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The most promising approach for studying soil moisture is the assimilation of observation data and computational modeling.However,there is much uncertainty in the assimilation process,which affects the assimilation results.This research developed a one-dimensional soil moisture assimilation scheme based on the Ensemble Kalman Filter(EnKF)and Genetic Algorithm(GA).A two-dimensional hydrologic model-Distributed Hydrology-Soil-Vegetation Model(DHSVM)was coupled with a semi-empirical backscattering model(Oh).The Advanced Synthetic Apertture Radar(ASAR)data were assimilated with this coupled model and the field observation data were used to validate this scheme in the soil moisture assimilation experiment.In order to improve the assimilation results,a cost function was set up based on the distance between the simulated backscattering coefficient from the coupled model and the observed backscattering coefficient from ASAR.The EnKF and GA were used to re-initialize and re-parameterize the simulation process,respectively.The assimilation results were compared with the free-run simulations from hydrologic model and the field observation data.The results obtained indicate that this assimilation scheme is practical and it can improve the accuracy of soil moisture estimation significantly.  相似文献   
海面风场是海洋学的基本参量,获取海面风场对了解海洋的物理过程以及海洋与大气之间的相互作用至关重要。宽阔的海域面积及复杂的海面状况通常使南海海面上的风场信息很难被及时获取。ENVISAT ASAR是一种全天候全天时监测海面的微波雷达传感器,可实时获取海面风场数据。本文基于已有ASAR数据对南海海面风场进行反演实验,首先将结合高斯曲线拟合的FFT风向反演方法应用于南海风向反演,并参考Cross-Calibrated Multi-Platform (CCMP)风场数据去除180o方向模糊获得海面风向。然后,将高斯曲线拟合-FFT风向与传统的峰值-FFT风向进行对比,最后将准确率较高的高斯曲线拟合-FFT风向分别输入CMOD4模型和CMOD5模型获得海面风速大小。实验结果与CCMP参考数据的比较结果表明,在风条纹不明显的情况下,利用结合高斯曲线的FFT风向反演方法和CMOD4模型风速反演方法可有效地进行南海海面风场反演。该成果对利用SAR数据实时获取南海大面积海面风场信息,尤其是观测点缺乏海域的风场信息,具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   
The C-band wind speed retrieval models, CMOD4, CMOD - IFR2, and CMOD5 were applied to retrieval of sea surface wind speeds from ENVISAT (European environmental satellite) ASAR (advanced synthetic aperture radar) data in the coastal waters near Hong Kong during a period from October 2005 to July 2007. The retrieved wind speeds are evaluated by comparing with buoy measurements and the QuikSCAT (quick scatterometer) wind products. The results show that the CMOD4 model gives the best performance at wind speeds lower than 15 m/s. The correlation coefficients with buoy and QuikSCAT winds are 0.781 and 0.896, respectively. The root mean square errors are the same 1.74 m/s. Namely, the CMOD4 model is the best one for sea surface wind speed retrieval from ASAR data in the coastal waters near Hong Kong.  相似文献   
为提高浅层地下水遥感探测的准确性和效率,开辟遥感找水新思路,首次将空间分辨率为30 m的Landsat-7ETM多光谱数据和空间分辨率为150 m(Wide Swath模式)的Envisat-1 ASAR先进合成孔径雷达数据进行了融合,并利用基于主成分变换(PCA)和小波变换(WT)的融合算法成功地找到了浅层地下水信息异常带。通过实地调查和物探、钻探验证,I、II、III级找水靶区的富水性情况与预测结果基本一致,并在上述靶区找到了丰富的浅层地下水,证实了该方法的可行性和实用性,可为今后地下水快速勘察提供新的技术手段。  相似文献   
Banana is one of the main economic agrotypes in Zhangzhou, Fujian Province. The multi-temporal ENVISAT ASAR data with different polarization are used to classify the banana fields in this paper. Principal component analysis (PCA) was applied for six pairs of ASAR dual-polarization data. For its large leaves, banana has high backscatter. So the value of banana fields is high and shows very bright in the 1st component, which makes it much easier for banana fields extraction. Dual-polarization data provide more information, and the VV and VH backscatter of banana show different characters with other land covers. Based on the analysis of the radar signature of banana fields and other land covers and the 1st component, banana fields are classified using object-oriented classifier. Compared to the field survey data and ASTER data, the accuracy of banana fields in the study area is 83.5%. It shows that the principal component analysis provides the useful information in SAR images analysis and makes the extraction of banana fields easier. Supported by the Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University (NCET-05-0573), Fujian Science and Technology Project (No.2006I0018), the Science Project of the Education Department of Fujian Province(No. 2006F5022).  相似文献   
基于多时相多极化差值图的稻田识别研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
提出了一种基于多时相多极化差值图的稻田识别方法,该方法在简化稻田识别算法的同时,仍具有较好的稻田识别精度.以江西省高安地区的早稻识别为例,利用两景ENVISA ASAR交叉极化模式数据(VV/HH)计算了同时相多极化差值图和同极化多时相差值图.由于稻田含有水层和水稻的垂直株型等属性特征,稻田在两时相上VV极化和HH极化后向散射差异都很大,且与其他地物具有明显差别,因此利用同时相多极化差值图可以很好地分辨出稻田来;从时间变化看,HH极化雷达波对水稻生长和稻田的变化比对其他地物的变化更敏感,使稻田分布信息在HH极化多时相差值图中反应突出.而VV极化对地物的时相变化不够敏感.因此,建立最优差值图组合,分别采用阈值分类方法和监督分类方法对差值图组合进行分类提取稻田.通过比较分类结果,认为基于统计分析的监督分类方法更好,其稻田识别的精度达到84.92%.文章最后对提出的稻田识别方法及分类结果进行了分析.  相似文献   
利用MERIS水汽数据改正ASAR干涉图中的大气影响   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
大气对流层对雷达信号的传播延迟是制约重复轨道InSAR高精度测量应用的重要因素之一.本文描述了MERIS水汽数据用于ASAR干涉图大气改正的方法;并以美国南加州地区为例,选取4对ENVISAT ASAR数据进行了大气改正的研究.结果显示对这4幅干涉图,经过MERIS水汽数据改正后InSAR与GPS差异的RMS分别〖JP2〗降低了41.7%,65.2%,19.3%和39.4%.平均改善程度达41.4%.更重要的是,经过MERIS水汽改正后,从2005~2007年〖JP〗干涉图和2004~2007年干涉图中,能清楚地识别出三处形变最明显的区域:Long Beach-Santa Ana 盆地、Pomona-Ontario和San Bernardino,其形变速率从-8 mm/a到-28 mm/a,大部分在-20 mm/a左右,与这些地区2003年以前的历史形变速率基本一致.因此,采用无云条件下的MERIS水蒸汽数据改正同步获取的ASAR干涉图,可以显著地降低大气水汽对干涉图相位的影响,从而更真实地反映地表形变等地球物理信号.  相似文献   
基于PSInSAR方法和ASAR数据监测天津地面沉降的试验研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
概述了PSInSAR方法的技术流程,阐述了定标ENVISAT ASAR数据对PS候选点(Persistent Scatterer Cadidate,PSC)筛选 的作用。研究表明:对ENVISAR ASAR 数据进行定标有助于筛选出更多的PS候选点;以定标得到的后向散射系数作为阈值,可以剔 除散射信号统计特性较稳定但散射强度低的像素点,从而避免可能由这些点引入的相位误差。在初步实现PSInSAR方法的基础上, 运用14景ENVISAT ASAR数据获得了天津地区的年均线性沉降速率,揭示的天津市地面沉降趋势与前人研究结果较为一致,获得的形 变速率值的准确性尚待数据量的增多而进一步提高。  相似文献   
多源遥感数据反演土壤水分方法   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
基于ASAR-APP影像数据和光学影像数据,根据水云模型研究了小麦覆盖下地表土壤含水量的反演方法。利用TM和MODIS影像构建的植被生物、物理参数与实测小麦含水量进行回归分析,发现TM影像提取的归一化水分指数(NDWI)反演精度较好,相关系数达到0.87。根据这一关系,结合水云模型并联立裸露地表土壤湿度反演模型,建立了基于多源遥感数据的土壤含水量反演模型和参数统一求解方案。反演结果表明:该方案可得到理想的土壤水分反演精度,并可控制参数估计的误差。反演土壤含水量和准同步实测数据的相关系数为0.9,均方根误差为3.83%。在此基础上,分析了模型参数的敏感性,并制作了研究区土壤缺水量分布图。  相似文献   
Comparison of two wind algorithms of ENVISAT ASAR at high wind   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two wind algorithms of ENVISAT advanced synthetic aperture radar (ASAR), i. e. CMOD4 model from the European Space Agency (ESA) and CMOD IFR2 model from Quilfen et al., are compared in this paper. The wind direction is estimated from orientation of low and linear signatures in the ASAR imagery. The wind direction has inherently a 180° ambiguity since only a single ASAR image is used. The 180° ambiguity is eliminated by using the buoy data from the NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) buoys moored in the Pacific. Wind speed is obtained with the two wind algorithms using both estimated wind direction and normalized radar cross section (NRCS). The retrieved wind results agree well with the data from Quikscat. The root mean square error (RMSE) of wind direction is 2.80? The RMSEs of wind speed from CMOD4 model and CMOD_IFR2 model are 1.09 m/s and 0.60 m/s, respectively. The results indicate that the CMOD_IFR2 model is slight better than CMOD4 model at high wind.  相似文献   
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