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The structure, functioning and hydrodynamic properties of aquifers can be determined from an analysis of the spatial variability of baseflow in the streams with which they are associated. Such analyses are based on simple low‐cost measurements. Through interpreting the hydrological profiles (Q = f(A)) it is possible to locate the aquifer(s) linked to the stream network and to determine the type of interrelated flow, i.e. whether the stream drains or feeds the aquifer. Using an analytical solution developed for situations with a positive linear relationship, i.e. where the baseflow increases linearly with increasing catchment size, it is also possible to estimate the permeability of the aquifer(s) concerned at catchment scale. Applied to the hard‐rock aquifers of the Oman ophiolite, this method shows that the ‘gabbro’ aquifer is more permeable than the ‘peridotite’ aquifer. As a consequence the streams drain the peridotites and ‘leak’ into the gabbro. The hydrological profiles within the peridotite are linear and positive, and indicate homogeneity in the hydrodynamic properties of these formations at the kilometre scale. The permeability of the peridotite is estimated at 5 · 10?7 to 5 · 10?8 m/s. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The Limousin ophiolite is located at the suture zone between two major thrust sheets in the western French Massif Central. This ophiolitic section comprises mantle‐harzburgite, mantle‐dunite, wehrlites, troctolites and layered gabbros. It has recorded a static metamorphic event transforming the gabbros into undeformed amphibolites and the magmatic ultramafites into serpentinites and/or pargasite‐bearing chloritites. With various thermobarometric methods, it is possible to show that the different varieties of amphibole have registered low‐P (c. 0.2 GPa) conditions with temperature ranging from high‐T, late‐magmatic conditions to greenschist–zeolite metamorphic facies. The abundance of undeformed metamorphic rocks (which is typical of the lower oceanic crust), the occurrence of Ca–Al (–Mg) metasomatism illustrated by the growth of Ca–Al silicates in veins or replacing the primary magmatic minerals, the PT conditions of the metamorphism and the numerous similarities with oceanic crustal rocks from Ocean Drilling Program and worldwide ophiolites are the main arguments for an ocean‐floor hydrothermal metamorphism in the vicinity of a palaeo‐ridge. Among the West‐European Variscan ophiolites, the Limousin ophiolites constitute an extremely rare occurrence that has not been involved in any HP (subduction‐related) or MP (orogenic) metamorphism as observed in other ophiolite occurrences (i.e. France, Spain and Germany).  相似文献   
The mantle peridotites of Neyriz record two successive episodes of plastic deformations; the first one related to the igneous accretion of the lithosphere and the second one developed during the first stage of the emplacement of the peridotites. These two events have been distinguished on the basis of microstructural criteria. The diapiric pattern, particularly relevant to the mantle process beneath spreading ridges, features vertical flow lines and elliptic flow plane trajectories in a pipe and extends along the ridge axis about 5 km. These structures rotate to horizontal and diverge in every direction in a narrow transition zone, a few hundred meters thick, below the Moho discontinuity. Such a diapiric pattern has been recognized in a few places along the Neyriz paleo-ridge. A large amount of magma passed through these mantle diapirs that were probably the main zones feeding the overlying magma chamber. The most common pattern features very regular structures over several kilometers along the strike of the paleo-ridge: the flow plane dips away from the ridge axis, and the flow line is parallel to the spreading direction. This flow pattern is frozen during the gradual accretion of the lithospheric mantle away from the ridge in a steady-state spreading regime. A shear-sense inversion at just below the Moho is commonly observed, pointing to forced asthenospheric flow. The reconstructed orientation of the Neyriz paleo-spreading center is 105°, compatible with the geometry and orientation of harzburgite foliations and lineations and sheeted dikes.  相似文献   
The Sanchazi mafic-ultramafic complex in Mianlue tectonic zone, South Qinling can be subdivided into two blocks, i.e. Sanchazi paleo-magmatic arc and Zhuangkegou paleo-oceanic crust fragment (ophiolite). The Sanchazi paleo-magmatic arc is mainly composed of andesite, basaltic and basalt-andesitic gabbro (or diorite), andesitic dyke, plagiogranite and minor ultramafic rocks, which have typical geochemical features of island arc volcanic rocks, such as high field strength element (e.g. Nb, Ti) depletions and lower Cr, Ni contents. The Light rare earth element (LREE) and K enrichments of these rocks and zircon xenocrystals of 900 Ma from plagiogranite suggest that this magmatic arc was developed on the South active continental margin of the South Qinling micro-continent. The U-Pb age of (300 ± 61)Ma for zircons from plagiogranite indicates that the Mianlue paleo-oceanic crust was probably subducted underneath the South Qinling micro-continent in Carboniferous. This is consistent with the formation time (309Ma) of the Huwan eclogite originating from oceanic subduction in Dabie Mountains, suggesting that the Mianlue paleo-ocean probably extended eastward to the Dabie Mountains in Carboniferous. The high-Mg adakitic rocks in Sanchazi paleo-magmatic arc suggest that the subducted oceanic crust was relatively young (<25Ma) and hot.  相似文献   
北天山晚古生代蛇绿岩带的巴音沟蛇绿岩是该带的重要组成部分和典型代表。传统意义的巴音沟蛇绿岩带在区内分南北两支,南支为贝勒克蛇绿岩带,北支为巴音沟蛇绿岩带,分别代表早泥盆世末和早石炭世末的两条不同古洋壳残片。  相似文献   
Compilation of some new data on ophiolites for Greece and Yugoslavia, and published data from previous studies, indicate that platinum-group element (PGE) and gold concentrations in chromite ores are generally low, ranging from less than 100 ppb to a few hundred ppb. However, samples from several ophiolite complexes exhibit an enrichment (of a few ppm) (a) only in Os, Ir and Ru,(b) only in Pt and/or Pd or (c) in all PGE. This enrichment (up to 10s ppm) is mainly related with chromitites hosted in supra-Moho dunites and dunites of the uppermost stratigraphic levels of the mantle sequence and it seems to be local, independent of the chromitite major element composition and the chromite potential of the ophiolite complexes. The contents of PGE combined with less chalcophile elements (Ni, Co, Cu), the ratios of incompatible/compatible elements, and PGE-patterns provide evidence for discrimination between chromitites derived from primitive magmas and those derived from partially fractionated magmas, although they have a similar major element composition. Thus, they can be used for a stratigraphic orientation in the mantle sequence, and therefore for exploration targets. Moreover, PGE data offer valuable information for the evaluation of the chromite potential in ophiolite complexes. The most promising ophiolites seem to be those which apart from the petrological and geochemical characteristics indicating extensive degree of partial melting in the mantle source contain only one chromite ore type (the other type being only in small proportion) of limited compositional variation, in both major elements and PGE, low ratios of , while PGE-enriched chromitites in the mantle sequence are only occasionally present. In contrast, ophiolites which contain both high-Cr and -Al chromitites, and where their chalcophile element data implies relatively extensive fractionation trend are not good exploration targets for chromite ores, although they are related with a SSZ environment.  相似文献   
王方国 《矿物岩石》1990,10(1):61-69,T004
本文对川滇地区某纯橄榄岩体的地质特征进行了初步研究。该岩体的岩石新鲜,几乎没有蛇纹石化。岩体具层状构造,岩石中发育扭折带、巨晶、碎斑、等粒镶嵌结构、板块镶嵌结构等特殊的地幔岩结构构造。此外,岩石化学及地球化学特征了都表明该纯橄榄岩体属于蛇绿岩层序中堆积的一个组成部分。  相似文献   
GeochemicalFeaturesofOphioliteinMianxianLueyangSutureZone,QinlingOrogenicBeltLaiShaocong;ZhangGuowei(DepartmentofGeology,Nort...  相似文献   
The formation of late‐stage veins can yield valuable information about the movement and composition of fluids during uplift and exhumation of high‐pressure terranes. Albite veins are especially suited to this purpose because they are ubiquitously associated with the greenschist facies overprint in high‐pressure rocks. Albite veins in retrogressed metabasic rocks from high‐pressure ophiolitic units of Alpine Corsica (France) are nearly monomineralic, and have distinct alteration haloes composed of actinolite + epidote + chlorite + albite. Estimated PT conditions of albite vein formation are 478 ± 31 °C and 0.37 ± 0.14 GPa. The PT estimates and petrographic constraints indicate that the albite veins formed after the regional greenschist facies retrogression, in response to continued decompression and exhumation of the terrane. Stable isotope geochemistry of the albite veins, their associated alteration haloes and unaltered hostrocks indicates that the vein‐forming fluid was derived from the ophiolite units and probably from the metabasalts within each ophiolite slice. That the vein‐forming fluid was locally derived means that a viable source of fluid to form the veins was retained in the rocks during high‐pressure metamorphism, indicating that the rocks did not completely dehydrate. This conclusion is supported by the observation of abundant lawsonite at the highest metamorphic grades. Fluids were liberated during retrogression via decompression dehydration reactions such as those that break down hydrous high‐pressure minerals like lawsonite. Albite precipitation into veins is sensitive to the solubility and speciation of Al, which is more pressure sensitive than other factors which might influence albite vein formation such as silica saturation or Na:K fluid ratios. Hydraulic fracturing in response to fluid generation during decompression was probably the main mechanism of vein formation. The associated pressure decrease with fracturing and fluid decompression may also have been sufficient to change the solubility of Al and drive albite precipitation in fracture systems.  相似文献   
北天山巴音沟蛇绿岩中堆晶辉长岩的LA-ICPMS锆石U-Pb测年结果确定:巴音沟蛇绿岩中辉长岩形成的同位素地质年代为344.0±3.4Ma。表明巴音沟蛇绿岩所代表的洋盆形成于早石炭世。综合前人天山石炭纪蛇绿岩及构造演化的研究成果,笔者认为巴音沟蛇绿岩是大陆板内强烈拉张的产物。  相似文献   
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