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Nonlinear numerical models of continuously stratified seas are developed for vertical sections to study the mechanism of coastal upwelling and coastal jets in two kinds of seas: the so-called finite or closed sea bounded by two vertical coastal coasts, without elevation of sea surface, but with a flat bottom; and the semi-infinite sea bounded by only one vertical coast, with both an elevation of sea surface and a flat or inclined bottom. Constant wind stress in the first case, and constant wind stress or negative wind stress curl in the second case, are abruptly imposed. The key procedure for the mathematical analysis is to calculate the horizontal pressure gradient first by a special treatment. In thefirst case, the variation of horizontal components of velocity is changed with time to show threesuccessive time intervals. The results show that the width of baroclinic jets depends upon (oS)1/2, andthat distribution of isopycnic lines delineates the warm and cold regions. The relative importance of each  相似文献   
On the basis of an understanding of the ocean current produced under the combined forces of wind stress over the sea surface and horizontal pressure gradient force caused by the uneven distribution of seawater density and the elevation of sea surface , we obtained the unsteady analytic solution of the variation with time of ocean surface current velocity corresponding to the time variation of the above two forces , and the unsteady analytic solution for variation of seawater density with time by considering only the vertical turbulence . To meet different needs, the above solutions may be written in two forms for short and long time predictions . After some simplification the analytic solution was used to predict surface ocean current velocity for meteorological -navigation in the North Pacific . The monthly average current field was first obtained to get the necessary parameters for selecting the initial shipping route in the North Pacific and Bohai and Yellow Seas . The wind current field was then cal  相似文献   
The aim of the study was l)to determine the relation between the Kuroshio meander and the intensity of the subtropic high pressure over the Pacific Ocean, and then to obtain statistical validity for the observational conclusion that the occurrence time of the Kuroshio meander leads the time of strengthened C-circulation of Europe by one or more years; 2) to develop a method to predict the occurrence time of flood or drought periods in the Changjiang River Valley from the occurrence time of the Kuroshio meander, since there is a close relation between the occurrence time of the drought or flood periods in the Changjiang River Valley and the occurrence time of the strong or weak periods of C- circulation of Europe; and 3) to develop a logical explanation verifiable by remote sensing technique and other means that the warm species phytoplanktons collected recently in the Jiaozhou Bay of Shandong Peninsula in China were carried there by a new warm current branch of the Kuroshio in the East China Sea.  相似文献   
为了在考虑到(1)产生海流的大气作用;(2)湍流粘滞系量值是计算的而不是假设的;(3)海洋具有实际可变的而非常量的深度等情况下,较易地计算出特别是铅直坐标函数的海流速度,本文提出一种大气-海洋三层模式。近似中性层结状态的大气被考虑是两个层的组合,第一层是紧贴海面的湍流边界层,第二层是位于第一层之上的Ekman层。仅考虑铅直湍流的海洋,被看成是从海面到海底的一整层。海面风应力分布和海洋中海水密  相似文献   
通过海洋调查所得到的海水温度、盐度和深度值进行海水比容偏差及海水比容值计算时,由于要求这样计算出来的值有±1×10-5的精确度,以适应动力计算的需要,因而便要求温度、氯度和深度的调查值各有一定的精确度。对于深海来说,这个问题比较明确,可是对于浅海在100米的范围来说,对这些调查值的精确度将如何要求呢?下面就在作者1955年论文的基础上,进一步研究这个问题。  相似文献   
本文从流体力学原理出发,在黑潮区海洋水文资料比较齐全的一个断面(见图1),建立一个在定常状态下,考虑水平和铅直湍流摩擦效应和非线性的惯性作用的诊断模式。对东海大陆架外缘及大陆坡黑潮断面流速结构作了比较全面的分析,初步分析了黑潮流轴何以出现在大陆架边缘附近的现象。先将黑  相似文献   
随着观测海区的不断扩大和观侧数据的不断积累,再加实验室的模拟、电子计算机的应用和人造卫星的遥感,70年代里对构成大洋环流的总体及其各个组成部分——大洋风生环流及大洋热盐环流的机理,已较以往年代又有更多、更细致的了解。现今关于大洋环流动力学理论的研究,集中反映在如下的几个问题上。  相似文献   
物理海洋学,亦称动力海洋学,目前已成为研究、发展海洋学及海洋事业的前导学科,近年来进展的颇为迅速。本文将把近代物理海洋学(包括海——气相互作用等)研究中的,有关海洋热盐结构、海洋环流、潮汐、海浪、风暴潮及海洋——大气相互作用等方面的进展,作一概括综述。在本文撰写过程中,多承山东海洋学院文圣常、陈宗镛苏育嵩、沈积钧、陈成琳、秦曾灏、孙士才等同志提供素材,在此表示衷心感谢。现分别简述如下:  相似文献   
由于大范围同步连续观测海流流速很困难,这才产生建立一定的理论及方法认真计算海流流速的要求.可是,过去沿用至今的动力计算[1],方法虽简便,但只能计算因密度分布所生的梯度流(或地转流),且存在着既不考虑风力,又不顾及湍流摩擦力,再加无运动面难以确定,即令设法作出浅海订正,其结果又往往与事实不符等根本性缺陷;而如籍Ekman漂流理论计算海流,又仅能计算因风所生的漂流,且还存在着既不考虑海水密度分布,又视海面无倾斜,再加湍流动力粘滞系量难以确定等与实际相差较远的理论依据.近代兴起的一些海流数值计算,又往往都局限于全流或深度平均流速的计算.因此,建立一种既考虑到海洋内部海水分布,又考虑到海面风力外加海面大气压力作用,顾及到海洋中湍流摩擦力,又体现流速随深度变化,而更重要的是应用起来简易的计算海流流速的理论及方法,便成为很需要解决的问题了.  相似文献   
景振华 《海洋与湖沼》1982,13(6):577-577
中国海洋湖沼学会水文气象学会第三次学术讨论会于1982年6月16—22日在云南省昆明市召开,来自全国各有关科研、教学等88个单位的158位代表,出席了这次会议。其中既有老一辈的科学家,更有大量的中、青年科技工作者。会议收到各类论文和摘要180余篇。云南省和昆明市党政领导及省、市科协等有关单位给会议以极大的热情支持和帮助。  相似文献   
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