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北京正负电子对撞机升级改造工程(BEPCⅡ)将采用的频率500MHz、输出功率250kW的高频发射机和环流器已安装、调整、测试和验收完毕,这是国内建立的第一套500MHz/250kW发射机系统.本文将详细介绍机器的调测试的原理和各项测量内容及结果, 并比较设计指标和要求,来阐述此发射机的实际技术指标和测试性能.  相似文献   
杨敏  战明川  雷革  余玉兰 《强激光与粒子束》2018,30(8):085107-1-085107-5
介绍了中国高能同步辐射光源验证装置(HEPS-TF)中超导3W1扭摆磁铁控制系统的设计。该控制系统主要包括电源控制系统和低温信号监测系统。整个控制系统基于实验物理及工业控制系统(EPICS),其硬件结构以串口服务器为核心,将接口转换为标准的RS232/485接口。软件方面,通过应用StreamDevice设备驱动模块开发了基于Modbus协议的EPICS驱动,缩短了设备驱动的开发周期。上层控制界面采用嵌入了EPICS Qt框架的Qt Creator开发,增强了其灵活性。目前控制系统的离线测试已完成。  相似文献   
张玉亮  谢哲新  荣林艳  慕振成  雷革  金大鹏  李健 《强激光与粒子束》2018,30(11):115101-1-115101-6
中国散裂中子源一期工程的直线加速器,共有8套数字化射频低电平控制单元,射频低电平的本地控制属于EPICS的异构系统,无法直接与EPICS客户端进行通信。通过在射频低电平本地控制上位机程序中嵌入一个C#类型的EPICS服务器程序,实现了使用EPICS客户端对射频低电平系统的远程控制, 从而把射频低电平控制系统接入基于EPICS框架的控制系统中。直线射频低电平远程控制投入在线运行以来,运行稳定可靠。  相似文献   
软件无线电技术的发展,不仅带来了现代通信领域的技术革命,同样在加速器束测领域中也带来了技术的革新.基于软件无线电技术和数字接收机架构的数字BPM首先在瑞士光源得到了成功的应用,斯洛文尼亚的Instrumentation Tchnologies公司把该项技术进行了市场化并进行了不断改进,形成了现在的Libera系列产品.它集模拟信号采集、模数转换、数字信号处理以及外同步于一体,是一个真正all-in-one的宽带测量系统.它可以完成束流位置的First Turn、Turn by Turn和COD等测量工作.在BEPCⅡ的初期调束中,在电子环和正电子环的束流闭环、储存和积累、故障查处以及同步环的注入残余振荡测量方面,Libera BPM发挥了出色的作用,加快了调束进程.  相似文献   
Fluorescence lifetime measurement in the time domain requires excitation from a well separated single bunch using synchrotron light sources. In the colliding mode of the Beijing Electron Positron Collider Ⅱ (BEPCⅡ), a hybrid filling pattern was realized such that a single bunch was placed in the middle of a large gap between two multi-bunch groups. Detection of fluorescence lifetime, based on the excitation of the light pulse from this designated single-bunch, was established at Beamline 4B8 of the Beijing Synchrotron Radiation Facility (BSRF). The timing signal of the BEPCII was utilized as a trigger to gate this fluorescence event. L-Tryptophan amino acid, a known lifetime standard, was selected to assess the lifetime measurement performance. The measured lifetime was consistent in both colliding and single-bunch mode with the time resolution down to 450 ps. Moreover, both the bunch purity and the fine structure of the hybrid filling pattern were characterized.  相似文献   
北京正负电子对撞机重大改造工程BEPCⅡ于2001年启动. BEPCⅡ采用双环交叉角对撞方案,使用微包络函数(micro-β)和多束团对撞以提高亮度. 先进的低温超导技术将用于对撞机的设计中. BEPCⅡ控制系统采用分布式体系结构和系统集成工具EPICS(Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System)进行开发. 控制系统的设计采用了国际先进技术. 目前系统正在建造之中, 主要系统完成了软硬件开发和实验室调试, 于2006年3月进入现场安装.预计BEPCⅡ储存环2006年10月可以开始带束流调试. 本文将介绍BEPCⅡ控制系统及其进展.  相似文献   
软件无线电技术的发展, 不仅带来了现代通信领域的技术革命, 同样在加速器束测领域中也带来了技术的革新. 基于软件无线电技术和数字接收机架构的数字BPM首先在瑞士光源得到了成功的应用, 斯洛文尼亚的Instrumentation Technologies公司把该项技术进行了市场化并进行了不断改进, 形成了现在的Libera系列产品. 它集模拟信号采集、模数转换、数字信号处理以及外同步于一体, 是一个真正all-in-one的宽带测量系统. 它可以完成束流位置的First Turn、 Turn by Turn和COD等测量工作. 在BEPCⅡ的初期调束中, 在电子环和正电子环的束流闭环、储存和积累、故障查处以及同步环的注入残余振荡测量方面, Libera BPM发挥了出色的作用, 加快了调束进程.  相似文献   
中国散裂中子源(Chinese Spallation Neutron Source, CSNS)靶站谱仪T0信号的高准确性和高可靠性是CSNS高效运行的重要条件之一。基于CPLD(Complex Programmable Logic Device)和PMC(Peripheral Mezzanine Card)子母板组合,设计了满足分布式架构的T0信号扇出设备,自主研制了24 V电平触发的中子斩波器专用触发信号接收插件;在1.6 GeV质子束首次打靶前,对T0信号延迟及信号调理做了优化。T0信号扇出设备接口信号灵活多变,具有较强的可维护性和可扩展性,已投入使用近三年,系统稳定可靠,为今后二期谱仪更高需求的T0信号扇出设备的研发积累了宝贵的建设经验。  相似文献   
BEPCⅡ is an electron-positron collider designed to run under multi-bunches and high beam current condition. The accelerator consists of an electron ring, a positron ring and a linear injector. In order to achieve the target luminosity and implement the equal bunch charge injection, the Bunch Current Monitor (BCM) system is built on BEPCⅡ. The BCM system consists of three parts: the front-end circuit, the bunch current acquisition system and the bucket selection system. The control software of BCM is based on VxWorks and EPICS. With the help of BCM system, the bunch current in each bucket can be monitored in the Central Control Room. The BEPCⅡ timing system can also use the bunch current database to decide which bucket needs to refill to implement ``top-off' njection.  相似文献   
BEPCII has two rings each with an injection system. The injection system of each ring consists of two kicker magnets and a septum magnet. The injection layout of two rings is the same. Both two kickers would kick the beam in horizontal plane. The betatron phase advance in the horizontal plane between two kickers is designed exactly 180° in order to reduce the perturbation to the circulating beams during injection. In fact, the residual orbit oscillation will originate because of the existence of a variety of errors. The Librea Electron BPM processor is used to acquire the beam position data in turn-by-turn mode and to analyze the residual orbit oscillation. According to the measurement results, minimization of the residual orbit oscillation can be done by adjusting the peak field strength and trigger timing delay of two kickers. With very small residual orbit oscillation the two beams can keep collision condition during the injection.  相似文献   
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