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The characteristics of the response of equatorial Pacific upper ocean current to westerly wind bursts(WWB)were analyzed in the frequency domain by using wind and ADCP data collected by the Shiyan3 during TOGA-COARE IOP,1992-1993.The preliminary results showed that the response consistedof an eastward surface jet at shallower than 60m depth,a westward counter current centering near100m and a shear layer between them,with the variations of all three being nonlinear and nearlysynchronous.The oceanic responses in the frequency domain were characterized by occurrences of a remotely forced mixed Rossby-gravity wave with period of 8-10 days in the surface jet andcountercurrent at shallower than 110 m depth,and two locally forced waves with periods of 24 daysand 4-5 days limited in shallower than 70m depth.These fluctuations of the responses depended much more on zonal wind than meridional wind.The results also revealed that the oceanic response toWWB resulted from momentum transport and energy propagation assoc  相似文献   
赤道潜流变化及其与ENSO的关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
应用TOGA/TAO实测海流和SODA全球海洋再分析资料,分析研究了热带太平洋赤道潜流的变化特征及其与ENSO循环的关系,初步探讨了赤道潜流变化对两种不同类型(中部型和东部型)ENSO事件的影响。对赤道潜流距平场的EOF分解表明,第一模态为"东太平洋潜流模态",特征向量主要反映东太平洋赤道潜流的变化情况;第二模态为"中太平洋潜流模态",特征向量主要反映中太平洋赤道潜流的变化情况;这两个主要模态基本可以反映赤道潜流距平场的主要信息。这两个模态对应的时间系数有明显的年际变化特征,并且与NINO指数都有较好的负相关,最大相关均通过99.9%的信度检验。相关分析表明潜流第一模态的变化滞后于NINO指数变化,而第二模态的变化则提前于NINO指数变化,即ENSO事件对东太平洋赤道潜流的变化有一定影响,而中太平洋的潜流变化又会对ENSO事件产生影响。通过个例分析表明,中太平洋赤道潜流的变化对两种不同类型ENSO事件的发生有重要影响。在东部型ENSO事件发生前,中太平洋赤道潜流增强,这样西太平洋暖池的异常海温在潜流的引导下快速向东传播,直接到达东太平洋形成东部型ENSO事件;中部型ENSO事件发生前,中太平洋赤道潜流明显减弱,西太平洋的异常海温不能迅速东传速,在中太平洋堆积上升到达海面,使得中部型ENSO事件爆发。  相似文献   
The warm pool in the Indian Ocean   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The structure of the warm pool (region with temperature greater than 28°C) in the equatorial Indian Ocean is examined and compared with its counterpart in the Pacific Ocean using the climatology of Levitus. Though the Pacific warm pool is larger and warmer, a peculiarity of the pool in the Indian Ocean is its seasonal variation. The surface area of the pool changes from 24 × 106 km2 in April to 8 × 106 km2 in September due to interaction with the southwest monsoon. The annual cycles of sea surface temperature at locations covered by the pool during at least a part of the year show the following modes: (i) a cycle with no significant variation (observed in the western equatorial Pacific and central and eastern equatorial Indian Ocean), (ii) a single maximum/minimum (northern and southern part of the Pacific warm pool and the south Indian Ocean), (iii) two maxima/minima (Arabian Sea, western equatorial Indian Ocean and southern Bay of Bengal), and (iv) a rapid rise, a steady phase and a rapid fall (northern Bay of Bengal).  相似文献   
西太平洋次表层海温异常与北赤道流异常海温西传   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
通过对热带太平洋上层XBT温度资料分析,探讨了对厄尔尼诺(El Nino)事件发生起重要作用的西太平洋暖池区次表层海温变暖异常的变化规律,揭示了影响西太平洋暖池区次表层海温变暖异常的形成机制.分析表明:西太平洋暖池区的次表层海温异常变暖与赤道太平洋的北赤道流(10°N)的海温异常存在密切关系.在El Nino事件发生的前期,位于赤道中东太平洋的异常暖水沿北赤道流温跃层潜沉向西太平洋暖池区输送,在西太平洋暖池堆积并向赤道西太平洋扩展,当异常暖水达到一定强度,并在大气的强迫下,异常暖水沿温跃层东传至赤道中东太平洋并上浮于海面,最终导致El Nino事件的爆发.北赤道流的异常海温西传是导致西太平洋暖池区次表层海温异常的重要机制,是导致El Nino事件发生的关键.  相似文献   
赤道印度洋中部断面东西水交换的季节变化及其区域差异   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
采用海洋再分析资料和实测资料研究了热带印度洋中部东西水交换特征。结果表明存在两个相互独立的过程,即北印度洋过程(4°~6°N)和赤道过程(2°S-2°N)。北印度洋过程受季风影响显著,11月至翌年3月冬季风期间表现出很强的低盐水向西输送,5-9月夏季风期间则为高盐水向东输送;由于冬季风期间的输送较强,年平均表现为低盐水向西输送。赤道过程分为表层过程和次表层过程。表层赤道过程受局地风场驱动,有明显的半年周期;4-5月和10-11月的东向流将赤道西印度洋的高盐水向东输送,其余月份相反;向东的输送较强,年平均表现为净高盐水向东输送。在次表层赤道过程没有明显的季节变化,海流全年一致向东,将海盆西部的高盐水向东输送。  相似文献   
南北半球副热带高压对赤道东太平洋海温变化的响应   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
本文利用1974年1月到1996年12月重分析(NOAANCEP-NCARCDAS-1)全球500hPa位势高度场资料,及同期赤道太平洋各海区SST资料,研究了南北半球副热带高压的变化特征及其对赤道东太平洋SST变化的响应。结果表明,全球副热带高压的变化及对SST的响应,在南北两个半球有很好的一致性。全球副热带高压强度的变化与超前3个月SST的正相关最为显着。对SST响应最强烈的区域主要在南北纬30°之间的低纬,低纬地区局地SST对副热带高压也有强烈的影响。从10°到30°纬度,对SST的响应分别落后于赤道2~9个月。在中、高纬大气环流的响应表现为波列特征,对暖SST及冷SST的响应波列基本相反,但对暖SST的响应更为显着。海温和副热带高压的月际持续性有明显的季节变化,副热带高压9-10月的相关障碍可能与NinoC区SST8-9月的相关障碍低点有关。  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONBystudyingchlorophyllandprimaryproductivityinocean ,eitherinthebig scaleorinthesmallscale ,theproductivitydistributionandvariationofmarineorganicmaterialinthetempo ralandspatialcanbeunderstood .Theseaareas ,situatinginthewesterntropicalPacific…  相似文献   
利用COSMIC掩星2009年电子密度剖面数据,筛选数据进行网格划分,网格内数据统计平均,基于球谐函数计算模型值,分析电离层中低纬度地区最大电子密度的地磁季节变化、昼夜测分布相对变化,及地磁活动对电子密度的分布影响.结果表明,最大电子密度昼测值明显高于夜测值,在中纬度部分区域增大明显.电子密度昼测值在地磁活动期间高度150-550 km中低纬度范围为正相扰动,随纬度变化存在区域差异,随高度增加,扰动加强.  相似文献   
An attempt has been made to develop a holistic understanding of upwelling and downwelling along the south-west coast of India. The main objective was to elucidate the roles of different forcings involved in the vertical motion along this coast. The south-west coast of India was characterized by upwelling during the south-west monsoon (May to September) and by downwelling during the north-east monsoon and winter (November to February). The average vertical velocity calculated along the south-west coast from the vertical shift of the 26?°C isotherm is 0.57?m/day during upwelling and 0.698?m/day during downwelling. It was concluded that upwelling along the south-west coast of India is driven by offshore Ekman transport due to the alongshore wind, Ekman pumping, horizontal divergence of currents and by the propagation of coastally trapped waves. Whereas downwelling along the coast is driven only by convergence of currents and the propagation of coastally trapped Kelvin waves. Along the west coast of India, the downwelling-favorable Kelvin waves come from the equator and upwelling-favorable waves come from the Gulf of Mannar region.  相似文献   
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