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In this study Chengdu Red Earth (CRE) from the Chengdu Plain (CP),Sichuan province,was analyzed for its elemental (major and trace elements) and isotopic (Sm-Nd) geochemistry and compared with Pleistocene loess and paleosol samples from the Chinese Loess Plateau (CLP) in Northern China.The geochemical composition of CRE is similar to north China loess,and also resembles the average UCC.This indicates that CRE,as loess deposits in Northern China,was derived from well-mixed sedimentary protoliths that have undergone numerous upper crustal recycling processes.However,obvious differences in the geochemical characteristics of CRE and the north China loess are also revealed in our results.For chemically stable elements,CRE has higher Ti,Zr,Hf and lower ΣREE,Ba contents in comparison with loess samples from the CLP.Further analysis shows that CRE has higher TiO2/Al2O3,SiO2/Al2O3,Ba/Rb and lower Ce/Yb,Eu/Yb,LaN/YbN and ΣLREE/ ΣHREE ratios.In Sm-Nd isotopic geochemistry,Sm and Nd content and the εNd(0) value in CRE are significantly higher than those in north China loess.The higher TiO2 content in CRE coincided with a high background concentration of Ti in the Sichuan Basin and the surrounding regions.The lower ΣREE and higher Sm,Nd,εNd(0) values are related to the wide distribution of basalt in the southwest Sichuan Basin.The elemental and isotopic geochemistry of CRE indicates that eolian materials in the CP predominantly come from the Sichuan Basin and the surrounding regions,which differs from loess deposits in the CLP.  相似文献   
活断层是地震的潜在策源地。然而不同的活断层上地震潜在能力有极大的差别。客观地评价活断层上地震潜在能力不仅是地震预报研究的需要,对国民经济建设的布局和抗震决策也极为重要。在这个意义上,对弱活动性断裂的研究与对强活动性断裂的研究具有同样的重要性。本文以弱活动的蒲江—新津—成都—德阳断裂带为例,讨论了该断裂的晚第四纪活动性,断裂带的地质结构以及断裂的切割深度等因素对该断裂带地震潜在能力的可能影响。  相似文献   
成都平原红土堆积的磁性地层学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵志中 《中国科学D辑》2007,37(3):370-377
摘要 本文对四川双流县胜利和黄甲两个红土剖面进行了系统的磁性地层学研究, 并且利用沉积学、地球化学及孢粉分析方法探讨了地层的沉积成因及形成环境. 磁性地层的研究结果显示出, 在两个剖面中, B/M界限均位于网纹红土的上部, 并且在剖面的中下部记录了松山负向期的贾拉米洛正向极性亚带, 说明成都平原网纹红土的母质形成于第四纪中期. 沉积学、地球化学特征的研究表明成都粘土、部分网纹红土的母质与川西黄土一样属于风尘沉积. 孢粉分析结果揭示出, 网纹红土母质形成的第四纪中期, 成都平原的植被为针叶林, 气候经历了温凉较湿-寒凉较湿-温和或温凉较湿的变化. 第四纪中期成都平原相对寒凉-温凉的气候特征是对全球气候变化的响应,而青藏高原在此时期的快速隆升以及冰冻圈范围的扩张可能是造成该区气温较低的直接原因.  相似文献   
针对成都平原落实最严格的耕地保护制度对耕地“非农化”“非粮化”快速、动态监测的需求,本文研究了基于多时相Sentinel-2数据的农作物分类方法,利用主成分分析,降低了冗余信息,提高了分类精度。以2021年成都平原崇州市的7景Sentinel-2多光谱影像为数据源,构建了时序多光谱、时序主成分波段、时序植被指数、典型时相多光谱+时序植被指数等4种分类数据集,开展基于支持向量机的主要农作物分类研究。研究表明:利用主成分分析,能有效提高主要农作物的用户精度,降低农作物分类的错分率;基于典型时相多光谱+时序植被指数的数据集取得了最高的总体精度。  相似文献   
峨眉山是成都平原边缘平畴突起的断块山,海拔3047、水80年前的1932年7月6日,峨眉山建起了测候所,后扩建成气象站,是国家一类艰苦气象站。80年来,免后有159名峨眉山气象人为了理想,付出了青春,为了追求付出了一生,在人生的旅途中写下了无悔的诗篇。  相似文献   
Mercury is a pollutant of concern due to its toxic and bioaccumulative properties. Studies on the distribution and hazard of mercury in the environment are mainly focused on its forms, toxicity and the environment standard, and progresses and results have been achieved. But these studies in the past were concentrated on the scales of laboratory or smaller districts merely, such as a small unit of mineral area, vegetable base, paddy field, lake, etc. Multi-target regional geochemical survey carried out by China Geological Survey from the 1990s to now is a fundamental and commonweal geological survey, large-scale and systematical inquisition and research were conducted in 19 provinces (or municipalities directly under the Central Government) in the eastern overlay region of China, and the purpose is to provide the basic geochemical data for national economic construction, adjustment of industrial and agricultural structures and sustainable social development. Geochemical studies aim at investigating soils in these regions and 52 elements have been tested, producing a great amount of data at the same time. Methods: based on the data from 3061 samples of surface soil and 832 samples of deep soil from the project of multi-purpose geochemical survey in the Chengdu Basin, Sichuan, China, this paper describes the correlation relationship between Hg and other 48 elements and their spatial distribution in surface and deep soils of these areas by applying the method of linear regression and factor analysis.  相似文献   
在分析成都平原水文地质条件的基础上,采用DRASTIC评价方法对成都平原浅层地下水天然防污性能进行评价。评价结果表明:地下水天然防污性能较差和差区主要位于山前冲洪积扇和河流一级阶地、漫滩,占研究区面积的35.1%;地下水天然防污性能中等区面积占36.6%;地下水天然防污性能好和较好区面积占28.3%。评价结果可为地方政府制度土地利用规划、地下水资源保护和制定地下水污染防治规划提供科学依据。  相似文献   
氡测量在成都平原隐伏断裂研究中的初步应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
通过成都平原大邑—竹瓦铺—五珠沱断裂带、双流—成都—德阳断裂带两条NWW向隐伏断裂进行放射性伽玛能谱和氡气测量,对所获得的相关数据进行对比分析,用放射性测量的方法进一步确认和解释了这两条隐伏断裂的存在。  相似文献   
王華文 《气象学报》1941,15(2):73-82
(一)四川冬乾之原因四川地形,周圍高竣而中部低平,具有盆形,故有盆地之稱;東北省境為大巴山脈,高度自一千公尺至二千五百公尺,岷山山脈屹立西北邊陲,約三千至四千五百公尺之高度,西為大雪山,西南涼山,高度均不下二千至四千五百公尺,即正東川鄂界上之巫山山脈及東南方向之武陵山脈婁山山脈,皆有一千至一千五百公尺之高度,各大山脈,環立四周,愈向中心,高度愈減。盆地内部除成都平原為一眞正之平曠地形外,其(?)丘陵起伏,地面相互間之比較高度,约在一百公尺左石。四川地形既由周圍向中部低窪,則省境河流,亦應由四周  相似文献   
提要:成都平原晚更新世成都粘土地球化学分析表明,不同剖面样品的化学组成具有较好的一致性,以SiO2(平均75.24%)、Al2O3(平均14.12%)、Fe2O3(平均5.81%)为主,地球化学特征与UCC基本相似。与北方黄土相比,成都粘土具有较高的TiO2/Al2O3、Zr/Al、Zr/Ti和Y/Al以及较低的Eu/Eu?鄢、LaN/SmN和LaN/YbN比值,这些特征与成都平原第四系深层土壤样品组成一致,表明成都粘土来源于当地,与北方黄土物源不同。成都粘土CIA平均值为78.59,高于北方黄土平均值(69.34),经历了中期的K迁移阶段,在风化过程中Ca、Na、Mg和K是主要的活动性元素。与北方黄土相比,成都粘土Na、Mg、K和Ca亏损较大,表明经历了更强的化学风化。  相似文献   
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