴雨蓝色、黄色和橙色预警信号年平均发布频次均呈“东北多、西南少”的地域分布,暴雨红色预警主要在鄱阳湖南侧存在多发区;上饶市和景德镇市是暴雨蓝色和黄色预警信号发布频次异常的敏感区,且在江西北部与中部表现出较明显的反位相变化特征。2)暴雨蓝色预警信号发布时间表现为单峰型,主要出现在13—16时,其他三种级别暴雨预警信号发布时间均表现为双峰型,主要有上午和傍晚两个易发时段。3)暴雨红色预警信号发布主要在6—8月,其他等级暴雨预警主要在5—8月,各等级暴雨预警信号均在6月发布最多。4)各等级暴雨预警信号发布频次均存在6—8 a的年际周期振荡,目前江西暴雨蓝色和黄色预警信号发布频次进入偏少期,而暴雨橙色和红色预警信号发布进入偏多期。5)暴雨红色预警信号发布频次呈0.70次/(10 a)的线性增加趋势,且在1992年发生明显由偏少转为偏多的突变,大部地区暴雨红色预警信号发布时降水极...  相似文献   
Recent hydro‐climatological trends and variability characteristics were investigated for the Lake Naivasha basin with the aim of understanding the changes in water balance components and their evolution over the past 50 years. Using a Bayesian change point analysis and modified Mann–Kendall tests, time series of annual mean, maximum, minimum, and seasonal precipitation and flow, as well as annual mean lake volumes, were analysed for the period 1960–2010 to uncover possible abrupt shifts and gradual trends. Double cumulative curve analysis was used to investigate the changes in hydrological response attributable to either human influence or climatic variability. The results indicate a significant decline in lake volumes at a mean rate of 9.35 × 106 m3 year?1. Most of the river gauging stations showed no evidence of trends in the annual mean and maximum flows as well as seasonal flows. Annual minimum flows, however, showed abrupt shifts and significant (upward/downward) trends at the main outlet stations. Precipitation in the basin showed no evidence of abrupt shifts, but a few stations showed gradual decline. The observed changes in precipitation could not explain the decline in both minimum flows and lake volumes. The findings show no evidence of any impact of climate change for the Lake Naivasha basin over the past 50 years. This implies that other factors, such as changes in land cover and infrastructure development, have been responsible for the observed changes in streamflow and lake volumes. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The confounding effects of step change invalidate the stationarity assumption of commonly used trend analysis methods such as the Mann–Kendall test technique, so previous studies have failed to explain inconsistencies between detected trends and observed large precipitation anomalies. The objectives of this study were to (1) formulate a trend analysis approach that considers nonstationarity due to step changes, (2) use this approach to detect trends and extreme occurrences of precipitation in a mid‐latitude Eurasian steppe watershed in North China, and (3) examine how runoff responds to precipitation trends in the study watershed. Our results indicate that annual precipitation underwent a marginal step jump around 1995. The significant annual downward trend after 1994 was primarily due to a decrease in summer rainfall; other seasons exhibited no significant precipitation trends. At a monthly scale, July rainfall after 1994 exhibited a significant downward trend, whereas precipitation in other months had no trend. The percentage of wet days also underwent a step jump around 1994 following a significant decreasing trend, although the precipitation intensity exhibited neither a step change nor any significant trend. However, both low‐frequency and high‐frequency precipitation events in the study watershed occurred more often after than before 1994; probably as either a result or an indicator of climate change. In response to these precipitation changes, the study watershed had distinctly different precipitation‐runoff relationships for observed annual precipitations of less than 300 mm, between 300 and 400 mm, and greater than 400 mm. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
选择1997—2002年三门峡库区的龙门、潼关和三门峡3个断面的水质监测资料,运用季节性Kendall检验方法分析三门峡水库水质趋势,结果显示:龙门断面,CODMn、NO2-N及Hg的变化趋势不明显,NH3-N呈显著上升趋势,As、Cd和Cu呈显著下降趋势,而Pb则呈高度显著下降趋势;潼关断面,NH3-N、NO2-N和Hg的变化趋势不明显,CODMn呈显著上升趋势,As、Cd和Pb呈显著下降趋势,而Cu则呈高度显著下降趋势;三门峡断面,CODMn、NO2-N、As及Hg的变化趋势不明显,NH3-N污染呈显著上升趋势,Cd呈显著下降趋势,而Cu和Pb则呈高度显著下降趋势。  相似文献   
Trend analyses of monthly, seasonal and annual rainfall, air temperature, and streamflow were performed using Mann‐Kendall test within the Langat River basin to identify gradual trends and abrupt shifts for 1980 − 2010. Annual rainfall showed an increasing trend in upstream flow, a combination of decreasing and increasing trends in middle stream flow, and a decreasing trend in downstream flow. Monthly rainfall in most months displayed an insignificant increasing trend upstream. Stations with significant increasing trends showed larger trends in summer than those of other seasons. However, they were similar to the trends observed in annual rainfall. Annual minimum air temperature showed a significant decreasing trend upstream and significant increasing trends in the middle stream and downstream areas. Annual maximum air temperature portrayed increasing trends in both upstream and middle stream areas, and a decreasing trend for the downstream area. Both monthly and seasonal maximum air temperatures exhibited an increasing trend midstream, whereas they demonstrated trends of both decreasing and/or increasing temperatures at upstream and downstream areas. Annual streamflow in upper, middle and lower catchment areas exhibited significant increasing trend at the rates of 0.036, 0.023 and 0.001 × 103 m3/y at α = 0.01, respectively. Seasonal streamflow in the upstream, midstream and downstream areas displayed an increasing trend for spring (0.55, 0.33 and 0.013 m3/y respectively) and summer (0.51, 0.37, 0.018 m3/y respectively). The greatest magnitude of increased streamflow occurred in the spring (0.54 m3/y). Significant increasing trends of monthly streamflow were noticed in January and August, but insignificant trends were found in May, September and November at all stations. Annual streamflow records at the outlet of the basin were positively correlated with the annual rainfall variable. This study concludes that the climate of the Langat River basin has been getting wetter and warmer during 1980‐2010.  相似文献   
利用1981-2020年安顺市6个国家气象站的逐日能见度资料和同期地面逐小时降水资料,运用统计分析、Morlet小波分析、Mann-Kendall非参数统计检验以及Pettitt突变检验,对安顺市大雾天气的气候特征进行分析,结果表明:1981-2020年安顺市总共出现大雾1111d,年平均大雾日数为27.8d;大雾日数的季节变化呈冬季>春季(秋季)>夏季,其中冬季大雾出现的频率占全年的44%;大雾主要出现在1月,其出现的频率占全年的18%,其次是2月和12月。近40年安顺市出现大雾最多的站点是西秀区,其次是关岭县;夏季大雾的高发区是紫云县,西秀区是大雾的低发区,春、秋、冬三季,大雾的高发区是关岭县和西秀区。安顺市大雾日数存在明显的准5a、准12a和准20a的周期震荡,其中准20a为第一主周期,具有明显的稳定性和全域性。1981-1996年期间安顺市的大雾日数总体呈减少趋势,且1986-1990年期间减少趋势显著;1996年以后安顺市大雾日数总体呈增加趋势,且2004年以后增加趋势显著;安顺市大雾日数在2003年发生突变,且突变特征显著,突变后的大雾日数较突变前增加了157%。  相似文献   
Drought is one of the most harmful natural hazards in Gansu Province in Northwest China. The changes of precipitation affect the severity of drought. In order to recognize the trend of precipitation and understand the effect of rainfall change on water resources management and drought severity, Mann–Kendall test was used. Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) was calculated to reconstruct the drought at different time scales and analyze the frequency of drought occurrence in the recent 50 years. The results show that the SPI is applicable in Gansu Province. The number of severe droughts differs among regions: it is more obvious as a 3-month drought in the Yellow River Basin and the Yangtze River Basin than in the Inland River Basin, and other droughts at 6-, 9-, and 12-month time scales have the same effect in the three regions. Mann–Kendall test results show that there is an upward trend in the summer periods and a downward trend in the autumn-winter-spring intervals ranging from 10.5 mm/10 years to −37.4 mm/10 years, which affect the local water resources management, droughts mitigation, and agriculture decision making. This situation poses challenges for future study.  相似文献   
伍红雨  李春梅  刘蔚琴 《气象》2017,43(3):305-314
利用1961—2014年广东32个气象观测站逐小时降水资料,采用线性趋势分析、Mann Kendall检验、功率谱分析、计算趋势系数等统计诊断方法,分析了广东小时强降水在年以及前、后汛期的气候特征及变化。结果表明,广东年、前、后汛期多年平均小时强降水的次数、强度、降水量和贡献率的空间分布均呈沿海向内陆递减。近54年来,广东平均小时强降水的次数、强度、降水量和贡献率在年以及前、后汛期的时间尺度上均为显著上升的趋势,与同期广东年暴雨次数和年降水变化不明显有明显差异。广东大部分测站小时强降水量均呈增加的趋势,其中珠三角增加最为显著。近54年来广东年和前汛期小时强降水次数存在3.7年和22年、后汛期存在3年左右的显著周期震荡。广东年和后汛期小时强降水次数在1993—1994年发生增加的突变,前汛期小时强降水次数没有突变发生。  相似文献   
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