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本文基于上海及其邻区活动断裂构造及有关地区潜在地质灾害特点的研究,论证了上海及其邻区潜在地质灾害的三种基本类型及其构造背景与成因机理;指出:上海及其邻区楔形断裂系统的存在与活动是诱发有关地区潜在地质灾害的主导因素。文中明确指出了上海及其邻区楔形断裂系统的研究在相关地区进行潜在地质灾害评价与预测方面的应用前景与发展方向。  相似文献   
开发MapObjects为城市绿地管理服务   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李娟  卢文喜 《世界地质》2004,23(2):192-194
从控件技术出发,介绍了对象链接与嵌入技术—Activex控件技术,并将GIS控件MapObjects应用到长春市城市绿地管理领域中。开发出的长春市城区绿地地理信息系统具有地图管理和信息查询及修改功能,实现了地图的放大、缩小、平移以及由空间查属性和由属性查空间的双向查询功能,并以多媒体形式展示长春市绿化情况,为长春市实现科学管理绿地提供了技术支撑工具。  相似文献   
通过遥感技术与地面测定相结合的方法,对北京城市热岛现状作观测研究,得到北京城市地面的温度分布特点。使用北京大学城市边界层模式从气象观点就“楔形绿地”规划对北京城市气候的影响进行研究和评价,模式通过对城市地表复杂性和多样性的特征进行细致描述,建立了一个细致模拟城市特点的城市边界层能量平衡模式,并用此能量平衡模式得到的地面温度作为下边界条件,中尺度气象模式MM5做初始场和侧边界条件,建立一个最小分辨率为500 m的城市边界层模式系统,来研究城市边界层在中尺度背景场作用下的精细结构。通过个例模拟,模式能够较准确地模拟城市边界层的风温场分布情况,可以用来对楔形绿地规划进行模拟试验。通过对规划后的气象场在特定的气象条件下进行模拟,结果显示,建造大型的楔形绿地后,绿地区域及绿地周围约1 km以内的地区温度有所降低,降低的程度由规划前后的地表类型改变的剧烈程度、风速大小及与绿地的距离决定,但是这种规划方案却会因城市的下风方向的风速减小而导致通风不畅。  相似文献   
塔里木盆地吐木休克构造带断裂构造分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
吐木休克断裂位于塔里木盆地西部,是一条大型基底卷入型断裂构造带,构成塔里木盆地次级构造单元阿瓦提凹陷和巴楚断隆的分界。根据系统的地震资料解释,可以将吐木休克断裂分为西段、中段和东段3部分,各段构造特征有所差异。西段,为单一的基底卷入型高角度逆冲断层,倾向巴楚断隆; 中段,除倾向巴楚断隆的主冲断层外,倾向相反的反冲断层越来越清晰,楔状冲断构造的轮廓逐渐显现出来。同时,在断层上盘还发育第四纪正断层; 东段,倾向巴楚断隆的主冲断层,向上断至中寒武统,未断开中寒武统以上的地层,其冲断位移量完全为倾向阿瓦提凹陷的反冲断层所吸收,形成典型的楔状冲断构造。根据地震资料解释,认为吐木休克断裂带主要存在两期断裂构造:深部高角度基底卷入型逆冲断裂带和其上叠加的浅部正断层。前者形成于库车组沉积前,在库车组沉积期间持续活动,并在新近纪晚期定型; 后者是本次研究首次发现的,形成于第四纪早中期,仅发育在吐木休克断裂带的中部。  相似文献   
基于对象的城市绿地信息提取技术的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
依据高分辨率遥感影像的特征,采用基于对象的分类技术,并结合乌鲁木齐市的QUICKBIRD影像,提取城市绿地信息。研究结果表明,此种分类方法具有较高的分类精度和较快的分类速度。  相似文献   
The GISP2, central Greealand, glaciochemical series (sodium, potassium, ammonium,calcium, magnesium, sulfate, nitrate and chloride) provides a unique view of the chemistry of the atmosphere and the history of atmospheric circulation over much of the Northern Hemisphere. Interpretation of this record reveals the controls on both high and low frequency climate events of the last 110 000 years.Changes in insolation on the order of the major orbital cycles control the long-term behavior of atmospheric circulation patterns through changes in ice volume (sea level) and related positive feedbacks.Events such as the Heinrich events (massive discharges of icebergs first identified in the marine record)are found to operate on a 6 100 year cycle due largely to the lagged response of ice sheets to changes in insolation and consequent glacier dynamics Rapid climate change events (massive reorganizations of atmospheric circulation) are demonstrated to operate on 1 450 year cycle possibly in response to internal oscillations in the ocean-atmosphere system or due to changes in solar output. Changes in insolation and associated positive feedbacks related to ice sheets assist in explaining favorable time periods and controls on the amplitude of these massive rapid climate change events.Comparison of the GISP2 glaciochemical series with an ice record from Taylor Dome in Antarctica indicates considerable similarity suggesting that both polar regions experience marked changes in climate. While preliminary evidence points to similar phasing of several major climate events in the two polar regions exact phasing cannot as yet be determined, because dating of Antarctic ice core records is not as well-established as the dating for Greenland ice cores.  相似文献   
晚三叠世龙门山前陆盆地分布于扬子克拉通西缘,属于印支期造山楔构造负载驱动的挠曲型前渊凹陷.其中卡尼期马鞍塘组是分布于底部不整合面之上的第一套地层单元,记录了前缘隆起边缘碳酸盐缓坡和海绵礁的构建和淹没过程.据钻孔揭示马鞍塘组的最大厚度超过250m,显示为西北厚东南薄的楔形结构,从北西向南东依次分布了深水盆地、碳酸盐缓坡和海绵礁和浅水滨岸带等沉积物类型.其中碳酸盐缓坡和海绵礁分布于前陆盆地的远端,呈面向西的条带状展布,其走向线与龙门山冲断带的走向大致平行.碳酸盐缓坡和海绵礁的厚度介于30~100m之间,由北西向南东变薄.在垂向上,马鞍塘组由3部分构成,下部为鲕粒滩和生物碎屑滩,中部为海绵礁,上部为黑色页岩,显示为向上变细、变深的沉积序列.在Li et al.(2003)盆地模拟的基础上,本次对卡尼期前陆盆地的沉降速率、沉积速率、海绵礁生长速率、相对海平面上升速率进行了定量计算,其中沉降速率为0.10mm·a-1、沉积速率为0.04mm·a-1、海绵礁生长速率为0.03mm·a-1、相对海平面上升速率介于0.01mm·a-1~0.05mm · a-1之间.研究结果表明:在卡尼期早期,相对海平面处于初始上升阶段,相对海平面上升速率较小,盆地处于欠补偿状态,沉积了碳酸盐缓坡型鲕粒滩和生物碎屑滩;在卡尼期中期,相对海平面上升速率等于海绵礁生长速率,海绵礁持续保持垂直向上的生长状态,形成了高度达100余米的塔礁;在卡尼期晚期,相对海平面上升速率大于海绵礁生长速率,礁顶的水深逐步变大,导致礁体被淹溺致死,从而在卡尼期形成了鲕粒灰岩滩-生物碎屑滩-海绵礁灰岩-页岩的向上变细、变深的沉积序列,显示了前陆盆地早期碳酸盐缓坡和海绵礁生长并被淹没的特有模式.本次研究成果表明龙门山前陆盆地的底部不整合面和碳酸盐缓坡、海绵礁的淹没过程是扬子板块西缘印支期造山楔逆冲构造负载的挠曲变形的产物,显示了在卡尼期松潘-甘孜残留洋盆的迅速闭合和造山楔构造负载向扬子板块的推进过程.  相似文献   
We have considered the influence of ocean temperature and salinity changes, mass changes of the Greenland ice sheet (GIS) and the isostatic response of the solid earth to the most recent glacial cycle on 20th century sea-level change along the US east coast with the intention of better understanding the observed signal as well as determining the potential of the tide gauge data for constraining the recent (past 50–100 yr) mass balance of the GIS and earth viscosity structure. Our results show that the signal due to steric changes is large and displays a complex spatial variation which can account for a significant portion of the observed signal. In contrast, that due to changes in the GIS is relatively small and insensitive to the specific geometry of the mass balance model adopted. As a consequence, the tide gauge data alone are not capable of providing useful constraints on either the magnitude or form of recent GIS mass balance. Our inference of mantle viscosity structure based on the tide gauge data was affected dramatically when the steric effect was accounted for: An earth model with an upper mantle viscosity of 8 × 1019 Pa s and a lower mantle viscosity of 5 × 1022 Pa s produced the best fit to the steric-corrected data; the optimal fit to the uncorrected data was obtained for upper and lower mantle viscosities of 5 × 1020 Pa s and 1022 Pa s, respectively.  相似文献   
The Laplace domain solutions have been obtained for three-dimensional groundwater flow to a well in confined and unconfined wedge-shaped aquifers. The solutions take into account partial penetration effects, instantaneous drainage or delayed yield, vertical anisotropy and the water table boundary condition. As a basis, the Laplace domain solutions for drawdown created by a point source in uniform, anisotropic confined and unconfined wedge-shaped aquifers are first derived. Then, by the principle of superposition the point source solutions are extended to the cases of partially and fully penetrating wells. Unlike the previous solution for the confined aquifer that contains improper integrals arising from the Hankel transform [Yeh HD, Chang YC. New analytical solutions for groundwater flow in wedge-shaped aquifers with various topographic boundary conditions. Adv Water Resour 2006;26:471–80], numerical evaluation of our solution is relatively easy using well known numerical Laplace inversion methods. The effects of wedge angle, pumping well location and observation point location on drawdown and the effects of partial penetration, screen location and delay index on the wedge boundary hydraulic gradient in unconfined aquifers have also been investigated. The results are presented in the form of dimensionless drawdown-time and boundary gradient-time type curves. The curves are useful for parameter identification, calculation of stream depletion rates and the assessment of water budgets in river basins.  相似文献   
印支期龙门山造山楔推进作用与前陆型礁滩迁移过程研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马鞍塘期龙门山前陆盆地是印支期造山楔加载于扬子地台西缘而形成的挠曲前陆盆地。根据地表露头、钻孔剖面和地震反射剖面资料,本文通过分析前陆盆地早期前陆缓坡型鲕粒滩-硅质海绵礁组合在时间和空间上的迁移规律,标定了卡尼期龙门山造山楔的推进速率。结果表明:卡尼期马鞍塘组是分布于底部不整合面之上的第一套地层单元,在垂向上前陆型鲕粒滩-硅质海绵礁组合显示为鲕粒灰岩滩-生物碎屑滩-硅质海绵礁灰岩-泥页岩的向上变细的沉积序列,记录了前缘隆起边缘碳酸盐缓坡和海绵礁的构建和淹没过程,反映了在相对海平面的持续上升中鲕粒滩-硅质海绵礁被淹没致死的过程。在横向上,盆地结构显示为西厚东薄,并向西倾斜的不对称盆地,由西向东依次分布了深水盆地、碳酸盐缓坡和海绵礁和浅水滨岸带等沉积物类型,显示了从龙门山造山楔向前陆一侧具有泥页岩向鲕粒滩-硅质海绵礁的变化特征。其中鲕粒滩-硅质海绵礁丘组合发育于15~30m深度的前陆同斜缓坡上,呈面向西的条带状展布,其走向线与龙门山冲断带的走向大致平行。并可将其划分为7个鲕粒滩-硅质海绵礁相带,表明卡尼期硅质海绵礁丘和滩沿底部不整合面向南东方向的前陆缓坡超覆,其超覆线和相带的走向与龙门山冲断带的走向平行,显示了7条硅质海绵礁丘和滩是随着相对海平上升过程而向南东方向的前陆缓坡超覆过程中逐次形成的。卡尼期硅质海绵礁迁移速率为18mm·yr-1,其与龙门山造山楔推进速率(15mm·yr-1)基本一致,表明印支期龙门山逆冲楔推进速率与前陆鲕粒滩-硅质海绵礁丘迁移速率具有明显的耦合关系。据此,本次提出了龙门山前陆盆地早期前陆型碳酸盐缓坡和硅质海绵礁的迁移模式,其形成的过程为:龙门山造山楔于卡尼期初始构造负载于扬子板块西缘,导致了前陆地区的挠曲沉降,形成了前陆盆地,驱动了相对海平面的持续上升,前陆盆地处于欠补偿状态,当相对海平面上升速率与硅质海绵礁生长速率相同时,在15~30m深度的前陆同斜缓坡上发育了鲕粒滩-硅质海绵礁丘组合,随着龙门山造山楔不断地的向前陆地区推进,前陆盆地内相对海平面持续上升,逐次在前陆缓坡上15~30m深度的的位置开启了新的硅质海绵礁群的生长窗,形成了本区卡尼期7条带状展布的鲕粒滩-硅质海绵礁丘组合。因此,硅质海绵礁的淹没过程和迁移过程是龙门山造山楔向扬子克拉通推进过程的沉积响应,显示了在卡尼期-诺利期松潘-甘孜残留洋盆的迅速闭合和逆冲楔构造负载向扬子板块推进的动力学过程。  相似文献   
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