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Ischemic renal injury can be classified into the initiation and extension phase followed by the recovery phase. The recovery phase is characterized by increased dedifferentiated and mitotic cells in the damaged tubules. Suppression subtractive hybridization was performed by using RNA from normal and ischemic kidneys to identify the genes involved in the physiological response to ischemia-reperfusion injury (IRI). The expression of stathmin mRNA increased by fourfold at 24 h of reperfusion. The stathmin mRNA did not increase in sodium-depleted animals or in animals with active, persistent injury secondary to cis-platinum. Immunofluorescent labeling demonstrated that the expression of stathmin increased dramatically at 48 h of reperfusion. Labeling with antibodies to stathmin and proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) indicates that the expression of stathmin was induced before the upregulation of PCNA and that all PCNA-positive cells expressed stathmin. Double immunofluorescent labeling demonstrated the colocalization of stathmin with vimentin, a marker of dedifferentiated cells. Stathmin expression was also significantly enhanced in acute tubular necrosis in humans. On the basis of its induction profile in IRI, the data indicating its enhanced expression in proliferating cells and regenerating organs, we propose that stathmin is a marker of dedifferentiated, mitotically active epithelial cells that may contribute to tubular regeneration and could prove useful in distinguishing the injury phase from recovery phase in IRI.  相似文献   
The basolateral Cl(-)/HCO(3)(-) exchanger in parietal cells plays an essential role in gastric acid secretion mediated via the apical gastric H(+)-K(+)-ATPase. Here, we report the identification of a new Cl(-)/HCO(3)(-) exchanger, which shows exclusive expression in mouse stomach and kidney, with expression in the stomach limited to the basolateral membrane of gastric parietal cells. Tissue distribution studies by RT-PCR and Northern hybridizations demonstrated the exclusive expression of this transporter, also known as SLC26A7, to stomach and kidney, with the stomach expression significantly more abundant. No expression was detected in the intestine. Cellular distribution studies by RT-PCR and Northern hybridizations demonstrated predominant localization of SLC26A7 in gastric parietal cells. Immunofluorescence labeling localized this exchanger exclusively to the basolateral membrane of gastric parietal cells, and functional studies in oocytes indicated that SLC26A7 is a DIDS-sensitive Cl(-)/HCO(3)(-) exchanger that is active in both acidic and alkaline pH(i). On the basis of its unique expression pattern and function, we propose that SLC26A7 is a basolateral Cl(-)/HCO(3)(-) exchanger in gastric parietal cells and plays a major role in gastric acid secretion.  相似文献   
HCO3(-) secretion is the most important defense mechanism against acid injury in the duodenum. However, the identity of the transporter(s) mediating apical HCO3(-) secretion in the duodenum remains unknown. A family of anion exchangers, which include downregulated in adenoma (DRA or SLC26A3), pendrin (PDS or SLC26A4), and the putative anion transporter (PAT1 or SLC26A6) has recently been identified. DRA and pendrin mediate Cl(-)/base exchange; however, the functional identity and distribution of PAT1 (SLC26A6) is not known. In these studies, we investigated the functional identity, tissue distribution, and membrane localization of PAT1. Expression studies in Xenopus oocytes demonstrated that PAT1 functions in Cl(-)/HCO3(-) exchange mode. Tissue distribution studies indicated that the expression of PAT1 is highly abundant in the small intestine but is low in the colon, a pattern opposite that of DRA. PAT1 was also abundantly detected in stomach and heart. Immunoblot analysis studies identified PAT1 as a approximately 90 kDa protein in the duodenum. Immunohistochemical studies localized PAT1 to the brush border membranes of the villus cells of the duodenum. We propose that PAT1 is an apical Cl(-)/HCO3(-) exchanger in the small intestine.  相似文献   
Resistance to cadmium (Cd)-induced testicular necrosis is an autosomal recessive trait defined as the Cdm locus. Using positional cloning, we previously identified the Slc39a8 (encoding an apical-surface ZIP8 transporter protein) as the gene most likely responsible for the phenotype. In situ hybridization revealed that endothelial cells of the testis vasculature express high ZIP8 levels in two sensitive inbred mouse strains and negligible amounts in two resistant strains. In the present study, we isolated a 168.7-kb bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC), carrying only the Slc39a8 gene, from a Cd-sensitive 129/SvJ BAC library and generated BAC-transgenic mice. The BTZIP8-3 line, having three copies of the 129/SvJ Slc39a8 gene inserted into the Cd-resistant C57BL/6J genome (having its normal two copies of the Slc39a8 gene), showed tissue-specific ZIP8 mRNA expression similar to wild-type mice, mainly in lung, testis, and kidney. The 2.5-fold greater expression paralleled the fact that the BTZIP8-3 line has five copies, whereas wild-type mice have two copies, of the Slc39a8 gene. The ZIP8 mRNA and protein localized especially to endothelial cells of the testis vasculature in BTZIP8-3 mice. Cd treatment reversed Cd resistance (seen in nontransgenic littermates) to Cd sensitivity in BTZIP8-3 mice; reversal of the testicular necrosis phenotype confirms that Slc39a8 is unequivocally the Cdm locus. ZIP8 also localized specifically to the apical surface of proximal tubule cells in the BTZIP8-3 kidney. Cd treatment caused acute renal failure and signs of proximal tubular damage in the BTZIP8-3 but not nontransgenic littermates. BTZIP8-3 mice should be a useful model for studying Cd-induced disease in kidney. kidney; testis; ZIP8; bacterial artificial chromosome  相似文献   
Expression of spermidine/spermine N1-acetyltransferase (SSAT) increases in kidneys subjected to ischemia-reperfusion injury (IRI). Increased expression of SSAT in vitro leads to alterations in cellular polyamine content, depletion of cofactors and precursors of polyamine synthesis, and reduced cell proliferation. In our model system, a >28-fold increase in SSAT levels in HEK-293 cells leads to depletion of polyamines and elevation in the enzymatic activities of ornithine decarboxylase and S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase, suggestive of a compensatory reaction to increased polyamine catabolism. Increased expression of SSAT also led to DNA damage and G2 arrest. The increased DNA damage was primarily due to the depletion of polyamines. Other factors such as increased production of H2O2 due to polyamine oxidase activity may play a secondary role in the induction of DNA lesions. In response to DNA damage the ATM/ATR Chk1/2 DNA repair and cell cycle checkpoint pathways were activated, mediating the G2 arrest in SSAT-expressing cells. In addition, the activation of ERK1 and ERK2, which play integral roles in the G2/M transition, is impaired in cells expressing SSAT. These results indicate that the disruption of polyamine homeostasis due to enhanced SSAT activity leads to DNA damage and reduced cell proliferation via activation of DNA repair and cell cycle checkpoint and disruption of Raf MEK ERK pathways. We propose that in kidneys subjected to IRI, one mechanism through which increased expression of SSAT may cause cellular injury and organ damage is through induction of DNA damage and the disruption of cell cycle. ischemia-reperfusion injury; polyamine depletion; cell proliferation; DNA repair; cell cycle arrest  相似文献   
Summary Species ofChrysosporium have been isolated from soil in Iran. Guinea pigs inoculated withChrysosporium keratinophilum gave a positive skin test to histoplasmin and vice versa. This would suggest thatChrysosporium species might be reponsible for positive skin tests to histoplasmin in areas known not to be endemic for histoplasmosis.  相似文献   
HCO3- secretion by gastric mucous cells is essential for protection against acidic injury and peptic ulcer. Herein we report the identification of an apical HCO3- transporter in gastric surface epithelial cells. Northern hybridization and RT-PCR demonstrate the expression of this transporter, also known as SLC26A9, in mouse and rat stomach and trachea (but not kidney). In situ hybridization in mouse stomach showed abundant expression of SLC26A9 in surface epithelial cells with apical localization on immunofluorescence labeling. Functional studies in HEK-293 cells demonstrated that SLC26A9 mediates Cl-/HCO3- exchange and is also capable of Cl--independent HCO3- extrusion. Unlike other anion exchangers or transport proteins reported to date, SLC26A9 activity is inhibited by ammonium (NH4+). The inhibitory effect of NH4+ on gastric HCO3- secretion was also indicated by reduced gastric juxtamucosal pH (pHjm) in rat stomach in vivo. This report is the first to describe the inhibition of HCO3- transport in vitro and the reduction of pHjm in stomach in vivo by NH4+. Given its critical localization on the apical membrane of surface epithelial cells, its ability to transport HCO3-, and its inhibition by NH4+, we propose that SLC26A9 mediates HCO3- secretion in surface epithelial cells and is essential for protection against acidic injury in the stomach. Disease states that are associated with increased ammonia (NH3)/NH4+ generation (e.g., Helicobacter pylori) may impair gastric HCO3- secretion and therefore predispose patients to peptic ulcer by inhibiting SLC26A9.  相似文献   
The response ofH+-ATPase to lethal acid stress isunknown. A mutant strain (called NHE2d) was derived from cultured inner medullary collecting duct cells (mIMCD-3 cells) following three cyclesof lethal acid stress. Cells were grown to confluence on coverslips,loaded with2',7'-bis(carboxyethyl)-5(6)-carboxyfluorescein, andmonitored for intracellular pH(pHi) recovery from an acid load. The rate of Na+-independentpHi recovery from an acid load inmutant cells was approximately fourfold higher than in parent cells(P < 0.001). TheNa+-independentH+ extrusion was ATP dependent and K+ independent and wascompletely inhibited in the presence of diethylstilbestrol, N, N'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide,or N-ethylmaleimide. Theseresults indicate that theNa+-independentH+ extrusion in cultured medullarycells is mediated via H+-ATPaseand is upregulated in lethal acidosis. Northern hybridization experiments demonstrated that mRNA levels for the 16- and 31-kDa subunits of H+-ATPase remainedunchanged in mutant cells compared with parent cells. We propose thatlethal acid stress results in increased H+-ATPase activity in innermedullary collecting duct cells. Upregulation ofH+-ATPase could play a protectiverole against cell death in severe intracellular acidosis.

Mutations in the SLC26A3 (DRA (down-regulated in adenoma)) gene constitute the molecular etiology of congenital chloride-losing diarrhea in humans. To ascertain its role in intestinal physiology, gene targeting was used to prepare mice lacking slc26a3. slc26a3-deficient animals displayed postpartum lethality at low penetrance. Surviving dra-deficient mice exhibited high chloride content diarrhea, volume depletion, and growth retardation. In addition, the large intestinal loops were distended, with colonic mucosa exhibiting an aberrant growth pattern and the colonic crypt proliferative zone being greatly expanded in slc26a3-null mice. Apical membrane chloride/base exchange activity was sharply reduced, and luminal content was more acidic in slc26a3-null mouse colon. The epithelial cells in the colon displayed unique adaptive regulation of ion transporters; NHE3 expression was enhanced in the proximal and distal colon, whereas colonic H,K-ATPase and the epithelial sodium channel showed massive up-regulation in the distal colon. Plasma aldosterone was increased in slc26a3-null mice. We conclude that slc26a3 is the major apical chloride/base exchanger and is essential for the absorption of chloride in the colon. In addition, slc26a3 regulates colonic crypt proliferation. Deletion of slc26a3 results in chloride-rich diarrhea and is associated with compensatory adaptive up-regulation of ion-absorbing transporters.  相似文献   
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