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不同苗龄的尾穗苋黄化苗对10 min,15Wm~(-2)白光的反应能力不同。光诱导的苋红素合成始于播种后第 20h,至50h合成能力最大,82h以后幼苗对短时光照的反应能力趋于消失。苋红素合成的滞后期为3h,光处理后18h色素积累达到高峰。光调节苋红素合成符合红光—远红光可逆诱导反应等两个基本模式,确证光敏色素参与调控苋红素合成.  相似文献   
鲇鱼成鱼和幼鱼中含色素的巨噬细胞集结的诱导发生   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钟明超  黄浙 《动物学研究》1996,17(2):153-167
通过腹腔注射不同剂量的牛血清白蛋白(BSA)或墨汁以刺激巨噬细胞活动,研究了鲇鱼成鱼和幼鱼头肾、肾、脾和肝中含色素的巨噬细胞集结(PMA)的发生。鲇鱼淋巴样组织中存在巨噬细胞的不均一性,可分网状/纤维状巨噬细胞,梭状巨噬细胞,圆形红色巨噬细胞,圆形黄红色巨噬细胞和含色素的巨噬细胞。注射BSA或墨汁后,头肾、肾,脾和肝中PMA和圆形巨噬细胞的数量最终均有不同程度的增加。通过诱导发生实验,表明含色素的  相似文献   
Cymbidium is an orchid genus that has undergone rapid radiation and has high ornamental, economic, ecological and cultural importance, but its classification based on morphology is controversial. The plastid genome (plastome), as an extension of plant standard DNA barcodes, has been widely used as a potential molecular marker for identifying recently diverged species or complicated plant groups. In this study, we newly generated 237 plastomes of 50 species (at least two individuals per species) by genome skimming, covering 71.4% of members of the genus Cymbidium. Sequence-based analyses (barcoding gaps and automatic barcode gap discovery) and tree-based analyses (maximum likelihood, Bayesian inference and multirate Poisson tree processes model) were conducted for species identification of Cymbidium. Our work provides a comprehensive DNA barcode reference library for Cymbidium species identification. The results show that compared with standard DNA barcodes (rbcL + matK) as well as the plastid trnH-psbA, the species identification rate of the plastome increased moderately from 58% to 68%. At the same time, we propose an optimized identification strategy for Cymbidium species. The plastome cannot completely resolve the species identification of Cymbidium, the main reasons being incomplete lineage sorting, artificial cultivation, natural hybridization and chloroplast capture. To further explore the potential use of nuclear data in identifying species, the Skmer method was adopted and the identification rate increased to 72%. It appears that nuclear genome data have a vital role in species identification and are expected to be used as next-generation nuclear barcodes.  相似文献   
董思言  延晓冬  熊喆  石英  王娟怀 《生态学报》2015,35(14):4871-4879
近几十年中国地区土地利用/覆盖变化(LUCC)较大,在区域气候模拟中尤其需要使用更加准确的土地利用/覆盖数据。基于模式原有的USGS和新开发的LUC90两种土地利用/覆盖资料,利用区域环境集成模拟系统(RIEMS2.0)分别进行连续10a模拟,分析LUCC对中国不同季节气温的影响。结果表明:1)采用LUC90资料后,中国及东北、华北、华南夏季平均气温增加,但只有东北模拟与观测值的偏差减小,且通过显著性检验(P0.01)。中国及东北、华南冬季平均气温增加,并且模拟与观测值的偏差减少。中国及华北和华南对冬季气温年际变率的模拟改善好于夏季。2)土地利用/覆盖变化通过影响潜热通量的变化和净吸收辐射通量的变化来影响不同季节气温的变化。冬季净辐射通量变化对气温变化的贡献较夏季大,而夏季潜热通量变化对气温变化的贡献较冬季大。雨养农田转变森林、草地、灌溉农田过程造成通量变化,其对气温变化的影响也存在不同分区季节的差异。  相似文献   
Heterochromatin is widespread in eukaryotic genomes and has diverse impacts depending on its genomic context. Previous studies have shown that a protein complex, the ASI1‐AIPP1‐EDM2 (AAE) complex, participates in polyadenylation regulation of several intronic heterochromatin‐containing genes. However, the genome‐wide functions of AAE are still unknown. Here, we show that the ASI1 and EDM2 mostly target the common genomic regions on a genome‐wide level and preferentially interacts with genetic heterochromatin. Polyadenylation (poly(A) sequencing reveals that AAE complex has a substantial influence on poly(A) site usage of heterochromatin‐containing genes, including not only intronic heterochromatin‐containing genes but also the genes showing overlap with heterochromatin. Intriguingly, AAE is also involved in the alternative splicing regulation of a number of heterochromatin‐overlapping genes, such as the disease resistance gene RPP4. We provided evidence that genic heterochromatin is indispensable for the recruitment of AAE in polyadenylation and splicing regulation. In addition to conferring RNA processing regulation at genic heterochromatin‐containing genes, AAE also targets some transposable elements (TEs) outside of genes (including TEs sandwiched by genes and island TEs) for epigenetic silencing. Our results reveal new functions of AAE in RNA processing and epigenetic silencing, and thus represent important advances in epigenetic regulation.  相似文献   
The development of thermostable vaccines can relieve the bottleneck of existing vaccines caused by thermal instability and subsequent poor efficacy, which is one of the predominant reasons for the millions of deaths caused by vaccine-preventable diseases. Research into the mechanism of viral thermostability may provide strategies for developing thermostable vaccines. Using Newcastle disease virus (NDV) as model, we identified the negative surface charge of attachment glycoprotein as a novel determinant of viral thermostability. It prevented the temperature-induced aggregation of glycoprotein and subsequent detachment from virion surface. Then structural stability of virion surface was improved and virus could bind to and infect cells efficiently after heat-treatment. Employing the approach of surface charge engineering, thermal stability of NDV and influenza A virus (IAV) vaccines was successfully improved. The increase in the level of vaccine thermal stability was determined by the value-added in the negative surface charge of the attachment glycoprotein. The engineered live and inactivated vaccines could be used efficiently after storage at 37°C for at least 10 and 60 days, respectively. Thus, our results revealed a novel surface-charge-mediated link between HN protein and NDV thermostability, which could be used to design thermal stable NDV and IAV vaccines rationally.  相似文献   
2004-2013年珠江流域植被变化及其胁迫分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
植被对区域气候调节、水文循环等有着重要作用,在近年来中国南部地区极端气候频发的背景下,研究植被变化及胁迫意义重大。以珠江流域为研究区,利用MODIS EVI分析了植被的变化规律,并通过美国军事气象卫星DMSP灯光数据和气象数据探讨分析了人类活动和自然环境对植被变化的胁迫。结果显示:2004年到2013年期间珠江流域内年平均EVI介于0.33-0.38之间,EVI从高到底依次是常绿阔叶林 > 混交林 > 多树的草地 > 常绿针叶林 > 草地,不同植被类型的EVI变化趋势基本一致,同一植被类型EVI年际变化较小,其中混交林和草地年际最大变化量分别为0.07和0.04,而常绿阔叶林、常绿针叶林和多树的草地年际最大变化量均为0.06;在2004年至2013年年间,城市化水平增长了约71%,其年发展变化与EVI的年变化趋势相反;通过对比分析发现珠江流域人类活动对植被变化影响高于自然环境,即DMSP灯光变化与EVI变化的相关系数明显高于气温和降水。  相似文献   
张柳平  姚淑敏  林哲  崔峰 《昆虫学报》2013,56(5):566-569
马拉硫磷是一种高效低毒的有机磷杀虫剂, 分子量大且结构特殊, 广泛用于农业害虫的防治。羧酸酯酶突变是昆虫对有机磷类杀虫剂产生代谢抗性的重要机制之一。本实验室前期已从棉蚜Aphis gossypii、 褐飞虱Nilaparvata lugens、 斜纹夜蛾Spodoptera litura、 家蚕Bombyx mori、 异色瓢虫Harmonia axyridis、 赤拟谷盗Tribolium castaneum和西方蜜蜂Apis mellifera中各克隆了一个非特异性羧酸酯酶基因, 通过体外定点突变构建了G/A151D和W271L两种突变体, 并进行了原核细胞表达和纯化。本实验在体外测定了这7种昆虫野生型和两种突变型羧酸酯酶对马拉硫磷的降解。结果显示: 棉蚜、 西方蜜蜂、 斜纹夜蛾、 赤拟谷盗的野生型羧酸酯酶能够降解马拉硫磷, 两个突变并不能提高它们的降解活性, 而家蚕、 异色瓢虫和褐飞虱的野生型羧酸酯酶不能降解马拉硫磷, G/A151D和/或W271L突变能使这些酯酶获得马拉硫磷羧酸酯酶(MCE)的活性, 有可能使这些昆虫对马拉硫磷产生抗性。不同物种的MCE活性相差较大, 斜纹夜蛾的MCE活性最高, 其kcat/Km值为1.8~1.9 L/μmol·min, 其次是赤拟谷盗, 其Kcat/Km值为0.87~0.95 L/μmol·min, 其他昆虫的MCE活性相对较低, 相差可高达10倍。  相似文献   
人羊膜间充质干细胞(h AMSCs)具有自我增殖和多向分化潜能,有望为干细胞移植性治疗提供新来源,是病变组织器官损伤修复的理想种子细胞.但目前关于h AMSCs对肝损伤的修复机制仍不十分清楚.本研究采用胰蛋白酶-胶原酶消化法从羊膜组织中分离、纯化了间充质干细胞.免疫荧光检测表面标记波形丝蛋白(vimentin)和阶段特异表达抗原4(SSEA-4)均呈阳性.h AMSCs表达CD29、CD49d、CD73表面抗原,但不表达骨髓间充质表面抗原CD34、CD45和人类白细胞抗原DR位点(HLA-DR).实时定量PCR和Western印迹检测揭示,h AMSCs移植后可提高受损肝组织中肝细胞生长因子(HGF)和沉默信息调节因子1(SIRT-1)的表达,抑制α-平滑肌肌动蛋白(α-SMA)和周期性蛋白依赖性激酶抑制因子(P27kip1)的表达.因为上述蛋白质分子涉及肝细胞增殖、再生、凋亡调节,抑或肝纤维化过程,因此h AMSCs移植后所引起的上述分子表达变化可改善四氯化碳(CCL4)诱导的肝损伤,抑制肝细胞凋亡,促进肝细胞有丝分裂,对肝损伤有一定的修复作用.该研究为进一步探索调控肝再生、损伤修复信号通路(机制)及预防肝纤维化提供了新启示.  相似文献   
北京西山侏罗纪大同锥叶蕨的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大同锥叶蕨Coniopteris tatungensis 是侏罗纪植物群常见的分子。由于对该植物特征认识的不同, 对其在分类上的归属有不同意见,或归入膜蕨型锥叶蕨C.hymenophylloides,或归入简单锥叶蕨C. simplex。通过对产自北京西山斋堂地区窑坡组下段的标本的深入研究,特别是用扫描电子显微镜对该 标本的孢子囊群和孢子囊的观察,确认大同锥叶蕨在锥叶蕨属的种级分类上的独立性。文中还初步讨论了其分类和地理分布。  相似文献   
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