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Mice have been characterized as either tasters or non-tastersof the bitter compound sucrose octa-acetate(SOA). However, 11of 17 supposedly non-taster inbred strains were found to avoid1 mM SOA. All 17 strains were indifferent to 0.1 mM SOA. Tasterstrains avoided both concentrations. The intermediate phenotypewas dubbed demitaster. A consistent phenotypic dominance orderwas found in crosses among both inbred and outbred strains (taster> non-taster > demitaster). Demitasters were found (withtasters) in an outbred strain showing monogenic segregationfor SOA avoidance. This, plus monogenic segregation in a back-crossof taster to demitaster inbred strains, suggested a third alleleat the Soa locus (Soac). Demitaster allelism was supported bythe strong associations found in 15 strains between the threeSOA phenotypes and HindIII restriction fragment patterns forthe closely linked Prp (proline rich protein) loci. SOA demitasterstrains were also intermediate in raffinose undeca-acetate (RUA)avoidance. Furthermore, B6.SW-Soa2 congenic mice avoided notonly SOA, but RUA and eight other acetylated sugars. A previouslyproposed separate RUA-sensitivity gene (Rua) thus appeared tobe redundant.  相似文献   
The enzymology of methanol utilization in thermotolerant methylotrophic Bacillus strains was investigated. In all strains an immunologically related NAD-dependent methanol dehydrogenase was involved in the initial oxidation of methanol. In cells of Bacillus sp. C1 grown under methanol-limiting conditions this enzyme constituted a high percentage of total soluble protein. The methanol dehydrogenase from this organism was purified to homogeneity and characterized. In cell-free extracts the enzyme displayed biphasic kinetics towards methanol, with apparent K m values of 3.8 and 166 mM. Carbon assimilation was by way of the fructose-1,6-bisphosphate aldolase cleavage and transketolase/transaldolase rearrangement variant of the RuMP cycle of formaldehyde fixation. The key enzymes of the RuMP cycle, hexulose-6-phosphate synthase (HPS) and hexulose-6-phosphate isomerase (HPI), were present at very high levels of activity. Failure of whole cells to oxidize formate, and the absence of formaldehyde-and formate dehydrogenases indicated the operation of a non-linear oxidation sequence for formaldehyde via HPS. A comparison of the levels of methanol dehydrogenase and HPS in cells of Bacillus sp. C1 grown on methanol and glucose suggested that the synthesis of these enzymes is not under coordinate control.Abbreviations RuMP ribulose monophosphate - HPS hexulose-6-phosphate synthase - HPI hexulose-6-phosphate isomerase - MDH methanol dehydrogenase - ADH acohol dehydrogenase - PQQ pyrroloquinoline, quinone - DTT dithiothreitol - NBT nitrobluetetrazolium - PMS phenazine methosulphate - DCPIP dichlorophenol indophenol  相似文献   
A method is presented that enables studies to be made of single nematode-fungal interactions under conditions where fungal growth at the expense of external nutrients is prevented. The nematophagous fungus Arthrobotrys ologospora was used as a model organism in these studies. The method is based on removal of the traps from the vegetative mycelium, immediately after a nematode was captured and transfer of the trap with the captured nematode into a droplet of sterile distilled water placed in a moisture chamber. In the absence of external nutrients, such isolated traps of A. oligospora were fully effective in penetrating and subsequently digesting the captured nematode. Solely vegetative mycelium was formed at the expense of the digested nematode; this developed from the trap that originally had captured the nematode. One advantage of the present method is that studies on various stages of the nematode-fungal interaction can now be performed under conditions that exclude major influences of external nutrients which otherwise could be communicated to the trap cells by way of the vegetative mycelium.  相似文献   
The development of electron-dense microbodies in cells of capture organs of the nematophagous fungus Arthrobotrys oligospora was studied with different ultrastructural techniques. Kinetic experiments revealed that the synthesis of these microbodies started in a very early stage of trap formation; the organelles originated from special regions of endoplasmic reticulum by budding. Mature organelles were surrounded by a single membrane of approximately 9 nm (KMnO4-fixation) and lacked crystalline inclusions. The presence of the electron-dense microbodies was independent of the conditions during which the traps had developed. The organelles remained intact during aging of the trap cells. They were also observed in the trophic hyphae after capture and penetration of nematodes. However, the distribution patterns of these organelles in the trophic hyphae, which were identical to those observed after germination of isolated traps on different cultivation media, suggested that their presence must be explained by dilution of organelles in newly formed cells.  相似文献   
Small pulmonary arteries (less than 300 micron) from cats were mounted in myographs to record mechanical and electrical responses to hypoxia. When these preparations were exposed to a PO2 of 30-50 Torr after equilibration at 300 Torr they consistently developed active force, which increased or decreased in amplitude as [Ca2+] was raised or lowered, respectively, and was blocked on addition of verapamil. Intracellular electrical recording with glass microelectrodes demonstrated membrane depolarization and action potential generation when PO2 was lowered. Steady-state voltage vs. applied current curves obtained before and during hypoxia showed a significant reduction in input resistance. The relationship between membrane potential and extracellular K+ was not different during hypoxia compared with control, suggesting that there were not marked changes in K+ permeability under this condition. In the presence of verapamil to block Ca2+ inward current the hypoxia-induced action potentials were abolished concomitant with partial membrane repolarization. The results of these studies suggest that in certain isolated pulmonary arteries hypoxia induces contraction by a mechanism involving an increased Ca2+ conductance. These data suggest that the sensor involved in hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction may lie within the vessel wall and somehow mediates changes in smooth muscle ionic conductances.  相似文献   
To determine some of the influences on nesting densities of bumble bees I examined the dispersion and occupancy of 35 nests in an old field on Amherst Island, Ontario, Canada and 39 nests found by Cumber (1953) in England. Densities up to 1 nest per 200 m2 were observed. Overall, Cumber's nests were randomly dispersed, but nests on the ground surface were aggregated. Nests of surface-nesting species were consequently more aggregated than expected at random, whereas surface-nesting and underground-nesting species seldom nested near one another. This distribution of nests probably reflects the nesting habits of the rodents that originally constructed the nests, rather than interactions between bees. On Amherst Island, abnormally wet spring weather apparently hampered normal colony development, particularly of underground-nesting bees based on a low frequency of underground nests, scarcity of workers of two underground-nesting species compared with the relative abundance of spring queens, and delayed appearance of workers of all species relative to the previous year. The nests of two common species were randomly dispersed, but those of a third species were regularly distributed, suggesting that intraspecific interactions may limit nesting density for this species.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Beim Einbringen eines gasgefüllten Hohlraums in ein elektronenbestrahltes, festes oder flüssiges Material erhöht sich die Teilchenflußdichte im Volumenbereich des Hohlraums infolge geringerer Elektronenstreuung durch das Gas. Die im Gas erzeugte Ionisation übertrifft daher den Wert, der dem ungestörten Strahlungsfeld vor Einbringen des Hohlraums entspricht. Nach der Theorie der Kleinwinkel-Vielfachstreuung wird der zusätzliche im Gasvolumen liegende Weg von Elektronen und die daraus resultierende zusätzliche Ionisation für verschiedene Hohlraumformen berechnet. Die abgeleiteten Gesetzmäßigkeiten ermöglichen ein quantitatives Verständnis der von anderen Autoren experimentell beobachteten Streueffekte und die Abschätzung von Fehlereinflüssen der Vielfachstreuung bei luftgefüllten Ionisationskammern in der Elektronendosimetrie.
The effect of multiple electron scattering on the ionization in gas- filled cavities
Summary If a gas-filled cavity is inserted into an electron-irradiated solid or liquid material, the fluence of electrons within the volume now occupied by the cavity is increased due to the weakness of scattering from the gas. The amount of ionization produced in the gas therefore oversteps the amount corresponding to the undisturbed radiation field that was present prior to the insertion of the cavity. The additional track length of electrons within the cavity and the additional ionization resulting from it are calculated from the theory of small angle multiple scattering. The regularities derived in this way are used to understand the magnitude of the scattering effects observed by other authors and to estimate the experimental errors of gas-filled ionization chambers in electron dosimetry introduced by multiple scattering.

Meinem LehrerBoris Rajewsky zum 75. Geburtstag gewidmet.

Herrn Dr. H.-J.Schopka sei für eine Diskussion über die theoretische Bedeutung des Streueffektes herzlich gedankt.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Pinguicula lusitanica wurde in vitro auf stickstoff- und phorphorfreiem Mineralsalzagar kultiviert; jede Pflanze stand für sich in einem Erlenmeyerkolben.Als die Pflanzen 8 Wochen alt waren, wurden 20 Exemplare innerhalb von 5 Wochen viermal mit Pinuspollen gefüttet. 20 gleichgroße und gleichalte dienten als Kontrollen.Durch die Fütterung steigerte sich die Blattzahl und der Durchmesser der Blattrosette, die Blätter wurden intensiver grün und alterten langsamer.Vor allem wurde durch die Pollenfütterung die Blütenbildung ausgelöst. Schon nach der 2. Fütterung traten die ersten Knospen auf, eine Woche darauf blühten bereits 70% und noch vor der letzten Fütterung alle gefütterten Pflanzen, von den ungefütterten dagegen keine einzige. In dem anschließenden halben Jahr entwickelten die 20 gefütterten Pflanzen im ganzen 127 Blüten; die größte Blütenzahl einer Einzelpflanze was 14. Die nichtgefütterten Pflanzen waren auch jetzt noch rein vegetativ.
Flowering of in vitro cultures of Pinguicula lusitanica after feeding with pinus pollen
Summary Plants of Pinguicula lusitanica were grown in individual Erlenmeyer flasks on an inorganic agar medium containing no nitrogen or phosphorus. After 8 weeks of culture, twenty of the plants were fed Pinus pollen 4 times over a period of 5 weeks.As a result of the feeding, the number of leaves as well as the diameters of the rosettes were increased. The leaves became turned a deeper green and aged more slowly.The most spectacular effect of the pollen feeding was an initiation of flowering. The first buds were already visible after the second feeding. All of the treated plants flowered before the last feeding, whereas none of the untreated plants flowered. During the following 6 months, the treated plants developed 127 flowers, the largest number on a single specimen being 14. Even after this period of time the untreated plants remained vegetative.

Mit Unterstützung durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft  相似文献   
A novel experimental method was developed which allows the determination of the threshold concentration of sucrose by use of a linear sucrose gradient in water. With this method a continuous tasting of the test-liquid is possible. A panel of 15 persons experienced in taste-testing was used. Three gradients of different steepness were applied: 0 to 1.5% (w/w) sucrose in 2 min (I), 3 min (II) and 4 min (III). The results of the new method were compared with those of the standard method (DIN). With gradients I and II we found values which were significantly higher than those of the standard method (I: 0.49% (w/w); II: 0.46% (w/w); DIN: 0.31% (w/w)), whereas with gradient III the same threshold value was found as with the DIN-Method (III: 0.32% (w/w)).  相似文献   
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