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在高精度磁环地音探测器中,磁路的设计至关重要。采用辐向磁环的设计思想,突破了常规的柱状磁路设计,并且在磁钢材料的选择上采用了新型的铁钴基材料。通过实验测试可知均匀气隙磁场宽度增加到11.Omm,磁环地音探测器的失真度也极大地降低了,其失真度小于O.05%.  相似文献   
The success of ultrasonic nondestructive testing technology depends not only on the generation and measurement of the desired waveform, but also on the signal processing of the measured waves. The traditional time-domain methods have been partly successful in identifying small cracks, but not so successful in estimating crack size, especially in strong backscattering noise. Sparse signal representation can provide sparse information that represents the signal time-frequency signature, which can also be used in processing ultrasonic nondestructive signals. A novel ultrasonic nondestructive signal processing algorithm based on signal sparse representation is proposed. In order to suppress noise, matching pursuit algorithm with Gabor dictionary is selected as the signal decomposition method. Precise echoes information, such as crack location and size, can be estimated by quantitative analysis with Gabor atom. To verify the performance, the proposed algorithm is applied to computer simulation signal and experimental ultrasonic signals which represent multiple backscattered echoes from a thin metal plate with artificial holes. The results show that this algorithm not only has an excellent performance even when dealing with signals in the presence of strong noise, but also is successful in estimating crack location and size. Moreover, the algorithm can be applied to data compression of ultrasonic nondestructive signal.  相似文献   
为了探索塔河油田石炭系盐下奥陶系储集层发育特征及成藏条件,实现新地区、新层位、新领域的突破,进一步扩大塔河油田外围盐下奥陶系含油气范围,实现增储上产,利用率先在盐下奥陶系完钻的S105井、S106井、S117井的地质录井、测井、测试等资料,结合区域地质资料,对S105井-S106井-S117井区内盐下奥陶系的区域构造特征、油源条件、储集条件、储盖组合、圈闭条件及油气藏类型进行了分析,得出的结论是盐下奥陶系恰尔巴克组-一间房组发育地层不整合-岩溶裂缝型圈闭,且油源充足,储集层发育,圈闭条件良好,易于油气成藏,指出了盐下奥陶系的勘探开发前景。  相似文献   
空气钻井条件下录井工艺方法与技术配套探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
针对玉门青西油田深部高陡易斜地层存在可钻性差、自然造斜能力强,致使钻井周期长、成本高等特点,中油集团公司在吐哈油田设立钻探“工程探索井(L14井)”重大科研项目,试验研究空气钻井技术。根据L14井录井的实际情况,首先分析了空气钻井条件对录井带来的影响和常规的录井工艺方法和技术设备存在的不足;从5个方面介绍了录井工艺、技术方法的改进,探讨了空气钻井下的岩屑上返理论;介绍了配置装备的改进,分析了该井录井配套技术的应用效果。从该试验井的录井效果看,经改进的录井工艺、方法及装备基本上能满足空气钻井的需要,取全取准了地质及工程资料,为地质解释和评价提供了可靠依据;在工程监测、保障施工安全方面,工程录井也发挥了作用。但综合录井仪软件及后台评价程序还不适应空气钻井的需要,相关的理论研究及工艺完善还有许多课题尚需深入。  相似文献   
钻井技术水平的不断提高和PDC钻头的广泛使用给现场录井作业带来了新问题。与传统的三牙轮钻头相比,PDC钻头突出的特点是产生的岩屑稀少、细小甚至失真,给地质录井的岩屑采集、鉴定、识别以及油气层级别的判定、解释、评价带来了一系列困难。为此,结合PDC钻头在新疆塔河、松辽盆地、鄂尔多斯等地油田的使用及录井经验,从PDC钻头条件下岩屑特征和岩性特征的分析入手,阐述使用PDC钻头对气测录井、荧光录井的影响,总结了在PDC钻头条件下搞好录井作业的应对措施,并列举了提高录井技术水平的可行途径。  相似文献   
金楼又名赋鹤楼,原是碧江苏氏望族职方第中的藏书楼,早以精美的木雕装修饮誉海内外。因晚清重臣戴鸿慈之女嫁入苏家,故有“金屋藏娇”的传说。景区由金楼、泥楼、职方第大宅、后花园、亦渔遗塾以及围墙外的慕堂苏公祠、三兴大宅等古建筑组成。这些景点近年拂尘惊世,被专家和远近游客总结出古、博、精、真四大亮点,并已列为广东省文物保护单位。方圆几百米内,一座古建代表一个时代。这些建筑在功能上包括了街巷、祠堂、宅第、庭园、私塾、书斋;建筑风格则保留着干打垒、蠔壳墙、水磨砖、镬耳山墙等特色;装饰方面,木雕、砖雕、石刻、灰塑、壁…  相似文献   
Chu RH  Town G 《Applied optics》2002,41(17):3412-3418
We present an efficient method for designing birefringent filters comprising a number of birefringent sections with equal length and arbitrary orientation between two polarizers and for producing a specified spectral response in transmission. The method uses a digital filter design algorithm (i.e., the Remez algorithm) to determine an optimal polynomial approximation to obtain a specified finite impulse response, and a layer-peeling algorithm to calculate the filter structure parameters. The design procedure is demonstrated for a 14-section bandpass filter with sidelobes below -40 dB. The influence of errors in length and orientation of the birefringent sections on the filter's spectral response is also discussed.  相似文献   
南京审计学院新校区位于南京浦口区,北面是起伏的老山国家森林公园,教学区用地地处老山的余脉与南面长江岸边平地交接形成的脊状山丘地带.用地现状山青水秀,原有的脊状山体与湿地水体相间,在教学区用地上形成山水相融的优美景观.如何使建筑与生态环境融合,如何营造审计学院严谨、庄重的人文氛围与地域特色,成为建筑设计的关键.……  相似文献   
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