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范广洲  罗四维 《高原气象》1997,16(2):140-142
利用一个耦合了简化的简单生物圈模式的大气环流谱模式(SSiB-GCM),初步探讨了青藏高原冬季积雪异常对东、南亚夏季季风环流和降水的影响及其机理。结果表明,高原地区积雪增加将使随后地夏季东、南来季风明显减弱,主要表现为东、南亚季风区降水减少,索马里急流、印度季风的印度西南气流弱弱。另外,还提出欧亚大陆雪盖与整个高原雪盖和高原东部雪盖对东、南亚夏季风影响的敏感问题。与欧亚大陆雪盖相比,高原雪盖是影响  相似文献   
印度共和国主要矿产资源及其地质特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
印度共和国是南亚地区矿产资源比较丰富的国家,铁矿探明储量175.7亿吨;铝土矿探明储量26.54亿吨;锰矿探明储量1.35亿吨;铬铁矿储量5900万吨;重晶石储量3000万吨。目前,全印度已开发了89种矿产资源,其中有52种非金属矿产,11种金属矿产,22种稀有金属矿产,4种能源矿产。全国生产矿  相似文献   
钻头中心主要从事各种钻具、钻头的研究、开发和营销,自成立以来,依托雄厚的科技实力,先后研制成功了几十种大口径钻具与钻头,研制的PZ系列组合牙轮钻头和大口径无循环钻具分别荣获国土资源部科技成果二等奖,几年来产品直接创产值2亿多元;研制的8系列、12系列镶齿滚刀畅销香港及东南亚、南亚地区,并成功地应用于直径3000mm、孔深50m、岩石硬度100MPa的超深、超大口径、极硬地层钻孔中,在技术上实现了历史性的突破;[第一段]  相似文献   
印度和巴基斯坦原本都不生产茶,英属印度(现在印度、巴基斯坦、孟加拉国和斯里兰卡的全部版图)的茶,是1780年由英属东印度公司从中国引进茶籽,并派人赴中国学习种茶、制茶技术,聘请中国技术人员,然后在这一地区开始推广种植的。  相似文献   
South Asian high and Asian-Pacific-American climate teleconnection   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Growing evidence indicates that the Asian monsoon plays an important role in affecting the weather and climate outside of Asia. However, this active role of the monsoon has not been demonstrated as thoroughly as has the variability of the monsoon caused by various impacting factors such as sea surface temperature and land surface. This study investigates the relationship between the Asian monsoon and the climate anomalies in the Asian-Pacific-American (APA) sector. A hypothesis is tested that the variability of the upper-tropospheric South Asian high (SAH), which is closely associated with the overall heating of the large-scale Asian monsoon, is linked to changes in the subtropical western Pacific high (SWPH), the midPacific trough, and the Mexican high. The changes in these circulation systems cause variability in surface temperature and precipitation in the APA region. A stronger SAH is accompanied by a stronger and more extensive SWPH. The enlargement of the SWPH weakens the mid-Pacific trough. As a result, the southern portion of the Mexican high becomes stronger. These changes are associated with changes in atmospheric teleconnections, precipitation, and surface temperature throughout the APA region. When the SAH is stronger, precipitation increases in southern Asia, decreases over the Pacific Ocean, and increases over the Central America. Precipitation also increases over Australia and central Africa and decreases in the Mediterranean region. While the signals in surface temperature are weak over the tropical land portion, they are apparent in the mid latitudes and over the eastern Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   
紫菜在分类上属红藻门(Rhodophyta)、红藻纲(Phodophyceae)、红毛菜亚纲(Bangiophycidae)、红毛菜目(Bangiales)、红毛菜科(Bangiaceae)、紫菜属(Porphyra),全世界约有134种,广泛生长在全球海岸的潮间带,其栽培生产国主要分布在东南亚地区。中国北起辽宁省,南至海南省都有紫菜的分布,共记载过22个物种或变种,其中主要栽培品种有2个,北方的条斑紫菜(Porphyra yezoensis Ueda)和南方的坛紫菜(P.haitanensis Chang et Zheng)。  相似文献   
美国宇航局支持的一项新研究发现,由于喜马拉雅山上的冰雪融化,导致东南亚和南亚地区气候变化,为阿拉伯海的浮游藻类“疯长”创造了条件。  相似文献   
The results of this study prove that there is significant troposphere biennial oscillation (TBO) in the South Asian climate, especially with the Indian summer monsoon rainfall. In order to explore the mechanism of TBO in the South Asian region, we defined a unified South Asian monsoon index to depict South Asian summer monsoon (SASM) and South Asian winter monsoon (SAWM) and the transition features between SASM and SAWM. Through further analysis, the connection between the abnormity of SASM and SAWM was discovered. Normally, a strong SAWM is beneficial for a weak SASM later, while a weak SAWM favors a strong SASM. Meanwhile, a strong SASM is favorable for a weak SAWM and a weak SAWM always happens after a weak SASM. Such results suggest the evolution of the South Asian monsoon, which may be an important mechanism to excite TBO in South Asia.  相似文献   
<正>英国全球风险顾问公司梅普尔克罗夫特公司最近公布了一项气候变化脆弱性指数排行榜,从排名的情况来看,南亚地区取代非洲,成为世界上抵抗气候变化力量最薄弱的地区,而北欧五国是此次  相似文献   
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