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黄山高速公路穿行于皖南山区,公路建设过程中,汤口互通A匝道高边坡产生了大范围变形,严重威胁已有构筑物和施工安全。为保证边坡稳定,成立“应急指挥小组”,建立快速反应机制,并采用工程地质测绘、勘探、监测等手段,快速查明边坡结构特征,分析边坡变形机理和稳定性,提出应急治理方案。分析表明,该边坡为层间软弱夹层[JP2]发育的砂泥岩互层型顺向边坡,地质历史上边坡曾发生滑移—弯曲变形,公路施工时对弯曲隆起部位岩体进行开挖,引起坡体产生快速变形,在降雨、开挖等条件下,边坡产生整体失稳的可能性极大。在分析边坡变形机制基础上,应用变形控制理论,确定对边坡采取桩锚结合、综合排水的应急治理措施,并根据变形特点提出了应急治理施工步骤。应急治理措施实施后,边坡变形得到了有效控制,稳定性达到了高速公路的安全要求  相似文献   
兴华渡口岩群作为额尔古纳地块的基底,其变质年龄、原岩类型及大地构造背景一直是地质学家关注的热点。以大兴安岭北段绿林林场一带兴华渡口岩群作为研究对象,利用锆石U-Pb同位素测年限定了原岩的变质时代,结合岩相学与地球化学综合分析方法开展原岩恢复,并进一步讨论了其形成的大地构造背景。研究认为兴华渡口岩群主要由斜长角闪岩类、浅粒岩类、变粒岩类和石英岩类组成;斜长角闪岩类原岩为基性火山岩,浅粒岩类原岩为英安质凝灰岩,石英岩和变粒岩原岩为泥质粉砂岩;斜长角闪岩类亏损非活动性微量元素Ta、Nd、P,大地构造环境属岛弧环境;浅粒岩类主要亏损Ta、Nd、P、Sr、Ti等元素,形成于大陆边缘造山带环境。绿林林场一带兴华渡口岩群的变质年龄下限为774.1±3.8 Ma。   相似文献   
在西藏南部普莫雍错不同位置处采集了四支岩芯沉积物,对其中一支利用~(210)pb和~(137)Cs方法建立了沉积物的年代序列,并对其他三支岩芯的上部沉积物进行了总有机碳、无机碳、粒度及化学元素含量的分析.结合沉积物年代,对不同岩芯的环境代用指标进行对比,讨论了该地区近200年来的环境变化状况.结果表明,不同位置处采集的岩芯其环境指标变化趋势在整体上具有一定的可比性,但在细节变化与环境指标的数值上仍具有明显的差异,显示了湖泊内部沉积状况的空间差异性,这可能是由于采样点水深、水下地形以及与主要补给河流距离的不同而造成的.PY04岩芯环境指标显示普莫雍错湖区环境在约1900AD之前较为稳定;在约1900-1940AD之间湖区环境波动加剧,地表侵蚀增强,沉积速率加快;湖区环境在1940AD左右发生了明显的变化,温度显著升高,沉积物粒度增大,湖泊处于退缩状态,表明湖泊环境向暖干化方向发展.  相似文献   
An approach is presented to quantify sensitivity of advective contaminant travel time to porosities of hydrogeologic units (HGUs) along the flowpaths when the porosities of different HGUs are correlated. The approach is an extension of the previous sensitivity analysis technique for independent input porosity cases. It is applicable in situations where a calibrated groundwater flow model exists, but a full contaminant transport model is not available. Three sensitivity indices are introduced based on the decomposition of covariance between the advective contaminant travel time and individual input porosities of HGUs. When the input HGU porosities are correlated, the three sensitivity indices quantify the total, intrinsic and correlated contributions from each individual HGU porosity, which should be considered in order to determine the relative importance to the uncertainty in advective contaminant travel time of the input HGU porosities contributing either independently or correlatedly. Two simple one-dimensional flow examples are presented to illustrate the applications of the approach to scenarios when each HGU has distinct porosity and situations of spatially variable porosity field. The approach is applicable to more complex multi-dimensional cases where advective contaminant travel time can be calculated based on simulated flow results from groundwater flow models.  相似文献   
西藏自治区的构造地质演化和成矿地质单元划分   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
西藏自治区现代意义的地质调查和研究工作始于和平解放后的1951年。经过近60多年来几代地质人的努力,西藏地质工作从无到有,已取得了辉煌的成就,目前西藏自治区的地质概貌和矿产资源概貌已基本查清。本文即是《西藏矿产志》编写工作中对这两个概貌的基本总结。  相似文献   
以新一轮国土资源大调查“柴达木盆地地下水资源及其环境问题调查评价”项目为依托,围绕时序预测建模软件(Time Series Forecast V1.0)的研发与应用,按照现代预测学理论对柴达木盆地的水文、气象等多因子时序量进行了百年预测。针对多因子综合评价模型提出并采用了先进可行的“主成分”分析法,建立了“特征向量”与“综合指标”的对等关系,从而避免了以往诸多评价模型中人为因素的干扰,提高了预测结果的可信度。  相似文献   
利用昌黎等台的磁测资料,并用多种方法进行综合分析,结果显示,在震前出现了约3个月的短期异常,这对于地震的预测预报有一定意义。  相似文献   
Recently, various toppling slopes have emerged with the development of hydropower projects in the western mountainous regions of China. The slope on the right bank of the Laxiwa Hydropower Station, located on the mainstream of the Yellow River in the Qinghai Province of Northwest China, is a typical hard rock slope. Further, its deformation characteristics are different from those of common natural hard rock toppling. Because this slope is located close to the dam of the hydropower station, its deformation mechanism has a practical significance. Based on detailed geological engineering surveys, four stages of deformation have been identified using discrete element numerical software and geological engineering analysis methods, including toppling creep, initial toppling deformation, intensified toppling deformation, and current slope formation. The spatial and time-related deformation of this site also exhibited four stages, including initial toppling, toppling development, intensification of toppling, and disintegration and collapse. Subsequently, the mechanism of toppling and deformation of the bank slope were studied. The results of this study exhibit important reference value for developing the prevention–control design of toppling and for ensuring operational safety in the hydropower reservoir area.  相似文献   
在海洋环境中的酵母菌分布与多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
最近几年作者对不同海洋环境中的酵母资源、分布和多样性进行的大量研究,从中发现了22属63种1051株。并且发现这些广泛分布在海水、海泥、高盐海水、深海、各种大型海藻表面、各种海鱼体表和体内和红树林生态系统中。不同种的酵母可以产生蛋白酶、脂酶、植酸酶、菊糖酶、纤维素酶、β-1,3-葡聚酶、嗜杀因子、核黄素、铁载体等活性产物,所以这些酵母菌具有广泛的实际用途。  相似文献   
介绍了桩板组合结构的组成和特点,及其在实际工程中的应用。该结构可作为滩海地区进海路路堤、人工岛护壁、保滩促淤丁坝和离岸堤主体结构。  相似文献   
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