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利用122.5MeV的19F束流, 通过142Nd(19F,5n)156Tm熔合蒸发反应布居了156Tm核的高自旋态, 测量了γ-γ符合及DCO比值, 建立了一个有29条能级, 33条γ跃迁的能级纲图. 新增加了20条γ跃迁, 18条能级. 将能级自旋推高到(34).  相似文献   
"嫦娥一号"卫星是我国的第一颗月球探测卫星,运行轨道高度为200 km,预计工作寿命为一年,其上配备的X射线成像谱仪具备了对月表进行X射线探测、成像和对太阳X射线进行监测的功能.该X射线谱仪由两个全同的探测器阵列组成,其中,为了实现对月表主要化学元素分布及其含量进行探测的科学目标,在每个探测器阵列还配备了2个低能探测器单元.这4路低能探测器单元的面积为25 mm2,采用的都是厚度为500 μm,具有优良探测性能的Si-PIN探测器,其探测能区为1~10 keV,能量分辨率为~5%@5.9 kev.文章主要介绍了嫦娥一号卫星X射线谱仪的地面验证实验,并且根据X射线谱仪的能量响应矩阵,利用直接解调方法和基本参数法对X射线谱仪地面验证实验中的探测数据,特别是对盲测样品中的Mg,Al,Si等元素进行了定性和定量分析.  相似文献   
在中国原子能科学研究院的HI 13串列加速器上通过157Gd(19F,5n)171Ta重离子熔合蒸发反应布居了171Ta的高自旋态,以多普勒移动衰减法的峰形分析法分析了171Tah9/2质子1/2[541]转动带的6条能级的寿命,得到了这6条能级的平均寿命值. The high spin states of~(171)Ta have been populated via heavy ion fusion evaporation reaction~(157)Gd(~(19)F, 5n)~(171)Ta at the HI-13 tandem accelerator in China Institute of Atomic Energy. The lifetimes of the high spin states in~(171)Ta have been measured by using the Doppler Shift Attenuation Method (DSAM). Six levels of its h_(9/2) proton 1/2\ band have been analyzed and their lifetimes have been deduced from the experimental data.  相似文献   
通过融合蒸发反应144Nd(19F,5n)布居了双奇核158Tm的高自旋态. 扩展了原来已知的带结构, 并建立了一条新转动带. 通过与相邻核的比较, 讨论158Tm核中两条四准粒子带的内禀组态, 并分别指定为πh11/2\otimes νh9/2(α=+1/2)\otimes (νi13/2)2和πh11/2\otimes νh9/2(α=-1/2)\otimes (νi13/2)2 组态. 建立在πh11/2\otimes νi13/2组态上的转动带被观测到呈现持续旋称反转现象, 而前述的两条高自旋区的 四准粒子转动带也呈旋称反转. 对这两种类型的旋称反转现象的可能机制进行了简单而定性的讨论.  相似文献   
As the nearest celestial body to the earth, the moon has become a hot spot again in astronomy field recently. The element analysis is a much important subject in many lunar projects. Remote X-ray spectrometry plays an important role in the geochemical exploration of the solar bodies. Because of the quasi-vacuum atmosphere on the moon, which has no absorption of X-ray, the X-ray fluorescence analysis is an effective way to determine the elemental abundance of lunar surface. The CE-1 X-ray fluorescence spectrometer (CE-1/XFS) aims to map the major elemental compositions on the lunar surface. This paper describes a method for quantitative analysis of elemental compositions. A series of ground base experiments are done to examine the capability of XFS. The obtained results, which show a reasonable agreement with the certified values at a 30% uncertainty level for major elements, are presented.  相似文献   
The high spin states of 106Ag were populated via the fusion-evaporation reaction 100Mo(11B,5n)106Ag at a beam energy of 60 MeV. A new level scheme of 106Ag is presented. The positive parity band based on the configuration of πg9/2⊙ν[h211/2(g7/2/d5/2)] is assigned to magnetic rotation band of shears mechanism. Theoretical calculation of the effective interaction on the basis of TAC mode were also performed, the calculated results agrees well with the value extracted from the experiment.  相似文献   
利用重离子熔合蒸发反应12C+48Ti布局52Mn和54Mn核的高自旋态. 用14台高纯锗反康谱仪组成的γ探测器阵列测量γ-γ符合. 经过对实验数据的分析, 发现了52Mn和54Mn核一些新的能级跃迁. 应用OXBASH程序对52Mn核进行了理论计算与分析, 其结果与实验中测量得到的数值符合得很好.  相似文献   
嫦娥三号粒子激发X射线谱仪红外距离感知方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
粒子激发X射线谱仪(APXS)是我国嫦娥三号卫星月球巡视器的有效载荷之一,其主要目的是对月面土壤和岩石完成就位探测和离线分析,距离感知功能是保障APXS有效探测的一项重要功能。本文首先简要介绍了APXS系统,分析了距离感知功能的特殊要求和约束,然后提出了一种利用响应曲线拐点的新型红外距离感知方法。通过理论推导证明了本方法的算法可行性,并且设计试验验证了本方法。理论分析表明,尽管该方法对工作温度和月面反射率不敏感,但是强烈的太阳红外辐射环境可能引起光敏器件饱和。解决措施是适当降低器件增益并避免太阳光直射。  相似文献   
粒子激发X射线谱仪(APXS)是中国探月工程二期嫦娥三号月球巡视器的有效载荷之一。简要介绍APXS的工作原理、组成部分,以及它在月面的工作环境,通过模拟及实验研究了月面热环境对APXS的影响,结果显示,APXS将工作在显著的变温过程中。相对恒温过程,APXS在变温过程中的能量分辨率明显变差。为了消除该温度效应的影响,提出了一种基于皮尔逊卡方检验(Pearson’s chi-squared test)的修正方法,能够有效提高变温过程中的能量分辨率。通过温度循环试验中变温阶段的数据对该方法进行了测试,结果表明,该方法具有很好的修正效果和较高的可靠性。  相似文献   
Au/Ni/n-type 4H–SiC Schottky alpha particle detectors are fabricated and annealed at temperatures between 400℃ and 700℃ to investigate the effects of thermal stability of the Schottky contact on the structural and electrical properties of the detectors. At the annealing temperature of 500?C, the two nickel silicides(i.e., Ni_(31)Si_(12) and Ni_2Si) are formed at the interface and result in the formation of an inhomogeneous Schottky barrier. By increasing the annealing temperature,the Ni_(31)Si_(12) transforms into the more stable Ni_2Si. The structural evolution of the Schottky contact directly affects the electrical properties and alpha particle energy resolutions of the detectors. A better energy resolution of 2.60% is obtained for 5.48-MeV alpha particles with the detector after being annealed at 600℃. As a result, the Au/Ni/n-type 4 H–SiC Schottky detector shows a good performance after thermal treatment at temperatures up to 700℃.  相似文献   
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