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The novel coronavirus is a newly discovered pathogen in late December 2019, and its source is currently unknown, which can lead to asymptomatic infection, new coronavirus pneumonia or serious complications, such as acute respiratory failure. Corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a new type of respiratory disease that is currently spreading all over the world and caused by this coronavirus. Its common symptoms are highly similar to those of other viruses, such as fever, cough and dyspnea. There is currently no vaccine or treatment for COVID-19. Everyone is susceptible to infection with this disease, and owing to the long-term use of immunosuppressants, the immunity of kidney transplant recipients is suppressed, and it is more likely to be infected with the disease. At present, its impact on kidney transplant recipients is unclear. This article reports the clinical features and therapeutic course of novel coronavirus infection in a patient after renal transplantation. A 37-year-old female patient who received a kidney transplant 6 months before was diagnosed with novel coronavirus pneumonia. The patient’s symptoms (such as fever, chills, dry cough, muscle aches), laboratory tests (such as decreased white blood cell count, elevated liver enzymes and D-dimer, positive viral nucleic acid test), and chest CT (multiple left lower lung plaque ground glass shadow) were similar to those of non-transplanted novel coronavirus pneumonia patients. In terms of treatment, because the immunity of kidney transplant recipients has been suppressed for a long time, it is a very common strategy to suspend the use of immunosuppressive agents. Therefore, the patient immediately discontinued the immunosuppressive agent after admission, so that she could restore immunity against infection in a short time. At the same time, the use of glucocorticoids was also very important. Its immunosuppressive and anti-inflammatory effects played a large role in the treatment process.In addition, prophylactic antibiotics was needed, and nephrotoxic drugs should be used with caution. Finally, following discounting the use of immunosuppressant and a low-dose glucocorticoid-based treatment regimen, COVID-19 in this renal transplant recipient was successfully cured. The cure of this case was of great significance, and this adjuvant nonspecific antiviral therapy could provide a template for the treatment of other such patients.  相似文献   
<正>1病例资料患者男性,28岁,主因“发热2个月,鼻衄及双下肢出血性皮疹10天”入院。2个月前,患者无明显诱因出现发热,体温39℃,弛张热型,伴乏力,不伴咳嗽、咳痰、腹痛、腹泻、尿急、尿频、尿痛等不适。自行口服退热药(具体不详)后可短暂退热,但效果不佳,遂于当地医院就诊,予“头孢菌素”及“地塞米松”静脉输液(具体剂量不详) 6 d,体温恢复正常,但停药后再次出现发热,体温波动于38.5~40℃,未再诊治。1个月余前就诊于外院,查血常规未见异常,胸片示“双肺纹理增多”,予莫西沙星口服2 d(具体剂量不详),患者体温波动于38.5~40℃。  相似文献   
目的 动态监测分析食物过敏婴儿临床治疗过程中粪便黏蛋白2(MUC2)及分泌型免疫球蛋白A(sIgA)的变化情况,探究其与食物过敏的关系及应用价值。方法 选择2022年7月至2023年6月门诊就诊的食物过敏婴儿52例为食物过敏组,同期选取非过敏性疾病婴儿52例作为对照组,比较两组患儿粪便MUC2、s Ig A水平的差异。结果 食物过敏组男23例、女29例,对照组男女各26例,两组患儿在年龄、分娩方式、喂养方式、辅食添加、过敏性疾病家族史的差异均无统计学意义。食物过敏组中粪便MUC2及s Ig A水平均高于对照组[37.81±14.91μg/m L比25.33±14.29μg/m L;182.4(150.2~202.7)μg/mL比147.7(131.4~157.9)μg/mL],差异具有统计学意义(P<0.001)。在随访第2、4周时,食物过敏组患儿的粪便MUC 2水平逐渐下降,但组间比较显示差异无统计学意义(P> 0.05);而粪便sIgA水平逐渐升高,组间比较提示差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。对粪便MUC2、sIgA进行二元logistic回归分析及ROC曲线分...  相似文献   
The novel coronavirus is a newly discovered pathogen in late December 2019, and its source is currently unknown, which can lead to asymptomatic infection, new coronavirus pneumonia or serious complications, such as acute respiratory failure. Corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a new type of respiratory disease that is currently spreading all over the world and caused by this coronavirus. Its common symptoms are highly similar to those of other viruses, such as fever, cough and dyspnea. There is currently no vaccine or treatment for COVID-19. Everyone is susceptible to infection with this disease, and owing to the long-term use of immunosuppressants, the immunity of kidney transplant recipients is suppressed, and it is more likely to be infected with the disease. At present, its impact on kidney transplant recipients is unclear. This article reports the clinical features and therapeutic course of novel coronavirus infection in a patient after renal transplantation. A 37-year-old female patient who received a kidney transplant 6 months before was diagnosed with novel coronavirus pneumonia. The patient’s symptoms (such as fever, chills, dry cough, muscle aches), laboratory tests (such as decreased white blood cell count, elevated liver enzymes and D-dimer, positive viral nucleic acid test), and chest CT (multiple left lower lung plaque ground glass shadow) were similar to those of non-transplanted novel coronavirus pneumonia patients. In terms of treatment, because the immunity of kidney transplant recipients has been suppressed for a long time, it is a very common strategy to suspend the use of immunosuppressive agents. Therefore, the patient immediately discontinued the immunosuppressive agent after admission, so that she could restore immunity against infection in a short time. At the same time, the use of glucocorticoids was also very important. Its immunosuppressive and anti-inflammatory effects played a large role in the treatment process.In addition, prophylactic antibiotics was needed, and nephrotoxic drugs should be used with caution. Finally, following discounting the use of immunosuppressant and a low-dose glucocorticoid-based treatment regimen, COVID-19 in this renal transplant recipient was successfully cured. The cure of this case was of great significance, and this adjuvant nonspecific antiviral therapy could provide a template for the treatment of other such patients.  相似文献   
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