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Summary The coeliac active peptide B 3142, which has been isolated from a peptic-tryptic digest of gliadin [1] and which consists of 53 amino-acid sequences [2], was partially hydrolyzed with -chymotrypsin. The two fragment peptides CT-1 (positions 1–22 of B 3142) and CT-2 (positions 23–53) were separated by high-performance liquid chromatography on octadecyl silica gel and purified by gel filtration on Biogel P2. The examination in the organ-culture test including 18 coeliac patients on normal diet and 7 control persons have shown that the toxicity is preserved after the chymotryptic treatment and that the peptides B 3142, CT-1 and CT-2 do not significantly differ from one another according to their coeliac-specific effect.
Coeliakieaktivitat der Gliadinpeptide CT-1 und CT-2
Zusammenfassung Das coeliakieaktive Peptid B 3142, das aus einem peptisch-tryptischen Partialhydrolysat von Gliadin gewonnen wurde [1] und aus einer Sequenz von 53 Aminosäureresten besteht [2], wurde mit -Chymotrypsin partiell hydrolysiert. Die beiden Fragment-peptide CT-1 (Positionen 1–22 von B 3142) und CT-2 (Positionen 23–53) wurden durch Hochdruckflüssig-keitschromatographie an Octadecyl-Kieselgel aufgetrennt und an Biogel P2 gereinigt. Die Prüfung im Organkultur-Test unter Einbeziehung von 18 Coeliakie-patienten unter Normalkost und von 7 Kontrollpersonen zeigte, daß die Toxizität nach chymotryptischer Spaltung erhalten bleibt, und daß sich die Peptide B 3142, CT-1 und CT-2 in ihrer coeliakiespezifischen Wirkung nicht wesentlich unterscheiden.

Supported by a grant from Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. We gratefully acknowledge the excellent assistance given by Mrs. U. Schützler and Ms. B. Mosler  相似文献   
Toxicity of different wheat gliadins in coeliac disease   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary To determine the toxic effect of different gliadins on coeliac patients, which has been variably assessed in the literature, wheat prolamines (gliadin) were separated into the main fractions-, -, -, and-gliadins by chromatography on Sulfopropyl Sephadex C-50. The chemical compositions of the gliands were characterized by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, amino-acid analysis, determination of amide nitrogen and peptide maps.The peptide fractions B2 and B3 were isolated from the gliadins by a peptic tryptic digestion, ultrafiltration and gel filtration on Sephadex G-50.The gliadins and the peptide fractions were examined for coeliac activity by immunological tests (LIF tests) and by organ-culture tests.The results show that the peptide fractions are generally more active than their respective gliadins. The peptide fractions of all gliadins have a coeliac-specific toxic effect; their activities correlate with the chemical composition of the gliadins.
Untersuchungen von Gliadinfraktionen des Weizens auf Cöliakieaktivität
Zusammenfassung Zur Überprufung der teilweise widersprüchlichen Angaben in der Literatur über die cöliakieauslösende Wirkung einzelner Gliadinfraktionen wird Weizenprolamin (Gliadin) durch Ionenaustauschchromatographie an Sulfopropyl-Sephadex C-50 in die Hauptfraktionen-, -, - und-Gliadin aufgetrennt. Die Gliadine werden durch PAG-Elektrophorese, Aminosäureanalyse, Amid-N-Bestimmung und über die nach partieller enzymatischer Hydrolyse erhaltenen Peptidmuster in ihrer chemischen Zusammensetzung charakterisiert. Durch peptisch-tryptische Partialhydrolyse, Ultrafiltration und Gelchromatographie an Sephadex G-50 werden aus den einzelnen Gliadinen die Peptidfraktionen 132 und 133 gewonnen. Die Protein- und Peptidfraktionen werden in einem immunologischen Test (LIF-Test) bzw. in einem Organkultur-Test auf Cöliakieaktivität untersucht.Die Ergebnisse zeigen, daß die Peptidfraktionen durchweg größere Aktivität haben als die entsprechenden Proteine, und daß von den Peptidfraktionen aller Gliadine eine cöliakiespezifische Wirkung ausgeht, wobei die Aktivität mit der chemischen Zusammensetzung der Gliadine korreliert ist.

Supported by a grant from Stiftung Volkswagenwerk  相似文献   
We compare Monte Carlo (MC) and discrete-ordinate radiative-transfer (DISORT) simulations of irradiances in a one-dimensional coupled atmosphere-ocean (CAO) system consisting of horizontal plane-parallel layers. The two models have precisely the same physical basis, including coupling between the atmosphere and the ocean, and we use precisely the same atmospheric and oceanic input parameters for both codes. For a plane atmosphere-ocean interface we find agreement between irradiances obtained with the two codes to within 1%, both in the atmosphere and the ocean. Our tests cover case 1 water, scattering by density fluctuations both in the atmosphere and in the ocean, and scattering by particulate matter represented by a one-parameter Henyey-Greenstein (HG) scattering phase function. The CAO-MC code has an advantage over the CAO-DISORT code in that it can handle surface waves on the atmosphere-ocean interface, but the CAO-DISORT code is computationally much faster. Therefore we use CAO-MC simulations to study the influence of ocean surface waves and propose a way to correct the results of the CAO-DISORT code so as to obtain fast and accurate underwater irradiances in the presence of surface waves.  相似文献   
Heparin-coating improves the biocompatibility of blood contacting artificial surfaces. This led us to investigate the impact of heparin-coating (Carmeda AB, Stockholm) of polymetylmetacrylate on the expression of monocyte tissue factor procoagulant activity (TF-PCA) by surface adhesion. Also, the anticoagulant effect of heparin-coating in the presence or absence of adherent procoagulant monocytes was assessed. This is of particular interest, since activation of extrinsic coagulation by adherent monocyte TF-PCA may play a significant role in thrombin generation during extracorporeal circulation. Monocytes exposed to heparin-coated or non-coated polymetylmetacrylate expressed TF-PCA. The heparin coat did not affect the rate of monocyte adhesion. However, heparin-coating reduced the induction of TF-PCA of non-adherent and adherent monocytes by 17 and 33% (p <0.001 and p <0.0003), respectively. Heparin-coating in the absence of monocytes, totally inhibited the clotting of recalcified plasma (p <0.003). In contrast, in the presence of adherent monocytes expressing TF-PCA, surface-bound heparin did not inhibit clotting. However, inclusion of heparin in a plasma concentration of 8.9 IU/ml totally inhibited the activation of coagulation. It is apparent that heparin-coating of an artificial surface is an efficient means to inhibit coagulation of recalcified plasma, but much less so when procoagulant monocytes are adherent to the coated surface. The present findings are of clinical relevance, since monocytes will adhere to blood contacting surfaces of extracorporeal circuits or to implanted vascular prostheses and subsequently express TF-PCA, and this may promote thromboembolism.  相似文献   
Coeliac activity of the gliadin peptides CT-1 and CT-2   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The coeliac active peptide B 3142, which has been isolated from a peptic-tryptic digest of gliadin and which consists of 53 amino-acid sequences, was partially hydrolyzed with alpha-chymotrypsin. The two fragment peptides CT-1 (positions 1-22 of B 3142) and CT-2 (positions 23-53) were separated by high-performance liquid chromatography on octadecyl silica gel and purified by gel filtration on Biogel P2. The examination in the organ-culture test including 18 coeliac patients on normal diet and 7 control persons have shown that the toxicity is preserved after the chymotryptic treatment and that the peptides B 3142, CT-1 and CT-2 do not significantly differ from one another according to their coeliac-specific effect.  相似文献   
Physical restraints are a frequently used but disputed method to prevent falls. The aim of the present study was to investigate how the use of restraints in institutional elder care relates to previous falls and to the estimated fall risk of the individual patient. A total of 1142 patients, mean age 82 years, were included in the study. A questionnaire, the Multi-Dimensional Dementia Assessment Scale (MDDAS), was used to measure motor function, vision, hearing, ADL performance, behavioral symptoms, psychiatric symptoms, cognitive impairment and use of medication. Questions concerning the use of physical restraints and known previous falls were added to the instrument. Based on data from the questionnaire (MDDAS), a score on the Downton Fall Risk Index was calculated for each patient. All in all, 248 (22%) of the patients had been subject to restraints and for 155 of them (14%) such measures had been taken to prevent falls. Only weak connections were found between the restraining of patients to prevent falls and the prevalence of known previous falls during hospital stay (phi = 0.05), and estimated fall risk (phi = 0.07). The results indicate that the use of physical restraints is poorly connected with the estimated fall risk. Therefore, this study may point to a possible overuse of these measures.  相似文献   
Plastic bonded explosives when exposed to prolonged heating environments undergo a variety of changes that affect their bulk chemical, thermophysical, and mechanical properties. During slow heating conditions, referred to as cook‐off, the thermal behavior of the polymeric binder plays an important role in the transformations of these composite energetic materials. The recently introduced Darcian flow hypothesis for PBX‐9501 implies that, during preignition, temperature gradients will lead to pressure gradients which in turn will drive convection of decomposition gases throughout the explosive, thus affecting ignition time and location. Here, we focus on the cook‐off behavior of PBX‐9501 and investigate its effects on bulk permeability to gases produced as a result of thermal decomposition. The concept of Darcian convection through porous media is defined and illustrated in detail by the derivation of the governing equations for a permeameter. Based on a systematic analysis involving: 1) our current understanding about binder behavior as a function of temperature, 2) the physics of the gas permeameter apparatus, 3) the concept of liquid drainage by gas, and 4) the experimental record of four permeameter experiments with cooked PBX‐9501, we conclude that samples heated up to 186 °C were not permeable in the Darcy‐flow sense.  相似文献   
PBX 9502 is an insensitive high explosive formulated comprised of 95 wt% TATB and 5 wt% Kel‐F 800TM binder. Due to the relatively high cost of manufacturing TATB (triaminotrinitrobenzene), methods for reclaiming TATB from PBX 9502 machine cuttings were previously developed. Reclaimed PBX 9502 was mixed with ~ 50% virgin PBX 9502 to produce “recycled” lots of PBX 9502. Several studies have shown significant differences between the mechanical properties of virgin and recycled lots of PBX 9502, and postulated that the differences were related to various aspects of TATB particle size and distribution. The purpose of this study is to show that these differences in mechanical properties are related to differences in the distribution of TATB within the microstructure of PBX 9502. Ultimately, a better understanding of these properties may lead to selected formulation changes for future rebuilds, Lifetime Extension Programs (LEP) and/or candidate replacements to enhance engineering and physics performance.  相似文献   
Compression measurements were conducted on three explosive formulation binders, extruded Estane, plasticized Estane, and plasticized hydroxyl‐terminated polybutadiene, as a function of temperature and strain rate. The mechanical response of the Estane was found to exhibit the strongest dependency on strain rate and temperature and higher flow strength for similar test conditions of the three materials tested. Plasticized Estane was less sensitively dependent on strain rate and temperature, followed by the plasticized HTPB. The visco‐elastic recovery of all three binders is seen to dominate the mechanical behavior at temperatures above the glass transition temperature (Tg). There is a pronounced shift in the apparent Tg to higher temperatures as the strain rate is increased. Two distinct behaviors are observed in the binders below the Tg. At low strain rates, the binders exhibit a yield behavior, followed by a drop in the flow stress, which may or may not recover. At high strain rates, the load drop does not occur and the flow stresses either gradually increase, as in plasticized HTPB, or it levels out as seen in the Estane‐based binders. POLYM. ENG. SCI., 46:812–819, 2006. © 2006 Society of Plastics Engineers  相似文献   
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