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东南沿海地震带一组主导强震的准同步活动特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
回顾了1994年台湾海峡南部7.3级地震和1994~1995年北部湾6.1级、6.2级双震的孕育、发生和调整过程,认为这两次强震快速呼应,具有成组和准同步的活动特征,主导了东南沿海地震带第四个活跃幕的中强地震活动总体格局。  相似文献   
Introduction An M=8.1 earthquake occurred to the west of the Kunlun Mountain Pass on November 14, 2001 (Kunlun Mountain earthquake for short). It is the largest earthquake during the latest 50 years in Chinese mainland since the 1951 Dangxiong, Tibet M=8.0 earthquake, and it broke the status that there had not occurred any M7.0 earthquake during the subsequent 4 years since the 1997 Mani, Tibet M=7.5 earthquake. Hereafter, the preparation and evolution process of large earthquakes, the v…  相似文献   
有关闽粤赣交界地区应力场和地震动力学的讨论   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从地震地质学、GPS测量、地震活动性等多个角度对闽粤赣交界地区的区域应力场和地震动力学进行了讨论,结果表明:(1)闽粤赣交界地区应力场的主压应力方向为北西-南东向,主张应力方向为北东-南西向;(2)菲律宾海板块在台湾东海岸向北西西方向的挤压碰撞作用是台湾地区和闽粤赣交界地区强震孕育和发生的最直接最主要的动力来源。  相似文献   
海泡石矿在我国是最近两年来才开展其工业利用研究的新矿种。我省浏阳、湘潭等地海泡石矿床的发现和评价,已引起国内外的极大关注。国内现有许多部门对海泡石的工业利用进行了研究,而且范围正在日益扩大,实验项目日趋增多,这些趋势必将加快我国开发利用海泡石矿产资源的步伐。海泡石是一种纤维状含水的镁硅酸盐粘土矿物,因其具有优良的流变性能以及抗盐  相似文献   
赣南遥测数字地震台网监测能力估算   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
估算台网监测能力的方法有多种,本文采用目前最常用的根据近震震级公式,通过确定振幅比,用量规函数反推单台控制距离的方法。依据4台以上定位原则,确定各台控制距离相交部分为数字遥测地震台网给定震级下限的监测范围。并绘制出赣南数字遥测地震台网的监测能力图,为江西省地震速报范围为速报震级的确定提供了理论依据。  相似文献   
根据物理学中的科里奥利力定义和计算原理,在对中国大陆20次7.5级以上特大地震余震强度与科里奥利力效应关系的统计研究基础上,重点对2001年11月14日昆仑山口西8.1级地震时所受到的科里奥利力情况进行了研究,并以此来讨论该地震后期的余震活动趋势.结果表明: ① 利用科里奥利力效应预测中国大陆特大地震的余震强度是一个有效的方法.对于左旋走滑断层和上盘错动方向通过震源子午面右侧(向北看)的逆断层,其科里奥利力效应是使断层两盘相互拉离,它降低了断层错动时断层面上的摩擦阻力,地震能量主要在主震时充分释放,故余震强度小;对于右旋走滑断层,其科里奥利力效应是使断层两盘相互挤压,它增加了断层错动时断层面上的摩擦阻力,不利于主震能量的充分释放,所以余震强度大;② 2001年11月14日昆仑山口西8.1级地震的发震断层错动以左旋走滑为主,受到的科里奥利力使断层两盘相互拉离,大小约为0.06 MPa.经过类比分析后认为,该地震后期的余震活动水平不会太高,整个序列的最大余震震级估计为6级左右.  相似文献   
基于GIS的江西活动断裂分布与地震活动关系研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用地理信息系统方法。对江西境内分布的18条主要活动断裂周围10km,20km,30km建立缓冲区,对各缓冲区的地震活动频度和强度进行了统计分析,得出江西地震活动较强区域主要在赣南,其次在赣北。为江西省的防震减灾工作部署提供了定量依据。  相似文献   
Following the theory and definition of the Corioli force in physics, the Corioli force at the site of the M=8.1 Kunlun Mountain Pass earthquake on November 14, 2001, is examined in this paper on the basis of a statistical research on relationship between the Corioli force effect and the maximum attershock magnitude of 20 earth-quakes with M≥7.5 in Chinese mainland, and then the variation tendency of attershock activity of the M=8.1 earthquake is discussed. The result shows: a) Analyzing the Corioli force effect is an effective method to predict maximum attershock magnitude of large earthquakes in Chinese mainland. For the sinistral slip fault and the reverse fault with its hanging wall moving toward the right side oftbe cross-focus meridian plane, their Corioli force pulls the two fault walls apart, decreasing frictional resistance on fault plane during the fault movement and releasing elastic energy of the mainshock fully, so the maximum magnitude of aftershocks would be low. For the dextral slip fault, its Corioli force presses the two walls against each other and increases the frictional resistance on fault plane, prohibiting energy release of the mainshock, so the maximum magnitude of attershocks would be high.b) The fault of the M--8. l Kunlun Mountain earthquake on Nov. 14, 2001 is essentially a sinistral strike-slip fault,and the Corioli force pulled the two fault walls apart. Magnitude of the induced stress is about 0.06 MPa. Alter a comparison analysis, we suggest that the attershock activity level will not be high in the late period of this earth-quake sequence, and the maximum magnitude of the whole aftershocks sequence is estimated to be about 6.0.  相似文献   
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