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史岚  万逸波  张狄  王茜雯  杨娇 《气象科学》2018,38(5):616-624
以2001—2010年中国地面自动站降水资料为基准,对中国大陆范围内CMPA(CMPA_Daily)降水资料进行精度评价研究,并与CMORPH1.0(CPC MORPHing technique gauge-satellite)、TRMM3B43V7(Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission 3B43)降水资料精度进行对比,并进一步结合高程、坡度、坡向、坡向修正因子分析地形因子对数据质量的影响并探讨不同地貌类型下数据的精度。结果显示:CMPA在年、月尺度上均能较好地反映降水的多寡,与站点实测数据具有较高的相关性,误差波动较为平稳,数据质量及稳定性优于CMORPH与TRMM;从时间序列曲线显示CMPA的精度呈现较为明显的季节性差异,均方根误差夏季高于冬季,相关系数、百分比偏差、平均相对误差冬季高于夏季,总体而言CMPA夏季的误差高于冬季,由于夏季降水的基数大而导致了百分比偏差以及平均相对误差较低;分析地形的影响表明,高程、坡度对数据质量的影响大于坡向与坡向修正因子;在复杂地形下,高海拔与高坡度地区CMPA精度均有所降低,但降水资料的精度仍然优于CMORPH与TRMM。  相似文献   
CMORPH和TRMM 3B42降水估计产品的评估检验   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
成璐  沈润平  师春香  白翎  杨袁慧 《气象》2014,40(11):1372-1379
文章利用2007-2010年中国2447个站点的逐小时降水观测数据对同期CMORPH和TRMM 3B42卫星降水估计产品进行了检验和评估。经过对比分析得出:CMORPH和TRMM 3B42卫星降水资料与地面台站资料的日平均降水量空间分布具有较好的相似性,3 h降水量的相关系数在大部分地区分别在0.5和0.4以上;偏差均在±0.25 mm之间,但CMORPH存在显著的南北差异;平均绝对误差、相对误差和均方根误差均存在明显的季节周期性变化;两种卫星资料能够较好反映我国大部分区域夏季降水日变化特征,但在部分地区存在大的偏差;CMORPH和TRMM 3B42总空演率分别为7.23%和2.63%,总漏演率分别为3.25%和5.50%。  相似文献   
Daily precipitation amounts and frequencies from the CMORPH (Climate Prediction Center Morphing Technique) and TRMM (Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission) 3B42 precipitation products are validated against warm season in-situ precipitation observations from 2003 to 2008 over the Tibetan Plateau and the regions to its east. The results indicate that these two satellite datasets can better detect daily precipitation frequency than daily precipitation amount. The ability of CMORPH and TRMM 3B42 to accurately detect daily precipitation amount is dependent on the underlying terrain. Both datasets are more reliable over the relatively flat terrain of the northeastern Tibetan Plateau, the Sichuan basin, and the mid-lower reaches of the Yangtze River than over the complex terrain of the Tibetan Plateau. Both satellite products are able to detect the occurrence of daily rainfall events; however, their performance is worse in regions of complex topography, such as the Tibetan Plateau. Regional distributions of precipitation amount by precipitation intensity based on TRMM 3B42 are close to those based on rain gauge data. By contrast, similar distributions based on CMORPH differ substantially. CMORPH overestimates the amount of rain associated with the most intense precipitation events over the mid-lower reaches of the Yangtze River while underestimating the amount of rain associated with lighter precipitation events. CMORPH underestimates the amount of intense precipitation and overestimates the amount of lighter precipitation over the other analyzed regions. TRMM 3B42 underestimates the frequency of light precipitation over the Sichuan basin and the mid-lower reaches of the Yangtze River. CMORPH overestimates the frequencies of weak and intense precipitation over the mid-lower reaches of the Yangtze River, and underestimates the frequencies of moderate and heavy precipitation. CMORPH also overestimates the frequency of light precipitation and underestimates the frequency of intense precipitation over the other three regions. The TRMM 3B42 product provides better characterizations of the regional gamma distributions of daily precipitation amount than the CMORPH product, for which the cumulative distribution functions are biased toward lighter precipitation events.  相似文献   
张天宇  桂术  杨若文  王勇  李永华 《气象》2020,46(8):1098-1112
利用1998—2016年TRMM和CMORPH两种遥感卫星资料降水和同期三峡库区气象观测站数据,通过比较干、支流和远、近库区气象站点的降水变化和蓄水前后降水量、雨日、降水强度和频率等变化特征,分析评估了基于两种卫星遥感降水和测站降水的三峡库区局地降水变化。结果表明:库区TRMM和CMORPH卫星降水年际变化特征总体上与气象观测站相符,反演效果在日尺度TRMM略逊于CMORPH,在季尺度CMORPH略逊于TRMM;两种卫星资料对冬季降水反演效果都偏弱。三峡库区干流和支流站点的降水变化总体一致,干、支流各站点降水量均具有较强的年际变化特征。TRMM相比CMORPH更能重现干、支流测站降水的年际变化特征,CMORPH降水年际波动振幅总体上比测站偏大。蓄水前后时段(1998—2003年与2004—2016年)对比,从不同等级降水的强度和雨日、季节降水频率和总量等变化反演效果来看,CMORPH资料分布相比TRMM更接近测站的变化趋势,反演效果略优于TRMM;但两种卫星资料的降水频率和降水量分布与测站的误差在蓄水前后变化都不明显。此外,气象测站、TRMM、CMORPH资料都表现出蓄水后三峡远、近库区年降水量的比值呈平稳波动状态,表明三峡水库蓄水后附近地区降水没有明显变化。  相似文献   
In this study, the authors inter-compared the performance of three satellite-rainfall products in representing the diurnal cycle of rain occurrence and rain rate over the Nile basin in eastern Africa. These products are the real time (RT) and post-real-time (PRT) (bias adjusted) versions of Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) and other sources product known as TRMM-3B42 and the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration Climate Prediction Center (NOAA-CPC) product which is based on the CPC morphing technique (CMORPH). The rainfall diurnal cycles are re-produced using these products with specific focus on assessing effects of geographic location and topographic features. The performance of the satellite products in representing rainfall diurnal cycle shows large variation over the Nile basin. The products overestimate rain occurrence over the lakes, islands, and shores and underestimate occurrence over mountain tops. Overall, CMORPH performs better than TRMM-3B42 RT and TRMM-3B42 PRT in capturing the diurnal cycle of rain rate in Lake Tana basin. However, the difference between the two products is very small for Lake Victoria basin, where both products perform more favorably. Over most of the Nile basin areas, the use of fine versus coarse temporal and spatial resolution of the CMORPH product showed large differences for diurnal cycle of rain occurrence than that of rain rate. Results also show that the bias adjustment of TRMM-3B42 product does not necessarily bring improvements probably since the adjustments are not performed based on local rain gauge data.  相似文献   
2000年以来长江流域未见到很典型的梅雨暴雨,尽管如此,所谓"不典型"的区域性致洪暴雨仍时有发生,甚至造成严重洪涝。利用NCEP资料、常规和SCHeREX计划期间的6h一次的高空探测资料和大量的地面自动站资料、多普勒雷达、FY-2C卫星黑体温度资料及NOAA的CMORPH资料,分析了2009年6月29日00:00(协调世界时,下同)至30日00:00引发武汉严重洪涝的强降水。结果表明,尽管中高纬环流和槽脊系统有"错位"现象,但东亚地区鞍形场的存在有利于高原东侧中尺度低压(扰动)的发生发展。随着高原槽东移和西太平洋副热带高压突然西伸,在四川—重庆地区诱生出中尺度涡旋及明显的低空急流,同时上层冷干、下层暖湿空气叠置而形成较强的位势不稳定层结,在低层辐合场的触发下,使致洪暴雨得以发生。该年有较好的水汽输送条件,主要源地在南中国海。因此,即使在大尺度环流不是非常"典型"的情况下,一旦武汉地区存在有利的天气尺度和中尺度系统,且有足够的水汽供应,暴雨仍有可能发生。  相似文献   
The characteristics of the summer precipitation diurnal cycle over South Asia and East Asia during 2001–13 are investigated based on the high spatiotemporal resolution estimates of the CPC(Climate Prediction Center) Morphing(CMORPH) technique. The results show that summer precipitation over South Asia and East Asia possesses a remarkable diurnal cycle, with obvious regional differences. Over the coastal areas, plateau, and high mountains, summer precipitation peaks in the late afternoon; while over low altitude areas, such as valleys, basins, and inshore seas, it peaks during midnight to early morning. In addition to these general features consistent with previous studies, the high resolution CMORPH technique can depict finer regional details, such as the less coherent phase pattern over a few regions. Besides, through comparative analysis of the diurnal cycle strength and precipitation fields, the authors find that for humid areas the summer precipitation diurnal cycle is especially significant over Southeast China, the Sichuan Basin, Hainan Province, Taiwan Province, the Philippines, and Indonesia. And it is relatively weak over the south of Northeast China, central East China, Yunnan Province, the central Indian Peninsula, and most oceanic areas. Comparisons between two satellite datasets—those of the CMORPH and Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission(TRMM) 3B42 products—are also presented. For summer precipitation and the main diurnal cycle features, the results from both products agree over most regions, except a few areas, e.g., the Tibetan Plateau.  相似文献   
赣江流域TRMM降水数据的误差特征与成因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
阐明TRMM 3B42V6(Tropical rainfall measuring mission 3B42 version 6)的误差特征及成因,对于合理使用该卫星降水数据,并完善其降水反演算法具有重要意义。在赣江流域0.25°×0.25°空间尺度上,对比了TRMM 3B42V6、TRMM 3B42RTV6和CMORPH的精度特征。结果表明,3B42V6的系统偏差远低于3B42RTV6、CMORPH,但平均绝对值偏差、效率系数和探测率均明显劣于CMORPH。TRMM 3B42V6的系统偏差较低的原因主要在于该数据采用地面月降水量进行了校准,而其绝对值偏差、效率系数和探测率明显劣于CMORPH的主要原因在于所采用的热红外/被动微波降水联合反演算法不及后者有效。今后有必要对TRMM 3B42的精度进行全面评估,并改进该数据的热红外/微波降水反演算法及与地面降水信息的融合算法。  相似文献   
分析了2003-2009年基于卫星观测的降水数据CMORPH、 TMPA 3B42 v6、 中国科学院青藏高原研究所的融合数据ITPCAS和基于地面台站的APHRODITE (2003-2007)四套降水数据集在叶尔羌河上游流域的时空分布特征, 并以这四套降水数据为驱动, 利用VIC分布式水文模型对叶尔羌河上游流域的降水径流进行模拟.结果表明: 在空间分布上, 四套降水资料在叶尔羌河上游流域的差异较大, ITPCAS的空间分布与流域冰川的分布较一致, 基于冰川区即为大降水区的基本认知, 初步认为ITPCAS的空间分布比较合理; 其次是TMPA 3B42 v6和APHRODITE; 在流域的年降水量和季节分配量上, 由于缺乏高海拔地区的实测降水资料, 无法准确回答各套降水资料在量级上是否合理; 在时间序列上, 四套降水资料与流域站点降水(库鲁克栏杆站和塔什库尔干站的平均降水)存在着不同程度的差异.但从整体上看, CMORPH数据在一定程度上能够反映流域的月降水变化过程, 而APHRODITE和ITPCAS只能在个别年份对流域的降水描述较好; 在径流模拟上, 卫星降水数据CMORPH显示了作为水文模型输入数据的较大潜力; 而其他降水资料在叶尔羌河径流模拟中, 与实测径流在量和季节分配上可能存在较大偏差.  相似文献   
利用2012—2014年地面自动站与中国区域CMORPH(Climate Prediction Center Morphing)多卫星降水数据相融合的逐时降水量数据集,分析大别山区的降水时空分布特征。2012—2014年大别山区年平均降水量978.5mm,降水大值区出现在大别山主峰的东南侧,降水主要集中在5—7月,且呈现明显的地形降水特征。从时间变化情况看,降水量呈现单峰的特征,7月降水量最大。从空间分布情况看,大别山及其东部地区是强降水的频发区,出现暴雨日数最多的区域位于主峰及其东侧。降水中心表现出显著的季节变化特征,冬季降水中心位于大别山区的东南部,进入春季以后降水中心向西北方向移动,北抬至大别山主峰北侧,进入秋季(9月以后)以后降水中心逐渐向南回落。大别山区大气环流的季节性变化及其与地形的相互作用是造成大别山区出现明显地形降水(与降水随海拔先增加后减小)和降水季节性变化的主要原因。  相似文献   
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