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A down-scaled operational oceanographic system is developed for the coastal waters of Korea using a regional ocean modeling system(ROMS).The operational oceanographic modeling system consists of atmospheric and hydrodynamic models.The hydrodynamic model,ROMS,is coupled with wave,sediment transport,and water quality modules.The system forecasts the predicted results twice a day on a 72 h basis,including sea surface elevation,currents,temperature,salinity,storm surge height,and wave information for the coastal waters of Korea.The predicted results are exported to the web-GIS-based coastal information system for real-time dissemination to the public and validation with real-time monitoring data using visualization technologies.The ROMS is two-way coupled with a simulating waves nearshore model,SWAN,for the hydrodynamics and waves,nested with the meteorological model,WRF,for the atmospheric surface forcing,and externally nested with the eutrophication model,CE-QUAL-ICM,for the water quality.The operational model,ROMS,was calibrated with the tidal surface observed with a tide-gage and verified with current data observed by bottom-mounted ADCP or AWAC near the coastal waters of Korea.To validate the predicted results,we used real-time monitoring data derived from remote buoy system,HF-radar,and geostationary ocean color imager(GOCI).This down-scaled operational coastal forecasting system will be used as a part of the Korea operational oceanographic system(KOOS) with other operational oceanographic systems.  相似文献   
To investigate the distribution,abundance,and species composition of dinoflagellate cysts in the Yellow Sea,surface sediment samples were collected at 37 sites,including the Korean dump site.Twenty-one dinoflagellate cyst taxa were identified,with the assemblages dominated mainly by Spiniferites bulloideus,Operculodinium centrocarpum,and cyst of Alexandrium catenella/tamarense type.A high frequency of O.centrocarpum in the Yellow Sea was observed for the first time,and it is likely that this can be attributed to the dynamics of the Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass and the Changjiang(Yangtze) River runoff.Total cyst concentrations ranged from 23 to 48 442 cysts/g dry weight,and high cyst concentrations were recorded adjacent to the dumping site.This result suggests that anthropogenic activities such as ocean dumping stimulate the growth of dinoflagellates in the Yellow Sea,which in turn leads to high levels of dinoflagellate cyst production.  相似文献   
对日本海西南陆坡对马暖流主流轴下方高沉积速率沉积物柱状样,进行了沉积学和地球化学系统研究,以探讨全新世以来对马暖流在研究区的形成与演化,并得出了与附近地区古海洋学方法非常相近的结果,从而为今后研究区的对马暖流演化研究提供了沉积学和地球化学指标。据此,该柱状样中所记录的对马暖流演化可划分为5个主要阶段。全新世初期(9.6 kaBP),对马暖流开始进入日本海,其强度较弱,同时,伴随着富营养东海沿岸水的影响,海底环境由还原性向氧化性转变;6.5 kaBP时,对马暖流控制下的日本海南部现代对流模式最终建立起来,东海沿岸水的影响基本消失,随后,对马暖流明显减弱;3.0 kaBP时,对马暖流再次增强并基本达到现在水平,且在随后的3 ka里保持总体稳定,期间在2.0~0.7 kaBP存在一次较弱的减弱过程。  相似文献   
根据岩芯、录测井、地震以及其它分析化验资料,对白音查于凹陷早白垩世腾格尔组的沉积特征、沉积相类型及其分布规律进行了详细研究.结果表明,腾格尔组发育扇三角洲、辫状河三角洲、湖泊和浊积扇4种沉积相类型,扇三角洲分布在北部陡坡带,辫状河三角洲分布在南部缓坡带,从盆地边缘到盆地中心,沉积相由扇三角洲、辫状河三角洲沉积逐渐转变为半深湖-深湖沉积,在三角洲侧翼发育滨-浅湖相沉积,在三角洲前缘、前三角洲以及半深湖中发育浊积扇沉积,整体呈东西洼凸相问、南北隆凹成带的格局,这种沉积格局受盆地周边断层和古地形控制.利用岩石组分和重矿物成分进行物源分析,认为白音查干凹陷沉积物丰要来自凹陷北部的巴音宝力格降起和凹陷南部的赛呼都格凸起方向,并具有多期次、阵发性、近物源的特点,母岩岩性主要为沉积岩,其次为岩浆岩,见少量变质岩.  相似文献   
Accurate atmospheric temperature and moisture information with high temporal/spatial resolutions are two of the key parameters needed in regional numerical weather prediction(NWP) models to reliably predict high-impact weather events such as local severe storms(LSSs). High spectral resolution or hyperspectral infrared(HIR) sounders from geostationary orbit(GEO) provide an unprecedented source of near time-continuous, three-dimensional information on the dynamic and thermodynamic atmospheric fields—an important benefit for nowcasting and NWP-based forecasting. In order to demonstrate the value of GEO HIR sounder radiances on LSS forecasts, a quick regional OSSE(Observing System Simulation Experiment)framework has been developed, including high-resolution nature run generation, synthetic observation simulation and validation, and impact study on LSS forecasts. Results show that, on top of the existing LEO(low earth orbit) sounders, a GEO HIR sounder may provide value-added impact [a reduction of 3.56% in normalized root-mean-square difference(RMSD)] on LSS forecasts due to large spatial coverage and high temporal resolution, even though the data are assimilated every 6 h with a thinning of 60 km. Additionally, more frequent assimilations and smaller thinning distances allow more observations to be assimilated, and may further increase the positive impact from a GEO HIR sounder. On the other hand, with denser and more frequent observations assimilated, it becomes more difficult to handle the spatial error correlation in observations and gravity waves due to the limitations of current assimilation and forecast systems(such as a static background error covariance). The peak reduction of 4.6% in normalized RMSD is found when observations are assimilated every 3 h with a thinning distance of 30 km.  相似文献   
A freshwater green microalgae Chlorella sp., UMACC344 was shown to produce high lipid content and has the potential to be used as feedstock for biofuel production. In this study, photosynthetic effciency, biochemical pro?les and non-targeted metabolic pro?ling were studied to compare between the nitrogen-replete and deplete conditions. Slowed growth, change in photosynthetic pigments and lowered photosynthetic effciency were observed in response to nitrogen deprivation. Biochemical pro?les of the cultures showed an increased level of carbohydrate, lipids and total fatty acids, while the total soluble protein content was lowered. A trend of fatty acid saturation was observed in the nitrogen-deplete culture with an increase in the level of saturated fatty acids especially C16:0 and C18:0, accompanied by a decrease in proportions of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Fifty-nine metabolites, including amino acids, lipids, phytochemical compounds, vitamins and cofactors were signi?cantly dysregulated and annotated in this study. Pathway mapping analysis revealed a rewiring of metabolic pathways in the cells, particularly purine, carotenoid, nicotinate and nicotinamide, and amino acid metabolisms. Within the treatment period of nitrogen deprivation, the key processes involved were reshu ? ing of nitrogen from proteins and photosynthetic machinery, together with carbon repartitioning in carbohydrates and lipids.  相似文献   
Precipitable Water (PW) derived from Global Positioning System (GPS) measurements and numerical weather prediction (NWP) model analysis data were compared to further evaluate the efficacy of applying GPS-derived PW to the NWP model. The spatial and temporal variations of GPS-derived PW during a rainfall event were also examined. GPS-derived PW measurements show good agreement with the behavior of water vapor at a high spatial resolution during the analysis period. Temporal anomalies of GPS-derived PW moving along with the front are successfully detected by the GPS array. Large positive anomalies of GPS-derived PW are indicated immediately before a rainfall event, and the intensity of these positive anomalies do not seem to decrease significantly as the precipitation system passes. These results indicate that the Korean GPS network may have great potential as a PW sensor over the Korean Peninsula. In contrast with GPS-derived PW, NWP-derived PW shows negative biases. These biases appear to stem mainly from the differences between modeled and actual GPS site elevations, as GPS sites were generally located at elevations lower than those employed by the NWP model. However, there still exists a discernable dry bias after a PW correction is applied to NWP-derived PW. GPS-derived PW better reflects the spatial and temporal moisture variations of precipitation systems, as compared to NWP-derived PW. These results provide entirely new information for improving the regional NWP system, since GPS-derived PW produced with data from the Korean GPS network may be incorporated into the NWP model to improve rainfall forecasts.  相似文献   
黑龙江省小兴安岭北段逊克地区出露大面积的第四纪火山岩,分布面积约3000km~2。岩性主要为玄武安山岩和玄武质粗面安山岩,还有少量的粗面安山岩和安山岩。逊克火山岩的Si O2含量为54.3%~57.4%,MgO含量变化为3.82%~5.80%,镁指数(Mg#=100×Mg/(Mg+Fe~(2+))变化于49.6~57.8之间,属于高镁安山岩。逊克高镁安山岩火山口的位置分布在火山岩区的南面,根据火山岩区南高北低的地势,推测北边的火山岩是由南侧的岩浆向北流动形成的。岩浆流动形成了具有特征性的火山地貌,如沿河谷形成数公里长的石垄以及大面积的翻花熔岩形成的石海景观。火山岩的K-Ar测年结果表明,逊克高镁安山岩可以划分为早更新世(1.12~1.00Ma)和中更新世(0.68~0.25Ma)两期。在第四纪熔岩和河湖相沉积之间还夹有薄层火山灰,推测在岩浆溢流形成大面积熔岩之前有小规模岩浆爆发活动。  相似文献   
We developed an efficient retrospective optimal interpolation (ROI) algorithm by which we can avoid the overlap of model integration periods, which appears in the procedure of evolving a previous analysis error covariance. If the fixed-lag Kalman smoother (FLKS) is used to determine the analysis state at the beginning of the fixed analysis window as is done for ROI, the FLKS can be considered a suboptimal version of the efficient ROI when the involved model is non-linear and has no errors. We confirm that the efficient ROI analyses are more accurate than the FLKS analyses with the increase of the analysis window size. Nevertheless, the computation costs for implementing efficient ROI are almost the same as those for FLKS. Additionally, the reduced-rank version of the efficient ROI is developed based on the accuracy-saturation property.
From the experiments using Lorenz 3-variable model, it is confirmed that the non-linearity of numerical model, which becomes stronger with the increase of the analysis window size, makes the analysis of efficient ROI more accurate than that of FLKS. Our Lorenz 40-variable experiments show that the average analysis error of the efficient ROI is smaller than that of the FLKS for an analysis window size of up to 4 d. However, the efficient ROI and the FLKS requires almost the same costs for computation. From the results of Lorenz 40-variable model experiments, it is suggested that, by using the reduced-rank formulation of the efficient ROI, we can obtain the suboptimal analysis more cost-effectively rather than FLKS.  相似文献   
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