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黑果枸杞(Lycium ruthenicum)是中国西北地区极端环境中分布的国家二级保护植物, 该物种在新疆南部的自然种群中出现了同型花柱类型(同位花)和柱头探出式雌雄异位类型(异位花)个体, 并且遭遇沙尘暴频繁的种群中异位花个体出现频率减少。该研究对喀什市自然种群中黑果枸杞两种不同花型植株的花部综合征和传粉特性进行比较研究, 以期探讨该物种不同花型植株在南疆早春极端环境中的花部特征的可塑性及其适应性机制。结果表明: 同位花雌雄蕊高度间无显著差异, 而异位花雌蕊高度显著高于雄蕊; 同位花花冠直径、花冠筒长、胚珠数均高于异位花, 而异位花雌雄蕊空间距离、花粉数及花粉胚珠比均比同位花高。黑果枸杞同位花个体比例(68%)高于异位花个体(32%), 种群水平及个体水平同位花花期((117.00 ± 2.25) d, (101.65 ± 1.98) d)比异位花((26.00 ± 1.00) d, (18.75 ± 1.00) d)长, 而单花水平上异位花单花寿命((4.50 ± 0.14) d)比同位花((3.13 ± 0.11) d)长。两种类型花在花早期(紫色)分泌的花蜜量均高于花后期(白色)。在紫色花阶段(花开放早期), 同位花上的主要传粉者意大利蜜蜂、熊蜂和食蚜蝇的访花频率和停留时间均高于异位花; 而白色花阶段(花开放后期)意大利蜜蜂、熊蜂在异位花上的访花频率比同位花高。在不同花色阶段, 同位花柱头花粉落置数、花粉移出率、花粉传递效率均比异位花高, 并且同位花自然坐果率及结籽率均比异位花高。在新疆南部的沙尘暴极端环境下, 同位花通过较高的自交亲和性保障繁殖, 而异交为主的异位花提高了异交率。异位花与同位花在花部综合征和花报酬上的差异, 是影响其繁殖成功的主要因素。  相似文献   
Floral sexual organ (stamen and pistil) movements are selective adaptations that have different functions in male-female reproduction and the evolution of flowering plants. However, the significance of stamen movements in the spatial–temporal function and separation of male and female organs has not been experimentally determined in species exhibiting floral temporal closure. The current study investigated the role of slow stamen (group-by-group) movement in male-female sexual function, and the effect of stamen movement on pollen removal, male-male and male-female interference, and mating patterns of Geranium pratense, a plant with temporal floral closure. This species uses stamen group-by-group movement and therefore anther-stigma spatial–temporal separation. Spatial separation (two whorls of stamen and pistil length) was shown to be stronger than temporal separation. We found that stamen movements to the center of the flower increase pollen removal, and the most common pollinators visited more frequently and for longer durations during the male floral stage than during the female floral stage. Petal movements increased both self-pollen deposition rate and sexual interference in G. pratense. The fruit and seed set of naturally and outcrossed pollinated flowers were more prolific than those of self-pollinated flowers. Group-by-group stamen movement, dehiscence of stamens, pistil movement, and male-female spatial–temporal functional separation of G. pratense before floral temporal closure may prevent male-female and stamen-stamen interference and pollen discounting, and may increase pollen removal and cross-pollination.  相似文献   
The Irrawaddy dolphin (Orcaella brevirostris) is an endangered, small cetacean species which is widely distributed in rivers, estuaries, and coastal waters throughout the tropical and subtropical Indo-Pacific. Despite the extensive distribution of this species, little is known of individual movements or genetic exchange among regions in Thailand. Here, we evaluate the genetic diversity and genetic structure of O. brevirostris in the eastern, northern and western Gulf of Thailand, and Andaman Sea. Although phylogenetic relationships and network analysis based on 15 haplotypes obtained from 32 individuals reveal no obvious divergence, significant genetic differentiation in mitochondrial DNA (overall FST = 0.226, P < 0.001; ΦST = 0.252, P < 0.001) is apparent among regions. Of 18 tested microsatellite loci, 10 are polymorphic and successfully characterized in 28 individuals, revealing significant genetic differentiation (overall FST = 0.077, P < 0.05) among the four sampling sites. Structure analysis reveals two inferred genetic clusters. Additionally, Mantel analysis demonstrates individual-by-individual genetic distances and geographic distances follow an isolation-by-distance model. We speculate that the significant genetic structure of O. brevirostris in Thailand is associated with a combination of geographical distribution patterns, environmental and anthropogenic factors, and local adaptations.  相似文献   
The Indo‐Pacific humpback dolphin (Sousa chinensis) is a vulnerable marine mammal species that inhabits shallow, coastal waters from Southeast China, southward throughout Southeast Asia, and westward around the Bay of Bengal to eastern India. Polymorphic microsatellites are useful for elucidating ecological and population genetics‐related questions. Here, 18 new polymorphic microsatellites were developed from Schinensis genomic DNA by Illumina MiSeq sequencing. Population genetic analyses were conducted on 42 Schinensis individuals from three geographic locations, including the Xiamen Bay of China, the Western Gulf of Thailand, and Andaman Sea. Our microsatellite data revealed a strong and significant population structure among the three sampling regions (overall F ST = 0.371, p = .001). Pairwise mutual information index also demonstrated high levels of genetic differentiation between different region pairs (values range from 0.272 to 0.339, p < .001). Moreover, Structure analysis inferred three genetic clusters, with the high assignment probabilities of 95.92%, 99.47%, and 99.68%, respectively. Principal coordinate analysis plots of individuals divided entire genotypes into three clusters, indicating high level of genetic differentiation. Our results indicated the strong genetic structure in Schinensis populations is a result of geographic distances. Other factors such as environmental variables, anthropogenic interference, and social behavior may also have contributed to population differentiation.  相似文献   
瑞氏海豚在我国大陆沿海搁浅的案例相对较少。2019年7月10日,一头活体瑞氏海豚搁浅于广东省湛江市徐闻县石马角海域,半小时左右死亡。本文描述了该海豚的外部形态特征和骨骼系统,并通过解剖对其死因进行了分析。该瑞氏海豚为成年雌性,体长252.0 cm,体重约130.0 kg;体型消瘦,皮下脂肪层菲薄,体表无明显可致死外伤。头骨长45.6 cm,脊椎式为C7+T12+L23+Ca24=66,肋骨12对,V形骨19枚。解剖发现,该海豚的呼吸道和消化道中均存在大量泥沙;前胃内有两只长度超过30 cm的橡胶手套,胃和肠中几乎没有食糜和粪便。推测该瑞氏海豚可能因误食橡胶手套造成胃部阻塞而无法正常进食和消化,导致脂肪层过度消耗,体力不支而搁浅;在搁浅过程中可能因挣扎导致呼吸道进入大量泥沙引起呼吸不畅,最终死亡。当前难降解的海洋垃圾对海洋哺乳动物,包括以头足类为食的鲸类动物所产生的直接威胁已不容忽视。  相似文献   
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