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多岛屿、汊道复杂地形海区流场影响的数值模拟研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
复杂地形海区的潮流场特征及工程对其的影响一直是海洋环境研究中比较关注的问题。本文采和正交曲线网格和动边界结合技术,建立了复杂地形海区大范围、局部加密的二维高精度潮流数值模型,研究分析了工程前后宁波大榭岛LPG码头附近复杂海域大范围潮流场特征和局部特殊地形对其的影响,并从动力机制上进行了讨论。结果表明:地形的挑流作用、水流流路分离和多股水流的潮汐动力不均匀等原因,使海区的潮流场结构变得非常复杂,其重要特征是有众多回流区产生。  相似文献   
长江口北支盐水倒灌的数值模型研究   总被引:25,自引:6,他引:19  
20世纪80年代以来,国内对长江口盐水入侵进行了大量系统专门的研究,对长江口的盐水入侵规律有了一个比较基本的认识.但是,长江口特别是在南支及南北港的盐度变化规律极其复杂,主要有盐度的周日变化峰值与潮流变化关系不尽协调,落潮时盐度反而最大;盐度的纵向分布上游比下游高;盐度的半月变化峰值一般发生在小潮和寻常潮期间,而且各测点盐度峰值的发生时间不尽一致[1,2]等等.其中北支盐水向南支倒灌是引起长江口盐度变化异常复杂的主要原因[1-5].北支倒灌在长江口盐度变化中扮演了重要的角色,掌握北支倒灌是认识长江口盐水入侵规律特别是南支和南北港盐度变化规律的重要内容,同时也是长江口淡水咨源利用的一个重要方面.  相似文献   
长江口北支盐水倒灌南支对青草沙水源地的影响   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
自1978年以来,在长江口的几个关键岸段(例青龙港、新建、高桥、堡镇等)设置盐度观测站;1992-1994年的枯季、在青草沙水源地的南、北两侧各抛测量船一般,在一个完整的大、中、小潮期间、连续逐时观测流速、流向、水深、盐度等,同时在青龙港等处设置6个岸边观测点同步取样;1995-1996年在船站位置各设置氯离子自动监测仪一台;1996年3月又进行了一次大规模的长江口水文测验。本文对大量的现场资料作了分析计算。研究结果表明,青草沙水源地盐水来源主要有北支倒灌咸水团和外海咸水入侵。前者的特征为,氯度的半月变化是小潮期(或小潮后的寻常潮)的氯度反高于大潮期,氯度的潮周日变化是日最高值出现在落憩附近,日最低值出现在涨憩附近,氯度的垂向分层不明显。这与外海盐水入侵引起的氯离子浓度在半月和潮周日内的变化特征正好相反。  相似文献   
径流量和海平面变化对河口最大浑浊带的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用改进的ECOM模式,耦合泥沙输运方程,研究径流量和海平面变化对河口最大浑浊带的影响.河口最大浑浊带位于滞流点处,底层上下游余流均向该处输运泥沙,造成该处泥沙汇合,而由流场辐合产生的上升流又使该处的泥沙不易落淤.由于盐水入侵带来的高盐水位于北岸的底层,其斜压效应使底层的横向环流由北向南流动,把底层高浓度的泥沙向南岸平流,使得最大浑浊带位于南岸.研究河口最大浑浊带现象必须使用三维泥沙输运模式.在径流量增大的情况下,与控制试验相比底层向陆的密度流减弱,滞流点下移,导致最大浑浊带也下移;因上游来沙量增加,在最大浑浊带中心和河口拦门沙处悬浮泥沙浓度趋于增加.在径流量减少的情况下,最大浑浊带的变化趋势与径流量增大情况的结果相反.在海平面上升的情况下,拦门沙区域底层向陆的密度流趋于增强,滞流点上移,最大浑浊带也相应向上游移动;最大浑浊带中心处泥沙浓度趋于增大,但口门拦门沙处泥沙浓度趋于减小.径流量和海平面变化对最大浑浊带影响明显.  相似文献   
Data taken in two large scale ocean observations in China in summer 1959 and 1982 were used to analyze the residual current off the Changjiang (Yangtze) River mouth. The currents at surface off the mouth in July 1959 and 1982 flow northeastward and eastward due to the river discharge, the current speed was larger in 1982 than in 1959. All the bottom currents flow landward due to baroclinic effect. The surface current was controlled by the river runoff and the Taiwan Warm Current (TWC). A return current at surface off the mouth was observed in September 1959. In general, the bottom currents were controlled by the TWC in most study area in addition to the runoff near the mouth. Although driven by 3-D model with the monthly averaged forces (river discharge, wind stress, baroclinic effect, open boundary water volume flux and tidal mixing) in August, the simulated circulations were basically consistent with the observed ones with episodic time manner.  相似文献   
黄海冷水团对长江冲淡水扩展的影响   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
利用作者已建立的σ坐标系下三维非线斜压陆架模式,研究黄海冷水团对长江冲淡水扩展的影响。数据试验结果表明,黄海冷水团产生的余流,与黄海冷水团的强度和海底地形有关。  相似文献   
The circulations off the Changjiang mouth in May and November were simulatedby a three dimension numerical model with monthly averaged parameters of dynamic factors in this paper. The area covers the East China Sea (ECS), Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea. Simulated results show that the circulation off the Changjiang mouth in spring and autumn is mainly the Changjiang runoff and Taiwan Warm Current (TWC). The Changjlang discharge is much larger in May than in November, and the wind is westward in May, and southward in November offthe Changjiang mouth. The runoff in May branches in three parts, one eastward flows, the other two flow northward and southward along the Subei and Zhejiang coast respectively. The Changjiang diluted water expands eastward off the mouth, and forms a strong salinity front near the mouth. Surface circulation in autumn is similar to that in winter, the runoff southward flows along the coast, and the northward flowing TWC becomes weaker compared to that in spring and summer. The bottom circulations in May and November are mainly the runoff near the mouth and the TWC off the mouth, and the runoff and TWC are greater in May than in November.  相似文献   
Data taken in the two large-scale ocean investigations in China in winter 1959 and 1982 are used to analyze the residual current off the Changjiang (Yangtze) River mouth in this paper. The current in wintertime off the river mouth consist of the Changjiang runoff, wind-driven current, coastal current, density-driven current and Taiwan Warm Current (TWC). The TWC occurs in wintertime off the mouth. The surface TWC reaches only to the east side of Dinghai, then turns southeastward. The bottom TWC can flow to the area off the Changjiang mouth along west slop of the submerged river valley (SRV) and to the area off the Subei coast, The simulated currents by 3D model are basically consistent with the observed currents, although the model was run with climatological forces and the observations was done in episodic time manner.  相似文献   
河口最大浑浊带数学模拟研究的进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分三个方面介绍了河口最大浑浊带研究中数学模拟研究的进展:(1)利用通量分析计算河口盐度、污染物和泥沙通量,分析带内泥沙富采机制;(2)由物质平衡原理建立一维和较简单的机理模型,讨论最大浑浊带的成因;(3)据水动力方程和物质平衡方程建立二维或三维数值模型,计算最大浑浊带的水流结构和物质浓度分布,模拟并探讨不同条件下最大浑浊带的成因和演化机制。  相似文献   
人类活动对长江河口过程的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
随着经济高速发展,人类活动对长江河口过程的影响愈益显著。本文对围海造地、排污工程、取水工程、航道增深工程、南水北调和三峡工程等几项规模较大的已建和拟建工程及其对长江河口过程的影响做了初步论述,建议继续重视和加强这方面的研究,开发要适度,人工控制要遵循自然演变基本规律,以利于该地区经济的持续发展  相似文献   
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