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Characterizing the architecture of bipartite networks is increasingly used as a framework to study biotic interactions within their ecological context and to assess the extent to which evolutionary constraint shape them. Orchid mycorrhizal symbioses are particularly interesting as they are viewed as more beneficial for plants than for fungi, a situation expected to result in an asymmetry of biological constraint. This study addressed the architecture and phylogenetic constraint in these associations in tropical context. We identified a bipartite network including 73 orchid species and 95 taxonomic units of mycorrhizal fungi across the natural habitats of Reunion Island. Unlike some recent evidence for nestedness in mycorrhizal symbioses, we found a highly modular architecture that largely reflected an ecological barrier between epiphytic and terrestrial subnetworks. By testing for phylogenetic signal, the overall signal was stronger for both partners in the epiphytic subnetwork. Moreover, in the subnetwork of epiphytic angraecoid orchids, the signal in orchid phylogeny was stronger than the signal in fungal phylogeny. Epiphytic associations are therefore more conservative and may co‐evolve more than terrestrial ones. We suggest that such tighter phylogenetic specialization may have been driven by stressful life conditions in the epiphytic niches. In addition to paralleling recent insights into mycorrhizal networks, this study furthermore provides support for epiphytism as a major factor affecting ecological assemblage and evolutionary constraint in tropical mycorrhizal symbioses.  相似文献   
Abstract. 1. Female apple maggot (Rhagoletis pomonella Walsh) flies held in field cages usually oviposited in an unparasitized (non-pheromone marked) fruit when it was encountered.
2. Oviposition in a previously parasitized (pheromone marked) fruit depended upon the time since the last oviposition (TSLO) and the percentage of infested fruit encountered during search for oviposition sites.
3. Previous theories of host acceptance suggest that the acceptance or rejection of a host should depend dichotomously on time since last oviposition and the fraction of marked hosts in the last five encounters. The experiments, however, show considerable variability and are thus not consistent with the theory.
4. A new theory for the experiments is introduced. This model involves physiological (egg complement) and informational state variables and leads to intuitive understanding of the experimental results. In particular, the model shows how the plasticity in oviposition site selection may arise from fitness maximizing behaviour. Alternative models are also discussed. All of the models stress the importance of physiological and informational states.  相似文献   
We studied the post-juvenile dispersal of 18 radiotagged juvenile Hazel Grouse Bonasa bonasia (14 males, four females) in an expanding population in the southeastern French Alps between 1998 and 2001. The mean dispersal distances between the capture sites of juveniles in September–October and the centre of the home range in the following spring was 4 km for males (range 0.1–24.9 km) and 2 km for females (range 0.2–5.6 km). The distances recorded for two long-dispersing males (15 and 24.9 km) are greater than those reported to date for Hazel Grouse. Using our radiotracking data, we interpret the pattern of range expansion that has been occurring since the 1950s around our study area. Barriers to dispersal included rocky ground and other alpine habitats above 2000 m and over 1 km wide, but Hazel Grouse did cross open agricultural land at lower elevation. Two patterns of dispersal movements were recognized in juveniles: erratic movements that led to settlement on or near the natal site, and direct movements to a new range relatively far from the natal area. We discuss the adaptive consequences of these different behaviour patterns.  相似文献   
A brief review of the photosynthetic apparatus of higher plants is given, followed by a consideration of the modifications induced in this apparatus by changes in light intensity and light quality. Possible strategies by which plants may optimize photosynthetic activity by both long- and short-term modifications of their photosynthetic apparatus in response to changing light regimes are discussed.  相似文献   
The function of distyly as a device promoting inter-morph pollination was proposed by Darwin over a century ago, though only recently have experimental studies been undertaken to test this hypothesis. These studies are unrealistic since they assume regular spatial distribution of morphs within a population and fail to consider intra-flower pollination in assessing distyly's effects. Pollen flow in two populations of Linum tenuifolium L. was investigated using a fluorescent-dye marker technique. One population was dimorphic and self-incompatible; the other was monomorphic and self-compatible. In both populations pollen dispersal was leptokurtic with over 75% of grains detected within 5 m from the source. Intra-flower pollinations comprised a large proportion of individual stigma loads (42% for the dimorphic form; 49% for the monomorphic form). Total stigmatic loads for the dimorphic population showed equal proportions of pin and thrum pollen on both long-style and short-style stigmas, though variation in individual loads was marked. Values ranging from 34.2 to 61.5% legitimate pollen were recorded. The irregular distribution of morphs observed at the dimorphic site will reduce the efficiency of heterostyly as a device promoting intermorph pollination. The reduction in intra-flower pollination suggests adaptive significance of this floral dimorphism in increasing the efficiency of pollen dispersal to the individual.  相似文献   
  • 1 Seed beetles (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) are commonly used to study the influence of reproduction on life-span and senescence. To study the physiological trade-off between reproduction and mortality, many experiments rely on manipulating access to oviposition substrates to manipulate the reproductive rate of females.
  • 2 The presence of host seeds, independent of reproduction, results in increased mortality of female Cullosobruchus muculutus. This influence on mortality varies between two host seed species, suggesting a role of either allelochemicals or energetic costs associated with behaviour on hosts.
  • 3 The influence of host seeds on survivorship, independent of reproduction, confounds the interpretation of cost-of-reproduction studies with seed beetles. This complication must thus be considered in the design and interpretation of life-history studies of seed beetles and other insects.
SYNOPSIS. The ovarian steroid hormones, estradiol and progesterone,act in the guinea pig brain to regulate the expression of sexualbehavior. In studies of the cellular mechanisms of steroid hormoneaction, we have used an immunocytochemical technique to studythe regulation of these receptors in different neuroanatomicalregions. We have observed that progestin receptor-immunoreactivityin cells in certain neuroanatomical regions are more responsiveto particular steroid hormone treatments than are cells in otherregions. Similarly, we have observed selective regulation ofprogestin receptor-immunoreactivity in neurons identified onthe basis of their neuropeptide content. Finally, in the rostralpart of the ventrolateral hypothalamus, a site involved in hormonalregulation of female sexual behavior, estrogen receptor-immunoreactiveneurons that have dopamine-ß-hydroxylase varicositiesclosely-associated have higher levels of immunostaining forestrogen receptors than neurons without this relationship. Takentogether, these studies demonstrate the possibility of studyingthe microregulation of steroid hormone receptors in subsetsof neurons defined by neuroanatomical location, neuropeptide/neurotransmittercontent, afferent input and projection sites. The ability tostudy interactions among different systems at the cellular levelmay help us to understand more clearly the cellular processesinvolved in hormonal regulation of fundamental neuroendocrineprocesses, including the neuroendocrine regulation of sexualbehavior  相似文献   
1. The distribution of trace metals among body parts of the freshwater amphipod Gammarus fasciatus was investigated and the effect of depuration on the total body burden was assessed.
2. Concentrations of Cr, Fe, Mn and Ni were one order of magnitude higher in the gut contents than in the various body parts, accounting for 40–72% of the total body burdens of amphipods. Depuration caused a decrease of total metal concentrations of 35–88%.
3. Levels of Cd and Cu were higher in the hepatopancreas than in other body parts, whereas levels of Zn were relatively constant throughout the body. For Cd, Cu and Zn, depuration had no effect on mean body concentrations.
4. For Pb, an important fraction of the total body burden was associated with the exoskeleton; depuration caused a decrease in Pb body concentrations.
5. Regression between amphipod metal concentrations before and after depuration is a potential tool for correcting for the effect of gut contents. This correcting method was found to be promising for Cd, Cu, Mn and Zn, with R 2 varying between 0.66 and 0.98. It was less efficient for Cr, Fe and Pb, and was useless for Ni.  相似文献   
Cell Cycle Control in Arabidopsis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Although the basic mechanism of cell cycle control is conservedamong eukaryotes, its regulation differs in each type of organism.Plants have unique developmental features that distinguish themfrom other eukaryotes. These include the absence of cell migration,the formation of organs throughout the entire life-span fromspecialized regions called meristems, and the potency of non-dividingcells to re-enter the cell cycle. The study of plant cell cyclecontrol genes is expected to contribute to the understandingof these unique developmental phenomena. The principal regulatorsof the eukaryotic cell cycle, the cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs)and cyclins, are conserved in plants. This review focuses oncell cycle regulation in the plant Arabidopsis thaliana . Whileexpression of one Arabidopsis CDK gene, Cdc2aAt, was positivelycorrelated with the competence of cells to divide, expressionof a mitotic-like cyclin, cyc1At, was almost exclusively confinedto dividing cells. The expression of the Arabidopsis -type cyclinsappears to be an early stage in the response of plant cellsto external and internal stimuli. Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh.; cell cycle; CDK; cyclin; plant development; plant hormone  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. Proteins of the membrane skeleton of Euglena gracilis were extensively phosphorylated in vivo and in vitro after incubation with [32P]-orthophosphate or γ-[32P] ATP. Endogenous protein threonine/serine activity phosphorylated the major membrane skeletal proteins (articulins) and the putative integral membrane protein (IP39) anchor for articulins. The latter was also the major target for endogenous protein tyrosine kinase activity. A cytoplasmic domain of IP39 was specifically phosphorylated, and removal of this domain with papain eliminated the radiolabeled phosphoamino acids and eliminated or radically shifted the PI of the multiple isoforms of IP39. In gel kinase assays IP39 autophosphorylated and a 25 kDa protein which does not autophosphorylate was identified as a threonine/serine (casein) kinase. Plasma membranes from the membrane skeletal protein complex contained threonine/serine (casein) kinase activity, and cross-linking experiments suggested that IP39 was the likely source for this membrane activity. pH optima, cation requirements and heparin sensitivity of the detergent solubilized membrane activity were determined. Together these results suggest that protein kinases may be important modulators of protein assembly and function of the membrane skeleton of these protistan cells.  相似文献   
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