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非洲地形对印度夏季风影响的数值试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用IAP9L AGCM模式对印度夏季风风场进行了数值模拟,基本上模拟出了印度夏季风系统中各风系分布;在此基础上,通过改变模式中非洲大陆的地形高度,设计了一组地形敏感性试验,对比了敏感性试验和控制试验的结果,分析非洲地形高度对印度夏季风的影响。结果表明,非洲地形高度升高使得阿拉伯海热带区域、南印度洋副热带区域和非洲大陆东南部在低层分别出现异常反气旋、气旋和反气旋环流,这些异常环流使非洲大陆东岸的越赤道气流增强,阿拉伯海热带地区的西风气流增强;地形升高也会使印度半岛区域低层水汽通量辐合增强,整层垂直上升速度加强,降水增加,故非洲地形升高最终导致了印度夏季风增强;而非洲地形高度降低,则情况相反,这充分说明了非洲大陆地形是印度夏季风形成的关键因子。  相似文献   
冬季黑潮延伸体海表温度对阿留申低压活动的双周期响应   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Based on our previous work, the winter sea surface temperature(SST) in the Kuroshio Extension(KE) region showed significant variability over the past century with periods of ~6 a between 1930 and 1950 and ~10 a between1980 and 2009. How the activity of the Aleutian Low(AL) induces this dual-period variability over the two different timespans is further investigated here. For the ~6 a periodicity during 1930–1950, negative wind stress curl(WSC)anomalies in the central subtropical Pacific associated with an intensified AL generate positive sea surface height(SSH) anomalies. When these wind-induced SSH anomalies propagate westwards to the east of Taiwan, China two years later, positive velocity anomalies appear around the Kuroshio to the east of Taiwan and then the mean advection via this current of velocity anomalies leads to a strengthened KE jet and thus an increase in the KE SST one year later. For the ~10 a periodicity during 1980–2009, a negative North Pacific Oscillation-like dipole takes2–3 a to develop into a significant positive North Pacific Oscillation-like dipole, and this process corresponds to the northward shift of the AL. Negative WSC anomalies associated with this AL activity in the central North Pacific are able to induce the positive SSH anomalies. These oceanic signals then propagate westward into the KE region after 2–3 a, favoring a northward shift of the KE jet, thus leading to the warming of the KE SST. The feedbacks of the KE SST anomaly on the AL forcing are both negative for these two periodicities. These results suggest that the dual-period KE SST variability can be generated by the two-way KE-SST-AL coupling.  相似文献   
地形作为大气的外部强迫,其动力和热力作用对波动结构演变及极端天气出现都有不能忽视的作用。本文通过数值求解考虑地形强迫的β平面正压准地转位势涡度方程,探讨了地形强迫作用对大气长波调整的可能影响,结果表明:同非线性作用和纬向非均匀基流作用一样,无基流情形下具有纬向差异的地形分布影响了大气长波结构的演变,也能强迫出大气长波调整现象。大气长波调整依赖于地形的高度和地形分布,地形越高,长波越容易出现波数的调整;地形波数越大,即地形结构复杂,越不易出现波数变化。大气长波调整还与纬度有关,纬度越高,β越小,地形强迫作用越突出,长波调整容易出现;反之,低纬度以β效应为主的线性波动不易出现波数调整。大气长波调整对波动初始波动的振幅不敏感,但依赖于波动的初始结构。此外,有基流作用时,地形强迫还是诱发定常波的重要因素,且定常波流场结构依赖于地形高度分布,与波动初始结构无关。  相似文献   

黑潮延伸体(Kuroshio Extension,KE)海域附近具有强烈的大气斜压性可显著影响北太平洋上空风暴轴异常,因而有必要研究KE海区附近斜压性的特征和维持机制.本文设计数值试验并结合高分辨率ERA-Interim资料研究了大气斜压性对KE年代际海温变率模态(KEDV-induced SSTA,Kuroshio Extension Decadal variability SSTA)中的中尺度海洋锋(KEDV-induced Meso-scale SST Front,KMSTF)的响应特征和维持机制.研究发现,表层斜压性对KMSTF的响应分布相对KMSTF经向梯度的分布偏南,平流过程的响应起主要作用.表层感热通量的响应相对KMSTF分布偏北,表层温度的响应分布与KMSTF分布的位相差异是导致其偏北分布的主要原因.积云对流过程、垂直热量输送和月内尺度扰动向极热量输送均可削弱表层斜压性,而感热通量加热可加强表层斜压性.研究对流层斜压性的特征发现,斜压大值随高度向北移动,极值在边界层顶附近,积云动量再分配影响的月内尺度扰动通量经向辐合有一定的贡献.同时,相对KMSTF暖海温异常偏南分布的低SLP(Surface Level Pressure)可引发经圈平面内次级环流,并将月内尺度扰动热量、水汽和动量向高纬度输送,从而引起斜压性随高度向北分布并增强斜压性.此外还发现,积云对流过程引发的非绝热加热通过扰动热力作用使高层急流向北偏移.

By utilizing multiple datasets from various sources available for the last 100 years, the existence for the interdecadal change of the winter sea surface temperature(SST) variability in the Kuroshio Extension(KE) region is investigated. And its linkage with the Aleutian Low(AL) activity changes is also discussed. The results find that the KE SST variability exhibits the significant ~6 a and ~10 a oscillations with obvious interdecadal change. The ~6 a oscillation is mainly detected during 1930–1950, which is largely impacted by the anomalous surface heat flux forcing and Ekman heat transport associated with the AL intensity variation. The ~10 a oscillation is most evident after the 1980s, which is predominantly triggered by the AL north-south shift through the bridge of oceanic Rossby waves.  相似文献   
This study compares the seasonal and interannual-to-decadal variability in the strength and position of the Kuroshio Extension front(KEF) using high-resolution satellite-derived sea surface temperature(SST) and sea surface height(SSH) data. Results show that the KEF strength has an obvious seasonal variation that is similar at different longitudes, with a stronger(weaker) KEF during the cold(warm) season. However, the seasonal variation in the KEF position is relatively weak and varies with longitude. In contrast, the low-frequency variation of the KEF position is more distinct than that of the KEF strength even though they are well correlated. On both seasonal and interannual-to-decadal time scales, the western part of the KEF(142°–144°E) has the greatest variability in strength, while the eastern part of the KEF(149°–155°E) has the greatest variability in position. In addition, the relationships between wind-forced Rossby waves and the low-frequency variability in the KEF strength and position are also discussed by using the statistical analysis methods and a wind-driven hindcast model. A positive(negative) North Pacific Oscillation(NPO)-like atmospheric forcing generates positive(negative) SSH anomalies over the central North Pacific. These oceanic signals then propagate westward as Rossby waves, reaching the KE region about three years later, favoring a strengthened(weakened) and northward(southward)-moving KEF.  相似文献   
利用NOAA最优插值逐日海表温度资料和AVISO中心的海表高度异常资料,分析了黑潮延伸体区域的海表温度锋的时空变化特征以及导致其年代际变化可能的原因。结果表明,气候平均态的黑潮延伸体区域海表温度锋位于黑潮延伸体区域北部边缘,在143 °E和150 °E附近存在两个弯曲,SST水平梯度最大值出现在142 °E附近,强度超过4.5 ℃/(100 km),其后强度自西向东逐渐递减,在149 °E附近又出现一个较弱的大值中心,在141~153 °E范围内,海表温度锋位置的平均值为36.25 °N,强度的平均值为3.22 ℃/(100 km)。黑潮延伸体区域的海表温度锋南北位置的季节变化很弱,而其强度的季节变化非常显著。相较于较弱的季节变化,海表温度锋位置的年际和年代际的低频变化则要显著得多,其南北变化跨度超过2 °。海表温度锋强度的年际和年代际的低频变化也较强,超过4.5 ℃/(100 km)。黑潮延伸体区域的海表温度锋的变化与太平洋年代际振荡(PDO)以及北太平洋涡旋振荡(NPGO)存在显著的相关关系,NPGO和PDO在中东太平洋区域会强迫产生海表高度异常,随后向西传播,在约3年后到达黑潮延伸体区域,使该区域流场发生变化产生海洋热平流异常,最终导致海表温度锋强度发生变化。   相似文献   
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