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黑潮加热场对气旋发展影响的动力分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文计算了黑潮海域7个气旋发生时期海面和900,850,700 hPa各层的热量输送.并讨论了该海域热输送对气旋发生发展的影响.并将海洋加热场作用和其它各物理因子作出比较.分析结果表明:黑潮对发展于该海域上空的冬春季气旋的影响是显著的,尤其在这些气旋发展初期,黑潮海域加热场的作用为其发展的主要因素.计算结果还表明,普遍认为对发生在其它地区(如江淮,黄淮)的气旋发展也有重要影响的降水效应,在东海气旋的发展中其作用却是次要的.  相似文献   
The heat transferred through sea surface and the 900 hPa, 850 hPa and 700 hPa layers during seven cyclones formed over the Kuroshio area is calculated, and the influence of heat supply of the area on cyclones development is studied. Analyses indicate that the heat so transferred has obvious influence on the cyclones over the Kuroshio in spring and winter, and that the effect of precipitation is secondary to the East China Sea cyclones, although it is generally regarded as an important factor for other ones such as those formed in the drainage areas of the Huanghe-Huaihe Rivers and the Changjiang-Huaihe Rivers.  相似文献   
气旋在黑潮海域的异常发展早已为许多作者所注意。目前从统计学和动力学方法也已证实,东海气旋的异常发展与黑潮海域充沛的热量供应有关。有的作者试图从海面能量供应的角度论证上述事实,如Ninomiyo曾以半经验的方法计算黑潮海域气旋式波动的有效位能的转换。但对气旋的发生发展而言,更重要的是扰动有效位能的生成及其转换。然而迄今未见有关于黑潮对气旋扰动能量关系的详细计算和讨论。本文在计算了黑潮上空气旋区海面和高空微尺度的热涡动输送值后,着重讨论了海洋热源引起的气旋区扰动有效位能的产生及其转换。作为对照,也计算了气旋在陆地和移出黑潮区以后的扰动能量平衡。我们试图从所得结果分析气旋在陆地、海洋和黑潮  相似文献   
用Xie和Hsieh从三十九年(1950-1988)Coads月平均风应力资料算出的全球海洋Ekman层底垂直速度资料,分别对印度洋和大西洋的垂直速度场作EOF分析。在384个模中集中讨论了前四个模,印度洋的四个模被发现均与Elnino事件有关,模一与模二表现为Elnino前后的剧降与剧升,(只是模二的位相较模一滞后半年)而模三与模四的位相与模一、二反相、时间振幅的曲线在Elnino前达到正峰值,  相似文献   
In this paper,two cyclones which formed over the kuroshio area are analised. First, heat transfers through Sea Surface 900mb,850mb, 700mb are calculated. Then, we also calculate the eddy dnergy budget during period of the East China Sea Cyclone formed over kuroshio area. The analysis of eddy energy shows: The generation term of the eddy availiable petential enery assosiated with heat transfers through sea surface has maximum order of magnitude among each terms of the eddy energy equation of the East China Sea Cyalone. The Yalue of generation term over kurshio area is obvionsly more than that over the land or other sea regions. Thus,the heat transfers through kuroshio sea surface is very favourable for the generation of eddy availiable potential energy of the East China Sea cyrlones, the conversion from mean potential energy to eddy potential energy of the Cyclone increases with development of Cyclone. Its value is roughly as large as that of generation term later on. It makes a great difference with other weather systems.  相似文献   
江淮气旋是影响我国东部沿海地区的重要天气系统,为了弄清其发生发展机制,以便服务于预报,对其垂直速度场进行合理的诊断分析是其中的关键问题之一。但是对天气尺度系统的垂直速度场的计算也是当前天气研究的难点之一。计算垂直速度的方法有很多种,对诊断分析言,目前倾向于运动学方法,但采用这一方法的主要困难是如何处理测风不精确所带来的计算误差,最近不少人采用o’brien(1970)提议的方法对用实测风计算的垂直速度进行订正,它的基本思路是把最后的累积误差“均匀”分摊到各等压面层上去。本文根据Pearce(1974)的启示,从产生误差的气象原因着手,建立Spline方程,进行了垂直速度场的计算和订正,作为个例,本文用上述方法对一次江淮气旋的垂直速度场进行了分析,对照卫星云图和降水实况,结果还是令人鼓舞的。  相似文献   
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