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Two new species of Haptoglossa , one zoosporic, H. northumbrica , and one aplanosporic, H. polymorphs, , were isolated from samples of manure and horse dung in north-east England. The zoosporic H. northumbrica is morphologically similar to H. dickii but differs in having slightly smaller infection gun cells with a unique internal arrangement of cones in the apical missile chamber. The thallus of the aplanosporic H. polymorpha is similar to H. heteromorpha but produces three different types of aplanospore. The smaller cysts either develop into broad, arcuate gun cells or form curved adhesive cells that have a rounded base. These curved adhesive cells have very different internal ultrastructural organization. The large cysts develop into infection cells that are morphologically similar to the curved adhesive cells, but their internal structure has not yet been observed.  相似文献   
Quantitative and qualitative data are presented for woods of 30 species of woody Polygonaceae. Wood features that ally Polygonaceae with Plumbaginaceae include nonbordered perforation plates, storeying in narrow vessels and axial parenchyma, septate or nucleate fibres, vasicentric parenchyma, pith bundles that undergo secondary growth, silica bodies, and ability to form successive cambia. These features are consistent with pairing of Plumbaginaceae and Polygonaceae as sister families. Wood features that ally Polygonaceae with Rhabdodendraceae include nonbordered perforation plates, presence of vestured pits in vessels, presence of silica bodies and dark-staining compounds in ray cells, and ability to form successive cambia. Of the features listed above, nonbordered perforation plates and ability to form successive cambia may be symplesiomorphies basic to Caryophyllales sensu lato . The other features are more likely to be synapomorphies. Wood data thus support molecular cladograms that show the three families near the base of Caryophyllales s.l. Chambered crystals are common to three genera of the family and may indicate relationship. Ray histology suggests secondary woodiness in Antigonon, Atraphaxis, Bilderdykia, Dedeckera, Eriogonum, Harfordia, Muehlenbeckia, Polygonum , and Rumex . Other genera of the family show little or no evidence of secondary woodiness. Molecular data are needed to confirm this interpretation and to clarify the controversial systematic groupings within the family proposed by various authors. Vessel features of Polygonaceae (lumen diameter, element length, density, degree of grouping) show an extraordinary range from xeromorphy to mesomorphy, indicating that wood has played a key role in ecological and habital shifts within the family; the diversity in ecology and habit are correlated with quantitative wood data.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 141 , 25−51.  相似文献   
The Neotropical catfishes of the genus Auchenipterus Valenciennes (1840) are reviewed. The genus is hypothesized to be a monophyletic assemblage on the basis of the shared presence of grooves in the ventral surface of the head that accommodate adducted mental barbels. A possible second synapomorphy, the presence of papillae on the dorsal and medial surface of the ossified maxillary barbel of mature males, is tentatively advanced pending discovery of adult males of three species. Contrary to previous hypotheses which considered Auchenipterus to consist of a maximum of five species, we recognize 11 species, including two previously undescribed forms, A. britskii and A. menezesi: Auchenipterus is broadly distributed through the Rio Orinoco, Rio Amazonas, and Rio de La Plata basins, and the coastal drainages of the Guianas, with one species in the Rio Pindare-Mirim and Rio Parnaiba basins of northeastern Brazil. Auchenipterus nuchalis, previously thought to be broadly distributed across the range of the genus, is found to rather have a restricted distribution in the eastern portions of the Amazon basin, the lower portions of the Rio Tocantins, and lower courses of some rivers in Suriname and French Guiana. Citations of A. nuchalis from elsewhere in the range of the genus are of other species. Euanemus Müller & Troschel (1842) and Ceratocheilus Miranda Ribeiro (1918) are considered synonyms of Auchenipterus. Euanemus colymbetes Müller & Troschel (1842) is considered a synonym of Auchenipterus (fen/ata Valenciennes (1840), and A. paysanduanus Devincenzi (1933) is placed into the synonymy of A. nigripinnis Boulenger (1895). A neotype is designated for Hypopthalmus nuchalis Spix & Agassiz (1829). Lectotypes are designated for Euanemus colymbetes and Auchenipterus nigripinnis.  相似文献   
Two temnospondyl amphibian specimens from the Middle Pennsylvanian locality of Linton, Ohio, USA are described as Adatnanterpeton ohioensis gen. et sp. nov. , a member of the family Cochleosauridae and sister-taxon to the clade comprising the genera Cochleosaurus+Chenoprosopus. A. ohioensis is a very rare component in the large Linton vertebrate assemblage and may have been a relatively terrestrial form, perhaps similar to Cochleosaurus florensis from the contemporaneous lycopsid-trunk locality at Florence, Nova Scotia. An overview of the edopoid and eryopoid adaptive radiations is presented and it is argued that they were sequential radiations, each of monophyletic origin filling the same range of niches.  相似文献   
The holotype of cf. Halticosaurus orbitoangulatus Huene, 1932, comprises an incomplete and macerated but associated skull of an archosaurian reptile from the middle (second) Stubensandstein (middle Löwenstein Formation; Upper Triassic: Norian) of Baden‐Württemberg, Germany. It was originally interpreted as a theropod dinosaur but more recently it has been suggested that this taxon has crocodylomorph affinities. Detailed preparation of the holotype of cf. H. orbitoangulatus has revealed much new anatomical information and permitted reassessment of its affinities. The maxilla lacks both a distinct antorbital fossa and a medial bony lamina bordering the antorbital fenestra. The lateral surface of the dentary bears a pronounced horizontal ridge. The squamosal differs from that of basal crocodylomorphs in being L‐shaped rather than arcuate in dorsal view, lacking a dorsolateral overhang, and lacking an interlocking contact with the paroccipital process as, for example, in the basal crocodylomorph Saltoposuchus connectens from the same horizon and locality. Phylogenetic analysis placed cf. H. orbitoangulatus amongst loricatan pseudosuchians (but not amongst Crocodylomorpha) rather than amongst theropod dinosaurs. The holotype of cf. H. orbitoangulatus represents a previously unrecognized taxon of loricatan pseudosuchian, which is here named Apatosuchus orbitoangulatus and set apart from other known Norian‐age non‐crocodylomorph loricatans by its apparently much smaller size. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   
SEM studies on vessels in ferns. 11. Ophioglossum   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
With scanning electron microscopy (SEM), the nature of metaxylem vessel elements and tracheids was examined in Ophioglossum crotalophomides, 0. pendulum subsp. falcatum , and 0. vulgatum roots and rhizomes. Vessels were identified in all species. End walls of vessel elements, which bear perforations, are like lateral wall pitting of those elements in the secondary wall framework and differ only in absence of pit membranes or presence of pit membrane remnants. Some of the perforations contain pit membrane remnants that have large pores, small porosities, or are threadlike or weblike in structure. Dimorphic perforations were found in some vessel elements of rhizomes of 0. pendulum subsp. falcatum. Tracheids are very likely present in addition to vessels in all three species. The secondary wall framework of both tracheids and vessels is basically scalariform, although deviations in pattern are present. Vessel elements of Ophiglossum are entirely comparable to those of leptosporangiate ferns.  相似文献   
Patterns of variation at nine enzyme loci were examined in 528 plants representing diploid and tetraploid populations of Parnassia palustris s. l. in Europe to assess genetic variation patterns and migration history. Half of the plants showed a unique multilocus phenotype and 75% of all phenotypes occurred only in Scandinavia. Diploid populations showed similar levels of genetic diversity as other widespread outbreeding species with animal-mediated pollination and F -statistics indicated excessive heterozygosity and low rates of gene flow among them. In spite of dramatic population histories caused by the ice ages, diploid populations have maintained the same genetic diversity in Scandinavia as in central and southern Europe. Northern populations have apparently been established through the gradual advance of genetically variable populations and patterns of variation at individual loci indicate different migration routes, from the south-south-west and the east-north-east, respectively. The data strongly support a repeated autoploid origin of the tetraploid cytotype which has been much more successful than the diploid progenitors in colonizing new land since the last ice age. High genetic diversity in Scandinavia has apparently been obtained by a combination of immigration of plants from different source areas and recurrent formation of autotetraploids from diploid progenitors.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 142 , 347−372.  相似文献   
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