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以3座北京市某区代表性区级污水处理厂为研究对象,综合《城镇水务系统碳核算与减排路径技术指南》、《污水处理厂低碳运行评价技术规范》和《IPCC 2006 年国家温室气体清单指南 2019 修订版》碳排放核算方法,采用定量统计、相关性分析及敏感性分析等手段对污水处理厂正常运行状态下碳排放核算和影响因素进行特征分析和规律识别,并提出针对性减排路径建议。结果表明:C厂C-TECH工艺的吨水碳排放强度为三厂最低1.35 kg CO2eq·m−3,处于我国较低水平,接近“双碳”目标要求;而B厂改良SBR工艺的单位污染去除碳排放强度较小,其COD碳排放强度为3.16 t CO2eq·t−1,TN碳排放强度为36.44 t CO2eq)·t−1,TP碳排放强度为176.69 t CO2eq·t−1,处于我国中上水平,从效能角度更接近“双碳”目标要求。不同工艺产生的温室气体、进水水质波动及用电消耗导致三厂碳排放强度上存在差异,但各工艺的主排碳因子均为间接碳排放 (A厂、B厂和C厂中分别占73%、59%和59%) ,间接碳排放的主贡献因子为电力消耗 (A厂、B厂和C厂中分别占33%、40%和40%) 。相关性分析发现,各水厂碳排放强度还与N2O造成的直接碳排放有较大相关性,3座水厂年排放N2O 2.48×104 t CO2eq,A厂、B厂和C厂中相关性系数值分别达到0.68、0.87、0.66。敏感性分析表明,整体碳排放强度对电力消耗、N2O排放和药耗的变化更为敏感,药耗中葡萄糖溶液和多效高分子除磷剂对碳排放强度影响较大。以上结果表明,北京区级污水处理厂应从优化曝气系统、水泵效能等节电措施和调整水厂加药模式等节药措施上实现减排。  相似文献   
森林资源资产存量变化核算是建立森林资源资产管理绩效考核制度、遏制森林资源资产流失的必要前提与基础。在基于3S技术构建区域森林资源资产存量变化核算方案的基础上,对2000—2010年北京市森林资源资产存量数量、质量及其变化展开核算与分析。结果显示:在数量方面,除落叶阔叶林减少以外,其余各类森林数量都有不同程度增加,其中平谷区、顺义区果园林与海淀区、朝阳区城市绿地森林以及密云县、延庆县、门头沟区的落叶阔叶灌木林增幅最为显著;在质量方面,森林资源资产综合质量差、中2种等级森林面积都呈小幅减少趋势,质优森林面积大幅增加,其中平谷区、密云县增加最为显著;总体而言,2000—2010年间北京市森林资源资产存量数量大面积增加、森林质量大幅度提高,总体呈累积增加态势。  相似文献   
北京10个常绿树种颗粒物吸附能力研究   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
王兵  张维康  牛香  王晓燕 《环境科学》2015,36(2):408-414
大气中颗粒物PM(particulate matter)不仅造成环境污染,还对人体造成严重的危害.城市绿色植物作为大气过滤器,能够有效地提高城市空气质量,保护人体健康.因此了解不同树种对空气颗粒物的吸附滞纳作用是必要的.以北京植物园10种常绿植被为研究对象,应用空气气溶胶再发生器(QRJZFSQ-I)测定了北京市常见6种乔木和4种灌木叶片对空气总悬浮颗粒物(TSP)、PM10、PM2.5和PM1.0的吸附能力.结果表明:1不同树种叶片表面附着颗粒物的能力差异明显,最高的是雪松(Cedrus deodara)和油松(Pinus tabuliformis),吸附量分别是(18.95±0.71)μg·cm-2和(14.61±0.78)μg·cm-2,冷杉(Abies fabri)最小,为(8.02±0.4)μg·cm-2;2不同树种叶片单位面积对不同颗粒物的附着能力也存在差异,附着PM10能力最强的是油松和雪松,附着PM2.5能力最强的是雪松、铺地柏(Juniperus procumbens)、龙柏(Juniperus chinensis cv.kaizuka)和油松,附着PM1.0能力最强的是雪松、铺地柏、冷杉和油松;3不同月份叶片上附着的各粒级颗粒物(PM10、PM2.5)占TSP的比例不同.其中PM10在4~6月之间主要表现两种变化趋势,一是先上升后下降,主要为灌木树种;二是逐渐上升,主要的树种是乔木树种.而PM2.5则没有这种明显的变化趋势.  相似文献   
介绍了北京市近几年来生活垃圾的产量及其变化趋势,对北京市近年来生活垃圾处理状况,垃圾处理场建设情况作了简要介绍。最后针对北京市生活垃圾处理面临的问题提出了建议,为北京市垃圾处理可持续发展提供理论依据。  相似文献   
The spatial variability in the concentrations of 1,2,3,4,5,6-hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) and 1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-bis-(p-chlorophenyl) ethane (DDT) in surface soils was studied on the basis of the analysis of 131 soil samples collected from the surface layer (0-20 cm depth) of the alluvial region of Beijing, China. The concentrations of total HCHs (including α-, β-, γ-, and δ-isomers) and total DDTs (i ncluding p,p'-DDT, p,p'-DDD, p,p'-DDE, and o,p'-DDT) in the surface soils tested were in the range from nondetectable to 31.72 μg/kg dry soil, with a mean value of 0.91, and from nondetectable to 5910.83 μg/kg dry soil, with a mean value of 32.13,respectively. It was observed that concentrations of HCHs in all soil samples and concentrations of DDTs in 112 soil samples were much lower than the first grade (50 μg/kg) permitted in "Environment quality standard for soils in China (GB15618-1995)". This suggests that the pollution due to organochlorine pesticides was generally not significant in the farmland soils in the Beijing alluvial region. In this study, the spatial distribution and trend of HCHs and DDTs were analyzed using Geostatistical Analyst and GS (513).Spatial distribution indicated how these pesticides had been applied in the past. Trend analysis showed that the concentrations of HCHs,DDTs, and their related metabolites followed an obvious distribution trend in the surface soils from the alluvial region of Beijing.  相似文献   
《北京市生活垃圾管理条例》实施以来,北京垃圾分类工作取得"六升两降"八项成效.基于现阶段北京垃圾分类工作推进情况与存在的痛点、难点问题,提出通过购买第三方服务、借助科技手段与工具、多种渠道多种方式相结合、建立长效监督评价机制等方式,为顺利推进北京垃圾分类工作提供参考.  相似文献   
采样测定了天津地区2典型鱼塘鲫鱼、鲢鱼、水、悬浮物、沉积物和鱼塘周边表土中的DDT及其代谢产物含量。结果发现,2鱼塘各主要介质以及鱼体肌肉和器官中都富集了较高浓度的DDT。鲫鱼和鲢鱼肌肉中DDT的含量分别为(66.4±2.7)ng·g-1和(24.3±23.4)ng·g-1。肝胰脏、肠和鱼鳃中DDT含量一般高于肌肉,其中肠的富集量最大,是肌肉的3倍以上。生物富集系数(lgBCF)分别为3.7和3.3。2鱼塘鱼体和各相含量有较大差别,鱼塘介质中悬浮物富集浓度最高。表土污染相对严重地区的鱼塘中各介质和鱼体DDT含量均高于另一污染较轻的鱼塘。污染严重鱼塘的DDE/ΣDDT含量比值也相对较高,反映早期污染残留的重要特征。尽管如此,仍然较高的DDT含量以及悬浮物中很低的DDE/ΣDDT含量比值说明很可能还有污染源存在。  相似文献   
This study proposes an improved integrated water resource management (IWRM), in which water conservation was analyzed for the entire water use process. A multi-objective optimization method was applied to optimize the IWRM, which investigated the reduction of freshwater consumption and the total water supply cost. Customer's preference for saving water and an end use analysis (EUA) was applied in the water conservation analysis. Taking Tianjin as the study area, a reduction in customer's economic pressure (EP) was utilized to evaluate the degree of the customer's preference for saving water. The results revealed that agriculture had a greater preference for saving water than other sectors, where as the public had the weakest motivation for saving water. Improving the transportation method could contribute 62.1% of the total water savings in the agriculture sector. The optimization of the IWRM demonstrated that the local freshwater savings would be 21.5%, and the total cost for water supplies would decrease by 13%. However, a government subsidy of 87.5 million Yuan would be needed. Additionally, by analyzing the change in the amount of water savings affected by water price, the appropriate water price increase range was suggested to be 1.5–1.7 times the original price.  相似文献   
河北省水文地质环境变化及其脆弱性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
河北省是我国乃至世界水文地质环境恶化最严重的地区之一。本文通过分析生态环境和水文地质环境变化的过程和致灾现状 ,指出了其脆弱性累进的原因 ,并提出了遏制环境恶化 ,减轻灾害影响与损失 ,调整人类行为的对策与建议  相似文献   
This paper aims to identify the main driving force for changes of total primary energy consumption in Beijing during the period of 1981-2005. Sectoral energy use was investigated when regional economic structure changed significantly. The changes of total primary energy consumption in Beijing are decomposed into production effects, structural effects and intensity effects using the additive version of the logarithmic mean Divisia index (LMDI) method. Aggregate decomposition analysis showed that the major contributor of total effect was made by the production effect followed by the intensity effect, and the structural effect was relatively insignificant. The total and production effects were all positive. In contrast, the structural effect and intensity effect were all negative. Sectoral decomposition investigation indicated that the most effective way to slow down the growth rate of total primary energy consumption (TPEC) was to reduce the production of the energy-intensive industrial sectors and improving industrial energy intensity. The results show that in this period, Beijing's economy has undergone a transformation from an industrial to a service economy. However, the structures of sectoral energy use have not been changed yet, and energy demand should be increasing until the energy-intensive industrial production to be reduced and energy intensity of the region reaches a peak. As sequence energy consumption data of sub-sectors are not available, only the fundamental three sectors are considered: agriculture, industry and service. However, further decomposition into secondary and tertiary sectors is definitely needed for detailed investigations.  相似文献   
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