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GREIG  B. J. W.; LOW  J. D. 《Forestry》1975,48(2):147-163
Stump removal was found to singnificantly reduce killing byFomes annosus in second rotation crops of pine. Poisoning andgirdling of trees prior to felling and also stump poisoningfailed to control the disease. In this experiment no significantdifferences were detected in the susceptibility of Scots andCorsican pine to attack. Increasing periods of delay beforereplanting resulted in less mortality. An equation is presented,based on factors of the first rotation crop which may be usedto predict losses likely to occur when a site is replanted.Root attack by F. annosus results in reduced growth and yieldas well as mortality. The results from the experiment are discussed in trems of themangement of pine crops attacted by F. annosus in Theford Chase.  相似文献   
GREIG  B. J. W. 《Forestry》1971,44(2):151-153
Standard boring attachments which can be fitted to chain-sawswere used to power increment borers. They were successfullyused to detect decay in trees, stumps, and logs, in a programmeof research in Fomes annosus.  相似文献   
PRATT  J. E.; GREIG  B. J. W. 《Forestry》1988,61(4):339-347
Severe butt rot caused by Heterobasidion annosum (Fomes annosus)developed in two stands of first rotation Norway spruce on oldagricultural land within 11 years of first thinning. At SiteI (Devon), 11 per cent of thinning stumps and 23 per cent ofclear felled stumps were found to be decayed when examined soonafter the crop was felled at age 37 years. It is estimated thatbetween 4.4 per cent and 6.6 per cent of potential volume waslost on clear felling. Significant butt rot had also developedin a 33-year-old stand of Norway spruce in Site II (Aberdeenshire)11 years after a Scots pine nurse crop was removed. Here, thedisease was found to be widespread on an area of 2 ha, and 73per cent of trees had butt rot. Decay extended 3 m up the stems,and occupied significant areas of the butt. In both cases, thepresence of butt rot in the crops led to premature clear felling,which resulted in additional loss of potential revenue. It seems most likely that the disease became established followinginfection of thinning stumps by airborne spores of the fungus:at Site I, the thinning stumps were not protected whilst atSite II it would appear that a chemical or biological treatmentapplied to the pine stumps failed. The subsequent rapid developmentof the disease was due, in part, to a variety of environmentaland edaphic factors.  相似文献   
LOW  J. D.; GREIG  B. J. W. 《Forestry》1973,46(2):139-155
Spring frosts in Thetford Chase cause a major reduction in thegrowth of young Corsican pine and very severe frosts or repeatedfrosting may kill the trees. Records of temperatures taken ona range of sites and in different conditions have shown that(a) spring frosts occur every year at Thetford, but the severefrosts which kill trees outright may only occur once every fewyears, (b) frost damage to plants mainly occurs when the treesare less than 18 in (45 cm) tall, (c) forest clearings largerthan 5 acres (2 ha) do not act as artificial frost hollows,(d) cold air flows down slopes of more than 1° and accumulatesat the bottom, forming a frosty zone. Studies showed that frost damage can be minimized by (a) completecultivation, (b) deep ploughing, (c) underplanting, and (d)strip felling. The benefits of these measures are demonstratedby temperature records and by measurements of tree growth. Methods of reducing frost damage are necessary in areas proneto spring frosts if crops of Corsican pine are to be successfullyestablished at low cost.  相似文献   
GIBBS  J. N.; GREIG  B. J. W. 《Forestry》1997,70(4):399-406
Episodes of dying back of pedunculate oak Quercus roburhaveoccurred in Europe. In this article, produced to mark the 70thvolume of Forestry, the 1920s episode, as described by contemporaryresearch workers, is evaluated. The second part of the paperis concerned with an accountof the 1989–1994 episode inGreat Britain and comparisons are made with occurrences elsewherein Europe. In Britain, one feature not previously recorded,was attack on declining trees by the buprestid beetle, Agriluspannonicus.  相似文献   
GREIG  B. J. W. 《Forestry》1987,60(2):193-202
‘Peridermium’ stem rust (Peridermium pini (Pers.)Lev.) has been present in Thetford forest for at least 40 years,but has only become a major problem during the last decade.Survey data are presented which show that there has been a dramaticincrease in the disease in crops of Scots pine between 1964,when with less than one per cent of the trees showed symptoms,and 1979, when the figure was 10 per cent. The disease has apparentlyspread outwards from a central focus in the middle of the forest.In four plots the proportion of trees with visible symptomshas increased in five years from an average of 28 per cent to46 per cent. However, only 1–2 per cent of the trees havedied annually, and it appears that many trees with ‘deadtops’ may survive for long periods. The situation in Thetfordseems to contrast with that in north-east Scotland, where limiteddata suggest there has been no appreciable increase in diseaseincidence during recent years. There are only two records ofthe disease on Corsican pine (P. nigra var. maritima (Ait.)Melville) in Thetford.  相似文献   
GREIG  B. J. W. 《Forestry》1962,34(2):164-182
The development of root rot and butt rot caused by Fomes annosusin conifer crops planted on ex-hardwood ground is slower thanthat in second-rotation conifer plantations. This is apparentlydue to competition from other fungi, notably Artnillaria mellea.Excavations on ex-hardwood sites showed that F. annosus waspresent in conifer thinning stumps, and that transference ofinfection occurred, causing butt rot. The investigations confirmedthe need for stump protection of all conifer crops planted onex-hardwood sites. Short accounts are given of the activityof A. mellea and Polyporus schweinitzii, the other two importantroot-rotting fungi on these sites.  相似文献   
The status of stem rust (Peridermium pini or (Pers.) Lev.) inScots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) in the central block of Thetfordforest, East Anglia was determined by means of detailed analysisof freshly felled trees. A total of 935 trees was examined,these comprising c. 100 from each of nine compartments plantedbetween 1922 and 1933. Lesions in all stages of development were found; from thosein their first year of sporulation on young twigs to those whichhad been established for many years on the trunk and main branches.Death of cambium occurred typically on lesions on shoots thatwere more than five years of age. Downward growth of the funguswas estimated to average between 4.7 and 5.6 cm per year, whenbased on the length of sporulating tissue on young twigs, and6.3 cm per year when based on cambial killing in trunk lesions.The average rate of circumferential killing of trunk lesionsaveraged 4.3 crn per year (i.e. 2.2 cm in each direction). Therewas no evidence that wounds provided a significant infectioncourt. A strong association was found between the presence of the ‘purplemould’ (Tuberculina maxima) and an absence of sporulationby the rust fungus. However, there was no evidence for lesioninactivation by T. maxima. Data are presented on the distribution of disease between sitesand between trees. Five per cent of the total sample of treeswere dead and an additional 12 per cent had crown symptoms associatedwith girdling trunk lesions. Among the 775 trees with predominantlyhealthy crowns, it is estimated that 9 per cent would have diedwithin 5 years, 15 per cent within 10 years and 22 per centwithin 20 years. By contrast 66 per cent had no disease at all,probably for genetic reasons. It is concluded that, althoughthe disease situation is serious, there is no requirement fora major change to be made in the felling programme for the pre-warScots pine in Thetford.  相似文献   
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