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Grechnev  V.V.  Lesovoi  S.V.  Smolkov  G. Ya.  Krissinel  B.B.  Zandanov  V.G.  Altyntsev  A.T.  Kardapolova  N.N.  Sergeev  R.Y.  Uralov  A.M.  Maksimov  V.P.  Lubyshev  B.I. 《Solar physics》2003,216(1-2):239-272
The Siberian Solar Radio Telescope (SSRT) is one of the world's largest solar radio heliographs. It commenced operation in 1983, and since then has undergone several upgrades. The operating frequency of the SSRT is 5.7 GHz. Since 1992 the instrument has had the capability to make one-dimensional scans with a high time resolution of 56 ms and an angular resolution of 15 arc sec. Making one of these scans now takes 14 ms. In 1996 the capability was added to make full, two-dimensional images of the solar disk. The SSRT is now capable of obtaining images with an angular resolution of 21 arc sec every 2 min. In this paper we describe the main features and operation of the instrument, particularly emphasizing issues pertaining to the imaging process and factors limiting data quality. Some of the data processing and analysis techniques are discussed. We present examples of full-disk solar images of the quiet Sun, recorded near solar activity minimum, and images of specific structures: plages, coronal bright points, filaments and prominences, and coronal holes. We also present some observations of dynamic phenomena, such as eruptive prominences and solar flares, which illustrate the high-time-resolution observations that can be done with this instrument. We compare SSRT observations at 5.7 GHz, including computed `light curves', both morphologically and quantatively, with observations made in other spectral domains, such as 17 GHz radio images, Hα filtergrams and magnetograms, extreme-ultraviolet and X-ray observations, and dynamic radio spectra.  相似文献   
Radio astronomy experiments designed to probe the interplanetary plasma close to the Sun have been carried out at the wavelength = 2.92 m using the occultation method. The experiments are based on a modification of the occultation method by which the sources, in this case quasars, are used to measure the radial dependence of the apparent source size, the scattering angle (R). The radial dependence of this source size (R) reveals that an anomalous enhancement in the scattering appears at radial distances from about 16 to 30 R , which is associated with the solar wind transsonic region. It is shown by analysis of the theoretical equations that the radial profiles of both the source size (R) and the scintillation index m(R) are consistent in the near solar interplanetary medium (R 40 R ). Combining these two independent applications of the occultation method extends the range of the investigation and provides a powerful new diagnostic of the solar wind transsonic region.  相似文献   
A statistical ensemble of microphysical parameters of the background stratospheric aerosol at altitudes of 15 to 30 km is modeled on the basis of experimental data. The aerosol attenuation coefficients (AACs) in the wavelength range 0.38–16.3 μm are calculated for all realizations of the ensemble by algorithms of the Mie theory. Analysis of correlations between the AACs and the microphysical parameters indicate that the AAC correlates most strongly with the total volume V and area S of all particles. The errors of determining the microphysical parameters from AAC measurements are analyzed via the method of linear regression. It is shown that, if the AAC is measured with an error of 5%, the errors of determining both the particle size distribution (PSD) for particles with sizes of 0.4 to 4 μm and the parameter S are an order of magnitude smaller than the prior uncertainty, whereas the error of determining V is two orders of magnitude smaller than the prior uncertainty. Schemes of AAC measurements with the SAGE III, ISAMS, CLAES, HALOE instruments and an IR interferometer in the visible and IR regions are discussed. It is shown that combining the schemes makes it possible to extend the range of particle sizes for which the PSD is retrieved with a satisfactory accuracy and to increase the accuracy of determining S and V substantially and the accuracy of determining the total number of particles N opt to a lesser extent. Examples of interpreting AAC measurements carried out simultaneously with the SAGE III and HALOE instruments within the same spatial region are presented. A systematic discrepancy between vertical profiles of S and V obtained from SAGE III and HALOE measurements is revealed.  相似文献   
胜利油田海上勘探区 ,位于渤海湾南部的极浅海海域 ,其范围为 :西起四女寺河口 ,经套儿河口、老黄河口、新黄河口、小青河口 ,东到潍河口 ,海岸长 4 1 4km,胜利矿产登记线内面积 4 870 km2 ,水深一般 0~ 5m,最深 1 8m。截止 2 0 0 0年年底 ,已完成二维地震 71 3 6.1 km,三维地震 1 588.58km2 ,完钻探井 1 0 2口 ,测井解释油气层井 87口 ,试油 85口 ,其中 74口获工业油流 ,6口获低产油流。发现了埕岛、埕北 3 0、新滩 3个油田 ,在明化镇组、馆陶组、东营组、沙河街组、中生界、上古生界、下古生界、太古界中发现了 8套含油层系 ,6种类型的油气藏 ,已探明含油面积 1 45.8km2 ,石油地质储量 3 860 9万 t;控制含油面积57.5km2 ,石油地质储量 894 8万 t,其中埕岛油田是渤海域发现最早的亿吨级油田 ,目前已建成 2 1 6万 t年生产能力 ,累积产油 1 0 57万 t。根据两轮资源评价及勘探实践的认识 ,与本区有关的 8个生油凹陷 (岐口、沙南、渤中、埕北、桩东、青东、莱州湾、潍北 )总资源量约 1 2 .0亿 t,目前已找到探明加控制石油地质储量为 4 .75亿 t,仍有较大的勘探开发潜力。今后将对 8个构造带 (埕子口、埕岛、埕北 3 0、长堤、垦东、青东、青坨子、潍北 )进行勘探 ,落实探明储量 ,进一步投入开发 ,为胜利油田  相似文献   
Computer programs developed to study large-scale, transient gas structures in galaxies are described and test results are given. Gas-dynamic quantities are determined on the basis of a three-dimensional algorithm using so-called "smoothed particle hydrodynamics" (SPH). Preliminary calculations were made to simulate the formation of a gas ring around a spheroidal galaxy when it absorbs a low-mass, gas-rich companion, as well due to gas accretion during the flyby of a spiral galaxy of comparable mass. The evolution of tidal gas tails of disk galaxies is investigated.Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 39, No. 2, pp. 265–284, April–June, 1996.  相似文献   
Aiming to study the relationship between Venus surface heights and surface roughness, the Pioneer Venus surface altitude map and map of r.m.s. slope in m-dkm scale have been analy sed for the Beta and Ishtar regions using a system of digital image processing. To integrate the data obtained, the results of geomorphological analysis of Venera 9 and 10 TV panoramas as well as gamma-spectrometric and photometric measurements were used. The analysis gives proof that Venera 9 and 10 landing sites represent geologic-morphologic situations typical of Venus, thus enabling the results of observations made at landing sites to be extended to large provinces. Apparently this conclusion is also applicable to the Venera 8 landing site. No strong relationship exists between the roughness of the surface and its altitude or the amount of a regional slope; neither for the Beta nor for the Ishtar region. A weak direct correlation observable for roughness-altitude pairs for the Beta region and roughness-altitude, roughness-slope pairs for the Ishtar region are quite obviously a consequence of regional roughness control, i.e. of an overall character of geological structure. On Venus the factors contributing to higher surface roughness on the m-dkm scale are, obviously, mostly volcanic and tectonic in their nature whilst those responsible for smoothing-out of the surface are chiefly exogenic. The rate of exogenic transformation of the Cytherean surface may be fairly high. On Venus, similarly as on the Earth, active tectono-magmatic processes have possibly taken place in recent geological epochs. One of the places where they are manifest is an extensive zone running from north to south across the Beta, Phoebe and Themis highlands. Within its limits occur both the process of basaltic shield-type volcanism and areal basalt effusions at low hypsometric levels accounting for the formation of lowland plains at the expense of ancient rolling plains. The basalts of the shield volcano Beta show some differences in composition compared to those of areal effusions at low hypsometric levels. The overall character of Cytherean tectonics in the recent geologic epoch is apparently block-type with a predominance of vertical movements. Against the background of the sinking of some of the blocks the other ones are rising and, possibly, such compensation upheavals have been responsible for the formation of the Ishtar region.  相似文献   
地缘经济关系测度与分析的理论方法探讨--以云南省为例   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
文章首先简要分析了地缘经济学的发展进程和研究内容,提出以保护国家利益增强综合国力为主要研究目的的地缘经济理论在一定程度上可以指导不同级别区域经济合作策略的制定。然后在探究了地缘经济关系涵义的前提下,设计了地缘经济关系的测度体系,并用该方法对云南省地缘经济关系进行了数量测度和类型判别,进而对该省地缘经济关系进行了分析和评价,对经济发展提出了建议。  相似文献   
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