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GIS支持下降雨滑坡的启动机制研究与数字仿真   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
大气降雨对滑坡体的含水量和容重均有影响, 该影响具有一定的时间进程, 同时滑坡滑带土的含水率对内摩擦角和内聚力均有一定的影响。本文提出了滑坡启动的两种不同机制。通过降水滑体含水率滑体容重、滑带土内摩擦角、内聚力以及它们与滑坡稳定系数的定量关系及其时间效应, 建立起滑坡启动的速度、推力、方向和启动时间的预测、预报模型。  相似文献   
Northern peatlands represent one of the largest biospheric carbon reservoirs in the world. Their southern margins act as new carbon reservoirs, which can greatly influence the global carbon dynamics. However, the Holocene initiation, expansion and climate sensitivity of these peatlands remain intensely debated. Here we used a compilation of basal peat ages across six isolated peatlands at the southern margins of northern peatlands to address these issues. We found that the earliest initiation event of these peatlands occurred after the Younger Dryas (YD, 12,800–11,700 years ago) period. The second initiation event and rapid expansion occurred since 5 ka cal. BP. The recession of East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) during the YD period and at around 5 ka cal. BP likely played a major role in controlling the initiation and expansion of these peatlands. The rapid expansion of these peatlands possibly contributed to the significant increases in atmospheric methane concentrations during the late Holocene because of the minerotrophic fens status and rapid expansion of them. These ecological processes are different from northern peatlands, indicating the special carbon sink and source implications of these peatlands in the global carbon cycle.  相似文献   
IINTRODUCTIONItisveryoftentoobservegravelpericlesinformofimbricateclustersonmountainousriverbeds.Theparticleassemblagesareonaveragethreetosixparticlesinlengthandformassingle,highlyimbricatedlongitUdinalthreads.Theyneednotconsistofthelargestmaterialonthebed,eventhoughthisispredominantlythecase(DeJongandErgenzinger,1995).Theyaredifferentiatedintermsofshape,numberandarrangementofparticles,butmostlythelengthandthewidthoftheparticlesareafewtimesofthethickness.Willettsetal.(1982)investigatedt…  相似文献   
http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.gsf.2016.10.005   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
The Earth was born as a dry planet without atmosphere and ocean components at 4.56 Ga, with subsequent secondary accretion of bio-elements, such as carbon (C), hydrogen (H), oxygen (O), and nitrogen (N) which peaked at 4.37–4.20 Ga. This two-step formation model of the Earth we refer to as the advent of bio-elements model (ABEL Model) and the event of the advent of bio-elements (water component) as ABEL Bombardment. It is clear that the solid Earth originated from enstatite chondrite-like dry material based on the similarity in oxygen isotopic composition and among other isotopes. On the other hand, Earth's water derives primarily from carbonaceous chondrite material based on the hydrogen isotopic ratio. We present our ABEL model to explain this enigma between solid Earth and water, as well as secondary accretion of oxidizing bio-elements, which became a precursor to initiate metabolism to emerge life on a highly reductive planet. If ABEL Bombardment had not occurred, life never would have emerged on the Earth. Therefore, ABEL Bombardment is one of the most important events for this planet to evolve into a habitable planet. The chronology of ABEL Bombardment is informed through previous researches of the late heavy bombardment and the late veneer model. ABEL Bombardment is considered to have occurred during 4.37–4.20 Ga, which is the concept to redefine the standard late heavy bombardment and the late veneer models. Also, ABEL Bombardment is the trigger of the transition from stagnant lid tectonics to plate tectonics on this planet because of the injection of volatiles into the initial dry Earth.  相似文献   
人工降雨条件下冲沟型泥石流起动试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
下垫面以位于贡嘎山东坡的熊家沟为模型,开展了不同降雨强度条件下冲沟型泥石流起动的模拟试验,初步研究了冲沟型泥石流的形成机理和演化特征.试验研究表明:(1)在强降雨条件下,水体入渗速度、不同深度土体含水量变化与降雨强度呈反比例关系,降雨强度越大,越不利于水体入渗,而有利于坡面汇流、冲沟径流和下切侵蚀; (2)在强降雨和径流条件下,土体破坏方式、破坏程度以及泥石流形成机理表现出差异性.相对较小雨强降雨条件下,土体破坏方式以滑坡为主,泥石流形成模式表现为滑坡液化与转化起动,雨强较大降雨条件下,土体破坏方式以侵蚀垮塌为主,泥石流形成模式为洪流席卷垮塌体和沟床揭底; (3)起动试验中泥石流阵性特征明显.在强降雨条件下,雨强与泥石流的规模、黏度之间没有正相关性,雨强越大,泥石流黏度越小,试验中多出现的是高含砂洪流,而相对较小雨强作用下由土体液化转化形成的泥石流黏度较大.试验现象和结果与熊家沟泥石流起动、发生过程具有较高的一致性.  相似文献   
1 PROBLEM DEFINITION Owing to the practical importance of the initiation of motion many researchers began to tackle this problem even at the beginning of the last century (e.g. Kramer (1932, 1935), Casey (1935)). Shields (1936, Fig. 1) developed a non-dimensional representation based on the measured data of Casey, Kramer, USWES and Gilbert, together with his own data based on investigations with succinite sand, lignite, granite chips and heavy spar. Despite the different material p…  相似文献   
正环境电场中闪电先导的始发和传播   总被引:11,自引:9,他引:2  
为了研究中国内陆高原雷暴正极性闪电放电的特点,中日两国科学家于1997年7~8月在甘肃省平凉市联合进行了人工触发闪电野外实验。利用设在离触发点约3.5km处的高速数字化摄像系统结合在闪道底部的电流测量记录,对在正环境电场中触发的两次闪电的初始先导的发生和发展特点进行了研究。资料分析表明,这两次触发闪电都是由火箭顶部始发的上行负先导传输入云而形成短暂的连续电流放电过程,整个放电持续时间分别只有17和26ms。先导在垂直方向的传输速度随时间而增加,平均值约为3.5×105m/s。正环境电场中的先导在向云底传输过程中可能产生多个分枝,但它们一般只存在几毫秒时间就消亡了,只有少数分枝能够发展入云。主通道的亮度综合反映了各分枝亮度的变化,而它本身又与在闪道底部测量记录到的闪电放电电流变化存在很好的对应关系。  相似文献   
2017年四川省茂县新磨村滑坡的启动具有明显的“锁固段”效应。在现场调查基础上,采用高强度脆性材料制作斜坡模型,开展物理模拟试验,重现滑坡变形破坏过程,分析新磨村后山高位顺层滑坡在反倾节理和潜在滑移破裂面控制下的启动机制,结合“锁固段”岩体变形破坏特征、变形监测数据和声发射信号,研究滑坡临滑前兆。试验发现:受上部滑体推挤,滑源区前部“锁固段”岩体沿反倾节理鼓胀剪出,在坡表形成鼓胀裂缝,在斜坡内部形成顺坡向拉裂面,两组破裂面组合形成阶梯状破坏面,构成“锁固段”岩体破坏边界条件。斜坡在上部滑移块体推挤下,中部形成向临空面高速启动的弹射块体,并带动下部倾倒块体向坡外运动,滑坡启动。故对于此类滑坡,可将沿反倾节理剪出形成的鼓胀裂缝视为宏观临滑前兆;同时在“锁固段”屈服阶段,坡表与坡顶的位移比值随时间先快速增长、后平缓,表征滑面逐渐贯通,滑坡各部位变形逐渐趋于协同,滑坡即将失稳。该比值时序曲线的斜率趋近于零可视为此类滑坡的临滑前兆。研究结论对发育反倾节理的顺层边坡失稳预警有理论和实践意义。  相似文献   
IINTRODUCTIONWhileriverflowsareusuallydeepandturbulent,overlandflowisextremelyshallowandcanbelaminar,transitionalandturbulent.Becauseoftheshallownessoftheflolw,overlandflowhydraulicsisgreatlyaffectedbysurfaceroughness,raindropimpact,andinthecaseoflaminarflow,flui(Iviscosity.Theinitiationofsedimentmovementinoverlandflowisthereforeexpectedtodifferfromthatinriverflows.InriverstUdies,bedshearStressgbhastraditionallybeenusedtocharacterizethecriticalflowconditionatwhichsedimentbeginstomove.At…  相似文献   
The details of the Element Free Galerkin (EFG) method are presented with the method being applied to a study on hydraulic fracturing initiation and propagation process in a saturated porous medium using coupled hydro-mechanical numerical modelling. In this EFG method, interpolation (approximation) is based on nodes without using elements and hence an arbitrary discrete fracture path can be modelled.The numerical approach is based upon solving two governing partial differential equations of equilibrium and continuity of pore water simultaneously. Displacement increment and pore water pressure increment are discretized using the same EFG shape functions. An incremental constrained Galerkin weak form is used to create the discrete system of equations and a fully implicit scheme is used for discretization in the time domain. Implementation of essential boundary conditions is based on the penalty method. In order to model discrete fractures, the so-called diffraction method is used.Examples are presented and the results are compared to some closed-form solutions and FEM approximations in order to demonstrate the validity of the developed model and its capabilities. The model is able to take the anisotropy and inhomogeneity of the material into account. The applicability of the model is examined by simulating hydraulic fracture initiation and propagation process from a borehole by injection of fluid. The maximum tensile strength criterion and Mohr–Coulomb shear criterion are used for modelling tensile and shear fracture, respectively. The model successfully simulates the leak-off of fluid from the fracture into the surrounding material. The results indicate the importance of pore fluid pressure in the initiation and propagation pattern of fracture in saturated soils.  相似文献   
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