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EEG activity was recorded in rats submitted to osmotic opening of the BBB by intracarotid mannitol infusion.This procedure produced an immediate short-lasting depression of the EEG and a tardive paroxysmal EEG activity. Both these phenomena were more relevant on the ipsilateral hemisphere. In some instances a tonico-clonic seizure was recorded.Pre-treatment with diazepam abolished the occurrence of the tardive EEG and behavioral modifications.In accord with previous findings, focal seizure activity is likely to be responsible for the metabolic abnormalities associated with osmotic opening of the BBB. This preparation therefore produces in the brain unphysiological states in respect to local metabolism and electrical function.  相似文献   
We developed a simple isocratic high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method for the quantitative determination of 5-hydroxymethyl-2-furfuraldehyde (5-HMF) liberated by mild hydrolysis of small amounts of glycosyl proteins. The absorbance of hydrolysate components after HPLC separation was recorded at 280 nm. To detect substances possibly interfering with the 5-HMF peak we always recorded the ratio of the peak heights A280 nm/A254 nm which was a constant value of 4.4. For each sample the blank was obtained by reduction with NaBH4 before hydrolysis with oxalic acid 1 mol/l. The best NaBH4/protein ratio was found to be 4 mg/mg. With this method we measured the nonenzymatic glycosylation (glycation) as 5-HMF in samples with a protein concentration as low as 0.8 mg/ml. 5-HMF produced per milligram of protein was independent from protein concentration for a wide range (0.8-10 mg/ml). The mean coefficient of variation for within assay and between precision was 6.8 and 11.6%, respectively. The 5-HMF measured on plasma proteins from normal subjects (n = 7) was 0.16 +/- 0.04 nmol/mg. Protein from insulin-dependent diabetic patients was 0.31 +/- 0.07 nmol/mg. With this method we succeeded in detecting an excessive glycation of platelet membrane proteins in 13 type-I diabetic patients.  相似文献   
The renal function was studied by clearance (cl.) method during hypotonic polyuria (oral water load followed by 5% dextrose solution infusion) and successive relative antidiuresis induced by lysine-8-vasopressin (LVP) administration (5 microU in bolo followed by continuous infusion at a rate of 0.04 microU/min). Four 15 min and two 60 min clearance (cl.) periods were performed during hypotonic polyuria and antidiuresis, respectively. Glomerular filtration rate was estimated by creatinine cl.; the osmotic cl. (Cosm, CH2O), the absolute and fractional excretions of water, sodium, potassium and chloride were determined by usual methods. The urinary PGE2, 6-keto-PGF1 alpha and TxB2 concentrations were determined by RIA method. Fourteen healthy women submitted to a normal sodium and potassium daily intake were studied; in 6 of them paired studies in absence and in presence of indomethacin (100 mg, i.m.), respectively, were performed. LVP induced a significant reduction of creatinine cl., urinary flow rate and of prostanoid excretion. In hypotonic polyuria, indomethacin significantly reduced the creatinine cl. and the diuretic response to the water load; moreover the urinary PGE2 and 6-keto-PGF1 alpha excretions were significantly lower (85.6 +/- 1.9% and 37.7 +/- 3.2%) while the reduction of urinary TxB2 excretion was not significant (34.4 +/- 13%). Indomethacin did not affect significantly the LVP renal effects in normal potassium balance.  相似文献   
The renal function has been evaluated by clearance (cl.) method during hypotonic polyuria and successive moderate antidiuresis induced by a low dose of lysine-8-vasopressin; four 15 min and two 60 min cl. periods were performed, respectively. Glomerular filtration rate was estimated by creatinine cl.; the osmotic cl. (Cosm, CH2O), the absolute and fractional excretions of water, sodium, potassium and chloride were determined by usual methods. The urinary concentrations of PGE2, 6-keto-PGF1 alpha (6KPGF) and TxB2 were measured by RIA. The study protocol was applied in normal potassium balance and experimental potassium balance (KD), both in absence and presence of indomethacin. In KD groups with a potassium cumulative deficit of 198.4 +/- 22.2 meq (D3; n = 6) during polyuria significant correlations are consistent with the hypothesis that the lower the plasma potassium concentration is the higher the urinary chloride excretion and the inhibition of distal fractional chloride reabsorption. Moreover, by utilizing the polyuria and antidiuresis data pool, the effects of urine flow rate changes on PGE2 and 6KPGF urinary excretions are blunted as compared to normal potassium balance (n = 14). After indomethacin treatment (D3.I) the following functional relationships are disclosed: a) the lower the kaliemia is the lower the urinary chloride and potassium excretions and the higher the fractional isosmotic reabsorption; b) the lower the urinary potassium excretion is the lower the urinary chloride excretion. In both D3 and D3.I experimental groups the positive correlation between urinary chloride excretion and urinary potassium excretion is significant.  相似文献   
Homing to a more or less permanent scar after each foragingexcursion is a common movement pattern among intertidal gastropodsand chitons; however, details of the timing and spacing of foragingactivity have been investigated only in a few species. The presentstudy analyzes the short-term behavior of the limpet Patellarustica along the Tyrrhenian coast, Italy, using a motographictechnique to assess the fine organization of its foraging duringfavorable periods of sea roughness. P. rustica becomes activeonce the upper midlittoral is well splashed. It alternates foragingexcursions and resting at home with a periodicity slightly longerthan 12 h, suggesting a tidal-diel pattern. However, periodogramanalysis of the sea level oscillations during the study periodsrevealed no such rhythmicity because tidal oscillations werehidden by irregular variations caused by waves. As a resultof this time partitioning, limpets move, on average, less than50% of their potential activity time. Time partitioning maybe highly adaptive in reducing potential risks. Nevertheless,in the absence of clear external driving cues, the significanceof a very regular and apparently tidal pattern, fairly synchronousamong the different specimens, remains to be explained. Theactivity of P. rustica during each excursion is organized intothree parts: the outgoing journey during which grazing activityprogressively increases, a central part characterized by intensegrazing, and the return characterized by fast displacement anda more or less consistent trail following. Limpets head forrandom directions to reach foraging grounds in successive excursions,showing only a slight avoidance of the direction taken duringthe previous outward journey. This pattern produces a spatialscattering of grazing activity, allowing efficient exploitationof grazing areas distributed radially around home during subsequentexcursions.  相似文献   
To be able to understand cellular mechanisms, we require fully integrated data sets combining information about gene expression, protein expression, post-translational modification states, sub-cellular location and complex formation. Proteomics is a very powerful technique that can be applied to interrogate changes at the protein level. Studying this effectively requires specialised facilities within research institutes. Here, we describe the setting up and operation of such a facility, providing a resource for the Arabidopsis and Drosophila research communities.  相似文献   
The renal function in healthy man with salt and water depletion induced by natriuretic treatment was explored during steady hypotonic polyuria. Four 15 min clearance (cl.) periods, before, during and after dopamine (DA) infusion in a subpressor dose were performed. The 12 examined subjects showed different renal hemodynamic responses in the early stage of DA infusion, i.e. hyperemic (4 subjects, subgroup A) or ischemic (8 subjects, subgroup B). A decrease in urinary sodium excretion and increase in tubular sodium reabsorption, in particular at the diluting segment level, were induced by DA in both subgroups, at least in the late stage of infusion. During the control cl. period in subgroup A as compared with B the renal plasma flow was lower and the tubular sodium reabsorption higher, suggesting a relatively higher level of renal adrenergic activity.  相似文献   
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