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To investigate whether it is possible to simplify the methodology of measuring airway area by acoustic reflections, we measured upper airway area in 10 healthy subjects during tidal breathing according to seven different protocols. Three protocols employed custom-made bulky mouthpiece with or without nose-clips, two protocols used a scuba-diving mouthpiece and cotton balls placed in the nostrils instead of noseclips, and two protocols employed neck flexion and extension. We found no significant difference in average pharyngeal, glottic, and tracheal areas for any of the protocols except for neck flexion, which was associated with a significantly lower mean pharyngeal area. Intraindividual variabilities were comparable for all protocols, except for protocol employing the customary bulky mouthpiece and no noseclips, which consistently resulted in the most variable measurements of area for all three airway segments: pharynx, glottis, and trachea. Furthermore, we found that the protocol employing the scuba-diving mouthpiece with or without cotton balls in the nostrils resulted in the lowest number of unacceptable measurements. We conclude that measurements of airway area by acoustic reflections may be further simplified by using a scuba-diving mouthpiece without noseclips; furthermore, control of head position during measurements is not critical provided there is no obvious neck flexion.  相似文献   
The newly discovered extensibility of actin and myosin filaments challenges the foundation of the theory of muscle mechanics. We have reformulated A. F. Huxley's sliding filament theory to explicitly take into account filament extensibility. During isometric force development, growing cross-bridge tractions transfer loads locally between filaments, causing them to extend and, therefore, to slide locally relative to one another. Even slight filament extensibility implies that 1) relative displacement between the two must be nonuniform along the region of filament overlap, 2) cross-bridge strain must vary systematically along the overlap region, and importantly, 3) the local shortening velocities, even at constant overall sarcomere length, reduce force below the level that would have developed if the filaments had been inextensible. The analysis shows that an extensible filament system with only two states (attached and detached) displays three important characteristics: 1) muscle stiffness leads force during force development; 2) cross-bridge stiffness is significantly higher than previously assessed by inextensible filament models; and 3) stiffness is prominently dissociated from the number of attached cross-bridges during force development. The analysis also implies that the local behavior of one myosin head must depend on the state of neighboring attachment sites. This coupling occurs exclusively through local sliding velocities, which can be significant, even during isometric force development. The resulting mechanical cooperativity is grounded in fiber mechanics and follows inevitably from filament extensibility.  相似文献   


A newly identified mechanism of smooth muscle relaxation is the interaction between the small heat shock protein 20 (HSP20) and 14-3-3 proteins. Focusing upon this class of interactions, we describe here a novel drug target screening approach for treating airflow obstruction in asthma.


Using a high-throughput fluorescence polarization (FP) assay, we screened a library of compounds that could act as small molecule modulators of HSP20 signals. We then applied two quantitative, cell-based biophysical methods to assess the functional efficacy of these molecules and rank-ordered their abilities to relax isolated human airway smooth muscle (ASM). Scaling up to the level of an intact tissue, we confirmed in a concentration-responsive manner the potency of the cell-based hit compounds.


Among 58,019 compound tested, 268 compounds caused 20% or more reduction of the polarized emission in the FP assay. A small subset of these primary screen hits, belonging to two scaffolds, caused relaxation of isolated ASM cell in vitro and attenuated active force development of intact tissue ex vivo.


This staged biophysical screening paradigm provides proof-of-principle for high-throughput and cost-effective discovery of new small molecule therapeutic agents for obstructive lung diseases.  相似文献   
We examined airway vs. lung parenchymal growth, as inferred from maximal expiratory flows (MEF) and lung volumes (V), respectively, to determine whether the interindividual variability of airway size (inferred from MEF) changes during lung growth and whether a young child with large (or small) airways for his parenchymal size (inferred from V) maintains relatively large (or small) airways for his lung size as he grows to adulthood. Serial measurements of MEF and V were obtained from a cohort of healthy 6- to 27-yr-old males (n = 26) and females (n = 21) over a period of 18 yr. Data were analyzed using logarithmic transformation of the power law equation, MEF = aVb, to fit a regression line to each subject's data points. These growth trajectories were satisfactorily modeled as parallel lines with 20-30% variability of their y-intercepts, indicating that substantial intersubject variability of MEF relative to V is present in early childhood and remains constant during growth. The results further indicate that MEF does track V during lung growth. We conclude that dysanapsis originates in early childhood.  相似文献   
Urinary bladder undergoes dramatic volume changes during filling and voiding cycles. In the bladder the luminal surface of terminally differentiated urothelial umbrella cells is almost completely covered by plaques. These plaques (500 to 1000 nm) are made of a family of proteins called uroplakins that are known to form a tight barrier to prevent leakage of water and solutes. Electron micrographs from previous studies show these plaques to be interconnected by hinge regions to form structures that appear rigid, but these same structures must accommodate large changes in cell shape during voiding and filling cycles. To resolve this paradox, we measured the stiffness of the intact, living urothelial apical membrane and found it to be highly deformable, even more so than the red blood cell membrane. The intermediate cells underlying the umbrella cells do not have uroplakins but their membranes are an order of magnitude stiffer. Using uroplakin knockout mouse models we show that cell compliance is conferred by uroplakins. This hypercompliance may be essential for the maintenance of barrier function under dramatic cell deformation during filling and voiding of the bladder.  相似文献   
We probed elastic and loss moduli in the adherent human airway smooth muscle cell through a variety of receptor systems, each serving as a different molecular window on cytoskeletal dynamics. Coated magnetic microbeads were attached to the cell surface via coating-receptor binding. A panel of bead coatings was investigated: a peptide containing the sequence RGD, vitronectin, urokinase, activating antibody against 1-integrin, nonactivating antibody against 1-integrin, blocking antibody against 1-integrin, antibody against 1-integrin, and acetylated low-density lipoprotein. An oscillatory mechanical torque was applied to the bead, and resulting lateral displacements were measured at baseline, after actin disruption by cytochalasin D, or after contractile activation by histamine. As expected, mechanical moduli depended strongly on bead type and bead coating, differing at the extremes by as much as two orders of magnitude. In every case, however, elastic and loss moduli increased with frequency f as a weak power law, f x–1. Moreover, with few exceptions, data could be scaled such that elastic and frictional responses depended solely on the power law exponent x. Taken together, these data suggest that power law behavior represents a generic feature of underlying protein-protein dynamics. actin; cytoskeleton; magnetic twisting cytometry; scale free; viscoelasticity  相似文献   
We describe a three-dimensional magnetic twisting device that is useful in characterizing the mechanical properties of cells. With the use of three pairs of orthogonally aligned coils, oscillatory mechanical torque was applied to magnetic beads about any chosen axis. Frequencies up to 1 kHz could be attained. Cell deformation was measured in response to torque applied via an RGD-coated, surface-bound magnetic bead. In both unpatterned and micropatterned elongated cells on extracellular matrix, the mechanical stiffness transverse to the long axis of the cell was less than half that parallel to the long axis. Elongated cells on poly-L-lysine lost stress fibers and exhibited little mechanical anisotropy; disrupting the actin cytoskeleton or decreasing cytoskeletal tension substantially decreased the anisotropy. These results suggest that mechanical anisotropy originates from intrinsic cytoskeletal tension within the stress fibers. Deformation patterns of the cytoskeleton and the nucleolus were sensitive to loading direction, suggesting anisotropic mechanical signaling. This technology may be useful for elucidating the structural basis of mechanotransduction. cytoskeleton; prestress; stress fibers; mechanotransduction; mechanical deformation  相似文献   
We demonstrate reduction and restoration of contractile ability in response to protein extraction and reconstitution in Triton X-100/glycerol-permeabilized smooth muscle fibers. Through significant reduction in the content of caldesmon (CaD), calponin (CaP), and the 20-kDa regulatory light chain (RLC) of myosin, but not other contractile proteins in "chemically skinned" fibers, we substantially reduced the contractile ability of these fibers, as measured by their ability to generate isometric force and to hydrolyze ATP by actomyosin Mg2+ ATPase. When the protein-depleted fibers were then reconstituted (either with a mixture of purified protein standards of CaD, CaP, and myosin RLC or with a protein extract from the demembranized muscle fibers containing CaD, CaP, and myosin RLC plus several low-molecular-mass proteins), all proteins used for reincorporation returned nearly to control levels, as did isometric force generation and rate of ATP hydrolysis. The fact that the low-molecular-mass proteins do not affect contractility in this model system indicates that our methods for reversible modulation of the content of CaP and CaD may provide a valuable tool for studying the thin-filament-based regulation of contractility.  相似文献   
We have developed a model of forces developed inlung tissue in which the stress-bearing units are heterogeneous. Eachelement of the fiber network is composed of an idealized elastin andcollagen element in parallel. Elastin is represented by linear springs and collagen by stiff strings that extend without resistance until taut. The model can quantitatively account for the nonlinear shape ofthe length-tension curve of lung tissue strips when the knee lengths ofthe collagen fibers are distributed according to an inverse power law.The novel feature of this model is that as macroscopic strain increasesthe load is carried by progressively fewer elements with progressivelyhigher forces, and preferential pathways of force transmission emergewithin the matrix. The topology of these self-organizing pathways offorce transmission takes the rough appearance of cracks, but, unlikereal cracks, they represent the locus of force concentration ratherthan force release.

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