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柳成志 《地质科学》2009,44(2):545-559
基于近4500口探井和开发井动态及静态资料,对三肇凹陷葡萄花油层平面和纵向油-水分布规律进行了研究,发现南、北区油-水分布存在差异.北区油主要分布在断裂密集带上,断裂带之间的构造低部位断层密度低,主要富集水,垂向上具有下水上油的分布特征;南区油大面积连片,垂向上具有全井纯油的特征.造成这种差异的原因是南、北区断层成因机制不同导致控藏机理的根本不同.北区断裂为构造成因,是在近东两向拉张应力场中受斜向裂陷作用影响形成的张扭断裂密集带,断裂活动诱导超压释放和流体排放,油源供给不足;南区发育非构造成因的多边断层,超握诱导断层活动释放流体,油源供给充足.  相似文献   
Significant faulting and deformation of the ground surface has been rarely known during volcanic eruptions. Usu Volcano, Hokkaido, Japan, is a unique example of deformation due to felsic magma intrusion. Usu Volcano has a history of such types of eruptions as phreatic, pumice eruption (Plinian type), pyroclastic flowing and lava doming since 1663. On March 31, 2000, phreatomagmatic to phreatic eruptions took place after 23 years of dormancy in the western piedmont, followed by explosions on the western flank of Usu Volcano. They were associated with significant deformation including faulting and uplift. The eruptions and deformation were continuing up to the end of May 2000.We identified the faulting using total nine sets of aerial photographs taken from before the eruption (March 31, 2000) to more than 1 year (April 27, 2001) after the end of the activity, and traced deformation processes through image processing using aerial photographs. We found that some of the new faults and the associated phreatic eruptions were related to old faults formed during the 1977–1981 eruptive episode.The image processing has revealed that the surface deformation is coincident with the area of faulting forming small grabens and the phreatic explosion vents. However, the faulting and main explosive eruptions did not take place in the highest uplift area, but along the margin. This suggests that the faulting and explosive activities were affected by small feeder channels diverging from the main magma body which caused the highest uplift.  相似文献   
The arcuate pattern of the main Caledonian cleavage and associated fold axial plane traces in North Wales is due partly to NW-SE compression with tectonic transport to the southeast against the concealed crop of the Tan y grisiau Microgranite. Low-angle cleavage close to the microgranite is shown to be a local variant of the regional cleavage formed during the main deformation and not an earlier phase as previously supposed. Transcurrent movements along several major fault systems are also related to compression around the microgranite and the Harlech Dome block.  相似文献   
汶川8级大地震的地表破裂特征及分段   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
2008年5月12日14时28分,四川省汶川县境内发生MS8.0地震.地表破裂多以跌水、陡坎形态发育在河流沟谷或晚新生代沉积层内,位移明显.山地受崩塌、滑坡影响,位移量较难获得.发震断裂主要有三条,即北川-映秀断裂、彭县-灌县断裂和小鱼洞断裂.北川-映秀断裂地表破裂由南向北活动性质从逆冲为主逐渐转变为走滑为主,长约220 km,平均垂直位移量约3 m,按位移量沿断裂走向的变化可以分为虹口段、北川段和南坝段;彭县-灌县断裂地表破裂以逆冲活动为主,长约82 km,平均垂直位移量约1.5 m,可以划分为白鹿段和汉旺段,断裂断距分布的几何特征与北川-映秀断裂的中南段相近;小鱼洞断裂是一条新生北西走向的次级破裂,长约5.6 km,平均垂直位移量约1.5 m,调节两侧构造单元变形差异,具有捩断层特征,活动以逆(左行)走滑为主,可划分出小鱼洞段和中坝段.姚都镇地表破裂可能说明南坝以北的地震具有不同的活动特征.活动断裂的运动方式反映区域应力场有北西西向挤压特征.  相似文献   
Compilation of new and existing gravity data were undertaken to assess the nature of the crust beneath the East African Rift System. Using 3D gravity modeling code crustal model of gravity profiles across two sectors of the rift were computed. The results are discussed in light of the structure of the rift system.The results of the 3D modeling of gravity profiles across the two rift zones revealed northward thinning of the crust. The maximum crustal attenuation occurs beneath the Afar depression, indicating the Afar rift undergoes an intense fragmentation of the crust resulting from faulting and magmatic activity. However, our computed crustal thickness below the Afar depression falls within an upper bound compared to elsewhere below tectonically active rift zones. This can be explained in terms of crustal accretion resulting from an impact of the Afar mantle plume since 30 Ma ago.The residual gravity obtained using high-cut filtering techniques reveals significant density contrast between the northern and southern sectors of the rift. The northern part of the rift is characterized by regular patterns of positive gravity anomalies, which can be interpreted in terms of a zone of crustal thinning through which relatively dense materials have intruded the overlying crust. In contrast, south of the Main Ethiopian Rift, the anomalies are characterized by random patterns and low amplitudes. The along-rift-axis variation in gravity anomalies implies that the style of crustal deformation changed progressively, beginning with regionally distributed crustal deformation, such as the one we observe within the more juvenile and wider southern segment of the rift, to localized deformation within the active and narrow rift zones of the northern sector of the Ethiopian Rift. We suggest that the key parameters controlling along-rift-axis variation in gravity anomalies are the rate of crustal extension, faulting and magmatic activities.  相似文献   
鲜水河断裂带在虾拉沱附近的现今活动特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
葛培基 《地震地质》1989,11(3):55-63
本文利用虾拉沱跨断层测量资料,通过必要的数学处理,分析了鲜水河断裂带在该处的总体活动趋势和年周期变化,研究了断层活动在主破裂带及其两侧的分布情况,提出了一个该处断层活动模型  相似文献   
利用8个流动数字地震台和国家数字地震台站的地震波形记录,测量了2003年4月17日青海德令哈6.7级地震及其主要余震的直达P波、SV波、SH波的初动方向和振幅比,应用Snoke(2003)的测定震源机制解的格点尝试法,测定出德令哈地震序列的48个2.4级以上地震的震源机制解.搜集分析了美国哈佛大学测定的德令哈6.7级主震和2004年二期地震活动中的7个地震的震源机制解.基于余震空间分布特征和对震源机制解特征的分析,讨论了德令哈地震序列的可能断层活动方式和地震的构造含义.结果表明,主震和大部分余震都是沿NWW-SEE走向的逆断层错动,北边的上盘可能沿低角度向北倾的断层面向南仰冲;个别正断层余震可能是震源区挤压变形弧顶区附近发生的局部张性破裂;在二期地震活动中,逆断层和走滑断层都有,走滑断层地震主要发生在震源区东侧.德令哈地震活动是青藏高原东北缘NWW-SEE向延伸的挤压带继续处于隆升活动中的表现,这一继承性新构造运动是德令哈地震序列的可能发震原因.  相似文献   
酒泉盆地北侧金塔南山北缘断裂西段全新世活动特征   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
金塔南山北缘断裂是酒泉盆地北侧的一条重要的活动断裂, 断裂西起梧桐墩西北, 向东经长山、 瓜勾山、 鸳鸯池水库、 大口子山到红墩以西, 长约60 km, 走向近东西, 倾向北或南, 倾角60°~80°。 断裂活动方式以挤压逆冲为主, 兼有左旋走滑特征。 通过对现场断错地貌的调查和探槽开挖, 发现金塔南山北缘断裂西段晚第四纪活动强烈, 并有古地震发生。  相似文献   
Faulting in Middle Jurassic reservoirs occurred at shallow depth during regional extension. Clean sandstones (<15% clay) deformed without significant grain fracturing and permeability reduction. Faults in impure sandstones (15–40% clay) experienced significant syn-deformation compaction and permeability reduction. Enhanced compaction during deeper burial reduced their permeabilities further from an average of 0.05 mD at <2.5 km to 0.001 mD at >4 km. Clay-rich sediments (>40% clay) deformed to produce clay smears with very low permeabilities (<0.001 mD). Faulting in the Rotliegendes occurred at greater depth during both basin extension and inversion. Extensional faulting produced cataclasites with permeability reductions of <10–>106; their permeabilities range from 0.2 to 0.0001 mD and are inversely related to their maximum burial depth. Faults formed or reactivated during inversion experienced permeability increase. These results can be extrapolated to other hydrocarbon reservoirs if differences in stress and temperature history are taken into account.The permeability of most (>80%) faults is not sufficiently low, compared to their wallrock, to retard single-phase fluid flow on a km-scale. Nevertheless, most faults could retard the flow of a non-wetting phase if present at low saturations. It may be necessary to incorporate the two-phase fluid flow properties of fault rocks into reservoir simulators using upscaling or pseudoisation techniques. Fault property data should be calibrated against production data before it can be used confidently.  相似文献   
The variety of active, exhumed, and buried limestone landforms of northern England, North Wales, and the Isle of Man arises in part from the way in which Dinantian (Lower Carboniferous) sedimentation was affected by a tilt-block basement structure evolved during the closure of the Iapetus Ocean suture to the north, and partly to subsequent plate tectonic movements associated with the closure of the proto-Tethys ocean, the opening of the Atlantic Ocean and the Alpine orogeny. Landforms created during the Dinantian now form important exhumed and buried landscape features. The Permian half-graben structures of the eastern Irish Sea-Cheshire-Worcester Basins account for many of the contrasts between the upland karsts of the Pennines and the lowland karsts of coastal areas.  相似文献   
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