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内蒙古商都地区CO2气藏地质条件研究   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
本文以商都盆地第三系CO2气成藏条件研究为目的,通过对区域构造(断裂、火山活动、岩浆作用)和地层特征及沉积相研究,结合地震勘探成果、CO2碳同位素、氦同位素分析成果,系统探讨了商都盆地CO2气源、运移通道、储集条件、圈闭及盖层条件,并对CO2气成藏模式进行了分析。认为:该区CO2气为幔源成因气,通过包兰哈达-高勿素深断裂运移到第三系储集层中富集成藏。第三系河流或冲积扇沉积的粗碎屑岩广泛分布,而且厚度较大,成岩程度低,具有良好的储集条件。新第三纪晚期的湖泛沉积,形成了巨厚的泥页岩盖层。沉积期后的差异压实作用、断裂、火山及岩浆活动等多因素作用,使这一地区局部构造发育,形成岩性-构造圈闭或构造性圈闭,有利于CO2气成藏。  相似文献   
Bedload governs riverbed channel variations and morphology, it is necessary to determine bedload discharge through an arbitrary cross section in a mountain river. A new system with submerged load cells has been developed to directly measure bedload discharge. The system consists of: (1) an iron box which is 1 m long, 0.5 m wide and 0.1 m in depth, (2) two submerged load cells 0.7 m apart, (3) a pressure sensor and, (4) an electromagnetic velocity meter. This system has been designed to exclude the effect of the hydraulic pressure of water on direct measurements of bedload particle weight. Initial tests in a laboratory were conducted to examine the accuracy of measurements with the system under aerial conditions. The system has been installed in the supercritical flume in Ashi-arai-dani River of the Hodaka Sedimentation Observatory of the Disaster Prevention Research Institute (DPRI) of Kyoto University to obtain bedload discharge under natural conditions. Flume tests were conducted in this channel by artificial supply of uniform sediment particles of several grain sizes. The average velocity of the sediment particles near the bed was estimated using cross-correlation functions for weight waves obtained by the two load cells. Bedload discharge calculations were based on time integration of the product of sediment velocity and sediment weight obtained by the two load cells. This study clarifies the reasons why bedload measurements are difficult, and provides some solutions using the monitoring systems with submerged load cells through the field measurements. Additionally, the applicability of bedload measurement with the submerged load cells is explained based on experimental artificial sediment supply data.  相似文献   
Fine sludges were collected from five filtration plants, and the partitioning of ten metals (Ag, Cd, Mn, Zn, Pb, Cu, Sn, Co, Ni, and Fe) in them was determined by selective leaching techniques. (1) The available amounts, which shows the total of each metal leached between 1 M CH3COONH4 and 30 percent H2O2, for Ag, Cd and Mn, ranged from 51 to 98 percent for five sludges. (2) The available amounts for Zn, Pb, Cu, and Sn were 47–92 percent for five sludges. (3) The most important fraction for Co, Ni, and Fe, except the Inagawa sludge, which is markedly polluted by organic matter, was the crystalline particle. Therefore, the above metals, except Co, Ni, and Fe, are thought to be enriched on ion-exchangeable sites, organic matter, hydrous Fe/Mn oxides, and sulfides in fine sludges.  相似文献   
Miduk hypogene and supergene porphyry Cu–Mo mineralization occurs within the Miocene porphyritic quartz–diorite and host Eocene plagioclase–hornblende phyric andesitic pyroclastic and flow sequence. Both the host rocks were extensively altered by hydrothermal fluids to dominantly potassic, phyllic, and argillic with interstitial to distal propylitic types.  相似文献   
Small scale agricultural earth dams have been damaged by several past earthquakes. Damage to earth dams occurred at distances from the epicentre that increased in proportion to the scale of the earthquakes. On studying the damage a constant relation between the magnitude of the earthquake and maximum epicentral distance where the damage occurred was obtained. This relationship is similar to that obtained between the magnitude and the maximum epicentral distance at which liquefaction occurs. This, and the fact that earth dams which have been damaged several times due to liquefaction were near the critical epicentral distance, suggests that liquefaction of the foundation ground is the main cause of damage to earth dams.  相似文献   
The Khut copper skarn deposit is located at about 50 km northwest of Taft City in Yazd province in the middle part of the Urumieh‐Dokhtar magmatic arc. Intrusion of granitoid of Oligocene–Miocene age into carbonate rocks of the Triassic Nayband Formation led to the formation of marble and a calcic skarn. The marble contains high grade Cu mineralization that occurs mainly as open space filling and replacement. Cu‐rich sulfide samples from the mineralized marble are also anomalous in Au, Zn, and Pb. In contrast, the calcic skarn is only weakly anomalous in Cu and W. The calcic skarn is divided into garnet skarn and garnet–pyroxene skarn zones. Paragenetic relationships and microthermometric data from fluid inclusions in garnet and calcite indicate that the compositional evolution of skarn minerals occurred in three main stages as follows. (i) The early prograde stage, which is characterized by Mg‐rich hedenbergite (Hd53.7Di42.3–Hd86.1Di9.5) with Al‐bearing andradite (69.8–99.5 mol% andradite). The temperature in the early prograde skarn varies from 400 to 500°C at 500 bar. (ii) The late prograde stage is manifested by almost pure andradite (96.2–98.4 mol% andradite). Based on the fluid inclusion data from garnet, fluid temperature and salinity in this stage is estimated to vary from 267 to 361°C and from 10.1 to 21.1 wt% NaCl equivalent, respectively. Pyrrhotite precipitation started during this stage. (iii) The retrograde stage occurs in an exoskarn, which consists of an assemblage of ferro‐actinolite, quartz, calcite, epidote, chlorite, sphalerite, pyrite, and chalcopyrite that partially replaces earlier mineral assemblages under hydrostatic conditions during fracturing of the early skarn. Fluids in calcite yielded lower temperatures (T < 260°C) and fluid salinity declined to ~8 wt% NaCl equivalent. The last stage mineralization in the deposit is supergene weathering/alteration represented by the formation of iron hydroxide, Cu‐carbonate, clay minerals, and calcite. Sulfur isotope data of chalcopyrite (δ34S of +1.4 to +5.2‰) show an igneous sulfur source. Mineralogy and mineral compositions of the prograde assemblage of the Khut skarn are consistent with deposition under intermediately oxidized and slightly lower fS2 conditions at shallow crustal levels compared with those of other typical Fe‐bearing Cu–Au skarn systems.  相似文献   
Felsic magmatism in the southern part of Himachal Higher Himalaya is constituted by Neoproterozoic granite gneiss (GGn), Early Palaeozoic granitoids (EPG) and Tertiary tourmaline-bearing leucogranite (TLg). Magnetic susceptibility values (<3 ×10?3 SI), molar Al2 O 3/(CaO + Na2 O + K 2O) (≥1.1), mineral assemblage (bt–ms–pl–kf–qtz ± tur ± ap), and the presence of normative corundum relate these granitoids to peraluminous S-type, ilmenite series (reduced type) granites formed in a syncollisional tectonic setting. Plagioclase from GGn (An10–An31) and EPG (An15–An33) represents oligoclase to andesine and TLg (An2–An15) represents albite to oligoclase, whereas compositional ranges of K-feldspar are more-or-less similar (Or88 to Or95 in GGn, Or86 to Or97 in EPG and Or87 to Or94 in TLg). Biotites in GGn (Mg/Mg + Fet= 0.34–0.45), EPG (Mg/Mg + Fet= 0.27–0.47), and TLg (Mg/Mg + Fet= 0.25–0.30) are ferribiotites enriched in siderophyllite, which stabilised between FMQ and HM buffers and are characterised by dominant 3Fe\(\rightleftharpoons \)2Al, 3Mg\(\rightleftharpoons \)2Al substitutions typical of peraluminous (S-type), reducing felsic melts. Muscovite in GGn (Mg/Mg + Fet=0.58–0.66), EPG (Mg/Mg + Fet=0.31?0.59), and TLg (Mg/Mg + Fet=0.29–0.42) represent celadonite and paragonite solid solutions, and the tourmaline from EPG and TLg belongs to the schorl-elbaite series, which are characteristics of peraluminous, Li-poor, biotite-tourmaline granites. Geochemical features reveal that the GGn and EPG precursor melts were most likely derived from melting of biotite-rich metapelite and metagraywacke sources, whereas TLg melt appears to have formed from biotite-muscovite rich metapelite and metagraywacke sources. Major and trace elements modelling suggest that the GGn, EPG and TLg parental melts have experienced low degrees (~13, ~17 and ~13%, respectively) of kf–pl–bt fractionation, respectively, subsequent to partial melting. The GGn and EPG melts are the results of a pre-Himalayan, syn-collisional Pan-African felsic magmatic event, whereas the TLg is a magmatic product of Himalayan collision tectonics.  相似文献   
To understand the spatial variation in concentrations and compositions of organic micropollutants in marine plastic debris and their sources, we analyzed plastic fragments (∼10 mm) from the open ocean and from remote and urban beaches. Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane and its metabolites (DDTs), polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), alkylphenols and bisphenol A were detected in the fragments at concentrations from 1 to 10,000 ng/g. Concentrations showed large piece-to-piece variability. Hydrophobic organic compounds such as PCBs and PAHs were sorbed from seawater to the plastic fragments. PCBs are most probably derived from legacy pollution. PAHs showed a petrogenic signature, suggesting the sorption of PAHs from oil slicks. Nonylphenol, bisphenol A, and PBDEs came mainly from additives and were detected at high concentrations in some fragments both from remote and urban beaches and the open ocean.  相似文献   
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